HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1970-09-08 Regular �V �V � C� :'� Q MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL September 8, 1970 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at 7 :30 p,m. on September 8, 1970, in the City Hall , with the following members present: Mayor Edward F. Stuart Councilmen: Ronald Hamil Ralph Gonzalez Thomas Woods George Prude James Mager With a quorum present, and none absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES 1 , � Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 17, 1970, approved as corrected: Page 1 - Announcements - Correct "Copeland" to Koppa. Page 2 - Closed Session - Correct Crossing Guard salary from $147.00 per month to $137.00 per month. Minutes of a Special Meeting of August 13, 1970 - Approved as written. ANNOUfdCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . Galveston County Mayors and Council ' s Association - Special Meeting Wednesday, September 9, at 2 p.m. , Conference Room of the Galveston County Courthouse, to discuss the Unit Road and Bridge System. 2. Gulf Coast Waste D-isposal Authority - Meeting at Friendswood City Hall at 7 p.m. , September 14, with other Clear Creek Basin permittees, to discuss TWQB Order 69-9A. 3. Galveston County Mainland Cities Health Department - Air Control Division - Open House at Air Control Lab, 401 First Avenue, South, Texas City, Saturday, September 12, 1970, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. � 4. Letter from Mrs. Perner, Imperial Gardens, regarding red water. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1 , Mr. and Mrs. Charles von Cannon, with attorney, Mr. Goldens, appp�are before Council questioning the legality of the Mobile Hame Ordinance. Mr. Golden stated that the last legislature authorized the taxing of mobile homes as real property, and questioned the practice of levying of a parking permit fee. The City Attorney will research the matter and will be in contact with Mr. Golden. 2. Mrs. David McCraw requested that the necessary Land use Control Ordinance be enacted by December 1971 in order to keep the National Flood Insurance in effect in this area. 3. Dr. W. E. St. Clair presented a plan to the Council for a "controlled" self- service gas station in the City, The City Attorney is to determine the legality of such an installation. 4. A letter �rom Mr. James W. Bilodeau urged Council to furnish poli:ce pro- tection for the high school area. This matter was discussed later in the meeting. �5. Mr. John Uysart petitioned Council to have a light pole moved 32 feet to the east, from directly in the front of his house on Brigadoon. Councilman Hamil will look into the situation. 6. Mr. Bernard A, Hart, representing Village Green residents , requested that Council support them in their petition to Pearland concerning a commercial establishment to be built in the subdivision. ��`� �.��� 7. Mr. George Ulbrich petitioned Council to provide, by whatever methods possible, ambulance service for the residents of the area. Mr. Ulbrich was referred to the City Health Officer, Dr, Symon, and to the Fire Department. SPECIAL REPORTS l . Councilman Woods made a report on the hearing held by the Texas Water Quality Board in Austin on August 28 regarding Qoard Order 69-9A. 2. Councilman Prude reported that the new garbage service is progressing well , and a firm schedule w�ll have been established within the next week. �� Mr. Ed Bennet, the new contractor, was introduced to the meeting. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1 . F�nance - Councilman Mager: The budget has been completed and will be presented for first reading of the Budget Ordinance. 2. Streets - Councilman Hamil : Mr. James ' bridge is being torn down and a new foot bridge will soon be erected , A bridge break-down near Sunset has had the necessary repairs. 3. Water and Sewer - Councilman Woods: The new sewer plant is in operation. Letters are going out now notifying property owners along the route of the new sewer line, and that taps can now be made along it. 4. Fire and Police - Councilman Gonzalea: Two issues with the Fire Department, i:e. joint ownership with tax money, and blanket check for budgeted vs. accounts being paid directly by the City. at the next workshop. UNFINISHED BUSINESS are still open for discussion of equipment purchased funds to the F�re Dept. This will be discussed �. Straw Vote on School Annexation: A poll was taken of the Council as to whether they would be receptive to a petition for annexation of the new high school . Councilmen Woods, Hamil and Mager stated that they feel the City has a responsibility to give consideration to the annexation; Council- man Prude stated that he felt the Council should have more data on the mechanics of such a move; Councilman Gonzalez felt that a compromise insofar as finances are concerned, mitht be in order. No further action was taken on the subject. 