HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1970-03-02 Regular -i`����i
March 2, 1970
A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was called to order at 7:50
p.m. March 2, 1970, with the following members present:
Ralph W. Somers Mayor
Edward Stuart Councilman
Thomas Woods Councilman
Ronald Hamil Councilman
George Prude Councilman
James Mager Councilman
With a quorum present, and none absent, the following business was transacted:
The Mayor stated that he would depart from the regular agenda to hear petitions
+e" and requests regarding the proposed zoning ordinance, with a limit of one
� hour allocated to these hearings . When all requests were heard9 the Mayor
� declared a ten minute recess, after which the meeting was reconvened for delibera-
� tions on the hearings, and business proceeded as follows:
Councilman Hamil stated that he would suggest that Council consider a number
of changes to the ordinance which he was requestingsand that the ordinance be
read again as First Reading. His suggested changes were read and action taken
on each item separately.
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MOTION: (Hamil ) Page 24, Sec. C--1 - Item 4 - Change "Permitted Uses and
Parking Requirements" to read "Some Examples of Permitted Uses and Respec-
tive Parking Requirements are:"
Second: (Stuart);Vote: 2 for (Hamil , Stuart) 3 against (Woods, Mager, Prude)
MOTION: (Hamil ) Page 23 - C-1 (BUSINESS) DISTRICT - Purpose - Change "This
district consists mainly of land occupied by or suitable for neighborhood
shopping facilities for the retailing of "convenience goods" and the
furnishing of certain personal services to satisfy most of the dai]y needs
of the adjacent residential neighborhood. The district also provides space
and facilities for financial , administrative, government and business
services within the Central �Business District. " to read "This district
consists mainly of land occupied by or suitable for shopping facilities for
the sale of goods and the furnishing of certain personal services. The
� district also provides space and facilities for financial administrative,
�government and business services within the Central Business District. "
'° Secondw (Stuart),
Amendment to the above Motion:
MOTION: (Mager) "That this paragraph stand as originally written with the
exception of the single word ' retailing' which would be changed to 'sales. '
Second: (Woods); Vote: 3 for (Mager, Woods, Prude); 2 against (Stuart, Hamil )
Vote on Oriqinal Motion as Amended- Unanimous
MOTION: (Hamil ) Page 24 - C-1 - Permitted Uses - "Allow 'Assembly of Small Equip-
ment' to come into the City."
Second; (Woods)
Amendment to the above Motion
MOTION: (Mager) 'fhat the addition read "Assembly of Small Electronic Equipment"
Second= Woods; 4 for (Mager, Woods, Hamil , Prude); 1 against (Stuart)
Vote on Ori inal Motion as Amended: 4 for (P�ager, Woods, Hamil , Prude);
1 against Stuart ,
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•�� March 2, 1970
� MOTION: (Hamil ) Page 24 - C-1 - Permitted Uses - "Include ' Electrical Contractors "'
Second: Woods; Vote: Unanimous
MOTION� (Hamil ) Page 25 - C-1 - Permitted Uses - "Include 'Manufacture of Small
Second: Mager; Vote: 2 for (Stuart, Hamil ); 3 against (Mager, Woodsa Prude)
, MOTION: (Hamil ) Page 25 - C-1 - Permitted Uses - Now reads "Hardware store and
small tool rentaly but not including sales of lumber or industrial hardware. "
Change to read "Hardware store and small tool renta7 ."
