HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1970-08-03 Regular {`. N � � :'� Q Revised before presentation. � G� ����.P-� o�i 7 ���� ��, �'1, �9! MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL August 3, 1970 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Counci� was ca7led to order by Mayor Edward Stuart at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, August 3, 1970. The following, constituting a quorum, were present: Mayor Edward F. Stuart Counci7men: Thomas F. Woods Ronald G. Hami7 George F. Prude James E. Mager Ralph Gonzalez READING & APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of a Regualr Meeting of July 20, approved as written. Minutes of a Special Meeting of July 27, approved as corrected: Under "Garbage Contract," second sentence should read, "Universal Waste Control Systems, Cole, and Gulf Coast submitted equal bids on correnerci al accounts. " ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR The Clear Creek Basin Authority Board of Directors will meet at the Webster City Hall on Wednesday9 August 5, at 7:30 p.m. Representatives from Friendswood are invited. PETITIONS Mr. Paul Cramer presented a petition opposing the replacement of Mr. William Patton as Municipal Court Judge. The petition was accepted by - , �, the Mayor,�`-�a-��t�kem..urrde�c��r�s-i d�t^�t�iW«wr�b�rµ�he���o�i�i� . %,�Py��� ;'�'!,, , UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mr. James E. Maxwell was administered the Oath of Office as a member of the Charter Commission by the Mayor. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Water Department: Start-up on the new sewer p7ant has been postponed DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES WITH BLOWER MOTORS, The supplier of these motors have advised that the solution will involve rewinding of the motors, and should be accomplished within two weeks. Health & Safety: Councilman Prude is proceeding with negotiations which will� enable Universal Waste Control to take over garbage service in i:he City on September 1 , BUDGET HEARING The City Budget for the fiscal year October 1 , 1970 through September 30, 1971 was presented for public hearing. Motions and decisions to come out of tt�e hearing were as follows: (Addenda} * MOTION: (h1ager) In consideration of requests from the .Riding Arena and the Baseball Association, that Park Utilities be set at $850 vs . the originally proposed $150, i .e. City Park light - i . � $150; Ba71 Park lights - $600; Riding Arena lights - $100. Second: (Prude); Vote: 3 for (Mager, Woods� Prude); 2 against (Gonzalez, Hamil ) MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (Mager) That $100 be budgeted to cover supplies for the Charter ¢' Commission, and that $100 of the present Budget Adjustment Account !" be made available for present needs of the Charter Commission. � OC�i _ � August 3, 1970 Secon : (Hamil ); Vote: Unanimous. **(See addenda� After much discussion on various items, formal action on the budget was deferred until a later date. NEW BUSINESS l . Request from the Women's League for use of addressing equipment ', for mailing Voter News7etters. MOTION; (Prude) That office equipment not be uti7ized for any purpose other than Ci.ty business. Second: Hami7 ; Vote: Unanimous 2. Request from Women's League for confirmation on use of Council Chamber for their schedule of monthly meetings for the coming year. After discussion concerning use of the Library meeting room for some of the meetings previously schedu7ed for City Hall , the follow- ing motion was made: MOTION: (Prude) That the lock on the Library meeting room be changed to permit admittance without invo7ving the library proper, and that the City Secretary schedule meetings for the meeting room in conjunction with scheduling meetings for City Hall . Second: Hamil; Vote 4 for (Hamil , Prude, Gonzalez, Mager); 1 against (Woods) 3. MOTION: (Mager) That the Assistant City Secretary be permitted to attend the Executive Development Seminar: Texas Municipal Clerks and Secretaries, in Denton August 6 and 7, with expenses to be paid � from budgeted "Travel Expense. " Second� Woods; Vote: Unanimous ORDINANCES Ordinance #136 - First Readinq AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 132; GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT TO THE QUEEN MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH; ACCEPTING AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. �,.��,� �> MOTION. (f�1ager) For passage on First Reading of Ordinance #]36 Second: Prude; Vote: Unanimous Ordinance #137 - First Readin AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 132; GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT TO THE ' HERITAGE GARDENERS; ACCEPTING AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. MOTION: (Woods}r For passage on First Reading of Ordinance #137 Second� Hamil; Vote: Unanimous Ordinance #138 - First and Final Readin AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS, APPOINTING THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR SAID TOWN FOR THE CURRENT YEAR AND SETTING THE TIME FOR THE MEETING OF SAID BOARD. MOTION: (Woods); Second: Gonzalez; Vote:, Unanimous WARRANTS � MOTION� (Mager) That Council approve for payment G&A Warrant #199; M&0 Warrant #157 ; Construction Warrants #107 through #109. Second: Gonzalez;, Vote: Unanimous CLOSED SESSION � G�i � � :='� � _ _ __ ._ - —.. _. �_ 6 iJ August 3, 1970 CLOSED SESSION MOTION: (Mager) That the City authorize hiring of Andy Hawkins as a Water & Sewer Department employee at $2.25 per hour, to replace Eladio Flores who resigned as of �uly 31 , Second: Woods; Vote: Unanimous /',; ' , MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the budget carry a figure of $2,050 to cover � salary for two crossing guards for the coming year at $125 each per � I month, half of this amount to be reimbursed by the School District. Second: Mager; Vote: Unanimous ADJOURNMENT MOTION: (Woods) That the meeting adjourn. Second: Prude; Vote: Unanimous Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 1 :30 a.m. y� '_ y L Z Bo bie C. Henry, Secretary to t e Council APPROVED: �/i` � � ���� � �.��z� � Mayor Edward F. Stuart ����� ADD_______ENDA_: �Before presentation to Counci7 for approva7 ) *Clarification: $850 was a compromise figure between no payment of light bills for the Arena and ball parks and allocation for the fu71 amount requested. Discussion evolved around whether or not the City is responsible for utilities for activities operated by citizen groups on City-owned park land. **On the subject of "Recreation Center," discussion was whether funds should be allocated, and subsequently tied up, for this item when no firm plans have been presented for a center, Opinions were (1 ) Leave budgeted amount as is; (2) Budget $10,000, with additional funds to be made available in case a plan is presented and accepted; (3) Budget $4,000 until such time as a firm plan is presented and accepted, at which time funds could be transferred back into this account, but in the meantime would not be "unavailable" for contingencies, MOTION: (Woods) To set the figure for the Recreation Center at $4,000, Second: Prude --� ,,�,: , Vote: FOR: Woods, Prude AGAINST: Mager, Gonzalez Councilman Hamil held out for $26,000 TO BREAK THE TIE: Mayor Stuart voted FOR The Motion Carried