HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1969-10-20 Regular�� C� � C.Y� t� � fI C�f J�� ���,/E'q' /<�cr�'�, ,> �O�ci� ,, �� , MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TNE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL October 20, 1969 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held on October 20, 196�, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber. The following members were present: Ralph W. Somers Edward Stuart Thomas Woods James Mager George Prude Ronald Hamil Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman (late to meeting) With a quorum present, the following business was transacted: READING & APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1 . Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 6, approved as corrected: Under PE1"ITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS - #2 and #3 - insert "Maintenance Corrrrnittee" 2. Minutes of Special Session of October 13, approved as read. ANNOUNCFMEPJTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . Letter from Im erial Gardens Civic Club regarding speeding on Sunset Blvd. , stop signs and speed signs for the su division, and deterioration of pavement. 2. Clear Creek �asin Authority- Mayor Somers announced that a meeting will be held at Webster on October 29, at 7:30 p.m. He emphasized the importance of following through on this proposed project and contract. The proposed contract covering regional planning in the Clear Creek Basin was read and discussed at length, with the consensus that the contract would not be acceptable to Friendswood in its present form. 3. 4. Texas Municipal Lea que Conference to be held in San Antonio on �lovember 9-11 . Zoninq Ordinance - Public hearings are to be held by the Planning Commission: November 4 - 7:30 � High School Auditorium November 10 - 7:30 'p.m. - Friendswood Bank November 17 - 7:30 - Friendswood Bank Suggestion was made that Civic Clubs be requested to hold meetings and advise members of the proposed Zoning Ordinance; that the ordinance be discussed, and that each club transmit to the Planning Commission a composite opinion. 5. Women's League - Councilmen and Mayor have been invited to speak ond answer questions concerning the Zoning Ordinance, at the meeting on October 22, ���f_i 6. Galveston Coun� Road & Bridqe Bond Committee - A meeting of this Committee is to be held on Tuesday, October 21 , in Galveston. Mayor Somers and Councilman Hamil plan to attend. 7. Pollution of Clear Creek - A public hearing was held by the Texas Water Quality Board on October 3 regarding Application for Permit b,y Cosmodyne Corporation. The Mayor and several citizens attended this meeting and voiced feelings regarding the pollution of Clear Creek. 8. Galveston County Research Council has compiled a list of tax rates for the various cities of the area, with Friendswood falling in the mid-way mark. 9. Galveston County Mayors & Councilmen's meeting will be held in Texas City on October 22. �!1`-�i� PETITIONS & COMMUPJICATIONS 1 . Mr. Ralph Lowe appeared before Council to request that a representative of the City attend a meeting at the Friendswood Bank at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, October 24, with school administrators and interested citizens to discuss a new high school stadium. Mr. Lowe also offered his services toward expediting the drainage project on Clear Creek. 2. Mrs. Jim Thompson appeared before Council to request that drainaqe ditches in her area near Castle Lake be paved to help prevent erosion, and suggested that the citizens concerned might be willing to bear the cost of this work. The Mayor agreed to meet with the Group to discuss the matter. Mrs . Thompson also presented a re-written version of the Zoning Ordinance for consideration. SPECIAL REPORTS 1 . Mr. Jim Shore of the Drainage Board gave a brief run-down on the present status of the Clear Creek drainage project. 2. Water Usaqe Committee: Councilman Woods reported that a meeting of this committee has been called for October 23, at 7:30 p.m. 3. Garbaqe Committee: Councilman Prude gave a report on studies of the Garbage Committee, stating that they are now giving special consideration to commercial accounts . Councilman Prude made a motion that the Council ask Fowler Barton to collect his own money for services for the months of September and October, or until such time as the committee can come in with proposed revisions to the ordinance. Motion seconded by Councilman Woods. T�ie vote was: FOR: Councilman Prude; AGAINST: Councilmen Stuart, Mager, Woods. (Councilman Hamil was not present at this vote) . MQTION DEFEATED THREE TO ONE. 4. Councilman Mager reported that the Daytime Fire Department has been organized as a separate group from the night-time fire department, and has elected Sam Hill as Fire Chief with Ken Toon and Norman Fry as Assistant Chiefs. RESOLUTIONS , 1 . Three resolutions making certain findings of violations of Ordinance #79 (Weeds) were presented for approval : Guy Odom & R.D. Whitworth - Lot 39 Voss S/,D H.K. Speck - All lots on Leisure Lane and Winding Way & 518 John Tremble - Part of Lot 1 , Block 4, Friendswood Original Motion to adopt the three resolutions was made by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Prude, and carried unanimously. 