HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1970-02-16 Regular �V �V � A� �a � �e) �� MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL February 16, 1970 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held in City Hall February 16, 1970. The meeting was called to order at 9:45 P.M. due to a public hearing on zoning, which was held just prior to the meeting. Members of the Council present were: Ralph W. Somers Edward Stuart Ronald Hamil George Prude James Mager Thomas Woods Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman With a quorum present, the following business was transacted: READING AND_ APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 2, approved as corrected: DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS, Streets: Change "Winding Way" to read "South Clear Creek Drive." ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . TWQB will hold a hearing on Cosmodyne's permit application February 20 in Austin. The Mayor read a letter which he p7ans to present at the hearing. 2. Houston-Galveston Area Council wi71 meet at 9:30 A.M. February 17. 3. Organizational meeting of Clear Creek Basin Authority to be held February 26, at 7 P.M, at 900 Bay Area Qoulevard. ZOINING ORDINANCE Regular order of the Agenda was dispensed with at this point in order that the Council could take under consideration petitions and requests heard at the public hearing on zoning held prior to the Council Meeting, and to make such changes as they felt advis- able to the Zoning Ordinance and Map. The Mayor's recommeridations , which were handed to Council and the Planning Commission before the public hearing, were reviewed. After discussion of each item, the fol�owing changes to the Zoning Ordinance and Map were agreed to be the Council : CHANGES TO WRITTEN ORDINANCE: Page 7, Section Five, No. 5: All territory which may hereafter be annexed to the City of Friendswood after the effective d�te of this Ordinance shall , immediately upon such annexation, be automatically classified as an R-1 District unti7 a zoning plan for such area has been adopted by the City Council . The Planning and Zoning Commission shall recommend to the City Council appropriate zoning for the annexed area within three months after the effective date of such annexation. Page 11 , Section Eight, No. 8: Parking and Storage of Certain Vehicles - Automotive vehicles of any kind or type not in regular use or in driving condition or without current license plates shall not be parked or stored on any property other than in completely enclosed buildings . Page 23, R-3, Purpose No. l : Minimum requirements for lot area, width and set-back shall be governed by provisions of Friendswood Ordinance No. lC9 (Mobile Home Ordin- ance) as it now exists or is hereaf ter amended. CHANGES TO THE ZONING MAP: 1 . Area on FM 2351 to be ruled C-1 as follows : (a) Extend West from FM 518 on North side of FM 2351 to the boundary line of property owned by the School District with a set-back of 200' from the ROW of 2351 ; (b) Extend west from FM 518 on south side of FM 2351 to the property occupied by the Mobi7e Home with a set-back of 200' . Property immediately west of the Trailer Park and continues thereto and abutting on FM 2351 should be commercial (C-1 ) ; (c) Extending east from FM518 on the south side of FM 2351 to the pro erty line of Imperial Estates No. 2 Subdivision with a set-back of 200' ; (d� Extending east from FM 518 and on the north side of FM 2351 to the ROW of Melody Lane. __ __. _ _ _ ��� _ t3�� 2. To be zoned as "Light Industry" - C.C. Qost qronerty beginning �00 ' west of intersection of FM 518 and Heritage, a strip 130' on Heritage and 200 ' deep; and the next 260' on Heritage to the intersection of Laurel to a depth of 406.2' . 3. Correction of "Commercial " p�roperty on FM 518 in Annalea: Between Annalea Sub- division line and Stratmore, southwest to the fence of Kingspark Subdivision, original intent of ordinance zoned this area commercial , but drawing did not include this parcel . MOTION: In the course of the discussion, Councilman Stuart made the motion "That Council submit the Zoning Ordinance to the voters on April 4." The motion died for lack of a second. Zoning Ordinance No. 132 - First Readinq AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR AND ADOPTING COMPREHENSIVE RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING; PROVIDING FOR QUILDING PERMITS AND FEES AND CHARGES THEREFOR; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS THEREOF IN CpNFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF IN AN AMOUNT OF NOT LESS THAN ONE DOLLlIR AND NOT MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED OOLLARS; MAKING EACH DAY SUCH VIOLATION CONTINUES A SEPARATE OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING FOR INJUNCTION REMEDIES. MOTION: Motion made