HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-01-21 RegularI , -- —" , 6d,L,d�,; MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL � Jahuary Z1'� 7977 � � ` A Regular Meeting of' the Friendswood City� Counci7 was he7d at 7�30 on January 21 � 197,1 � in the Git y Ha71 w ith t h e f o 7 7 o w�n g �me m bers .present: � . .. � � , , � ' , � � - � � Mayor�..Edw�ard �F. S:tuart ` Counci7men: Ronald G, Hamil ' ' Ra1ph Gonza7ez � � � � '- , George Prude . James Mager �i�l.�' ' ; . 'I " . . . r_ ' � . + '' With a quorum pre,sent, and Councilman Woods absent, ,the following business was tran$a�ted� - READTNG AND APPROVAL•OF_THE MINUTES ..- Minutes- of the J�anuary 7� .197�1 Regu ar Meeting 'approved as subjitt�d. �`' ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR G� � '°"� 1 . Pea�r-1 and Ci ty Ha�l 1. Dedi cati an - Mayor Stuart attended the dedi cati on �� o�F the,�new�Ci ty�Hal l -i n Pearl and on' Saturdaya �January 7 6, He reported th�t Friendswood was the only city represented, � 2. Law Suit: Bruce F. :Ke11y v� Galveston County-Mainland Cities Health r Department �-. Claiming brea�h� of contract� Mr.. Kel ]y is •asking for a � J . settlement of $85y876,4.1 � .per. �a�;letter from the .7aw firm of Bailey� Vela & Williamson dated _January .11 � �1971 : 3. An anonymous letter from a Friendswood citizen protested violent1y the fac� ,that ;there :i s no .l aw control l i ng ;cats i n the ci ty, . � , ; , ,. � r_ . � , - � 4. Letter from Mr. S. Hixon� President, Imperia7 Garden's Civic Clubb ' offered the use of driveways and garages for police to use in observing traffi¢ violations in the area, a7so requested that additional speed limit signs be installed in the vicini;ty•, and :suggesting the use of "Chi:ldren. Playing" -signs for the subdiv,ision. . . ,� . 5, L,etter from Mrs. Edi:th �McGinni.s wi.th regard 'to-.the cost of proposed sidewalks�•�suggesting smooth grassy�..wa7ks instead, �.also .protesting the lack of control over cats, stating .that in addition to endangering the birds in a bird sanctuary� they are also a general nuisance, She also r protes�ts ,the weed-.or.dina-ncea, stating that this nestricts :reseeding of wildflowers, and� el,iminates hedgerows and brush for the birds to hide in. 6. L.etter from Mr. �Hixon� requesting th.at the City move the proposed 4-lane FM 518 five feet to prevent damaging the live-oak trees on the Friends Church property. 7, Le�ter from� G,���,N�,'��. � �, � � " . �,� ,, . _. .. .. � Woodling„� P.resident� Imp�.ria1 Estates I Civic Club� requesting that further study be made on widening the highway in order to save the t�ees. � •. . ; 8, Gouncilrnan. Nami�� cited a .r�ques.t from Commissioner Chuck Doyl.e of Texas � Ci.ty.a regardi•ng� a Resolution�. to be :sent to the Houston-Galveston Area � Council -on policy, He expressed his agreement wi�th the purpose of the res;olution� and requested that the City Secretary secure a copy and I present it ;at the next Counci7. Meetin;g for considera.tion, i __ - � "LTI1"IONS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1 , Mrs:. =.Ruth .Maloney� Chairr�an� Frieadswood. Library.Boar.d� by ,7etter� , req�uested that the. six-member board by-.;reduced to, .the original! number � of five, (This subject was not handled, at this meeting, ) � 2. Mrs. Mary , Ellen Ree�.d appeare.d with an appeal :to .Council to do all in � the�i r.-power..�;to,�. prese.r.ve th� trees al ong 518� even at the cost of el i- minating the improvement along this strip. , 3. Mrs. Wyle, whose child was bitten today by a dogA appea7ed to the � Council to take whatever steps necessary to eliminate danger from dogs I 7ooS� on the citv street�. ;� �•.