HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-01-07 Regular ---------- ---- - ---- '"L'���� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL � January 7� 1971 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Counci] was held at 7:30 pm on January 7„ 1971� in the City Ha119 with the fol1owing members present: Mayor Edward .F. Stuart Councilmen; Ra1ph Gonzalez � Ronald Hamil --- James Mager George Prude With a quorum present� and Tom Woods absent� the following business was transacted: � READING AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Minutes of December 17� 1970 meeting approved as submitted. �`°. MOTION: Gonzalez; Second„ Hamil; Vote: Unanimous C�1 � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � `� 1 . The 7�00 pm meeting between Ody Jerden and members of the Charter Commis- sion was cancelled because of the weather. They were to have met regarding his report on maps made on Charter Commission project and water line project. 2. Mrs. Leah North wi71 be registering voters for Galveston County at City Hall Monday through Saturday, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. 3, Mayor Stuart will attend a meeting at the Health Department building in La Marque on January 13� 1971 at 10�00 am and Mr.: Cline will .a7so .�,�.�.., atten� a1ong with any other of the Councilmen who can join them. 4, Three Fire Marshal�s were sworn in by Mayor Stuart, namely: Oren McClure� Richard Stapp and Samual Hill . Secretary was instructed to put the certificates on file. � PETITIONS A�1D COMMUNICATIONS � 1 , Councilman Gonzalez announced the High School Footba7l banquet honoring the Mustang quarter--final champions„ Saturday, January 16,� 1971„ at 7:30 � pm. Tickets are $5 each and will be on sale at City Ha71 � Friendswood Bank� Linn Eignus Insurance office and the high school . Attendance will be limited to 400 and all are welcome, � Mayor Stuart praised the boys for th�i.r playing and for .their performance as gentlemen as well at the games they played, They do Friendswaod a credit, " - . 2. Steve Stephens attended a meeting of the Houston-Galveston Area Industrial Weed Cont.rol� Conference on January �7�» 1971 during �the day. H.e reported ` that the meeting was very interesting as it pertained ta the weed killer �hat should be used in this area. Mr. C1oud„ with Harris F7ood Control was there and Steve asked him what. p]ans they have for C7ear Creek. He said they had none: There was a lot of discussion during this meeting pertaining. to the flood � insurance. There are a lot of people having to pay this 100 year flood � _ insurance who don't feel they should pay it, They fee7 something should be done about this, , , , , , Steve said that af,ter attending this meeting he had decided it would be b�st to contna�t for weed killer from people who are better advised as to type. He picked up valuable literature and copies of a11 the speeches will be sent out. 3. Mayor Stuart stated. that the City had received a ]etter si.gned by Mr, Perkins stating that the City,may expect .a performance bond by January 21 . � �''�''"�_ �i1ry _____-_-___�_ ---- --- , ------ 4, Letter from Mrs. McGinnis„ 710 S, Friendswood Drive� read by Mayor Stuart. The secretary was instructed to answer the letter regarding the decision made by Council on -i�ecreation money, � � 5, Letter from State as tn the cost of the sidewalks. This is not com- pulsory that we have sidewalks� the ]etter on7y informed the Council of what the cost wou7d be, Councilman Gonzalez said since all this area is commercia7� we might . be able to come up with an agreement whereby the commercial businesses � could share the cost of the sidewalks, Mayor Stuart is considering a sidewalk ordinance in the future. � � 6. Mayor Stuart read Universal Waste Cnntrol figures given him by Mr. Cline. The November and December collections, (service during September � and October) are $9157,15; billed $9423.15p 1eaving $266 yet to be col7ected, There has been no request� as yet, from Mr. Bennett for an advance. SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORT - Recreation Councilman Hami7 - 8;15 m , � fPresent were Evelyn Fry appointed b y the Student Body at