HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1970-11-05 Regular C�
A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held on November 5,
1970, at 7:30 p,m. at the City Hall with the following members present;
Mayor Edward F. Stuart
Councilmen: James E. Mager
George Prude
Ralph Gonzalez
Thomas Woods
Ronald Hamil
With a quorum present and none absent, the following business was transacted:
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 15, 7970 approved as written.
Raymond Nelson and Rodger Koppa, newly appointed members to the Friends-
wood Planning & Zoning Commission, were given the Oath of Office by
Mayor Stuart. Frank Walls, the third newly appointed member, was not
Ordinance No. 35 (P]anning & Zoning :Commission) is presently being
revised to provide for staggered terms for members. Mayor Stuart indi-
cated that Messrs. Nelson and Koppa would be designated to serve until
1973; Mr. James Lawrence, the only carry over member of the Commission,,
Mr. Walls, and the fifth member (not yet appointed) will serve until
1 . A report from the Charter Commission set out the Modum Operandi and
stated that the Commission expects to have a draft of a proposed
charter ready for presentation by early January. Dr. Prengle requests
that a replacement be supplied for J. E. Maxwel7 who has resigned from
the Commission, and also requested a legal description of the
boundaries of the City.
2. A report covering activities of the Fire Marshal and the Fire Depart-
ment for the month of October.
3. Letter from Amoco Pipeline Company giving the City permission to build
a foot bridge across Cowarts Creek on their easements for use of
children on their way to school .
4. Letter from Lori Woods Civic Club protesting the above-mentioned
foot bridge on the grounds that a path to such a bridge would have
to cross private property� and requesting that another solution to
the problem be sought.
5. Notice of public hearing by the Texas Air Control Board on proposed
ambient air quality standards .for the Houston-Galveston Air Quality
Contro] RegionA io be held on Tuesday, November 17, Room 107 of the
A7bert Thomas Convention Center� Houston,
6. Letter from the City of Houston s�tating that the 40 acres being
considered for annexation by Friendswood (Friendswood High School )
lies within the overlapping extraterritorial jurisdictions of both
Friendswood and Houston, and stating that Houston will take action to
prevent annexation in the absence of agreement on their part, This
item was referred to the City Attorney for further handling,
7. The Galveston County Mayors & Councilmen' s Association will meet
jointly with Galveston County Chambers of Commerce on Wednesday,
November 11 , at 7:30 p.m. in the F ;lstaff Brewery Hospitality Room,
1 . Village Green Civic Club again petitioned 'the Council to make a
concerted effort ioward getting Pearland to place "no parking"
signs at the entrance to the subdivision. They also requested
that Chief Wright make a traffic survey at that point,
L. B. Cline was directed to contact Pearland to ascertain whether
any further action has been taken.
��� j U MOTION: (Prude) That Chie.f Wright conduct a traffic survey at the
FM 518 entrance to Village Green for the purpose of establishing
sufficient data to contact Mr. Carmichael of the Highway Depart-
ment and request that the highway be double-striped at this point.
Second� Gonzalez; Vote� Unanimous
2. A letter from Imperial Gardens Civic Club requested that the City
install a previously proposed buried drainage pipe between the
swimming pool and the Water Well No. 2� with the cost being shared
50-50 by the City and the subdivision.
3, The practice of parking automobiles on the curb around cul-du-sacs
makes it impossible to maneuver large vehicles such as fire trucks,
garbage trucks� and large delivery trucks around the circles, .
necessitating backing these vehicles out of the cul-du-sac. In
the interest of safeiy, decision was made to ask for cooperation
of citizens in correcting this situati.on.
4. Mr. William Wolfe appeared before Council to request that the
Water & Sewer Department fill in and clean up the site of recent
work beside his home. Superintendent Toon explained that the fill
would settle more, necessitating further work later, but agreed
to do what he could by the first of next week.
l . Garba e - Council confirmed their decision made at workshop on
Octo er 23, that the term of the garbage contract with Universal
Waste Control would stand at January ly 1972.
Method of payment was discussed and decision was: After the City
has collected sufficient garbage fees ta cover the $8400 advancedy
thereafter all money collected for collection of garbage during a
month will be paid by check to the contractor on the ]ast day of
that month.
