HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1970-10-15 Regular � CV � � �� C.� . � il 1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL October 15, 1970 A Regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held on October 15, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall , with the following members present: Mayor Edward F, Stuart Cauncilmen: Thomas Woods Ronald Hamil James Mager Ralph Gonzalez George Prude With a quorum present, and none absent, the following business was trans- acted: READING & APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1 . Minutes of Regular Meeting of October lA 1970„ approved as corrected: PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS (page 193) "The Mayor requested that Councilmen Prude, Hamil and Gonzalez. . . " (add Gonzalez) 2. Conflict in minutes regarding Crossing Guard salaries confirmed as follows: Base: $125,00; Car expense - 125 mi ./mo. @ 10�/mi - $12,50; Extra time due to staggered hours for guard on FM 518 - $10.00, R e s u l t: S h i r l e y K inc hen - $1 3 7.5 0; Betty Merchant - $147.50. MOTION: (Gonzal ez) To approve confi rmati on of sal ari es as 1 i sted. �,� gh'-- �'%'�` Second; Mager; Vote: Unanimous ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . Invitation from Lea ue Cit to attend ground-breaking ceremonies on Octo er 17� for a new Civic Center Complex. 2. Resignation of Kenneth M Camp as Fire Marshal . �_ 3. Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority letter regarding a one-day seminar on tertiary treatment to assist permittees in the Clear Creek Basin to meet demands of TWQB. Friendswood will participate. The date has not been set. 4. Invitation from the Church of Latter Da Saints to dedication of a new chapel in Alvin. 5. Friendswood Schqol Board proposes an informal type of communication between the Board and City Council . Council concurs with this plan, 6. Mr. Jack Davis, General Mana er of Gulf Coast Waste Dis osal Authorit , will speak at the Women s League meeting on October 28, 10 a,m. at t e City Hall . Mayor and Council are invited to attend, 7. PROCLAMATION: November as S arkle-U Month in Friendswood. Special pic -ups wi e made on t e second an ast Wednesdays of the month to assist the Sparkle-Up program. 8. PROCLAMATION: November 9 - 15 as Youth A reciation Week. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS l . Councilman Gonzalez read a letter from the City of Pearland in answer to a request from the Village Green Civic Club regarding control of on-street parking at the entrance to Village Green. With construction now in progress near the entrance to the subdivision, cars and trucks being parked on the street create a traffic hazard, and make it next to impossible for a school bus or fire truck to get through the entrance. ��� Pearland City Counci] 's answer to the Civic Club was that when construction is completed they wi11 then investigate the feasibility of prohibiting on-street parking. Councilman Gonzalez stated that the condition at the present time is possibly even more hazardous than it will be after completion of construction, and made the follow- ing motion: ' ��� ��0 MOTION: (Gonza7ez) That the Council write Pearland requesting that they reconsider their decision and take immediate action on the situation. Second: Prude; Vote: Unanimous 2. Mr. V. E. Revera of Hitchcock� a member of the Galveston County Par s and ecreation Board, requested that Council endorse Proposi- tion No. 8 on the November 3 ballot for establishment of a Beach Park Board of Trustees which would have the power to make a study and initiate a management system for County parks, but would not involye any new taxes. / ���r ��~� MOTION: (Woods) That Council endorse the Proposition No. 8 as presented. Second: Hamil ; ,Vote: Unanimous UNFINISHED BUSINESS l . Mary Ann Drive - A survey of the improvement work on Mary Ann has been made, and drainage, widening and resurfacing work will progress as the weather permits. 