the high school and Steve Sonnenber , Other committee 9 members not present are Mr. George Roy, Mrs, Edith Linson� Chairmarr� and Mr. George McLaren. Councilman Hamil gave his reasons why he thought that the Ci_ty Council shou7d approve the hiring of Miss Kathryn Delaune from Texas A&M Research Department to give us an independent view from a professional in the field who cou7d recognize what our needs are. Mayor Stuart said that he had .talked with Mrs. Bucsanyi of Houston who said � she will be glad to come and talk with the citizens and Council about the forming of .a recreation facilit�y, A gentlemen in the audience suggested that we cou7d send a questionnaire with the water bi71s and get a survey as to the wants of the citizens th�,is way, Councilman Gonzalez commented that we have quite an intelligent committee � and that we surely don.'t need someone else to. serve. as a committee. . Councilman Prude and Counci1man�Gonzalez agreed that time is not a critical factor. If possib7e, the Council wi.11 schedule Miss Delaune for the workshop meeting of January 14� in conjunction with the Recreation Committee. Mayor Stuart will talk with Mrs. Bucsanyi and try to schedule her for the workshop � of the 28th. �, - , �MOTTON: (Prude) That Council schedule both Mrs. Bucsanyi and Miss Delaune for different workshops and hear their suggestions regarding a recreation program for Friendswood. � Second: Gonzalez; Vote: . Unanimous � MOTION� (Prude) That Council authorize funds for Miss Delaune to travel from Col1ege Station or her residence to Friendswood and return for the dis- . cussing with us of this recreation program, Second� Gonzalez Counci7man Ma e . r asked wh.�t e g h r or not i:t. is necessary for the Cauncil to pay her way. MOTION AMENDED TO READ� If necessary� Council authorize funds for Miss Delaune to travel from College S;tation or her residence to Friendswood and return for the discussing9 with us� this recreation program. Voteu Unanimous • ,UNFINISHED BUSINESS �9' �,.�......._.,.�._.._.. 1 . Shadowbend Subdivision Pete Workman)- Mr. Workman showed the Council , -$� t e plat of is Shadowben Su division. It has the Drainage Board stamps � ° �r on it but needs Chairman-��-ek Lawrence's signature. It has the approval �� � of Tom Heaney„ Ci ty Engi neer. ' . Ken Toon had a question about a 7oop�line, There is a five foot easement on Garden Drive, There is an eight inch sewer 7ine and a two inch water line on Garden Drive. He stated that when the City puts a water line � on Shadowbend� they will install a fire hydrant which wi71 take care of ' . ��7�. ; ,, ;; � Fire . � � ,, � „ the; requirements the/Department�, have, : : The name. of. the stree.t going into the subdivision:wi11 be called Sadora. Street. Co�anc,ilman Hami1 asked Mr, Workman if he intended to improve the s.tr�et, and Mr. Workman said "no, " He would work with the City when the .time came to have this type of work done. , � , � . , Counc�i1man Hamil asked Steve: about the base and toppi;ng of Garden Driue. - He was �told that it would have a 27 foot base and a 20 foot topping, � It was also established tha�t Sadora Street _has a 60 foot right-of-way ` instead of �an 80 foot row. Steve stated that he was sa.tisfied with = the streets. Counci lmari Mager asked Mr. Toon i�F the. pl,an was accep.table, Mr, Toon � ; said� he.,would like to have the s'tubs dr�awn in by Myron Worden because there, is one� "sing,le" and he would 1ike. them drawn in to indicate where they are on the lots. With this stipulation he said the plat is acceptab7e, ; MOT�IONu (Hamil ) Tha�t the City Council . approve the plat with the condition ' of the five foot easement on Garden Drive be put on the plat and the City �" be furnished with a copy showing the location. of, the stub outs, � Second� Mager; Votea Unanimous ' �,-1 , , ' � � � ��� �� � , . �� � 2. Counci ]man Gonzalez had asked Guy Wilk�nson to r�view Ordinance #105 and �°'�y°�,� � � , proposed; amendment. #105=A. He did sa and included with his letter the addition of Section VIII. He did not comment on the tranquilizer gun, --�"(� ' There� was some :di s cussi on.,about the dog ordi nance �as to whether or not ,�,��� it should include restrictions on cats. Councilman ,Ganzalez said that �� the Council shou7d do some research before inclu�ing cats in dog ordinance. He recommended we do not include cats, . „ •.,, � . � . Mr. Bengt Sundherg of Village Green inquired as to the procedure the Pol,i ce Department•. �used �i n dog compl ai nts.