HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-02-04 Regular � �.� �
February 4, 1971
A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at 7:30 p.m.
on February 4, 1971 , in the City Hall with the following members present:
Mayor Edward F. Stuart
Councilmen: Ronald G, Hamil
Ralph Gonzalez �
George Prude
Thomas Woods .
With a quorum present, and Councilman Megar absent, the following business
was �tran�,acted:
Minutes of the January 21 , 1971 meeting approved as submitted.
MOTION: (Hamil ) Second; (Gonzalez) Vote: Unanimous.
1 . Mayor Stuart read "Items of Interest" given the Council by City Secretat^y,
@obbie Henry, before leaving for Denton where she attended Secretaria�i
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Today the City received a check for $10,000 from Galveston County (library) .
Received fi'ranchise check (,street rental ) from Houston Hatural Gas
in the amount of $2,722,13 (one year) ,
The City assisted pr. Pringle, Chairman of the Charter Commission, by
preparing thirty copi.es of the propased Charter. He plans to hold a series of
meetings on the following Tuesdays; February 16, and 23, March 2, and 9, 1971 .
2t Public Hearing on February 8, 1971 held in League City City Hall at
7;30 p.m, regarding landfill proposed by Mr. Don Ma�L£hews, collector of
g�rbage in League City, Mayor Stuart and Council plan to attend.
3, An invitation to the Friendswood Mayor and City Council from South
Haustpn Chamber of Commerce and the City of South Houston's Mayor
George Christy ta attend opening and demonstration of South Houston 's �
new polution�free Composite �laste Disposal Plant. P�r, L , B. Cline and
Mayor Stuart will attend p1us any of the Councilmen who wish to go.
4, For the information of the Council , Mayor Stuart announced that Heloise
Cantora Auditor, wi11 be here for the workshop of February 25, 1971
to go over the annual report in detail .
5. Workshop of February 11 , 1971 ; Mr. Eastland of Gulf Coast Waste
Qisposal Authority will address the Council for about 10 minutes
; -�:�regarding their proposal for waste control . Also, Fire Departm�ent,
, 6. Letter from Texas Highway Department annoucing that star.ting with the
1971 map, Friendswood is now on the State map and also on the Houston,
Galveston, and Texas City portion.
1 . Mrs. Mary Prude addressed the Council requesting an opinion of the
Council with respect to the subject of the City policy on circulating
petitions in City Hall .
�ouncilman Woods stated that he felt "the right to petition shall not be
breached"'. Councilman Hamil said he would go a7ong with that and after a
brief discussion, the contention was unanimous.
2. Mr. Richard Haken addressed the Council regarding speed limit on
Castlewood. The new high school has increased the traffic. Safety of
children walking to and from school and the school bus loading and
unloading is a matter of concern. Mr, Haken sugg�sted that a 20 mph,
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sign be posted at the entrance of Castlewood at Fm 518 and that signs
saying "Caution Children Crossing" be placed in the area of Emerald
Circle and Lexington entrances.
Councilman Gonzalez said he would consult with Chief Wright and guarantee
a position by next Regular Meeting.
3, Letter from Mr. Roger Tanner regarding possible purchase of land within
the jurisdiction of but outside the City limits of Friendswood; and
�;, inquiring as to the possibility of annexation; an .area of about 10 acres.
Mr. L. B. Cline asked if the Council would consider making it a block
� instead of 10 acres.
Councilman Hamil suggested that we act on annexation soon so water lines
can be considered ahead of highway paving of Melody Lane. Councilman
Woods said Mr. Tanner should write a letter to the City requesting
annexation. The City should request Pearland furnish water for Mr. Tanner:
MOTION: (Gonzalez) That City of Friendswood send a letter to Mr. Tanner
indicating we endorse his request for annexation and request that he
submit to the City of Fr. iendswood a formal petition for annexation and
in conjunction with this that we contact the City of Pearland requesting
them to provide utility services. In addition that we put Mr. Tanner
in touch with City Attorney, Ody Jerden, for drawing up the formal
Second: Woods.
Vote: Unanimous.
1 . Resolution proposing word change as proposed by the Galveston County
Health District.
��'°",, MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the Mayor sign the resolution proposed by
�' Galveston County Health District changing the word "mutual " to
:��-, "unanimous" .
Second: Woods
Vote: Unanimous
2. Regarding size of Library 8oard,
MOTION: (Woods) That the size of the Library Board be reduced from six
to five members.
Second: Gonzalez
Vote: Unanimous
3. Regarding the right-of-way on Melody Lane, Mr. L. 6. Cline said that
a check is being signed tonight to pay for the prop�erty on the corner.
The Electric Company has been authorized to move the poles back on
Melody Lane to Fm 2351 . City will be cleared for County to top Melody
MOTTON: (Hamil ) That the $100.00 be taken from Budget Adjustment
Account to cover the difference between the price offered by the City
and the price asked by the property owner,
Second: Gonzalez
� Vote: Unanimous
' � , ,,i' g:30 p.m.
Mr. Revera, Galveston County, brought copies of Contract to be considered
regarding the landfill site. Location is .7 miles due south of Fm 1764,
01d Camp Wallace Site. The closest residence is 4,000 feet; Miss Maye
Bruce; Subdivision. The land is low in ele�v.�tion. The rates are set for
five years. Mayor Stuart asked if this restricts the operator to use only
this landfill site. He was told that it do�s. Citizens will not be re-
stricted to its use, however. Other facts brought to the attention of the
Council were requirements of the State in order to obtain a permit.