2, School Annexation - Formal request for annexation has been received from the Sc oo District and acknowledged by the Council . It was pointed out by the Attorney that the County roads would need to be annexed prior to the annexation of the school property. MOTION: (Woods) That Council direct the City Attorney to prepare the % �f�� �� I�� necessary papers including resolutions, notices of hearings and ordinances pertaining to annexation of the new high school . Second: Mager. After some discussion, Councilman Mager moved the question. Vote� 3 FOR (Woods, Mager, Hami1 ); 2 AGAINST (Gonzalez, Prude) 3. A ointment of Plannin Commission - Mayor Stuart presented the names of James Lawrence„ Raymond Ne son, Roger Koppa, Frank Walls, and C. C, Bost for approval by Council to the Planning & Zoning Commission. He requested that provision be made to stagger terms of inembersx .. A discussion regarding "conflict of interest" revolved around wheiher a contractor who performs work for the City can also serve on the Commission. � �'�,_ J�.� MOTION� (Hamil ) That Council accept the Mayor's suggested roster under the present ordinance, with the exception of Mr. Bost, who will be considered for the fifth position at a later date. Second: Mager; Vote: Unanimous The City Attorney was directed to amend Ordinance No. 35 so that the ; terms of inembers would be staggered. Council was advised that appointments could be made pending amendment of the ordinance, after which Council action could set the terms for each member to comply with that portion amended, The new Planning Commission will be requested to compile architectural guidelines to conform to the Heimsath Plan. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Finance: Councilman Mager reported that the yearly audit is progressing and the auditors feel that the City is in satisfactory financial condition. � � � � Q _ �:��� . Health & Safety: Councilman Prude presented a report from the special Safety Committee as follows: Mssrs. Prude, Gonzalez, and Chief Wright met Wednesday, October 7, to discuss and evaluate the problems associated with Safety at Westwood Elementary School . Five items that will improve the traffic problem, resulting in a safer environment for the school children are 1 . Widening and surfacing Mary Ann Drive. 2. Surfacing Stadium Drive from FM 2351 to Mary Ann Drive 3. Moving the existing one-way sign on Stadium Drive down to the inter- section of Mary Ann and Stadium Drives 4. Placing a "No Left Turn" sign at the main entrance of the school for Eastbound traffic. 5. Notify those par�ents residing in Kingspark, Whitehal�, Annalea, and Village Green that they may pick up their children at the School 's Stadium drive entrance. These points will essentially divide the traffic volume between the two entrances, control the flow thereof, and provide a safer route for the pedestrian/bicycle children. The painting of a solid yellow/orange stripe providing a three foot safety lane is under consideration by the committee. (End of report) f MOTION: Prude) That the recommendations of the Committee be implemented. l i��" ��' Second: Gonzalez; Vote: Unanimous Flood Insurance - Councilman Gonzalez requested that the City Attorney be directed to prepare necessary land use ordinance required to fulfill the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. The question was discussed as to whether this insurance can be made mandatory by mortgage holders on property within the "flood prone area. " This question will be pursued. NEW BUSINESS MOTION: (Mager) That Council accept the Mayor's recommendation to accept . " 1�>'"'7r� Mr. Camp' s resignation and that Oren McClure be appointed to the office of Fire Marshal . Second: Gonzalez; Vote: Unanimous RESOLUTIONS Three resolutions declaring violation of Ordinance #79 (Weed Ordinance) MOTION: (Gonzalez) For passage of the resolutions Second� Woods; Vote: Unanimous ORDINANCES Ord�inance #142 -, Third and final readin AN ORDINANCE AMENDING RULE ONE (a) OF ORDINANCE N0. 106-A1 CONCERNING TIME OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS, REPEALING ORDINANCES OR SECTIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. � f(p-��'` ''lf.� ,��� S i� MOTION� (Hamil ) For passage on third reading and final adoption. �'� � � � Second: Mager; Vote: 2 AGAINST {prude, Gonzalez); 3 FOR (Woods„ Hamil , Mager) Ordinance #143 - Second readin AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6701 D VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUT-�S„� UPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION, UP�N CERTAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE9 AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FTNE NOT �0 EXCEED $200.00 FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, A MOTION: (Mager) For passage on second reading ��,- Second: Gonzalez; Vote: Unanimous ��' ." r�� ;` � , �. ��o__ �r�,�, ��� �i,�'�2� ,!