HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1970-01-05 Regular � G`� � L'� :'"� � _ ���. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL January 5, 1970 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held in the City Hall at 7:30 p.m, on January 5, 1970, with the following members present: Ralph W. Somers Edward Stuart Ronald Hamil George Prude Thomas Woods James Mager Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman �lith a quorum present, and none absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 15, 1969 were approved as read. An omission in the minutes of November 17, 1969 (verified by tape recording) was approved as read, as follows : ORDINANCES MOBILE HOME ORDINANCE - Second Readi AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF MOBILE HOME PARKS IN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD; REQUIRING A CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION OR EXTENSION OF MOBILE HOME PARKS AND PROVIDING FOR INSPECTIONS AND FEES; RE- C�UIRING A LICENSE FOR THE OPERATION �F A MOBILE HOME PARK AND PROVIDING FOR INSPECTIONS AND FEES; REQUIRING THAT AN ANNUAL , A SEMI-ANNUAL OR A TEMPORARY PARKING PERMIT BE OBTAINED FOR ANY MOBILE HOME OR TRAVEL TRAILER OCCUPYING A STAND IN A MOBILE HOME PARK AND PROVIDING FOR INSPECTIONS AND FEES; PROVIDING FOR APPEALS; ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR THE OONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAIN-• TENANCE OF MOBILE HOME PARKS; PROVIDING THAT OWNERS OR OPERATORS OF EXISTING MOBILE HOMF PARKS SHALL BE PFRMITTED A PERIOD OF TIME AS HEREI�1 PROVIDED TO OPERATF A MOBILE HOME PARK WITHOUT OBTAINING A LICENSE; REGULATING MOBILE HOMES AND TRAVEL TRAILERS OUTSIDE OF MOBILE HOME PARKS; CONTAINING A REPEALING CLAUSE AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; CONTAINING A PENALTY PROVISION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion was made to approve on second reading by Councilman Hamil , seconded by Councilman Prude, and carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR l . Houston-Galveston Area Council meeting on �lanuary 30. 2. Letter from City Attorney transmitting information on Senate Bill 260 - Notice of Meetings" 3, Resignation of City employee Neil Darnell from Water & Sewer Department. 4. Letter from Optimists Club thanking the City for their cooperation during "Youth Appreciation Week." 5, Letter from Representative Jack Brooks thanking Friendswood for their partici- pation in the "Appreciation Dinner" 6, Letter from Cody Greer regarding extraterritorial jurisdiction of cities in Galveston County, Friendswood in particular. 7. Letter from the Mayor to Kyle Development regarding their petition to install a mobile home park just outside the City limits, and requesting water and sewer service for same. 8. The Mayor has been in contact with Mr, Turner of Phoenix Chemical Company. Mr. Turner stated that he will make a presentation to the Council by next meeting date when he believes he will be able to report more positive action. He has no disagreement with the letter from the City. Phoenix is now in the process of diking their plant, and is studying a way to abate air pollr�tion during their remaining time in business. 9. On a trip to Ft. Worth recently, the Mayor and Mr. Walsh and Malcolm Collins of Walsh Engineers cleared the question of grant money on Quaker's Landing, and also were informed that Friendswood's Park Land Grant request has been processed through the State office and is now in Washington for approval . ,�l f� " 1�� ---- r'. +. ,� : , k.ti 10. The 1ibrary is in the last stages of completion. Moye-in date is tentatively set for January 9-10, and dedication is set for February 28. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Glen Graef appeared before Council to state that the sewer line leading to his home is insufficient and to request that it be replaced. OLD BUSINESS l . Water rates for Mobile Homes, A artments, etc.- Councilmen Mager and Stuart are sc e u ed to meet to discuss t is sub,7ect and make recommendation to the Council . 2. Charter Study Committee - Report is now:in the office for typing. After one final meeting to approve this report, it will be presented to Council . 3. The Plannin Commission has completed hearings on the Zoning Ordinance and copies are now being marked up with changes for Council review. 4. An area-wide sewerage study report from Houston-Galveston Area Council was reviewed brief1y and recommendation made by the Mayor that this document be studied more thoroughly, _ 5. Malcolm Collins of Walsh Engineering gave a report on the present status of water and sewer construction jobs now in progress: a. Treatment Plant - 10% to 12% complete � b. Interceptor Trunk Line - 48% complete dollar-wise c. West Interceptor - 95% complete except for clean-up, finishing manholes and tie-ins. d. Ground Storage Tank - Just getting started. With this work being 25% complete, and a "Cite Certification" ready for signa- ture by the City Attorney certifying that all rights-of-way have now been acquired, the City can now begin to receive money on this grant application from the government. 