�i�'$. ----- ----- -;-------- OLD BUSTNESS � �.i ���; � � �; „ ,,., ,., ,� ; , � � �� � � � � � � ��. , 1 . Zonin� - Co�ncilman Hami1 asked L. B. C7ine' to give a report on the status 1 o�F disposition of junk ca'rs in �_the�City in compliance with the Zoning �-� Ordinance. Mr. Cline stated that both parties contacted are making pro- gress toward clearing their yards, � � � , - , � ,� f�OT•ION�z (Hami�l )� 7'hat vi ol ators who .have al ready been noti fi ed':�be �gi ven until March 1 to be in _full compliance with the ordinance, at which time - the ordinance will 6e epforce`d'to the'letter of the law. � , � . , - �. � Second� Gonzalez; Vote: FOR - 3 (Mager� Hamily Gonzalez) AGAINST - 1 (Prude) THE MOTION"CARR'IED . , _.. , 2. Hi hwa De artment - Widenin of FM 518 - The Highway DepartmEnt wi71 hold�arr���nformal 'meeting wit �in t e. nex�� two :weeks on this �project. Mrs, Mary Prude voiced disapproval of the project� parti�tularly on the gr.ounds tha�t� it would injure or destroy the �trees on the property .of the Friends Church. Mrs. Pr.ude polled the Cou�icil on the questionb "Are you willing to go ahead with the plan as now proposed at the cost of losing th� trees?" � Coun.cilman Ham�l . stated� that ."this ' �� is� a c ase of eo le vs p p . trEes� that the people� of�:Fr7endswood -would��stand ta lose thei.r portion 'of the County tax money if� this��:proj�ct is by�passed: Couneilman :PrUde stated that he is against the .highway and �a�ainst the dest"ruction of the trees. Councilman Gonzalez: felt� that he would.be against destruction of 'the trees,� The Mayor�.5tated that �he highway�.'will "be a basis for the con- crete street�program for. �Friends�ood� that bonds were �voted and approved for this work, we are paying for these bonds and we should get a bene- fit from them. ' : , ' The City Secretary was instructed to post page one of the Highway De- i partment's plans for widening the highway on the bulletin board at City Ha11 ,. , . . , 3. Do Control ;within the Ci�,- Councilman Gonz�lez �gave a report �of his fi:n ings regarding�he use of.�ranqu�lizer guns� stating that+users must be fully trained to avoid killing' dogs'. The City _Attorney has reviewed \�V recommendations from Mr. .Guy Wilkinson of the County Health Department, and�}s tated `that �the� poi n�s cori�ai ned� therei n coul d be i n�orporated i nto the revirsed .ordinance. He a�so stated that he cou7d find not precident as ,ta� l i cens i ng or i noccul ati on o�f cats, . � � . � In �vi�w of the .urgency for i mmedi ate control� over st,i^�y dags� i t was � d�cided to p.ass the revision to the Dog Ordinance �as it is now written, on an emergency basis �60 days) while consideration is being given to other points which might be considered for in�lusion in a permanent revision to .this ordinance. � �. , , MOTION; (Gon�alez) That Ordinance 105-A-E be passed tonight as an emergeney ortli�na�ncetpen'ding more thorough cvnsideration, Second� Prude; . Vote: Unanimous - Humane�Offic�r = Counci�lman Gonzalez stated that Chief Wright recommends �,, th�a�t the �Ci�ty� turn. down the��servi ces of �he County humane bffi cer and ., hire orre for �he �Citya eltheY� on a part-time basis or fu71 time, Coun- cilman Hamil suggested that such a.person might .serve both Pearland and Friendswooda, and asked Mr, Cline to' talk to Mr. Wol�fea City Mana-- ger at Pearland� ta find out if they wou7d be interested in���•.such an arrangementy., � � Tran ui]izer Gun - 'MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Counci7 'authorize the Chief of Police to purchase a tranquilizer gun and equipment necessary for i ts use. � � , Second: Prude.,� � .Vote: • FOR - 2 �'(Gonzalez,�' Prude) AGAINST - 2 (Mager� � Hami1) � To break the tie`a Mayor Stuart voted FOR tlje motion THE M01'ION CARRIED 3 to 2 : ---- — -- ------— � 4. Galveston'Count Health District � A revised .version of an agreement � creating a 'Ga]veston County Health District was presented for approval . MOTION� g ) ' � (Ma er That Council . authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement on be a'1 f of"the C`i ty�Counci 7 : � , � Seaond; Prude� .Vote: Unanimous DEPARTMENTAL , , , ,, , , . , r 1 . Fi nance� The Ci.ty Se�:retary was� di rected. to set up an ap�,�-��t�a��t wi th �'�'ie City Auditor to go over the annual report with: the .Council , - 2. Health & Safe�; Mr. Cline reported that the bond from Universal Waste Control promised for January 21st) has not yet been received by the City. , . . . , .,E�. . , . .. . 