Councilman Hamil stated that he would like to go to League City meeting
first and then decide as to the contract. Mayor Stuart added that
Universal will also need to be advised.
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MOTION: (Gonzalez) That we accept the contract as presented by
Mr. Revera.
Second: Prude.
D.i�scussion: Mr. Don Mathews addressed the Council with regard to his
reasons why the Council should reconsider the signing of the contract.
d� Mr. Revera replied to Mr. Mathews statements and added that if the
contractor should go broke, Bonds in the amount, to the best of his
recollection, of $50,000 would operate the landfill for 100 days .
Councilman Gonzal�ez .moved 'the question.
MOTION: (Woods) That the motion be tabled for two weeks time for investigation.
Second to tab1e (Prude)
Vote: Carried. FOR: Hamil , Prude and Woods; AGAINST: Gonzalez
4. Mr. Cline reported that Reliance Insurance representing Universal picked
up information on performance bond but nothing done so far.
Ody Jerden advised that we should give them a chance to reply to his
letter which Universal received Wednesday, February 3, 1971 , and next
Regular Meeting the Council should take action.
5. Mrs. Leah North stated that she would like City Council to request the
State propose another design for the median on the proposed four-land
road through Friendswood. She had several points which were explained
visually with slides. She said the Drainage Board is concerned as to
the amount of wa�er going into Mary"s Creek.
Jim Shore asked whether or not the County could pay the $100,000 or
would the City afford the cost for the moving of the utility lines?
Mayor Stuart said the sources he has denote the County will pay this
amount� A great amount of discussion followed.
MOTION: (Prude) That Mayor Stuart contact Judge Holbrook and Commissioner
Jacf<'Tawrence and ask them to come to Friendswood to a public hearing
to di�cuss with us who is going to pay for moving� the water lines and
what the City can do about any future design of this highway.
Seco rrd"s Hamil
Discussion; Mayor Stuart plans to present this to Judge Holbrook and
Comm. Lawrence with the figures Mr, Tom Heaney has worked up as to cost
and then have them present it to the full Commissioner's Court:
MOTZON TO AMEND THE ORIGINAL MOTxON: Hamil ) To reflect the general
program as it pertains to Friendswood
Second; Gonzalez
Vote: Unanimou�
NOTEtl The above vote was to indicate unanimous approval of the MOTION
It was suggested that this meeting might be set for the next Regular
Meeting on February 18� Judge Holbrook s schedule permitting.
6. Recreation Proqram
MOTION: (Hamil ) That we accept the proposal by Miss De7aune of Texas A&M
' , for a Friendswood Recreation Program up to a cost of $2n000.
Secondu Prude
For the benefit uf discussion� Councilman Hamil outlined the program as
Vote: Carried - FOR - 3 (Hamilg Woods, Prude); NO - 0; ABSTAINing - Gonzalez
7. AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE� City Attorney Jerden was asked to check the
ordinance dealing with procedure of ineetings with regard to abstaining
from voting.
Page 4 a2-�'� 17
7. Resolution re political position of H-GAC: (Item #8 on January 21
agenda) Councilman Hamil requested that a copy of this resolution be
presented for consideration by the Counci7,
Hea1th & Safety: Mayor and Council will attend meeting at League City
regarding sanitary 1and fill
Streets & Drainage:Mr. Cline gave a status report on right-of-way on Me7ody
, Lane earlier.
Fire & Police» Councilman Gonzalez noted the Fire Department's appearance at
the next workshop on February 11 ,
Water & Sewer: Mr. L. B. C�line recommended laying a water line from 2357 down
S�unset to Spreading Oaks vs. bringing the line from Castlewood, to
accommodate a customer at the intersection of Sunset and Spreading Oaks.
The former route would make the water line available to other property
owners� while the latter would simply tie the lines together.
1 . Mobile Home Ordinance Addition/Revision: Mr. Cline asked if mobile homes
which are unoccupied should be eligible for permit feese The Council felt
that these fell into the same category as an unoccupied house� and the
fee is legal and fair.
With no penalty c1ause in this ordinance, failure to pay the permit fee
results in a citation to appear in Municipal Court. Six persons have not
at present paid their parking fees under this ordinance.
2. Councilman Gonzalez stated, for the record, that to date no letter has been
received from the School Board regarding crossing guards.
MOTION: (Hami1 ) That G&A Warrants #702 and 704 be approved for payment
Secondn Woods
Vote: Unanimous
Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn, The meeting was adjourned,
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Bobbie C, Henry, Assistant Cit Secretary
by Monica Pickard
APPROUEQ:������-a' �L�....�''�
Edwarc�F;Stuart� Mayor
MOTION: (Hamil ) That the City hire Rubin Garza at $1 ,60 per -hour and Fred Dallas
at $2.25 per hour as 1aborers for the Street Department,
Secondw Woods
R Vote; Unanimous
MOTION: (Prude) That Council approve a $25 raise for Mrs. Monica Pickard�
beginning February 7 � 1971 .
Second: Hami1
Vote� Unanimous
Council agenda item for next Regular Meeting� Discussion of persannel hiring.
Bo ie C, Henry� by Monica P'ckard
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E war . Stuart, ayor