HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1969-12-15 Regular ���. MINUTES OF A RFGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL December 15, 1969 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held in the City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on December 15, 1969, with the following members present: Ralph W. Somers Mayor Edward Stuart Councilman Ronald Hamil Councilman George Prude Councilman With Councilmen Thomas Woods and James Mager absent, and a quorum present, the following business was transacted; READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of December l , 1969, approved as written. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR ��. 1 . Word has been received from Mr. Lipscomb of the State Highway Department that � �1 their survey has been completed. Recommendations will be going to Austin soon, and �-+ when approval is received Friendswood will be contacted. C.K� � 2. A letter from Governor Preston Smith urges municipalities to do all possible to s� make traffic conditions and law enforcement aid his drive for a safe Christmas on the highways. 3. A request has been sent tv the Texas Water Quality Board for an increase in the grant amount for WPC-Tex-567. (PL-660) 4. Letter of thanks from Judge Holbrook for the City's support of the bond issue voted in December 9. 5. Letter from Emmett F. Lowry saying that, due to pending legislation, the meetings planned regarding flood insurance are to be postponed in order that any new legisla- tion may be a1so included in discussions at these meetinys. 6. The Friendswood Independent School Board has accepted the City's bid on land for a City park. 7. "Parks in Cities" program outlined by Houston-Galveston Area Council . 8. Letter from the Mayor to Phoenix Chemical Company and ArChem Company recaps a meeting with the City Council and requests follow up on the claims of Friendswood citizens. . PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS Mr. John 0. Douglas, Kyle Development, appeared before Council regarding water and sewer facilities for a proposed mobile home park just outside the City limits; he was referred to the Drainage Board for approval of plat. SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS 1 . Water Usaqe Committee - The final report was read. No action was taken. 2. Horse Arena Land Committee - Councilman Hamil reported that a meeting is to be held with people living in the proposed area of the arena. A roster of proposed officers was presented , and a survey of the number of horse owners in the area is to be taken. 3. Charter Stud,�_Committee has not completed recommendations , but these should be ready by January meeting. � �o� - OLD BUSINESS Library Pro '�ect Status - A meeting has been held with the architect and building contractor, and corrective action is being taken on unacceptable parts of the work. The furniture is to be delivered about the first of January; the dedica- tion will be sometime in February. The Friendswood Garden Club, who have volunteered to do the lan¢scaping of the library, have received donations for plantings, and have plans complete for Council approval . DEPARTMENTAL REPQRTS Streets: Councilman Hamil and the Mayor will make plans to meet with Texaco representatives to discuss moving of one of Texaco's lines for street construction. Utilities: A report has been received from Maintenance Engineering Corporation with regard to iron content in the City water and corrective measures that might be taken. NEW BUSINESS Librar_y Board: A letter has been received from the Library Board members now up for reappointment requesting that Helen Cline and Pat Anderson be reappointed for another three-year-term. •` Motion was made by Councilman Prude, seconded by Councilman Hamil , that Mrs . Cline y�' and Mrs. Anderson be reappVbi nted to the Li brary Board for a���-�ree ,yearterm. The � motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCES ORDINANCE N0. 