���l ;'� v' f �• Ordinance #144 - Second Readin AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6701 D VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, UPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION, UPON CERTAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY' OF FRIENDSWOOD, AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200.00 FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. MOTION: For passage on second reading (Mager) Second: Prude; Vote: Unanimous WARRANTS Auditor's 7ist of corrections from last year's records were �presented for approval {list attached) . MOTION: ( Mager) For approva1 of warrants listed. Second; Woods; Vote: Unanimous r��l `l'- '%C1 MOTION: (Mager) To approve G&A Warrants 420 through 446 and 448 through 455 (447 left for use of auditor) Second: Gonzale2; Vote: Unanimous ��,�, _ ��� MOTION: (Mager) Approval of M&0 Warrants 309 through 320 and Construction Warrants 115 through 718, Second: Woods; Vote; Unanimous PERSONNEL (Closed) ADJOURNMENT Motion was made for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned. APPR � C �''G OVED: Bobbie C, Henry, ecretary i � � r, i -���,.-- � �. '' � v Edward F. Stuart, Mayor PERSONNEL (Closed) ��.,� _ ,-,�� MOTION: (Gonzalez) That a relief dispatcher be approved for 80 hours a month � at the rate of 75� per hour� after ascertaining whether or not volunteers can be used for this service. Second: Hamil; Vote: Unanimous � MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Richard Lawrence receive salary increase of � �;.�� � � $25.00 per month (total of $525) as of October 1 , with an increase of $25.00 �er month (total of $550) as of June 1 . Second: Mager; Vote: Unanimous APPRO�yED: � --� % �/ ���G����������� �((�Z'� �J � Edward F. Stuart, Mayor � C !�r G Bo bie C. Henry, ecretary October 15, 1970 Mayor and Council: In the writing and approval of minutes, a descrepency appears with regard to salaries of Crossing Guards. Will the Council please confirm or correct the fo7lowing: Base salary for Crossing Guard $125.00 Car expense - 125 mi ./mo @ 10¢/mi . 12.50 Salary - Shirley Kinchen ------------- $137.50 Extra time due to staggered hours 10.00 Sa)ary - Betty M�rchant--------------- $147.50 �' � l -----__ Confi rmed `�f ��.2�---� ( '���--y-� or Corrected � { . . ... ... . . _ . . . ... � � � .���1 � � . . _ �.. ...__._ . • � � { '1.7�Il^F'..'�' '�i �'.r�;�x1^r.�r��.,,, . . � I �� . .��. . . . ', ! ij :1 . . . . . �. � I; . . . . . ..g ••1 .n. . ' . , 1 .1I .. .'., . . . ' � ��� 1:� Y l. 1 J . . . . . . 1 � � '.i;:.� .�s. ' • . ' ,. � . . s�y::� . . , .� . �r . . . . .. � October 15, 7g70 Mayor and City Council: Wi11 you please approve the following warrants to correct the books for the fiscal year 1969-70. M&0 4888 Ace �Roofing Company 5229 Industrial Solvents Construction �, 5040 Tech-Con Corp. 5047 Tech-Con Corp. Construction 5177 Layne Texas 5178 Tom-Co 5179 George Cox 5180 Wm. Walsh 5�81 I�m. Walsh 5182 Wm. Walsh f�f�xQ 307 G&A 419 Dr, J. J, Symon Medical Arts Clinic $125,00 ) Paid on February. l0, 1970. Not ) approved. 83.75 ) Approved June 15, but omitted from ) minutes. 10,602.10 ) 5039 to Tech-Con for $10,991 .07 was 388•97 ) approved. Before the check was written . it was determined that this should be paid in two separate checks, thus 5040 and 5041 were issued and 5039 was voided. ' 2,208.35 ) 17,396,83 ) 23,243.40 ) 208.41 ) 1,787.40 ) 14.90 ) This group of construction warrants were approved on June 8 (workshop) and paid on the 9th, but were not officially approved at the next regular Counci7 Meeting. 13.00 ) R�places #304 (which was voided) ) to. Dr. J. J. Symon 23,00 47.50 ) Replaces #404 (which was voided) ) to Medical Arts 48.00 CORRECTION TO MINUTES -(Typing Error) � On March 16 minutes, page 149: "M&0 Warrants 5001 through 5029 approved for payment. " � r Correct to read "M&0 Warrants 5001 through 5039 approved for payment." Bobbie C. Henry � _ ,: , .. . _. . _ . � . .._- - _ . . _ .. a.�. ... . _ . •� . �— - - .�:"� . . .. _. . , .. . . .