HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-03-04 Regular ----------- --- -- —---— ------ ----�,��I����-
March 4, 7971
A Regular Meeting of tfie Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall
an Thursday� March 4� 7977, at 7»30 p.m. , with the fo,l1owing members present�
Mayor Edward F. Stuart
i ; Councilmen: Thomas F; Woods �
James Mager
--- George Prude
Ralph Gonzalez
Ronald Hamil
With all members present and none absent� the following business was transactedz
1 , Minutes of a Regular Meeting of February 18 - Approved as submitted
�`� 2. Minutes of a Special Meeting of Februar.y 25 - Approved as submitted
� 1 . Road and Brid�e Bond Issue - Letter from Judge Ray Holbrook reviewing
the projects covered by the: Dec. 9� 1969 bond issueA stating that no
a11owance was made for uti.lity adjustments but that projects which do
not exhaust allowed funds may receive some of the remaining money for
adjustments of city utilities. He requests that all of the cities in
the County prepare a list of utility adjustments required on the highway
project in. that city�, cost of. such utility adjustments� and send this
to the Commissioner's Court� so that a11 such utility adjustments can
be revi'ewed by �he court at one time,
� �
2. Mrs. J. W, Lyons,� Jr. of LaMarque.wrote to Councilman Tom Woods praising
; the City of Friendswood and ,the present administration for their �stand
�- to keep Friendswood. beautifu7 and pol�lution free,
1 . Traffic situation at Shadowbend and Woodlawn - A petition signed by e7even ��� e��
citizens requeste a four-way stop sign at this intersection, and asked
that the speed limit �be reduced from 30 .miles per .hour to 20 mph,
Mayor Stuart requested that Councilman Gonzalez discuss the possibilities
of making these changes� with Police Chief Wright and bring ,the information
back to workshop on March 11 for. discussion with the Council ,
2. House Bi11 #56 dealing with environmental protection� introduced by Rep,
Rex Braun� was. presented �by Mrs. David McCraw� with a request that the
Mayor �and Counci7 study the Bill and express their views to the people
in Austin who are working on the legislation. Action .on Mrs. McCraw's
r�quest was deferred unti7 later in the meeting.
3, Zonin Ordinance - Section 8 - Para, 8 - Mr. John Huber� who has been
cited for violation of this Section 8, protested to Counci7 on the .grounds �
that the out-of-service cars on his lot are an investment and that the ��'
� situation was in existence when the Zoning Ordinance was passed in April
of 1970.
_ MOTION: (Gonzalez} That the City Attorney review the ,Zoning Ordinance and
t e Parking Ordinance to determine the exact coverage on parking of
Second: Woods; Vote: Unanimous
l . Galveston Count,y Landfill - The City Attorney has asked for an opinion
fro�m t �e garbage contractor on this contract. �
Mayor Stuart reviewed a meeting in League City last Monday with regard
to the proposed landfill between League City and Friendswood. The concensus
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of those attending the meeting from Friendswood was that they were
not in favor of this ]and fill , that they are looking more to. the type
of disposal unit now in use in South Houst�n, (NOTE; At time of writing
of these minutes, the idea of the League City 7andfill has been abandoned)
Mr. Jerden stated that he still fe7t the Council should not sign the contract
with the County as it. is now writtenr The secretary was directed to write
to the County� stating that no decision has been reached on signing of this
contrac�� and that the matter is under consideration by the Council at
this time. Discussion will continue at next .workshop.
2, Quaker's Landin #2 - Variance from Zanin Or.dinance - A question has
�a,� ari sen regar i ng rear set-back of � ots i r� Quaker s andi ng #2, whether + I
�`�� or not this would necessitate handling as a variance to the Zoning
Ordinance. Mr, Jerden was requested to review the subject and give an
opinion on the question.
3, Appointment of Zoning Board of Adjustment and a committee to study fire
and po1ice building plans was deferred for _the present time.
4. Fire Plu Commit�ee - Mayor Stuart appointed Perry Herman as the Fire
Department's representati.ue to the Fire P1ug. Committee.