� Mayro Stuart explai ned a written comp7aint is required� also the $700 fine mentioned in the , paper that Mr. Sundgberg. questioned is a maximum fine. Councilman Gonzalez assured� him �hat. quite a bit .of�work had �a7ready gone into the revi si om;of ordi.nance �105�: to come= up .v�i th� 705-A. , 3. Corresponde'nce between Ody Jerden and �the .City of Houston with regard to the area of the high school annexation revea7ed �hat this area does not fa1�l wi,thin the jur.isdicti:on of Houston city 7imits, Councilman Mager requested that Mr. Heaney meet with a Councilman and look� into this situation. . , , 4, Counci1man Hamil suggested that Mi�ch Wright obtain. a copy of Attorney ''' �° General 's opinion with respect to au�il�iary .policem�n'� State.Gertificates and qualifi�cati�ons. The fact that they� are. qualified� and certificates o.f training� should .be kept on file. Counci7man� Gonzal��z wil�l confer with Chie�F Wright on this, , ; � . . - , . 5. Councilman Rrude compli�mented Ken Toon on. the way the crisis with the � � �water� situati�on �i�n Friendswood on January 7� was handled; Ken stated that� the water in: the tank above ground �was held in r�serve pending a fire: : Ken said�. that as people called in they were; aksed to: conserve and: they did: . , .; Mayor Stuart suggested that an auxiliary power� system .be put into the , system for such emergenciesA possibly a GMC 671 used on oi7 rigs, for , ligh�ing and getti,ng the radios in operation. . � .,___ Sam. Hi]1 and Oren McC7 ure �di d a: �Fi ne .�ob i n �ri ggi ng for, the tel ephones and �radios. � ,� DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS � � ' - 1 . Finance� Councilman Mager� after reading the Financia] Report given to the Counci 1 by :Hel.oi se Cantony requested that �she meet ;wi th the Counci 1 ,. �� , rr� . . . , 'r' fi , ', ', i . . . . . . . , , '1 , . �i . � ' ------ --- , -- -- _ -- in order to substantiate the different figures in the report regarding � �"repl acement`. account"� or "depr�ci a't7 on��a�'l owance s"� Uti l i ty- Fund and WCI D 21 . Mayor Stuart said he had� gone ov.er� this ne�ort w7th Mrs. Cantor;. however �perhaps she cauld meet with the Council at workshop depending upon her � pending tax schedule, � �d 2. . Fire and Po1ice: Councilman Gonzalez said that Mitch Wright reported "' a quie� holi.day, The Fire Depar.tment re uested th�at� the mi ht- mee a Y 9 t , with �he� Counci7 regarding'. the ambul�nce program they have in mind;, a servic�� tha"t they� could provide� and a1so procedure in their mode of operation. � This is to �be scheduled the first workhsop iri February. ��' ''The Fiscal Budget for 197] incorporates money set aside for the pur.chase of a new po1 i ce car. 1'he ol d car has� 90,000 mi 1 es �on i t and� has had no major repairs done to.it the last six weeks, Councilman .Gonzalez ,requested that a request for bids go out as soon as possible, Mayor Stuart instructed �Mr: C1ine. t�o request these bids and he agreed.� � . . . . , � 3. Hea7th and Safety: A written reply stating that a per. formance bond would be sent to the City by January 21� by: Universal Waste Control , The � rep1y was� received� and signed by Mr. Perkins. Other than this� Councilman Prude h�d no 'report. � � � . ,� � 4, Streets and Drainage: Councilman Hami7 reported that he and Steve went to Austi n. and� after di scussi�on�wi th the Counci 1 �purchased a� .dump truck, The rice was $1 �995.00 for the truck.and $255.00 �spent for� th�: paint (red� and body work. They also purchased a tractor from Ellington AFB � for $77.00 which wi11 be used to tie our mowers on to. It is an Internatianal 1965�; .. , � , � � � ; � , , , Counci1man M���ger asked the. sta�us of Melody Lane. The hold-up is in getting the deeds from the Jo.n�s peop1e: This 7and includes the area f�om Myer's house to �FM 2351 . The City offered �them� $1200 