HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1969-10-06 Regular �,��f,�„-,,,_ ,r' �,,. c��_�.zo�=��`� C?c�����r, ,,. i. �-� MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL October 6, 1969 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at City Hall on Monday, October 6, 1969, at 7:30 pm with the following members present: Ralph W, Somers Mayor Edward F. Stuart Councilman James Mager Councilman George Prude Councilman Ronald Hamil Councilman Thomas Woods Councilman With a quorum present, the following business was transacted: SPECIAL SESSION - Personnel (CLOSED) CORRECTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES ��• 1 . Minutes of Closed Session of September 2 Regular Meeting (not previously C� presented) were approved as corrected, � 2. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 15, 1969 were approved as � corrected. `� 3. Minutes of a Special Meeting of September 22, 1969 a Q pproved as written. ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . Meeting on Wednesday, October 1 � 1969 of the Galveston County Road and Bridge Bond Committee regarding setting a date for an election. The Mayor stated that he had notified Judge Holbrook that Friendswood would support this action of the Committee. 2. Report to Texas Water Qualitv Board: A letter has been written by the Mayor dated September 30, making the required quarterly report regarding infiltration as set out in Permit No. 10175. 3. Reminder of a public hearing to be held on October 13, to consider a zoning ordinance which has been prepared by Bovay Engineers in coopera- tion with the City Cou-ci] and Planning Commission. 4. The Women's League has invited the Mayor and Councilmen to speak at their meeting at 10 am on �ctober 22 regarding the proposed Zoning Ordinance. 5. Clear Creek Drainage Project: The Ma,yor stated that all easements have been acquired from Chigger Creek to Shell Park except two; that both the County and the Drainage District are ready and work should begin shortly. 6, A Trailer Park Ordinance which has been under consideration for some time is now ready for retyping and posting. 7. Tl�e Mayor called attention to a communication from the Governor's office in opposition to certain provisions of HR 13270, Tax Reform Act of 1969, which also includes City financing, and requested that Councilmen and citizens read this article. 8. Other legislation cited was in relation to SB 547, Regional Planning Commissions and defining same, as political subdivisions of the State. 9. The Mayor, as a matter of record, reported that during recent street work, considerable damage had been done to a section on Royal Court� and citizens are requested to pass any information regarding the incident on to City Hall . PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS 1 . Mr. and Mrs. David McCraw appeared before Council with samples taken at intervals from C1ear Creek and from drainage ditches of various industrial plants upstream, and asked that the City Council take an active stand in trying to abate pollution of this stream, 9�� �O� It was stated that a permit hearing for one chemical plant is scheduled for 10 o'clock on October 17, in La Marque by the Texas Water Quality Board, and that attendance of some City Oi�icials might prove helpful in prevent- ing the awarding of a permit which would prove detrimental to Friendswood residents. The Mayor assured them that he personally would investigate the situation. ������� 2. A request has been received from Imperial Estates #1/asking the City to furnish equipment and labor, fdr applying stone on Imperial loop and boat ramp access road, and to assist in clearing the boat ramp of silt. Council decision was that the City policy would not allow City equipment and manpower to be used on the strictly private boat ramp and boat ramp access road. With regard to the loop road, the City will agree to help with this work at a future date. However it was stated that the Civic Club would have to furnish the material which could be ordered along with the City's .street material , but that the current material for City streets is already in transit, and it would be impossible to include this amount in the current year's purchases. �7'��.�".F.>1�,�-� �rr�.�• 3. Imperial Estates #�gave written request that the City pay the utility bill for street lights on Imperial Drive, It was stated that for the 16 lights the electric bill was bett�een $17 and $27 per month. Councilman Mager made a motion that the City assume responsibility for 'the �' � electric bill for Imperial Drive street lights, but that responsibility for maintenance of these lights would remain that of the Civic Club, The motion was seconded by Councilman Woods, and carried unanimously. SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilman Prude reported that the Garbage Committee has met, and plan to make a thorough study of the situation with all possible expediency� and will then make recommendatian to the Council . OLD BUSINESS 1 . Old Choate Road Br.id e: The Mayor reported that both Harris and Galveston Counties t�ave been contacted with regard to tearing down the bridge, and that work will be done as soon as all clearance is received. 2. Councilman Hamil made a motion that Counci7 approve a map as presented by the Galveston County Urban Transportation �tudy, and return it to that organization for their use, Councilman Woods seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. RESOLUTIONS Four resolutions dealing with violations of the Weed Ordinance by the following persons were presented for approval : Paul Messer at Lot 3, Friendswood Gardens Meton Moffett at Part of Lot 53, Voss S/D Gerald McManus at Lot 6, Friendswood Forest Ralph Brosning at Lot 9, Block 1 , Friendswood Original Motion to approve and adopt the four resolutions was made by Councilman Prude, seconded by Councilman Hamil , and carried unanimously. * * * * * *� RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, 7EXAS, AU?HORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A DEED CONVEYING BACK TO R. J. JAMES AND WIFE, MARY AGNES JAMES, THE DEED ATTACHER HERETO. The reference deed deals with an exchange of rights-of-way with R. J. James in cannection with the West Interceptor Line. , Motion was made by Councilman Woods that the resolution be adopted; seconded ,j by Councilman Mager, and carried unanimously. [� � � � Q ORDINANCES Speed Zone Ordinance No. 124 - Second Reading AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6701D, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, UPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INUESTIGATION, UPON CERTAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING' A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200 FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. Motion for approval on second reading was made by Councilman Hamily seconded by Councilman Woods , and carried unanimously, WARRANTS Councilman Stuart made a motion that G&A Warrants 3412 and 3413 be approved for payment; sec-nd by Councilman ' Prude, and carried unanimously, ADJOURNMENT Councilman Woods made a motion, seconded by Councilman Mager, for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: I ,��� /'�,, ,° � �� ,, � ���(- ,�`. f, ,1�,�- Ral ph�6J. Somers, Mayor MINUTES OF CLOSED PERSONNEL SESSION Re�pectfully submitted -�--f'��! i'� ;��,��?� Bobbie C. Henry, Secreta A closed session of the October 6 meeting was held with regard to hiring a clerk-typist to work jointly for G&A and Utility Departments. The Mayor presented the credentials of Mrs. Brenda Joyce Foster, who has been working in this capacity on a part-time basis for the past six weeks, and recommended to Council that Mrs , Foster be retained on a permanent full-time basis at a salary of $350.00 per month. Motion to hire Mrs . Foster on this basis was made by Councilman Woods, , � seconded by Councilman Hamil , and carried unanimously. % APPROVED: ��;> % ;, // —% i'' . ,,/ . .rc.�� .- �' !�%�_.., Ra p �I , Some s, M yor Respectfully submitted �/�-;�-C' '� ��:?'�-,.�r'� �' Bob ie C. Henry, Secretary �_ r ..l_