HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1970-05-04 Regular � N �-�1 � C� Q �', __ -- - �.�f?. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 4, 1970 The Friendswood City Council held its regular meeting on April 4, 1970, at 7 :30 p.m. at the City Hall , with the following members present: Edward F, Stuart Mayor Ronald G. fiamil Councilman Thomas F. Woods Councilman George F. Prude Councilman James E. Mager Councilman With a quorum present, and none absent, the following business was transacted : READING AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 20, approved as written. ANNOUPJCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIQNS FROM THE MAYQR Councilman Woods has been appointed as Mayor Pro-Tem to replace Mayor Stuart who formerly held this position. Councilmgn will be responsible for the various areas as follows: Councilman Hamil Councilman Prude Councilman Woods Councilman Mager Streets, bridges, drainage Health and Safety Water and Sewer Finance (and Fire and Police until a fifth councilman is elected) Mr. K. Q, Jones has been designated to implement the Mobile Home Ordinance, with Ken Toon assisting him by way of plumbing inspections . PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1 . Mr. Jim Shore as Republican Party Precinct Chairman of Pre�inct #57, presented a letter requesting "that the Council establish a clear-cut and published policy regarding the use of city buildings and facilities for this type (elections) of functions . " � i 2. This item will be discussed at Workshop on May 11 . Jud e Bill Patton again requested assistance in the circulation of a petition regardinQ location of the proposed Houston-Alvin highway. The Secretary was directed to make a copy of the Petition for any one who would like to help in obtaining s�gnatures. (The Council took action on Apri1;� 20 to support the petition. ) 3. Marcia Thomas, ;����epwood, has written Council requesting that in the future wild flowers be left on the roadside in that area until the bloom- ing season is over. OLD BUSINESS 1 . Letter a reement between Galveston Count Commissioners Court and the City of Friendswood whereby the City accepts 1 ,800.00 from the County and in return agrees that it will furnish fire protection to the citizens • of Galveston County residing outside of the corporate limits of this City, during the year 1970. MOTION: (Mager) To acce�t the agreement. Second: (Hamil ; Vote: Unanimous 2. Summer Recreation Pro ram - A letter from John Ward, Superintendent, Friendswood School District, requests that Council allocate $2,000 for salaries, with the school �roviding facilities, equipment, and a part of Coach .Henry Winston 's salary, toward provicling a two-months summer recreation program, beginning in June, MOTION: (Woods) That the City enter into this recreation program, with the $2,000 to be paid our of the Recreation Building fund. Second: Hamil ; Vote: Unanimous ���� � 3 �i � ��� 3, Baseball Proqram: Mr. Tom Jones of the Friendswood Baseball Association has written to Council stating the position and aims of the Association, together with a proposPd "Policy Governing the Friendswood City Ball Diamonds" and a list of Baseball Board n�p�minees. MOTION: (Mager) That the "Policy" as revised , be approved and adopted. Second: Hamil ; Vote: 3 for (Mager, Hamil , was absent from the room and did not vote. by the Council this eveni.ng Prude) ; Councilman Woods None against. MOTION: (Hamil ) That Council appoint the Baseball Association nominees to serve as the Baseball Board: Lloyd Kirk�atrick, Gloria Taylor, Kathleen Brown, Tom Jones, Tom Grimsrud . George McLaren, Cit,y Parks and Recreation Director will also be a member. Second: Mager; Vote 3 for (Hamil , Mager, Prude) ; none against. Councilman Woods was absent from the room and did not vote. 4. An Ordinance coverinq use of park land is to be discussed at Workshop. 5, Horse Arena: Seven names have been presented as nominees from the Horse Arena grou� for selection by the Council of a five-member Board. MOTION: (Mager) That Council appoint Hank Standifer, Sue Standifer, Ricky Allen, Gerald Wood, and Betty White, together with City Parks and Recreation Director George P�cLaren, to the Riding Arena Board . Second: Prude; Vote: Unanimous 6, Street Proqram for 1970: The proposed proqram for street improvements during 1970 was discussed, and decision made to drop Pecan and Spreading Oaks from the program at this time. MOTION: (Hamil } That Council approve the proposed street program for 1970 as nresented toniqht with the exception of 1250 feet on Pecan and 1250 feet on Spreading Oaks. Second: Prude; Vote: Unanimous A co�y of the program as approved will be sent to Commissioner Lawrence. 7 . Clear Creek Basin Authority - Mr. Ken Toon attended a meeting of the grou}� in Webster this evening and made a report to Council . He was requested to secure cost figures on tertiary treatment beinq used in E1 Lago and the chemical method being used at Nassau Bay, for discussion at Workshop. 8. Re uests to Plannin Commission for chan es or studies in connection witft the Zoninq Ordinance: A number of areas for consi eration wit regar to zoning will be formally presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission by the Council for their consideration. This sub,ject will be considered more fully at Workshop. 9. Charter Election: Ordinance No. 135 -E AN ORDINANCE CALLING SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD TEXAS. SUBPIITT.ING THF QUESTION TQ THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY: "SHALL , A COMMISSION BE CHQSEN TO FRAME A NFW CHARTER" CALLING FOR ELECTION OF A CHARTER COMMISSION; APPOINTING ELFCTION OFFICIALS; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO SAID ELECTION; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. P�OTION: (Woods) Tc final reading. Second: Hamil ; approve and adopt Ordinance No. 135-E on first and Vote: Unanimous The Secretary was instructed to get as much publicity for the election as possible in order to create interest in filing for the commission and the election. The Mayor stated that he would send out a letter to residents of Friendswood informing them of this forthcoming election and its meaning to the citizens . � GV � � :'='a Q DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1 . Water and Sewer: Councilman Woods reported that a proposed change order had been received from,�+lalsh Engineering in connection with the new sewer plant, but since City employees disagree with the change order, it will be returned to Walsh for re-consideration. 2. Fire & Police: Councilman Mager reported that the two auxiliary policemen who recently resigned from the force have been contacted and have assured him that personal business demands that they resign. He stated that there are several new pros�ects for the Auxiliary Police Force. Councilman Mager stated that, due to the shortage of auxiliary policemen, and to assure that a qualified officer would be on duty at all times, Chief Wright and Patrolman Still will start a 12 hour shift program in the very near future. 3. Nealth & Safety: Councilman Prude reported that he had received several calls reqarding high prPSSUre lines within the City. This item will be discussed at Workshop. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Caretaker �iol ��cy for City Park. This item was set aside for discussion at the next Workshop. 2. Councilman Woods raised the question of whether or not utility lines shouid be put underground on Friendswood Drive, in light of the up-coming paving program made possible through the County Bond Election. Research will be done on this subject by the office personnel and the City Attorney. ORDINANCES Ordinance No. 134 - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING NEW WATER RATES IN THE CITY OF RIENDSWOOD, TEXAS. - Third and Final Reading �- � MOTION: No. 134. Second: WARRANTS (Woods) That Council pass, approve, and finally adopt Ordinance Councilman Mager; Vote: Unanimous MOTION: (Mager) To approve G&A Warrants 3944, 3945, 3966, 3967, 4078 and � 4085; and Construction Warrants 5126 through 5131 . Second: Woods; Vote: Unanimous CLOSED SESSION Several personnel questions were discussed but no action taken. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Prude; Second Mager; The meeting adjourned at 12:00 Midnight. APPROVED: �� ' � c � ./, � � -�- ,s�,�'%y.- -� �� ��---�_-,�..-... Edward F. Stuart, Mayor Respectfully submitted, l -!� � �L Bobbie Henry, Secretary ���� .