2. Recreation Center Committee: Councilman Hamil was appointed to head a committee to study and make recommendations to the Council regarding a recreation center. The Committee will include representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, School Board, student body, and churches. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Chan_ye in date for Council Meetinqs : �' ��,�f_ ��ti MOTION: (Mager) That the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an amendment to Ordinance No. 97 setting the dates for Council Meetings on the first and third THURSDAYS of each month instead of the first and third MONDAYS as the ordinance now reads. Second: Hamil ; Vote: FOR (3) Hamil , woods, Mager: AGAINST (2) Prude, Gonzalez 2• Due to the meeting on Monday night, September 14, with the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority, the fo7lowing motion was made: ' l:� �%�� MOTION: (Gonzalez) That a workshop session be held Thursday n-ight, September 17. ORDINANCES Ordinance No. 136 - Third and Final Readi AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 132; GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT TO THE �V 4 V � � .� QUEEN MARY CATHOLIC CHURC{I; ACCEPTING AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. MOTION: (Gonzalez) For approval and adoption on third reading of Ordin- ance No. 136. Second: Woods; Vote: Unanimous Ordinance No. 137 - Third and Final Readin AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, AMENUING ORDINANCE N0. 132; GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT TO THE HERITAGE GARDENERS; ACCEPTING AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. MOTION: (Gonzalez) For approval and adoption on third reading of Ordinance No. 136. Second: Woods; Vote: Unanimous Ordinance No. 139 - First Readin AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1970 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1971 . MOTION: (Mager) To approve Ordinance No. 139 on first reading Second: Hamil ; Vote: Unanimous Ordinance No. 140 - Emer�ency Readin and First Readin�c AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE USE AND SUPPORT OF THE MUNIC'IPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ��A'�. ��.r7 -�'��"� �� `f� ��� ;°, � _.. ��/� MOTION: (Mager) Second: Gonzalez; Vote: FOR (4) Gonzalez, Mager, Hamil , jr�l, � i'°�=' Woods; AGAINST (1 ) Prude. Ordinance No. 141 - Emerqency Readinq and First Readin�c AN ORDINANCE MAKING CEATAIN FINDINGS; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING ODY K. JERDEN, CORPORATION COUNSEL TO REPRESENT THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD IN CAUSE NUMBER 108,368 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS, 56TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, ENTITLED FOWLER D. QARTON, ETC. VS. EDWARD STUART, THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, ET AL; FURTHER AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CORPORATION COUNSEL TO RETAIN THE SERVICES OF THE FIRM OF MILLS, SHIRLEY, McMICKEN AND ECKEL AS SPECIAL QOUNSEL IN SAID CASE, AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF SUCH FUNDS AS ARE NECESSARY TO DEFEND THE CITY AND THE MAYOR ANU COUNCIL, BOTH IN OFFICIAL AND INDIVIDUAL CAPACITIES; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. MOTION: Woods; Second: Prude; Vote: Unanimous WARRANTS ; �� .�� ��. J_ j� MOTION: (Mager) That Council approve for payment the following warrants : �� �- M&0 #235 through #237; Interest & Sinking #104; Construction � r' � �� #111 through #113; G&A #299 through #331 . Second: Woods; Vote: Unanimous ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: � ��� i �"?- � � --_..�. _.:�.�,�-:�.�,-� -'/ � ��,�. -�� Edward F. Stuart, Mayor � CLOSED PERSONNEL SESSION ���� � �x Bobbie Henry, Secretary to t Council 1L i.�C7 CLOSED PERSONNEL SESSION �� fj MOTION: (Woods) That James Glick be hired as a laborer for the Street ``' /�l ,4 Department at a beginning salary of $2.25 per hour Second: Hamil; Vote; Unanimous