Second: Woods; Vote; 4 for (Hamil � Magerr Woods , Stuart); 1 against (Prude)
� �' ��IOTION: (Hamil ) Page 25 - C-1 - Permitted Uses - Add "Warehouse Sales Office,"
Second: Stuart; Vote: 3 for (Hamil , Mager, Stuart); 2 against (Prude, Woods)
MOTION: (Hamil ) Page 24 - C-1 - Permitted Uses - Now reads "Food or Grocery Store
retail" Change to read "Food or Grocery Store"and "Bakery" and "Bakery Retail "
Second: Mager; Vote:; 3 for (Mager, Stuart, Hamil ); 2' against (Prude, Woods)
MOTION: (Hamil ) Page 28 - M-1-5 - Add "Excessive noises shall not be- permitted in
any area. "
Second: Mager; Vote: Unanimous
MOTION: (Hamil ) Page 26 - M-1 - Permitted Uses - Strike "Batching or mixing plant,
Portland cement, concrete, mortar or plaster, commercial , "
Second: Prude
Amendment to Above Motion
MOTION: (Mager) Amend to read "Batching or mixing plant, with exception of
Portland cement, concrete� mortar, asphalt, or plaster. "
Second: Woods; Vote: 4 for (Mager, Woods„ Prude, Hamil ); 1 against (Stuart)
(five minute recess)
MOTION: (Prude) Page 27 - M-1 - Permitted Uses - Delete the fol1owing listings:
Junk handling or storageb enclosed by an opaque wall or fence 8 feet in
�, . height, including automobile wrecking� salvaging, and assembly of iron,
rags,, :a,nd similar mat.e��;als�: , . ..
Ju�Ce'p hemp, si sal �or oakum prbdacts.
Second; (Hamil ); Vote: Unanimous
MOTION: (Prude) Page 27 - M-1 - Permitted Uses - De1ete: "Tires, recapping or
vulcanizing shop"
Second: (Hamil ); Vote: 4 for (Prude, Hamil , Mager, Woods); 1 against (Stuart)
MOTION: (Hamil ) "That Council accept and adopt the changes as stated in the petition
, presented by Mr. A. M. McCrory and signed by 156 citizensb which reads as
follows: "We, the undersigned, do hereby respectfully petition the members
of the Friendswood City Council to amend the proposed zoning ordinance,
and in particular� the zoning map in the following manner: The area along
the South side of FM 2351 from Pecan Drive to Mary's Creek to be zoned for
multi-family dwellings and from Mary`s Creek to the Imperial Estates boundary
to be zoned as a residential area. In other words, we request that the
zoning map, with regard to the area mentioned above, be changed back to
conform to the map as it stood on February 14, 1970. "
Second: Prude; Uote: Unanimous
The following petition, carrying 25 names was then considered: "We, the undersigned
citizens of Friendswoodr protest the proposed section of the Friendswood
City Zoning Ordinance rezoning the Bost property to light industry on the
following basis: (1 ) The proposed area is immediate1y adjacent to residential
areas which will be subject to excessive noise and possible pollutants .
This would be d-trimental to property values in the affected areas. (2)
The proposed rezoning goes against the general policy of having a buffer
zone, which presently exists, between light industry and residential areas .
(3) The protested amendment to the zoning ordinance was added and passed
"first reading" by the Council without due notification to the affected
citizens. This prevented these citizens from evaluating the impact of their
homes and families and expressing organized opposition before the Council .
(4) The rezoning serves the interest of an individual and not the will
of the majority of citizens in the affected area, "
March 2, 1970 �_`f �
MOTION: (Woods) "That Council return to the original map and bring in the
Fig Plant and the Red Bost property as 'non-conforming"'
Second: Mager
Amendment to above Motion
MOTION: (Hamil ) "That the above motion be voted on in two partsp i ,e. �
Red Bost Property and Fig Plant. "
Second: Stuart; Vote: 4 for (Hamil , Mager, Stuart,, Prude); 1 against (Woods)
MOTION AS AMENDED� (Part 1 ) (Hamil ) "That Council return to the original
map and bring in the Red Bost property as Commercial in a Non-Conforming
use,, with the portion on Heritage and Laurel formerly zoned as R-2 now
to be zoned as Commercial . "
Second� Woods; Vote: Unanimous.
MOTION AS AMENDED� (Part 2) (Hamil ) "That the Fig Plant be zoned Commercial
and come in as non-conforming
Second: Woods; Vote: 5 against
Re uest made b Attorne James R. Hunt on behalf of James C. Leavesle �
� ' . amen or�gina or inance to inc u e t e acres of an e onging
�� to Mr. Leavesley which is situate�i�30 feet west of the Hut Mobile Trailer
Park property. . , if this accomplished, it will make the commercial
�-� zone designat�b.n �ur��rform t�n��bot�a=,sides of FM 2351 in that the commercial
� zone designated across the 5`treet extends to this point. To achieve
this uniformity, we strenuously and urgently request the Council to
give every consideration to this proposed amendment: "
School Board Member George Roy voiced a protest to this petition due to
its closeness to the schools and the possibility of added traffic.
