HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1970-04-06 Regular �V � � �A � � - - ---- -. ---- _ C"- �.e���>_ MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL April 6, 1970 The Friendswoad City Council held a Regular Meeting at the Friendswood City Hall on Monday, April 6, at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Ralph W. Somers Mayor Edward F. Stuart Councilman Thomas F. Woods Councilman Ronald G. Hamil Councilman George F. Prude Councilman James E. Mager Councilman With none absent, and a quorum present, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 16 approved as corrected: (Page 3 "With regard to Ordinance No. 69" the second motion should read : MOTION: Councilman Mager made a motion to table the above motion. Second: Councilman Woods; Vote: 3 for (Mager, Stuart, Woods) 2 against (Hamil , Prude) NOTE: No action then taken on original motion. ZONING ORDINANCE - Third and Final Readinq After reading of Ordinance No. 132, Councilman Mager moved to adopt the ordinance on third and final reading. Second by Councilman Hamil . Statement by Ma�ror Somers (Entered into the records at the Mayor's request) I still would like to see us table the ordinance and work on it, and correct it now rather than passing it. My main objection again is that I think the premitted uses are not properly defined and not applicable to Friendswood--are not what we want in Friendswood necessarily. It is somewhat restrictive. The imposition on the small businessman has not been taken care of. The property was zoned somewhat arbitrarily, forgetting boundary lines . I still thi.nk the ordinance was passed improperly by amending it prior to first reading. I want to be sure this is made a part of the minutes. Councilman Stuart, after giving his feelings regarding the ordinance, moved to table the ordinance. The motion died for lack of a second. VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: 4 for (Mager, Prude, Hamil , Woods) 1 against (Stuart) Statement by Ralph Lowe (Entered into the records at Mr. Lowe's request) I would like to go on record as a past mayor, as a present mayor, and a future mayor, the three men are united in one statement, they recommend to their Council that they enlarge their committee, work a little longer on the crucial points on the zoning ordinance. I for one do not believe that you are in any danger of any changes in violation of the ordinance now. I think you can read the law books and it will be clear to anyone to this effect, and I would just like to go on record as supporting the future mayor and the present mayor in asking the Council to enlarge the committee to study this further. PFTITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS Mrs. Phil Malone,�: Requested that County funds, when received, be spent entire7y on tFi-e library rather than going in to the General Fund. No action was taken on her request. Mrs . Leah North: Requested that lumber from the Old Choate Road bridge be removed. No action was taken on her request. Bruce Branham, President, Chamber of Commerce, requested that Council consider supporting an industrial survey, sponsor�d by the Chamber, the total cost to be $3500. �)� MpTION: (Prude) That Council underwrite the industrial survey by Dr. James Bradley of Texas A&M, up to $3500, with $2000 being utilized from the Planning Commission budQet, the remaining amount to come from Budget Adjustment. Second: Councilman Mager; Vote: Unanimous . OLD BUSINESS City Auditor: Mrs. Cantor made a brief statement regarding the condition of the City' s finances after audit of the books for 1969. Canvassinq Results of Election of April 4, 1970 1 . City Election: An order declaring results of City election, setting forth the following poll count, was read: FOR MAYOR: Edward F. Stuart Write-in Ralph Lowe Leah North Quentin Edwards Benny Wooley FOR COUNCILMAN MOTION 467 votes 17 2 1 2 Ledrieu L. Linson 255 Samuel H. Hill , Jr. 209 Ronald G. Hamil 306 James E. Mager 378 Councilman Woods made a motion that the results be officially accepted; Councilman Prude seconded; the vote carried unanimously. 2. Special Election: Option on City Sales Ta�c� (1%} - Resolution No. 4-70 An Order Declaring Results of a Special Election on the proposition of a City Sales Tax gave the po71 count as follows: FOR THE PROPOSITION: 301 votes AGAINST THE PROPOSITION: 136 votes MAJORITY FOR AUOPTION OF A 1% CITY SALES TAX 165 votes MOTION: Councilman Hamil moved to adopt the resolution declaring results of the election; Second: Councilman Mager; Vote: Unanimous Resolution: No. 3-70 - Minute Order of Texas State Highway Department RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS ADOPTING AND AGREEING TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE MINUTE ORDER N0. 63319 OF THE TEXAS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT PASSED JANUARY 30, 1970; MAKING FINDINGS AND DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY T� PREPARE TWO CERTIFIED COPIES FOR TEXAS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. , MOTION: (Mager} For adoption of Resolution No. 3-70; Second: (Stuart) Vote: Unanimous Mr. Felton M. Baker: Garage building encroachment on City easement. The Mayor has written to Mr. Baker givina consent to such encroachment, holding the City harmless in case of damage. The Council was requested to _ confirm the Mayor's letter. MOTION: Councilman F�ami7 ; Second; Councilman Prude; Vote: Unanimous Appointment of City Health Officer• MOTION: (Mager) That Dr. J.J. Symon be appointed to another two-year term as City Health Officer; Second(Woods) ; Vote: �: ' unanimous. � C�? � � :'�'a Q PERSONNEL Motion was made by Councilman Woods , seconded by Councilman Hamil , that Ramiro Rubio be employed to work for the ulater and Sewer Department, at a starting salary of $2.25 per hour. The vote was unanimous . DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Streets:Councilman Hamil reported that the 1970 road program will include approximately 2 miles of new surfacing and 3 miles of retopping. This program is to be presented at the next regular council meeting. The Horse Arena group have asked permission to use the City maintainer for leveling the area of the arena. MOTION: (Hamil ) That the group be allowed to use the machinery, provided it is driven by Myron Werden or a City employee. Second: (Woods) ; Vote: Unanimous Fire & Police: Councilman Mager is making an investigation of gran� funds which may be avai7able to aid in expanded facilities for the fire and police departments. RESIGNATION Councilman Stuart, Mayor elect, read a prepared resignation from his position as Councilman, to become effective at 12:25 a.m. on Anril 7, 1970, the time of reading. �!o action was taken to accept the resignation. ORDINANCES Ordinance No. 133 - Speed Zone O�dinance - 2nd Permanent Readinq MOTION: Councilman Woods moved to pass Ordinance No.1�3 on second reading; Second: Councilman Prude; Vote: Unanimous Ordinance No. 134 - Water Rates - lst�ermanent readin WARRANTS MOTION: Councilman Woods moved to adopt Ordinance No. 134 on lst permanent reading; Second: Councilman Mager: Vote: Unanimous � ��� Councilman Woods moved to ap�rove payment of Construction Warrants 5065 through 5070; Second: Councilman Mager; Vote: Unanimous � ADJOURNMENT Motion made and seconded to adjourn. APPROVED: �� . � f � � ,, .,����-.� ,��..�f � , � � �,�j1�� Ral�h W. S, mers, Mayor The meeting adjourned at 12:55 a.m. Respectfully submitted, �p i� aobbie C. Henry