5. Garba�e Contract Status - Performance bond for Universal Waste Controls
System has not been received, Mr. Jerden advised that Council can (.1 )
continue to allow Universal. to oper.ate �without a bond (the garbage is
being picke,d up), or (2) terminate the contract and find another concern
to pick up the garbage in. Friendswood;
�� Mr, Grant Brucea attor.ney for Mr. Ed Bennett, :informed Council that Mr.
, Bennett has fil.ed .suit against Un7versal �� the. City o�f Friendswood� the
��� Friendswood Bank� and the F.ri�ndswood Schoal Distr.ict which will ask
the court to enjoin th�e named parties ,from paying any funds to either
party in the suit except by direction of the court during litigation,
A hearing is set for March 15�
A recess was requested by Councilman Hamil and Mayor Stuart called a
ten minute recess. After this iterim, the discuss�on regarding the �
garbage contract was resumed.
MOTTON» (Prude) That a Special Meeting of the Council be scheduled for
Thursday, March ll � at 7:30 p,m. to discuss the position the City can �
take with regard to interim garbage service if the present contract is
canceleda and what we propose to do about it, �
Second: •Woods� Vote: Unanimous � •
6, Abandonment of 20' alle ,� on the ro ert of C. W� Bills - A request for
abandonment of'. this alley-way:.was made to the City on July l � 1969, No
aetion has been taken, Mr. Cline requested that Council take this
request under .consideration,
MOTION� (Woods) That the City deed back to Mr, C. W. Bill the 20 ft.
a��fieyway through his property in Lot 10 of Stouts Addition in Friendswood. �
Second: Hami1 ; Uoteb Unanimous
1 . Finance: Councilman Mager reported that a revised version of the budget
w��l be available for the next regular Council meeting,
2. Streets & Draina e: Councilman Hamil stated that Supt, Stephens has requested
funds for a correspondence course in surveying which would benefit him in �
planning s�treet and drainage work.
MOTION� (Hamil ) Tha� Co.uncil authorize the expenditure of $150 for the
` Street Superintendent for a surveying course, funds to be charged to the
Street Department Miscellaneous budget as a 7ine item.
Second: Woods; Vote; Unanimous
A report on the cost of new streets based on cu.rrent amterials prices
has been campi7ed by Steve and was presented to Council for review.
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uestion from the. audience: Has� Council approved the ditch being cut
through the G ty park?
It was, explained that unofficial approval of ..the p7ans� as presented by
the street superint�ndent� has been given a� a .workshop session on
February ]l . The plan had also been' outlined to the Drainage Board for
their opinion. No opposition was expressed by that group to the
proposed drainage ditch.
I � Emerald Circle - Councilman Woods reported that.clean-up work related to
, 7nsta ation of the sewer lir�e has been done in �ompliance with request from
'___. Mr, Zeitler. Residents will be requested to deed. the street to the City
so tha,t maintenance can be made routin�ly. Councilman Hamil stated that
repairs to the street are presently scheduled for March 1 or very soon
Le is1ation now bein considered in Au�tin - Counci]man Hamil stated that
he was fully in accord with Mrs, McCraw s request regarding H,B. 56a but
�� would also like to draw Council attention to S,B. 382 (Jordan) which proposes
� to authorize cities to extend local building� housing� and zoning ordinances
�"'� to extraterritorial jurisdiction.
� MOTION: (Mamil ) That the Mayor .write letters to legislators stating the
Fr�'�n wood City Council urge passage of these bills (copies to local '
representa�ives� Rex Braun� Barbara Jordan, and Speaker of the House) , !
Second: Woods� Vote: Unanimous
MOTION: (Mager) Tha� Moony.een Wood.be employed as Clerk-Typist at a salary
of 350 per month .effecti.ue Mar.ch 3, 1971 , with salary to be split between
the General Fund and the Utility Fund, �
� Second: Gonza7ez� Vote: Unanimous
MOTION: (Mager) That Warrant #789 (Gen, Fund) be approved for payment
Secon � Woods; Vote: Unanimous
ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 11 :55 p,m,
.�e �
Bobbi e C, Henryy Secretary to •� e
/ ,
G�-'�� `-`----,
Mayor Edwar F. Stuart