2. A reso�ution authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with the State Highway Department in connection with installation of a traffic light at the inter- section of FM 518 and Edgewood. Councilman Mager made a motion that the resolution be adopted, seconded by Councilman Prude. The motion carried four to one witli Councilmen Mager, Prude, Stuart and Hamil voting YES; Councilman NJoods voting N0. ORDINANCES 1 . Ordinance No. 124 - Speed Zone Ordinance - Third and Final Readi AN QRDINANCE ALTERING THE F�RIMA FACIF SFFEQ LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PRQVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6701D, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, UPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION, UPON CERTAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, AS SET OUT IN THIS QRDINANCE; AND PROUIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200 FQR TFiE VIOLATION OF THIS QRDINANCE. _ �V� Councilman Hamil made a motion, seconded by Councilman Mager, that the Ordinance b� passed, approved, and adopted on third and final reading, The vote was unanimous. 2. Ordinance No. 128 - First Readinq AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE PARKING OF MOTOR VEHICLES WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOL�D; DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS AS "NO PARKINC" PLACES; REGULATING CURB PARKING; PROHIBITING PARKING OF VEHICLES FOR SALE; REGULATING LOAD ZONE PARKING; REGULATING PARKING IN ALLEYS, OVERNIGHT PARKING ON STREETS, AT BUS STOPS, OR AT SIGNS FRECTED FOR CONTROL OF PARKING; PROHIBITING PARKING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY; PROUIDING FOR TOWING AWAY OF VEHICLES AND RECOVERY QF SAME; PROUIDING A PENALTY, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND REPEALING ALL PORTIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, Councilman Hamil moved, Councilman Woods seconded, that the Ordinance be passed on first reading. The vote was unanimous. 3. Ordinance No. 127-E - First and final readin AN ORDINANCE ESTAQLISHING CHARGES FOR GARBAGE PICK-UP SERVICE WITHIN THE �~' CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD; PROUIDING THAT GARBAGE CHARGES BE DEBITED TO EACH � ACTIVE WATER METER ACCOUNT; PROVIDING FOR DISCONTINUANCE OF WATER SERUICE `� FOR FAILURE TO PAY GARBAGE CHARGES; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. �. c� Motion was made by Councilman Hamil for adoption of the ordinance, and seconded by Ceuncilman Mager. After Considerable discussion, Councilman Woods moved the question, seconded by Councilman Prude. The motion was voted and defeated three to two. The vote was FOR: Couricilmen Woods and Stuart; AGAINST: Councilmen Mager, Prude, and Hamil . The Mayor stated that Council 's action on this proposal and the pr•oposal made by Councilman Prude earlier left the question of garbage billing undecided, and requested that they reconsider the situation. Couni�ilman Mager then macie a motion that Council reconsider adoption of the ordinance as written. The motion was secorided by Councilman Hamil . Councilman Stuart made a motion �hat the ordinance be amended by deleting the section relating to "duplex, triplex, garage apartment. " Motion was seconded by Councilman Woods. The amendment was defeatFd three to two. The vote was FOR: Councilmen Hamil and Stuart; AGAINST: Councilmen Woods, Prude, and Mager. At this point Mrs. Leah North stated that, for the record, she wished to protest the word "emergency" as appliE�c; tc� this ordinance. Vote was taken on the original motion, and carried four to one. Vote was : FOR: Councilmen Fiamil , Stuart, Woods, and Mager: AGAINST: Councilman Prude. WARRA�ITS Councilman Stuart made a motion that the following �wa.rrants be.�.approved by Ceuncil for payment. M&0 Warrants 4682 and 4697 through 4724; G&A b.larrants 3414; 3428; !• 3430 through 3458; 3460 through 3488; 3�485; 3486; 3487; 3490. Motion was seconded by Co��ncilmar� Prude, and carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT ', Motion was made for ac!journment. The meeting was adjourned. F?espectfully submitted, f L� ./�-�-���..� � � Bobbie C. Henry, Secretary APPRQI�ED: %` / � ,,�`�'; � � , i, ,� �� . . ,, ;.J,; Ra 1 p�, 4J. omers�, Mayo r