but they did not take i�. The 'County has+ 'taken the responsi bi 1 i ty of- getti��g' the r�o-w. ���`� Mayor� Stuart; sUggested� condemni ng Cedarwood. Cedarwood i s a 40-foot raad .beginning at Stonesthrow and ending at Cast7ewood; There are four tracts that have agreed to donate but there are just two that we have �o pay for. , Status of FM 518: Waiting on Tom Heaney to finish water lin� study. He is working up cost, too. The Council .wil7 go over this report at a workshop meeting and then get together with the County; Judge Holbrook will not commit himself but.the County°Commissioner, Jack Lawrence will , Mr. Heaney'wou7d, have had the-water line study done but the Charter Commission had to have maps .of the City� boundaries before they coul� proceed; Mr. Hean�y�was pulled.off the water main study about the 28th of December, Engineer Butler said that the State study was finished and is being se,nt to Aust.in for approval , � � , Linn� Eignus on th�e �ri'ends Church Board of Trustees and Pete. Workman on the Board of Trustees for the Friends Cemetery talked with Mayor , Stuart and decided to meet with Mr, C1ine and Mr. Bales at the sight of the Friends Church and Cemetery on FM 518 and discuss prukiing and preserving the trees. Mr. Heaney is drawing up his plans so that water� lines can be bored where the trees are and the ditching machine will not disturb - the r�ots of the� trees. 5. Water and Sewerd Ken Toon suggested that �the sewer plant motors at Plant #2 be slowed down, The general contractory Mr. CoxA has cooperated with the City. and. h�as a good reputatinn. Mr� C7ine will co.ntact factory representative� Mr. Collins again. Mr. Bill Walsh is holding back. $1�000 in making up his report to the State. NEW BUSINESS � � . „ ] . Letter from Library B,�ard stating that two members' terms expire in January� and recommending Mr. Ed Zeitler for another term. The other member - no recommendation at this time. MOTION� (Gonzalez) That we recommend Ed Zeitler for a three-year term and wait on the Libra�ry Board for another recommendation. , Second; Prude; Vote� Unanimous ° �-- �' ��`. 2. Regarding the 7andfill pr.ogram from the County� Councilman Prude said he gave it a good..recommendation. This is . the on�y proposal .that the County got from ,Sanitary Lar�dfi l l , Fri endswood i.s on1y ,a mi 7e from; the site� it closes at 6x00 pm. The cost will be $2,15 a cubic yard over , the existing $1 .75 which wi11- increase the rate the hauler will payp cost increase of about $100 per month: MOT�ON�: (Gonzalez) ,That we endor.se the .proposal ..(on the Gounty landfill ) Second» Frude; ,Vote� Unanimous � 3, Bi ds� �opened i n Ci ty Hal l a week a�go� about� December 30A� after hol di ng ___ since September. Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Bids to the City as follows� a. Gul f Oi 1 M ��u]f No-nox Gasol i ne i;r�;,quanti ti es , l ess than 16�000 1.��'� gallons at 16 cents per ga7lon, #2 Diese7 Fuel at 13 cents per gallon. b. Humble� Enco-extra at 18,2 cents per gallon. ' Diesel Fuel at , , ,,, .,,14.,8 cents.,,per ,gall.on,,;.,,. , , . . � . �..,. • c. Mobi7e� Premium at ]9 cents per gallon. Regular at;.15,5 cents � per ga77on. Diesel Fue7 at 14.8 cents per gal7on. ,. � S�r� �r,.�� A� To these pri ces� a 5 cent -F�d�r�r Tax must be added, The Ci ty �i s exempt _.l...-�-�". �� fr,om��;��a�e„�ax but not wF-���, .�����p � 'Steve would like to have a separate pump and fuel , stor.age for ,his equipment. This is possible using a separate vendor as the contract with the presen,t company. doe�n't�.proh,ibit �he. City using another product provi ded i t does no.t,.use .the;.storage tan,k, or..