HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1970-02-02 Regular [� CV � � .'� c:a �e)'��� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDS4JOOD CITY COUNCIL February 2, 1970 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held in City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on February 2, 1970. Present were: Ralph W. Somers Edward Stuart Ronald Hamil George Prude Thomas Woods Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman With a quorum present, and Councilman James Mager absent, the following business was transacted. READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 19, read as corrected. FlNNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOF2 1 . Summarization of an analysis of tax structure in Galveston County published by Galveston County Research Council , Inc. , has been received. 2. Letter from Texas Research League giving an estimate of the amount of revenue which might be expected from a City sales tax. 3. Letter commending Friendswood City Police Department on service rendered. 4. Announcement of Urban Transportation Study meeting on Friday, February 6, at 1 :30 at the Galveston County Courthouse. Councilman Hamil is schedule� to attend this meeting. 5. At a meeting of the Women 's League on Wednesday, January 28, Mayor Somers , Council- man Stuart, and Mr. Ralph Lowe were present to listen to a discussion on the subject of a teen center which the League has indicated they would assist the City in establishing. 6. Landscaping of the Librar,y grounds is nearing completion. This work is being done by the Friendswood Garden Study Club. 7. Public Notice has been given that Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance on February 16, 1970. This wi17 be the final hearing before consideration of adoption of this Ordinance. 8. WCID #108 has requested that Friendswood City Council authorize an increase in the maximum allowable tax on their bonds . This matter is to be postponed until �• the Attorney has advised Council on the matter. 9. The Annua� Report has been received from the Library Board. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS Mrs. Leah North appeared before Council with the statement that Mud Creek is to be dredged in the very near future, and to request that drainage work on Clear Creek be expedited in order that water from Harris County would not be bottle-necked in the Friendswood area. Mrs. North also requested that the City investigate the matter of street names within the City-,pointing out that in many cases street names are duplicated in different parts of the City, making a hardship on the Fire Department and others for whom addresses are important. The Mayor requested that the Fire Department present to Council a list of such duplications in order that the City may take some action to correct the situa- tion. Mrs . North, on behalf of the Imperial Estates Maintenance Committee, stated that storm sewer drains in that area are clogging up during heavy rains, and requested that some investigation be made as to whether this matter could be corrected . 1��. OLD BUSINESS 1 . Affirmation of Zoning Ordinance Hearing - Councilman Hamil made a motion that Council affirm the Mayor's calling of a public hearing on February 16 of the proposed Zoning Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Woods, and carried unanimously. 2. Flood Insurance - Mr. Jim Shore of the Drainage Board gave Council a run-down on present status of the National Flood Insurance program, and requested that ligislation be initiated which would fulfi7l requirements to make the City eligible for this program. Mr. Shore also reported that the drainage program for Clear Creek now hinges on a land transfer with Shell Park, which, upon completion, will clear the rights-of-way for work to begin on the project. 3. A letter from the Library Board recommended appointment by Council of Councilman Tom Woods to the Library Board to complete the trem of Mrs . Pat Coffee. Council- , , man Hamil made a motion, seconded by Councilman Prude, that Mr. Woods be appointed � to this position which will terminate in Januar,y 1971 . The vote: Councilmen S tuar t, Nami l , an d Pru de voting yes; Councilman Woods abstaining. The motion carried . SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 . Councilman Prude outlined the findings of the Garbage Committee in some detail . He stated that he would give a written report to Council later this week. This report is scheduled for workshop on February 9. 2. Charter Study Committee Chairman, Dr. Prenqle, presented to Council the findings and recommendations of this committee. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1 . Finance: Councilman Stuart reported that the auditor will meet with him on Tues- day or Wednesday of next week to go over the report. She will be asked to appear before Council at the regul�r meeting on March 2 to discuss the annual audit for 1969. 