129 - Third and Final Readin AN ORDINANCE OF TNE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENENCE OF MOBILE HOME PARKS IN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD; REQUIRING A CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, ALTER- ATION OR EXTENSION OF MOBILE HOME PARKS AND PROVIDING FOR INSPECTIONS AND FFES; REQUIRING A LICENSE FOR THE OPERATION OF A MOBILE HOME PARK AND PROVID- ING FOR INSPECTIONS AND FEES; REQUIRING TNAT AN ANNUAL, A SEMI-ANNUAL OR A TEMPORARY PARKING PERMIT BE OBTAINED FOR ANY�pgILE HOME OR TRAVEL TRAILER OCCUPYIPJG A STAND IN A MOBILE HOME PARK FlND PROVIDIPJG FOR INSPECTIONS AND FEES; PROVIDING FOR APPEALS; ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, pPERATION AND MAINTENANCF OF MOBILE HOME PARKS; PROVIDING THAT OWNERS OR OPERATJRS OF FXISTING MQBILE HOME PARKS SHALL BE PERMITTED A PERIOD OF TIME AS HERFIN PRO- VIDED TO OPERATE A MOBILF HOME PARK WITHQUT OQTAINING A LICENSE; REGULATING MOBILE HOMES AND TRAVEL TRAILERS OUTSIDE OF MOBILE HOME PARKS; COPJTAINING A REPEALING CLAUSE AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; CONTAINING A PENALTY PROVISION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVF DATE. Mot.ion was made by Councilman Hamil , seconded by Councilman Stuart, and carried unanimously that the Ordinance be approved and adopted on third and final reading. ORDINANCE N0. 128A - AMENDMENT TO ORD. NQ. 128 - First Readinq AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 128; IN PARTICULAR SECTION VI CON- CERNING NIGHT PARKING; ADDING A PROVISI�N TO BF IDENTIFIED AS SECTION XVII EXCLUDING EMERGENCY VEHICLES (AS DEFINED IN SECTION I HEREIN) FROM PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. Motion made by Councilman Hamil , seconded by Councilman Prude, and passed unanimous- "` ly on first reading. ` ORDINANCE NO. 130E - Emerqencv Ordinance - Self Service Gasoline Sales AN QRDINANCE TO PROTECT HEALTH AND PROMOTE THE PUBLIC SAFETY AND PUBLIC WELFARE OF TI-IE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWO�D, TEXAS; REGULATING THE SALE AND HANDLING OF VOLATILE AND FLAMABLE LIOUIDS, INCLUDING GASOLINE, IN GARAGES, SERUICE STATIONS AND OTHER PLACES OF BUSINESS HAVING VOLATILE OR ���,� FLAMABLE LIQUIDS FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC IN SAID CITY; MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR AN OWNER, OPERATOR, OR EMPLOYEE OF ANY SERVICE STATION, GARAGE, OR OTHER DISPENSARY T� PERMIT ANY CUSTOMER OR PATRON THEREOF TO INSERT OR REMOVE A NOZZLE USED IN DISPENSING VOLATILE OR FLAMABLE LIQUIDS IPJTO OR FROM THE FUEL TANK OF A MOTOR VEHICLE OR ANY OTHER CONTAINER; PRO- VIDING TNAT EACH SUCH SALE OR DELIVERY SHALL BE A SEPARATE OFFENSE BY SUCH OWNER, OPERATOR, OR EMPLOYEE; DECLARING A PURPOSE TO PREVENT FIRES AND PROTECT LIFE AND PROPERTY; PROVIDING THAT ANY PERSON VIOLATING TERMS OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL 6E DEEMED GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR AND UPON C(1NVICTION SHALL BE FINED IN ANY SUM NOT LESS THAN TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS NOR MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS; PROVIDING A REPEAIING CLAUSE AND A SAVING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, Motion was made by Councilman Hamil , seconded by Councilman Prude, and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance be adopted in its entirety on an emergency basis . ..�, , The secretary was instructed to post and publish the Ordinance and present for ` permanPnt adoption at the next Council Meeting. WARRANTS Councilman Stuart made a motion that the following warrants be approved for pay- ment: G&A Warrants 3608 through 3654 and numbers 3596 and 3597; M&0 Warrants �`' 4730, 4811 through 4820; 4828 through 4861 . � N � Councilman Prude seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. �� ADJOURNMENT ' (=� Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted , � /' �; .���¢.�`�.�� C�- �` �'�� �� Bob��6ie C. Henry, Secret ry APPROVED: .� ���`� _____�v G�•t- � C9,���G'�'i`,�.- Ralph W. Somers, Mayor