-pump ,provi ded by.CITCO: Thi s co.nt 'ract� i s� up i,n; �une of 1,9.71 and we are presently payi ng 21 cents per gallon. . ° Ken: .Toon h,as . n.o ob jecti ons to...,sha.ri ng :the: same,.tank.wi th, the Pol i ce , Depar�ment as the,y have done in the p�st. He suggested ,tha.t, an outdoor ! type covered place be �rovided for the records so that no one need go --- into the p7ant. Ody Jerden checked the contract with CITCO ,and confirmed that we may use another vendor provided we do not use their tank of� pumps, MOT�ON; �(Prude) That we enter into a contract wi,th Gulf Oil since they were the lowest bidder for gasoline storage facilities for the Street Department. SecondW Gonzalez; Vote: Unanimous 4. Mayor, Aaro.n.;H:olland' o,f .Bunke'r��Fl,i;ll Vi7lage has served as our representative I on the executive. committee for the Genera7 Law. Cities to the Houston- '�, Galveston Area Counci7 since September of 1967. Mayor Thomas P. Grant �� of Missouri City has served for the past year as our alternate .on this committee: Both are agreeab7e to serve again. Mayor Stuart recommends the Council pass a resolution voting to continue Mayor Holland and Mayor , Grant as the r.epresentatives in these offices, � With the Mayor's recommenda- tion a motion was made. MOTIONn (Prude) That Counci] pass a resolution voting to continue Mayor Ho land and Mayor Grant as the representatives in these offices for the � executive committee, Second� Mager; Votew Unanimous 5, Reve�and Fry� First Baptist Church� stated that their architect had his engineer check with the City about sewer lines to �he new sanctuary be9ng added to the Church. The engineer was advised to run the sewer line --- down Morningside. He stated that they have received their bids based on this advice. Ken Toon advised later that they will probably have trouble if they go in on Morningside. The drainage on Morningside had been poor and Mr. Fry planned later to put tile in the ditch but Ken advised that the sewer line would go down the tile; just too shallow. He requestecl that the City run 225 feet to 230 feet of plastic, 6" sewer line down PEacan. The cost would be $1 .05 per foot plus labor. Ken Toon would 1ike permission to stub across the street so no boring will be necessary in the street. MOTION� (Gonzalez) �{�at the City run the six inch sewer line down Pecan for a dist�nce of 225 to 230 feet at a cost of. $1 .05 per foot plus labor. Second� Hamiil; Vote: Unanimous , .�d �� — ------ ORDINANC�S � � , f , � . � � , � ,, . , , . �. � • r � . , �, ;,, � , . . . � Ordinance #15p-A -� postpone�d unt51 the fo"C1owing `regu7ar �meeting _ : Ordi hance #�5=A�"� 'Thi rd�� �nd Fi na1��Readi n� : ' ' " � AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TH� FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 0'RDINANCE (ORDINANCE N0; 35)� PROUTDING' FOR INTERIM APPOINTMENT' OF MEMBERS ON THE BOARD� PROVIDING FOR� PERMANENT� APPOINTMENT OF 'SUCH > MEMBERS FOR STAGGEREQ TERMS BEGINNING NOVEMBER 1970;, PROVIDING FOR r REAPPOINTMENT TO FILL POSITIONS THEREAFTER. ' � � . . � . � � � MO�TION� (Mager) For adoption on third and final reading. , „ Second�, Prude�` Vote?' Unanimaus � � ' � � � . � ��,- � . . � , , - . WARRANTS � �_.�.....�. �; MOTION: (Mager) That Council authorize payment of G&A Warrant #624 to � Rosenberg Library Se`condtl Prude; Vote: Unanimous � � � � r,��; • ,�. i . ;� ,. . , , • . . j . . I�. � , PERSONNEL � � � , MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Reynaldo Uresti be hired to work in the�water and Sewer Department Second; Prude; VoteN Unanimous� � �� � ' - � � ,. , . . , . , , Memo from � � [Mr; Jones' salary is �$600 p7us payro7l' taxes, �'. For tiie months of LBC to�3C�ouncil November and becember; 1`97U�,Mr:. �:Jones ;col.1.ec�ted °$648.45„in Building � an'd El ectri ca1 �'P'ermi ts. Thi s does n'ot i ricl ude Parki ng'Permi ts, (mobi 7 e homes) and electrical contractor's fees he is collecti�g':] Mayor, Stuart'•men�tioned 'that Hitchcock may 'have need for' a' part-time . inspector. , . , • � ` ' " . " , � � ADJOURNMENT ' ' �: . �. � ,� +�;�' , � . . , Motion made (Prude) and seeonded (Hamil ) that the meeting adjourn�. Vote: Unanimous. The meeting was adjourned�: � � � � . , , _ .. , „ �, , . � „ , . , .. •F� , � , � { � ' � , �. •. � . . Bobbie C: HenryA Secr ariy to the Council by Monica Pickard � . � �� , . , , . APPRO D': .�;� , , ,,. .,, . � . . �� . , • . . .,, ,.. � . � �� � , � , ' � '' `ti��ry� � ' � � � �"�\ Edward F. Stuart� Mayor � , � �. � - �_ �. ,. � � � � ,�� 'I . li .. . , ,r .1 • . . ' � . ' . . � i I ,, . . . � , � 1 . , . • , . . .'i r . , . ' ' I � . . .I: . . . . ! . , . ' . �� � � � . . _ _ � ' � .) r�: , . . . ' . . ` f '� i . � . . i. { , , . . �'