3.. Water & Sewer: A meeting has been set up for Monday night, �January 25� for the Council to meet with �he City Engineer to go over sewage treat- ment p7ans preparatory to reporting to the Texas Water Quality Board on February 1 : - � � ' , . . . . �'°' 4. Streets & Draina e� Counci7man Hami7 reported that the County is dis- � continuing furnishing labor and equipment each year to assist in oue� � street program with the exception uf one mile per year. The work .,�� scheduled for 1970 was not completed due to the late start an.d �ad weather. Counci1man Hamil said that he .is �confident that the County wi71 fulfil7 their commitment to this�-:wQrk. :° , Mr. S. A, McCoy has refused the City's offer for right-of-way along his property necessary for the widening of Me7ody Lane. He feels that the offer does not ��ompensate fqr the loss of 16 trees which will have to be removed, MOTION� (Mager) That the City make an offer of $1400 to Mr, McCoy for comp ete right-of-way for this project. Second: Hami7 ; Vote: Unanimous 5. Fire & Police: Municiy�al�Court - .Councilman Gonzalez stated that� due to severa jury trials, two sessions of the court would be necessary in � February. This would entail cost for jury� judge� and prosecutor or approximately $175.00, . MOTION: (Gonzale�;) That Counci] approve the special court session, the court to set time and summons the jurors. Second: Mager Amendment to the Motion: (Mager) That cost for this special session be provided for by transferring the necessary amount from Budget Ad- justment. Second: Gonzalez; Vote: Unanimous Vote on Ori inal Motian as Amended: Unanimous School Crossin Guard - The City Secretary was� directed to call the sc ool superinte� ndent's office to find out about the 7etter mentioned in Mr, D, K, Warren`s memo of Januar,� 12� 1971 . NEW BUSINESS Re resentative to General Bod Houston-Galveston Area Council M TION: Mager That t e Mayor e selected as Friendswood representative _ to this group� and that Mayor Pro-tem be se1ected as � alternate. Second: Gonzalez; Vote: Unanimous ORDTNANCE - Ordinance No, 105-A-E (Revision, to Dog Ordinance - Emergency Reading) �� AN ORDINANCE,AMEi'NDING ORDTNANCE N0� 105� PARTICULARLY SECTION IIIa ENTITLED PRO;.�EDURES AND SECTION IVa ENTIT4ED DISPOCITION: SETTING FORTH ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES FOR ISSUANCE OF WARPfT'fVu NOTI't;ES ANU COURT SUMMONS. -- --- -------------- - �. SETTING FORTH` ADDITIONAL�PROCEDURES� FOR SEIZURE� OF�� D,O�S; SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES REGARDING DISFOSITION OF �IMPO.UNDED DOGS;�; DEFINING STRAY DOGS„ USE OF TRANQUILIZER GUN„ AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, � � � � . � ,. , � . �. , , .. . MOTION• (Gonzalez) For passage and ado.p.tion�;on Emergenc,y,,ba,sis, SeconcT� Prude; �ote: FOR � 3 (MagerA Gonzalez� Prude)g AGAINST - 1 (Hamil ) � � , . � WARRANTS MOTION: (Mager) That G&A warrants 627 through 690 and M&� warrants 421 ��rough �445 be approved �for..payment. , , ,- Second� �'Prude; Vote. Unanimous 'RDJOURNMENT. ` � � . � : � , , - _ Motion made and Seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. � ,., , ,, . , . � . ,!.. ,. .� . . � . ... . ,� ... , . ' '' ��Z��-��-7,c-�-e �i ,. .,,.. o ie enry� Secretary to t e Counci , ,;, . � - - ,_ . ARPROVED'»' 's „ � � � :� . . . . .. . � �, , �, ,:, , ;i �� , � , � . - , c: . , � �. � � , . .. _ � '!���GL� ` � E war F. Stuart� ayor - , . � , ' , , . , ' � , � � , , , .. , :r , • �� �. �� . . . ,. . , , � ' ! ' , • i ", ' ' ' ! � . � � � , , i: . • . , � , � ��'. �i , � , � � , , I' , . , :: � . . . . �i . � , ; , , , . , , • � �� � , , , , , �. �