2. Health & Safety: Steve Stephens reported that a supply of rat poison has been received from the Agricultural Agent of Galveston County. The poison is stated to be safe for children and pets . The present plan is to put this materia7 out in the Annalea-Whitehall area in the near future. 3. Streets: Councilman Hamil reported that contact has been made with Texaco regard- ing lowering of their line on South Clear Creek Drive in order that drainage tile may be installed, and that Texaco will do this work with no expense to the City except repairing the street afterward. Street Superintendent Stephens reported that work has now been completed on Mary Ann Drive which was done at the request of, and is for the account of the subdi- vision developer, and that it is in order now to bill Mr. Buch Hausman for this work. Councilman Hamil reported that the Street Department has purchased a heavy duty truck from the Texas Surplus Property Administration for use as a water truck, at a cost of $320.00. ��;; Superintendent Stephens requested authorization to purchase a street rol7er. � Councilman Hamil made a motion that the Street Department be authorized to pur- chase from Moody Equipment Company a steel wheel compacting roller, 1965 model , 36" wheel , for the quoted price of $1 ,950,00, and that $1 ,100 be transferred from "Materials" budget to "Capitol Equipment Outlay" to complete the cost of this piece of equipment. Motion was seconded by Councilman Woods , and carried unanimous� ly. 4. Utilities: A letter from Layne-Texas , Subject: "Proposed Rework of City Wells 1 ,2, and 3 is to be discussed and acted upon at the next Council Meeting. With regard to the report and recommendations from the Water Usage Committee, the City Attorney is to be directed to draf t an amendment to Ordinance #9II to make it conform to the recommendations of this committee. This amendment will be discussed at the next Council Meeting. � N � � .� C=a ����.i ORDINANCES Ordinance #130 - Gas Sales Ordinance - Third and Final Readin AN ORDINANCE TO PROTECT fiEALTH AND PROMOTE THE PUBLIC SAFETY AND PUBLIC WELFARE OF THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS; REGULATING THE SALE AND HANDLING OF VOLATILE AND FLAMABLE LIQUIDS, INCLUDING GASOLINE IN GARAGES, SERVICE STATIONS AND OTHER PLACES OF BUSINESS HAVING VOLATILE OR FLAMABLE LIQUI�S� FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC IN SAID CITY; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR AN OWNER, OPERATOR, OR EMPLOYEE OF ANY SERVICE STATION, GARAGE, OR OTHER DISPENSARY TO PERMIT ANY CUSTOMER OR PATRON THEREOF TO INSERT OR REMOVE A NOZZLE USED IN DISPENSING VOLATILE OR FLAMABLE LIQUIDS INTO OR FROM THE FUEL TANK �F A MOTOR VEHICLE OR ANY OTHER CONTAINER; PROUIDING THAT EACH SUCH SALE OR DELIVERY SHALL BE A SEPARATE OFFENSE BY SUCH OWNER, OPERATOR, OR EMPLOYEE; DECLARING A PURPOSE TO PREVENT FIRES AND PROTECT LIFE AND PROPERTY; PROVIDING THAT ANY PERSON VIOLATING TERMS OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL 6E DEEMED GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR AND UPON CONVICTION SHALL QE FINED IN ANY SUM NOT LESS THAN TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS NOR MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE AND A SAVING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion was made by Councilman Prude, seconded by Councilman Hamil , to approve and adopt Ordinance #130. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. Ordinance No. 131 - Trash Burninq Ordinance - Second Readinq AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE BURNING OF BONFIRES AND OUTDOOR RUBBISH FIRES; REQUIRING ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR CERTAIN TYPES OF BURNING; PROHIBITING SURNING OF MATERIALS THAT SMOKE EXCESSIVELY OR SMOLDER OR GIVE OFF NOXIOUS ODORS; AUTHORIZING FIRE MARSHAL TO PROHIBIT BONFIRES AND OUTDOOR RUBBISH FIRES UND�R CERTAIN CONDITIONS; PROVIDING A PEN�LTY. Motion to approve made by Councilman Woods, seconded by Councilman Prude, and carried unanimously. WARRANTS Councilman Stuart moved to approve G&A Warrant 3772, payment to Library contractor, and M&0 Warrants #4930 through 4935 for contract work on the Water and Sewer Project. Motion was seconded by Councilman Woods and carried unanimously. CLOSED SESSION - Rer,sonnel ADJOURNMENT Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfu]ly submitted, -� �� � u Bo bie C. Henry, Secretar APPROVED: `�') �.� 1 / , �l , �� .. t.�-l��- � �z�"-�L�'_:. Ralph W. �omers , Maybr MINUTES OF CLOSED SESSION Councilman Prude made a motion that Sam Rodrigues be hired as a laborer in the l�Jater and Sewer Department at a starting rate of $2.25 per hour. Motion seconded by ' Councilman Woods , and carried unanimously. Councilman Hamil made a motion that Council authorize payment of up to $3,500.00 for a 20 foot right-of-way on Melody Lane on Lots 21 through 25, with the Street Department to absorb the cost of this right-of-way. The motion was seconded by Councilman Prude, and carried unanimously. CLOSED SESSION WAS ADJOURNED.