MOTION: (Prude) "That we overrule this request on the basis of (�Ir. Roy's
protest regarding nearness to school , "
Second� Woods
Amendment to above Motion
MOTION: ( Stuart) "That the McMurrough property (660' between Leavesley
and the mobile home park„ the front 200' be commercial „ the balance R-2)
be excepted as a pa�rt of this motion. "
Second:, Woods; Vote: 2 for (Woods�, Stuart); 3 against (Hamil „ Magerx
Vote on Original Motion� 4 for (Hamil , Prude„ Mager, Woods)� 1 Against
Christy property - Lot 21 (5 acres) - Request that it be zoned Commercial
MOTION� (Stuart) That the Christy property be zoned Commer.cial
Second: HamilA Vote: 1 for (Stuart); 4 against (Woods , Hamil � Mager,, Prude)
Patton Property - One fourth block on the NE corner of the block bounded
by Magnolia,, Friendswood Drive, Morningside and Willowick.
MOTION� (Hamil ) That the Patton property be zoned C-1
Second:; Prude;, Vote:; 3 for (Hami1 ,. Woods, Prude); 2 against (Mager„ Stuart)
Truitt New - (Now zoned R-2) Request that it be zoned Commercial
MOTION� (Hamil ) That if the ordinance is passed„ that this block (including
New property) be given to the Planning Commission for consideration
of re-zoning. ,
Second:: Woods -
Amendment to above Motion
MOTION� (Mager) And that the Pl�anning and Zoning Commission be .directed
' to come up with a provision for special exeeption covering those home
businesses that need to be covered in Friendswood as far as their
not being limited to present operation and not being able to expand.
Second: Hamil ;, Vote� 4 for (Hamil ,, Woodsfi Mager, Prude); Stuart abstains
Vote on Original Motion as Amended:: 4 for (Hamil , Woods , MagerY Prude)„
Stuart abstains.
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� March 2„ 1970
` Leah North requests� That the commercial area added to Choate Road last
meeting be removed.
MOTION� (Woods) Move to deny Mrs. North' s request.
Second: Pruder Vote: 3 for (Woodsa Prude, Hamil ); 1 against (Mager)�
Stuart abstains.
Glines�property - Request that proper.ty �on 518 to Morningside be zoned commercial
MOTION: (Mager) That the request be denied.
Second:: Prude; Vote� 4 for (Woods , Prude,, Hamil ,. Mager); Stuart abstains
STATEMENT BY MAYOR SOMERS . �for the record by request of the Mayor)
I agree with Ron that our zoning of "permitted use�s" are restrictive and
impractical from the standpaint that we have taken a �"boiler plate" type
listing. I believe that the intent of this ordinance and the Planning Commission
and the Council and a number of citizens is to proteet this' city as far as the
neighborhoods are concerned against what we wou�d deem und�sir�able business
and would be detrimental to the neighborhood� at the same �ime considering
the need for reasonable business development for the area: I believe you
would like to have a71 the community services that you can' get at a minimum
tax rate. The purpose of thf,s ordinance is to protect the city- with the least
amount of harm to the least number of individuals. If this ordinance is not
passed„ Mr. Glines„ for instance could put in his trailer park in thi's city
anywhere he wants it=--he and 95 other people. This ordinance is very badly
needed but the permitted uses should be corrected. We need to keep in mind
that we are working for the city as a whole and not for any individual . I
suggest that we act on Ron' s proposals. Don' t let this Council sit up here and
say that we can name a list of uses that we have not even gone through and
analyzed one by one. This would be remiss and we would be derelict in our
duties and we would not be fulfilling our responsibility to the people to do
Legal Opinion - City Attorney Ody Jerden- TMat in view of the fact that changes
made last week have actually been incorporated into the ordinancey and inasmuch
as the changes recommended tonight �have been recorded as a part of the minutes
of the Council Meeting„ the ordinance can, within the scope of the alw,, be
read tonight as another first reading based on Ordinance #69.
MOTION: (Hamil ) That Council pass the zoning ordinance on first reading.
