HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1970-01-19 Regular � G� � A� :''� � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETZNG OF THE FRZENDSWOOD CZTY COUNCIL January 19, 7970 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was he1d in the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on January 19, 1970, with the following members present: Ralph W. Somers Mayor Edward Stuart Councilman Ronald Hamil Councilman George Prude Councilman Thomas Woods Councilman James Mager Councilman With a quorum present, and none absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of January 5, 1970 meeting approved as corrected, ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . Galveston County Mayors & Councilmen's Association will meet January 24. 2. Houston-Galveston Area Council will meet January 30; 3, Letter from Phoenix Chemical Company regarding progress made on pollution abatement and clean-up of Clear Creek banks. 4. Letter from Mr. Dave McCraw regarding condition of the creek as a result of chemical companies' pollution, and requesting City assistance and a reduction in tax rate due to depreciation of property as a result of pollution. 5. Letter from Engineer to Tech-Con regarding cleaning up of construction site. 6. Letter from Engineer to TWQB reporting that 25% of the work has been completed on water and sewer project, and requesting partial payment of government grant under WPC-Tex-567. 7. The library is essen�tially ready for acceptance, and formalities should be completed this week. 8. Letter from the Library Board states that Mrs. Frazier Coffie is resigning from the Board. A replacement recommendation will be made by the Board at a later date. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS 1 . Mr. Percy F, Hurt appeared before Council as a follow-up to his letter of September 9, regarding drainage in front of his house in Friendswood Forest. 2. Mrs. Leah North appeared before Council protesting the tearing down of the old Choate Road bridge, and requesting that the Council reconsider their earlier decision to do so. 3. Mrs. Ginny Cunningham requested that the City consider installation of a spot light or other type of illumination fior the "City Hall " sign at the corner of Willowick and FM 518. OLD BUSINESS Horse Arena - Counci1man Hamil presented a "Proposed Policy for a Friendswood Horse Arena ' and reported that a meeting was held by the group on Thursday, January 15 to present new plans to those persons owning property adjoining the proposed arena site. Ledrieu Linson stated that although all adjoining property owners, including those who had previously opposed the arena, had been invited to the meeting, none of them were in attendance. Mrs. Hensley stated that one new family, Mr, and Mrs. Barney Ross, were in complete accord with the plans and had stated that they would "prefer a horse arena as a neighbor rather than some residents. " A new proposed lay-out was presented for study, and a request made that Council take some action of intent on the subject. Conditions : , yet to be determined include a water line to the arena, insurance coverage for such activities on City property, and campletion of transfer of title on the land from the Chamber of Commerce to the Cit�. �j��� �.�(7 1 ��,r Councilman Hamil made the following motion: Be it resolved that the City Council � `" set aside this specific land of approximately one acre that has been used in the past for the Fourth of Ju1y rodeo for the use of the Friendswood City Youth Riding Arena, subject to the by-1aws to be determined in the future, subject to transfer of the land to the City, and subject to City insurance coverage for liability. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mager, and carried unanimously, DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1 . Fire & Police: Councilman Mager reported that an invitation to bid on a new police car has been published, and that the Chevrolet fire truck is now back in service. 