A discussion of responsibility of Universal to the City prompted the
statement from Councilman Woods: "Our concern is whether or not the
garbage is picked up. From our point of view� Ed Bennett is Universal
Waste Control � and where he gets his back-up trucks is not our
concern--only that he does get back-up trucks and gets the garbage
picked up, "
` '}�� ,/� I�� MOTION: (Woods) That we di rect the Ci ty Attorney to noti fy Uni versal
� � of any area in which their performance is less than satisfactory,
i ,e, unsatisfactory performance bond.
Second: Hamil; Vote: Unanimous
A discussion on commercial rates resulted in decisions that (1 ) a
set rate agreed upon between contractor and owner would be charged
mobile home parks rather than figured from month to month on the
number of occupants,, and (2) business houses having no more garbage
than the normal residence will be allowed to pay on the same basis
as a residential customer provided it is curb-side pick-up.
�f�r-- ��j MOTION: (Mager) That L. B. Cline be appointed to serve in this
� capacity,
Second� Woods; Vote: Unanimous
3. CHARTER COMMISSION - Method for replacing J. E. Maxwell who recently
resigned from t e Commission, was approved by the City Attorney.
This was that the person receiving the next highest number of votes
in the original election would fill the vacancy. It was determined
that Sam Hi71 was that person.
MOTION: (Woods) That Sam Hill be designated to fill the vacancy on
t e arter Commission.
Second: Hamil; Vote: Unanimous
4. PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS - Councilman Mager-.stated that
he would like to recommend that the fifth appointee to the Planning
Commission be a business or professional person.
5. A ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT will be appointed soon.
l . Finance: Councilman Mager reported that the auditors are still
working on the books, thus no monthly report has been prepared by
office personne1 .
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2. Streets: Steve Stephens reported that the street program is progressing
in spite of the rains; new limestone roads are to be topped Friday;
Imperia1 Gardens and Spreading Oaks are ready for retopping. On
Mary Ann, the grass has been turned over, drain tile has been
removeda and he plans to work on this street Saturday.
3. Nealth & Safety: Councilman Prude suggested that Council authorize
the Humane Officer to purchase and use a tranquilizer gun for picking
up dogs running loose. This subject„ along with revisions as
suggested by Chief Wright, to the Dog Ordinance, wi11 be discussed
at workshop on November 12.
Recreation Committee; Councilman Hami7 reported that the group are con-
tinuing to meet and discuss various phases of recreational possibilities,
and possibly a bond issue for this purpase.
1 . Bids for furnishing labor and equipment, and installing a sewer line
on Skyview were opened:
C. C. Bost $2,001 .75
Ben Felts 1 ,197. 15
MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Council accept the low bid from Ben Felts. �.? 0 7- 7�
Second: Hamil ; Vote: Unanimous
Weed Ordinance Resolutions were presented regarding 7homas Pythian,
Ray Whitley, and Gene Woodward.
MOTION: (Mager) To adopt these three resolutions
Second: Woods; Vote: Unanimous
Ordinances No. 143 and No. 144 - Third_ and final readin
MOTION:Mager; Second: Gonzalez; Vote: Unanimous
Ordinance No, 83-A - First Readin (Ordinance revision - requiring
connection to sewer lines
MOTION: Mager; Second: Gonzalez; Vote: Unanimous
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-, ��� 1 � MOTION� (Mager) That. Council approve for payment G&A Warrants 447, 457
tF�irough 4f5, 468, and 474 through 521 . � , .
Second: Gonzalez; Vote: Unanimous �
, .
PERSi11VNEL �Closed)
Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The. meeting was
AP P RO V - I���1� s�
, • Bobbi e C. Henry, cretary .
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`� Edward F, Stuar „ Mayor �
� J�,- 7C' MOTION: (Hamil ) That Council approve the hiring of Mrs. Monica Pickard
to r.eplace Mrs. Joyce Foster as Clerk in the City Office, at a
starting salary of $350.00 per month, to be reviewed and considered
for a $25.00 raise at the end of three months.
Second: Mager; Vote: Unanimous
The City Secretary asked for clarification of Section IX (B) of
Ordinance No. 93 (Personnel ) . Council interpreted "immediate family"
as used therein to include� wife, husband, child, brother.� sister,
parents� father-in-law, mother�in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law„
grandmother, grandfather, or other relatives living in the same
household. "
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�Edward F. Stuart� Mayor
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Bobbie C. Henry, Sec etary T'