Second: Prude;, Vote: 4 for (Mager� Hamil � Woods, Prude);, 1 against (Stuart)
ORDINANCE N0. 133-E - Sales Tax Proposition
MOTION� (Woods) That we include the proposition of a 1% City Sales Tax in the
April 4 Election.
Second: Stuart
Amendment to above Motion
, MOTION� (Hamil ) That we amend the ordinance as written to include the
allocation of funds on a five year basis 50-50 between street improvements
and a recreation center.
Second: Prude; Vote: 2 for (Hamil , Prude); 3 against (�Mager; Woods, Stuart)
Vote on Original Motion: 2 for (Mager, Stuart); 3 against (Hamilp Woods, Prude)
ATTORNEY ' S OPINION� The Council can suspend the provisions of the Procedure
Ordinance No. 97,, Rule 11 � for a period of 15 minutes in order that they may
reconsider the sales tax proposition.
MOTION: (Hamil ) That we suspend the provisions of Ordinance No. 97 for 15
minutes for reconsideration of the sales tax proposition.
Second: Woods;; Vote:; Unanimous
MOTION: (Prude) That we amend Ordinance No. 133-E as written to include the
allocation of funds on a five year basis 50-50 between street improvements
and a recreation center.
Second: Hamila Vote:� 3 for (Hamil , Prude, Mager)� 2 against (Woods� Stuart)
MOTION: (Hamil ) That we adopt Ordinance No. 133-E as amended
Second:� Prude; Vote: 4 for (Hamil , Prude,, Mager, Stuart)T 1 against (Woods)
March 2, 1970
RESOLUTION N0. 1-70 (Increase of Bond Interest Rates for WCID #108)
MOTION: (Mager) That Council approve and adopt Resolution 1-70.
Second� Prude; Vote: Unanimous
STATEMENT BY MAYOR SOMERS� (entered in the records at the Mayor' s �request)
I would like to add one thing to my statement. I want it understood that
I hold no animosity toward the Council in this respect (re the zoning
ordinance) . . I know that the Counci7 is doing what it thinks is correct.
It is just a :matter of difference in opinion. We have disagreed on a lot
of things. I am sure we will disagree again, but I think we started
out with something pretty good, and had a chance of making it real good,
And we went backwards in my opinion. We didn ' t make it goo�--we made it
not as good as it could have been, perhaps not even as good as it was
when we came in this evening. This is a matter of .opinion and .I still
think that we should have zoning in this City and I� strongly favor zoning
and the sooner we get it the better I will like it. And I am real
disappointed �that this ordinance turned out this way as far as I am
personally concerned. I want this understood that I am not angry with
the Council in any way.
MOTION: (Stuart) Move to appro:ve Cofistru.ction Warr.ants 4989 through 4994. `
Second: Mager; Vote: Unanimous.
The meeting was recessed until 7:30 P.M. Tuesday evening, March 3, 1970.
The meeting reconvened on Tuesday evening, March 3, at 7:30 p.m. with the
:following, constituting� a quorum; present.� :
Ra1ph Somers Mayor
� George Prude � Councilman
James Mager Councilman
Ronald Hami1, Councilman
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Febnuar.y 16, 1970 appnoved �as written.
1 . Hearing to be held on March 24 regarding permits by the TWQB for
Cosmodyne, Phoenix, Intercoastal Chemical , and Archem.
2. Show Cause Hearing by TWQB to be held on March 23, with regard to
Water Permit Holders in Clear Creek Basin, including Friendswood,
3. Resignation of Thomas J. Grimsrud as Parks and Recreation Director.
Mr. L. B, Tait appeared before Council on behalf of Mr. Floyd Weber asking
final approval of a mobile home park on FM 2351 .
City Attorney Jerden stated: I would like to talk to Mr. Tate' s attorney.
If we deny permission (to build this park) it would have to be on the basis
of the zoning ordinance. I request that Council defer action on the request
until I �have had such a mee�.�ng with Mr. Tate' s :attorney.
MOTION: (I�lager) That Council• accept the recommendation of the attorney.
Second: . Prude; Votet Unanimous.
Request by Councilman Hamil to make Statement and Motion as follows: