HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1969-07-22 Regular ��i��.f r-��r.� �,`,� y� /r!1 7 � STATE dFTE�,AS � COUNTY OF GALVESTON � CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD � MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL JULY 22, 7969 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Cit,y Council was held on July 22, 1969 at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Ralph W. Somers Edward Stuart James Mager Thomas Woods Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman With a quorum present, and Councilmen Ronald Hamil and George Prude absent, the following business was transacted : CORRECTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES ��„ 1 . Minutes of Special Meeting of June 23 - Anproved as read. � 2. Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 7 - Approved as read. ,...i 3. Minutes of Sp�cial Meeting of �1uly 17 - Approved as read. � � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . L�, B. Cline is in Colorado due to the illness of his mother-in-law. 2. A check in the amount of $37,500 has been received from the Moody Foundation as a grant toward construction of the Friendswood Library, and has been deposited in a Library Construction account at the Friendswood Bank. 3. Harry Granberry reports to the Mayor that the bond transaction with Underwood-Neuhaus is completed. 4. A letter from Community Public Service was read which sets out the cost of special street light equipment to citizens . 5. An MAI appraiser has been employed at a cost of $350 as an intermediate move toward condemnation of property for the water storage tank. It was stated that an offer of $4,000/$4,500 has been made for this property but the offer has been refused. Seller's asking price is 40� per square foot. By way of confirmation, Motion was made by Councilman Woods that the City have land needed for the storage tank appraised by a MAI for the purpose of condemning the additional land. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mager, and carried unanimously. 6. Announcement was made of appointment of Ken Camp as Fire Marshal with three assistants: Louis Mickler, Steve Stephens , and Oren McClure. 7. Galveston County Road & Bond Election Committee will meet on July 23. Mayor Somers stated that he plans to attend. 8. Announced: Meeting on Texas Water Plan sponsored by the Gulf Coast Reqional League of Women Voters at NASA on Wednesday, July 23. 1 9. The City agreed to pay electric bill for Imperia7 I street 7ights , with the Civic Club maintaining the lights. Mrs. Leah North was requested to write a letter stating this request for the record, after which the City would notify Community Public Service that the City is to receive the bill . 10. Mayor Somers gave oral answers to questions contained in a recent letter from Mrs. Leah North reqarding subdivision regulations . 11 . The Mayor read a letter from the City to Texas Water Wells stating that the Cit,y would honor an invoice for $3,000 for work performed in 1968. ��,: ry7 � .l.� PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS A request from the Baseball Association that their power bi71 come through the City in order to effect a savinqs, with the Association then reimbursing the City for amount payab7e, resulted in a motion to this effect made by Councilman Woods, seconded by Councilman Mager, and the motion carried unanimously. 2. The Planninq Commission questioned whether they are to be proceeding with the Neimsath Plan. Tony Banfield is gatherinq cost information. Suggestion was made that this project be considered in the budget for next year. 3. Barton Disposal 's Fowler Barton has made the four following requests for change in his services : (1 ) Four holidays per year (2) No back-door pick-up (3) Raise in rates (4) Billing by the City. Action on these requests was deferred until Mr. Barton is present. 4. A resolution proposed by the Texas Municiqal League regarding Tax Exemption on Municipal Bonds was presented by the Mayor and read in its entirety. Councilman Mager moved for adoption of the resolution; Councilman Woocls seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. 5. Acceptance forms for Federal Water Pollution Control Administration proposal on WPC-Tex 567 were given to the City Attorney for his handling. 6. Mrs. Virginia Cunningham appeared before Council regarding weeds on drainage ditch between Kingspark and Whitehall . Street S�perintendent Stephens stated that this area would be mowed along the fence lines within the next two weeks , but that he would like to see another neighborhood clean-up day in this area. OLD BUSINESS 1 . City Engineer Bill Walsh appeared before Council. with bid tabulations on the current water and sewer pro,iects , along with his recommendations , � as follows : SEWER TREATMEPdT PLANT #2 WATER LINE WATER WELL SEWER LINE S0. OF COWART CREEK WEST INTERCEPTER George C. Cox Ramnart Dev. Co. Mainland Const. Co. Chaparral Const. Layne-Texas Tech-Con Corp. John G. Holland Tom-Co John G. Holland Engineering fees estimated at $67,000. $185,000 229,800 $ 10,348.11 10,625.50 59,986.00 98,634.10 174,532.50 303,453.00 plus contingencies 394,580.50 Motion made by Councilman k�oods: To authorize the Engineer to pursue the authorization of substitution of 24" Flextran pipe for the original 30" and 27" pipe, with the intention of negotiating a con- tract, dependina on (a) contractor 's written revised proposal and (b) State approval of substitution. C�o�tion was seconded by Councilman Mager, and crried unanimously. Councilman Mager made contract negotiations . carried unanimously. a motion that the low bids be accented for Seconded by Councilman Woods, the motion 2. Park Land Acquisition: Councilman Woods reported that paper work is in the hands of the secretar_y for t,yping and that application will be ready within next two days . 3. City Attorney was directed to prepare a modified Plumbing Ordinance to include testing of house connections, to be done before covering lines. 4. Approval of final payment to Bovay on P-113 still pending receipt of Zoning Map. 5. A discussion regarding free water for subdivisions resulted in decision to write a letter to Civic Groups stating policy of the City whereby the Civic Club pays for installation of taps on a cost basis, that water be furnished at a token charge; that water be used judiciously, the City reserving the right to withdraw the offer any time that use of same is subject to abuse. ORDINANCES ��. ORDINANCE #123 - Second Reading C�t *..� AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING GARDEN DRIVE AND STADIUM DRIVE ONE-WAY A� STREETS; BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8:00 A.M. TO 8:30 A.M. AND BETWEEN �� THE HOURS OF 2:30 P.M. TO 4:00 P.M. ; ON SCHOOL DAYS ONLY; SETTING � TEH SPEED LIMIT OF TWENTY (20) MILES PER HOUR DURING THE ABOVE MENTIONED TIME PERIODS; DIRECTING THE CHIEF OF POLICE TO ERECT SIGNS SO DESIGNATING, AND PROVIDING SEVERABILITY AND PENALTY CLAUSES. Councilman Mager made a motion that the Ordinance be passed on second reading; second was by Councilman Woods , and the motion carried � unanimously. WARRANTS Councilman Stuart made a motion that General Warrant #3180 for Plumbing r ,;r Inspections be approved for payment; seconded by Councilman Woods , the motion carried unanimousl,y. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made that the meeting ad,journ. The meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: '/ �7 /. �Ol ��� / l/,,✓� r��_ . ,/�� ..�'�.�'/ �! ,r V�` -� �f�� i! .:!�', L (����G{. ��� Ralph W Somers, MaYor ss Respectfully submitted: �' ���� L,'' �.�� Bobbie C. Henry, Secre y ��