6. Malcolm Collins a7so reported on a trip made to Ft. Worth with the Mayor re- garding the advance planning loan on Quaker's Landing. The government agency had contended that the City owed $4,000 plus on this work, and through explana- tions from the May or and Mr. Collins, this question was cleared up to the satisfaction of HUD. 7. Contact was also made with HUD regarding a park-land grant request. The Mayor was informed that this had cleared the Ft. Worth office and is now in Wash- ington for approva1 . NEW BUSINESS 1 . HGAC representation on Executive Committee - A resolution has been received for Council action designating Mayor Aaron Nolland of Bunker Hill Village as representative to the Executive Committee of the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the year 1970. Motion was made by Councilman Woods, seconded by Councilman Prude, to �desig- nate Mr. Holland as representative. After remarks from the flo�r, Motion was made by Councilman Prude to table the motion until such time as the matter could be investigated. Councilman Woods seconded the motion to table. The vote was four for, one againstx with Councilman Hamil voting against, Councilmen Woods, Stuart, Mager, and Prude voting for. Motion was then made by Councilman Stuart, seconded by Councilman Prude, to untable the motion. The vote was: Councilmen Woods, Stuart, Prude and Hamil for; Councilman Mager against. The original motion was then put to a vote with the motion carrying four to one; For: Councilmen Stuart, Prude, Hamil , and Mager for; Councilman Woods against. . ��� Adoption of the reso1ution: Go�ncilm�n Prude mad� a mo�ion th�t th� r�sRlutlon be adopted, seconded by ouncilman Stuart. Motion was made to table the motion by Councilman Hamil , seconded by Council- man Woods. The vote was unanimous to table. Motion was made to untable the motion, by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Hamil . The vote was four for, one against, with Councilman Mager, Prude, Stuart, and Hamil for; Councilman Woods against. Vote was taken on the motion adopting the resolution with one for; four against, with Councilman Prude for; Councilmen Hamil , Stuart, Mager, Woods, against. Motion was then made by Councilman Woods, seconded by Councilman Mager, to rescind the original motion responding to Mr. Holland's letter. Seconded by Councilman Mager, and carried unanimously. Councilman Prude made a motion that a letter be sent to Mr, Holland stating that Friendswood reserves its vote until the January 30 meeting, when the vote will be cast by Mayor Somers. Motion seconded by Councilman Hamil , vote was four for, one against, with Councilmen Stuart, Prude, Hamil , and Mager voting yes; Councilman Woods voting no. �`" 2. Mayor Johnny Arolfo of Leagae City as representative to General Body of HGAC - � Motion was made by Councilman Hamil , seconded by Councilman Prude that Mr. � '` � � �'"� Aro7fo be designated as Friendswood and League City representative. Vote was �� ��� four for, one against, with Councilmen Woodss Stuart, Prude, and Hamil voting � for; Councilman Mager against. 3, Dues to Houston-Galveston Area Council - Motion was made by Councilman Mager, � '� ' '' seconded by Councilman Woods, that payment of dues in the amount of $100.00 ' be paid to HGAC. Vote was unanimous. 4. Insurance for Library - Truman Taylor, Insurance agent for the City, was in- structed to go forward with insurance coverage for the library in the amount of $105,000 for the building, $25,000 for furnishings. 5, City Insurance - Councilman Mager moved, seconded by Councilman Prude, that �' the Mayor be authorized to negotiate with Truman Taylor for ample insurance coverage for �he City under the new Tort Claims Act. ORDINANCES Ordinance No. 128A - Second Readin AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 128; IN PARTICULAR SECTION � VI CONCERNING NIGHT PARKING; ADDING A PROVISION TO BE IDENTIFIED AS r SECTION XVII EXCLUDING EMERGENCY VEHICLES (AS DEFINED IN SECTION I HEREIN) FROM PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. Councilman Mager made a motion to approve second reading of Ordinance 128A. Second was by Councilman Stuart, and the vote was unanimous, Ordinance PJo. 130 - First Readinq as Permanent Ordinance AN ORDINANCE TO PROTECT HEALTH AND PROMOTE THE PUBLIC SAFETY AND ` PUBLIC WELFARE OF THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS; I'� REGULATING THE SALE AND HANDLING OF VOLATILE AND FLAMABLE LIQUIDS, INCLUDING GASOLINE, IN GARAGES, SERVICE STATIONS AND OTHER PLACES OF BUSINESS HAVING VOLATTLE OR FLAMABLE LTQUIDS FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC IN SAID CITY; MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR AN OWNER, OPERATOR, OR EMPLOYEE OF ANY SERVICE STATION, GARAGE, OR OTHER DISPENSARY TO PERMIT ANY CUSTOMER OR PATRON THEREOF TO INSERT OR REMOUE A NOZZLE USED IN DISPENSING UOLATILE OR FLAMABLE LIQUIDS INTO OR FROM THE FUEL TANK OF A MOTOR VEHICLE OR ANY OTHER CONTAINER: PROVIDING THAT EACH SUCH SALE OR DELIVERY SHALL BE A SEPARATE OFFENSE BY SUCH OWNER, OPERATOR, OR EMPLOYEE; DECLARING A PURPOSE TO PREVENT FIRES AND PROTECT LIFE AND PROPERTY; PROVIDING THAT ANY PERSON VIOLATING TERMS OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE DEEMED GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR AND UPON CONVICTION SHALL BE FINED IN ANY SUM NOT LESS THAN TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS NOR MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE AND A SAUING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. y , . __ _ _ _ i �� Councilman Hamil made a motion, seconded by Councilman Woods, that the Ordinance No. 130 be approved on first reading. The vote was unanimous. PERSONNEL � � Motion was made by Councilman Hamil , seconded by Councilman Prude, that Elvia Rodriguez be placed on the City payroll as custodian at a rate of $1 .35 per hour, such rate to be retroactive to include payment on Warrant No. 3680. WARRANTS Councilman Stuart made a motion that the following warrants be approved for ,`, =''k payment: M&0 Warrants #4878, 4880, 4881 , and 4882; G&A Warrants #3656, 3658, 3679 to 3685. (also M&0 Warrant #4879) Councilman Mager seconded the motion and it carried unanimously: ADJOURNMENT Motion was made that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, � ��� � �!l't i Bob ie C. enry, S cretary APPROVED: � ����1 Ralph W. Somers, Mayor '--'—