2. Utilities: A report for the last quarter of 1969 has been sent to the TWQB in connection with Friendswood's permit #10175, covering improvements to our water and sewer system. A list of capital improvements for 1970 on existing water and sewer facilities was presented by Superintendent Toon. In order of priority, these were as follows: a. Water Well #3 - Increase pump capacity from 340 GPM to 1000 GPM, following Layne-Texas recommendations with this exception--increase hp from 50 to 100 and set bowls accordingly. , b. Water Well #1 - Remove desel engine now on Well #3 and install on Well #1 , use right angle gear head now on Well #1 , Furnish and install Lavel 350 GPM Sandmaster instead of 200 GPM Sandmaster. c. Improve water system and fire protection on Garden Drive d. Improve water system and fire protection on Prairie Wilde. e. Water Well #2 - Install 1000 GPM Laval Sandmaster: f. Alarm Panel (Power Loss Control ) from plants and wells to be central paneled at City Ha11 . g. Trailer from pump and generator. , Motion was made by Councilman Stuart that this set of improvements be given No. 1 priority as money is available. The motion was seconded by Councilman Prude, and carried unanimously, �,,,...._ NEW BUSINESS 1 . The fact that one establishment within the City is charging City sales tax, was discussed, and the City Attorney was directed to write a letter calling to the manager's attention the fact that Friendswood does not have a City sales tax, and that the law is being vio1a�ed by charging such. 2. Proclamation: A proclamation was read by the Mayor setting forth January as MARCH OF DIMES MONTH. 3. A Resolution was presented by Councilman Woods wherein the Council agrees to accept the terms of a Contract for Grant covering a grant in the amount of $15,215.00 for park land. �� Councilman Hamil made a motion that Councilman Woods be appointed to act on � ' � behalf of the City, in negotiations with the Texas Park and Wildlife Depart- ment for acceptance of funds fior park land, such park to be designated as Westwood Park: Councilman Mager seconded the motion. The vote was four for, one abstaining. Councilman Mager, Hami1 , Stuart, and Prude voted "yes" and Councilman Woods abstained -from voting: , Motion was then made by Councilman Woods, seconded by Councilman Mager, that the Resolution be approved, contingent upon approval of the City Attorney of the contract. The vote was unanimous. t� � � C=7 � ORDINANCES l . ORDINANCE N0. 128 A - Third and Final Readin� AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 128; IN PARTICULAR SECTION VI CONCERNING NIGHT PARKING; AODING A PROVISION TO BE IDENTIFIED AS SECTION XVII EXCLUDING EMERGENCY VEHICLES (AS DEFINED IN SECTION I HEREIN) FROM PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE, Motion for approval and adoption made by Councilman Prude, seconded by Councilman Mager, and carried unanimously. 2. ORDINANCE N0. 130 - Second Readin AN ORDINANCE TO PROTECT HEALTH AND PROMOTE THE PUBLIC SAFETY AND PUBLIC WELFARE OF THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS; REGULATING THE SALE AND HANDLING OF UOLATILE AND FLAMABLE LIQUIDS, INCLUDING GASOLINE IN GARAGES, SERVICE STATIONS AND OTHER PLACES OF E3USINESS HAVING VOLATILE OR FLAMABLE LIQUIDS FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC IN SAID CITY; MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR AN OWNER, OPERATOR, OR EMPLOYEE OF ANY SERVICE STATION, GARAGE, OR OTHER DISPENSARY TO PERMIT ANY CUSTOMER OR PATRON THEREOF TO INSERT OR REMOVE A NOZZLE USED IN DISPENSING VOLATILE OR FLAMABLE LIQUIDS INTO OR FROM THE FUEL TANK OF A MOTOR VEHICLE OR ANY OTHER CONTAINER; PROVIDING THAT EACH SUCH SALE OR DELIVERY SHALL BE A SEPARATE OFFENSE BY SUCH OWNER, OPERATOR, OR EMPLOYEE; DECLARING A PURPOSE TO PREVENT FIRES AND PROTECT LIFE 74ND PROPERTY; PROVIDING TFIAT ANY PERSON VIOLATING TERMS OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE DEEMED GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR AND UPON CONUICTION SHALL BE FINED IN ANY SUM NOT LESS THAN TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS NOR MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE AND A SAVING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, Motion made by Councilman Pr�ade, seconded by Councilman Mager, that the Ordinance be approved on second reading. The vote was unanimous. 3. ORDINANCE N0. 131 - First Readin AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE BURNING OF BONFIRES AND OUTDOOR RUBBISH FIRES; REQUIRING ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR CERTAIN TYPES OF BURNING; PROHIBITING BURNING OF MATERIALS THAT SMOKE EXCESSIVELY OR SMOLDER OR GIVE OFF NOXIOUS ODORS; AUTHORIZING FIRE MARSHAL TO PROHIBIT BONFIRES AND OUTDOOR RUBBISH FIRES UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; PROVIDING A PENALTY. Councilman Mager made a motion that the Ordinance be approved on first reading. Second was by Councilman Prude, and the vote was unanimous. WARRANTS Councilman Stuart made payment: M&0 Warrants 3698 to 3753. Motion ADJOURNMENT a motion that the following warrants be approved for #4864,4889 to 4909, 4911 to 4914; G&A Warrants #3655, 3657, seconded by Councilman Mager, and carried unanimously, Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, f; � � � _ �- ��� � c� _ ._�� Bob ie C. Henry, Secre ry APPROVED: r �L� ;. ,� ��„�,-�-,� R'a�ph W. Somers, a or � ;.� ��k'���