by Councilman Woods "7o pass Ordinance No. 132 on First Readinq." Second by Councilman Hami1 ; Vote: Four YES (Councilmen Woods , Hamil , Prude, and Mager; One NO (Councilman Stuart) . For the record, Mayor Somers stated that he felt the Council had acted wisely by �voting for this ordinance. WARRANTS MOTION: Councilman Stuart made a motion that the following warrants be approved for payment: G&A Warrants 3773; 3785 through 3806; 3808 through 3835; M&0 Warrants 4943 through 4964. Second by Councilman. Woods; motion carried unanimously. At 12:45 �.M, the Council Meeting was recessed until the following evening, Tuesday, February 17, at 7:30 P.M. The Friendswood City Council reconvened at 7:30 P.M. on February 17, in the Council Chamber. Present were: Ralph W. Somers, Mayor Thomas Woods , Councilman Ronald Hamil , Councilman James Mager, Counci7man George Prude, Councilman With a quorum present, and Councilman Edward Stuart absent, the following business was transacted: OLD BUSINESS 1 . Proposal on work to be done at City Water Wells 1 , 2 and 3, as submitted by Layne Texas Company, was discussed. MOTION: Councilman Hamil made a motion "That we go out for bids on water we71 work, bids to be in by close of business on Friday, March 6, to be acted on at the Regular Counci7 Meeting of March 16." Motion was seconded by Councilman Mager, and carried unanimously. 2. Water Usage Committee Report ' ' MOTIOPI: Councilman Woods made a motion "That the Water Usage Committee rate recom- mendations be given to the City Attorney for incorporating the rate structure into a revision to Ordinance 98. " Motion aeconded b,y Counci7man Mager, and carried unanimously. C�t � � Q - _-_ _ ���)°d. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1 . Street Department: Councilman Hamil reviewed a proposed policy whereby drain tile would be installed along streetJlot lines , upon request from citizens , with 50% of the cost of tile being paid by the property owner, and 50% of the cost of tile plus 100% of the cost of labor and fill material being furnished by the City. The time factor would be determined by available time of Street Department employees and equipment, and priority of jobs would be determined by the prevailing condition of drainage in the area as determined by the City. Specific exceptions would be requests for development on FM 518 because of the proposed highway to be build by the State. MOTION: Councilman Hamil moved "That the Council adopt the policy regarding laying of drainage tile." The motion was seconded by Councilman Woods and carried unanimously. 2. Fire & Police: Councilman Mager presented bids received on the new police car: Pearson Chevrolet $2898.03 without trade-in (No bid with trade-in) Ken Goss & Madison Wright 2768.60 without trade-in Chr sler-Pl mouth 265ft,60 with trade-in Ralp Wi iams Chrysler 2 6.55 without trade-in 2619.05 with trade-in Bud Brown Ford . �� • - 2g51 ,�0..w.ithout trade-in — 275T:OO with trade-in MOTION: Councilman Mager moved that the low bid from Ken Goss & Madison Wright Chrysler-Plymouth for $2768.60 be accepted, without a trade-in, and that $168.60 be transferred from G&A Budget Adjustment to cover amount above the budget for this item." Motion seconded by Councilman Hamil , and carried unanimous7y. NEW BUSINESS 1970 Election - Mayor Somers recommended that the proposition of a City sales tax be placed on the ballot with the e7ection of City Officials on April 4. He stated that the sales tax will bring the City between $10,A00 and $20,000 per year. MOTION: Councilman Hamil made a motion "That the proposition of a City Sales Tax be placed on the April 4 ballot, with income from the tax to be allocated for the first five years, on a 50/50 basis between street improvements and a recreation center. " Motion was seconded by Councilman Maqer and carried unanimously. A question of also including the pronosition regardinq a City Charter was discussed, but decision was made not to place this issue on the ballot at this time. O�DINANCES Ordinance No. 131 - Trash Burninq Ordinance - Third and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE QURNING OF BONFIRES AND OUTDOOR RUBBISFi FIRES; REQUIRING ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR CERTAIN TYPES OF BURNING; PROHIBITING BURNING MATERIALS THAT SMOKE EXCESSIIlELY OR SMOLDER OR GIVE OFF NOXIOUS ODORS; AUTHORIZING FIRE MARSHAL TO PROHIBIT BONFIRES AND OUTDOOR RUBBISH FIRES UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; PROVIDING A PENALTY. MOTI�N: Councilman Mager made a motion "That Ordinance No. 131 be approved and adopted on third and final reading. " Motion seconded by Councilman Prude, and carried unanimousl,y. ADJOURNMENT Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: /��� �, .� 4' � t-', Ralph W. So ers, Mayor Respectfully submitted, . � Bobbie C. Henry, Secretar