HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1969-04-21 Regular --- —---- __ -- - -- ---- _ As corrected May 5, 1969 �N� S T A T E OF TEXAS � COUNTY OF GALVESTON � CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD � MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 21 , 1969 A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held April 21 , 1969, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall . Present were: Ralph W. Somers Mayor Edward Stuart Councilman James E. Mager Councilman Ronald Hamil Councilman Bobbie C. Nenry Secretary With Thomas Woods and George Prude absent, and a quorum present, the following business was transacted: APPROVAL OF MINUTES � G� Minutes of Regular Council Meeting of April 7, 1969 approved as corrected. r"� Minutes of Special Meeting of April 14, 1969 approved as read. C.� � ANNOUNCEMENT5 & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAY�R Q WPC-Tex-195 - Mayor Somers reported on a telephone conversation of WPC-TEX-195 this date with HUD to the effect .that Friendswood's application for this project is not expected to be considered any time in the near future for a HUO grant. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS Trailer Parks - Mr. Fisher and Mr. Weber who are interested in develop- TRAILER ing tra�i er'Fiome parks, appeared before Counci7 regarding requirements, PARKS taxing program, and other areas of interest in this regard. A proposed Mobile Hbmes Ordinance was reviewed by Council . Final decisions regarding drainage right-of-way questions from Mr. Weber was withheld pending discussion with the Drainage Commission. SPECIAL COMMITTEES Charter Stud�Committee: Mayor Somers announced that the fol1owing CHARTER STUDY representatives have been chosen from the various orqanizations to COMMITTEE serve on this committeep Planning Commission Frank Coe , Drainage Soard Paul C. Kramer School District Dick Warren Women's League Mrs . Pat Howard Chamber of Commerce Tony Banfield Annalea Civic Club Mrs . Floyd Cochran Clear Creek Woods Civic ,Club Mrs. Ann Spears Friendswood Forest Neighborhood Committee Billy J. Newberry Imperial Estates I Not yet reported Imperial Estates II Barry Evans Kingspark-Whitehal7 Stan Luczkowski Leisure Lane Neighborhood Committee Billy J. Newberry Lori Woods Civic Club Jim Walker Village Green Civic Club Mrs. George Roy Flood Insurance: Jim Shore reported on a workshop he7d Friday, April 18, FLOOD in Galveston regarding Flood Control Insurance. One of the pre- INSIJRANCI requisites for an area to be eligible for such insurance is that the City express an interest in same by way of a resolution passed by June 21 , 1969, and an ordinance concerning flood ,insurance to be enacted within one year. _ _ �Lt!� Mayor Somers requested that the Drainage Board draft such a resolution and present it to the Council for approval and signing. * * * Mayor Somers acknowledged the presence of a former Mayor of the City� Mr. Harry Wagner, and welcomed him to the meeting. OLD BUSINESS BONO SALE The Fiscal Agent appeared before Council to report on progress of , the bond sale, and to request Council approval to proceed. ' Councilman Mager made a motion that the Council give the Fiscal Agent ` .' approva1 to praceed with the bond sale to All State Insurance Company at a rate of 6-3/8%, provided the City can meet the conditions set out by the prospective purchaser. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stuart and carried unanimously. * * * * * * JANITORIAL A contract with A-1 Janitorial Service to cover cleaning service at SERUICE City Hall at a rate of $130 per month, five days a week, was presented � for approval . � Councilman Hamil made a motion that the contract be accepted; Councilman Mager seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Health & Safety: In reply to a request fram the Galveston County Mainland Cities Health Department, Councilman Stuart made a motion that a letter of intent be sent to that organization stating that Friendswood will participate in financial support of the Health Department in the coming hear� as has been done in the past. Utilities: A list of suggested changes and improvements aimed at improving water and sewer service by the Gity was presented by Ken Toon and L. B. Cline. After examination and discussion of the paper, the Water Department was instructed to proceed with the suggested action, funds already having been budgeted for such work. Finance: Councilman Stuart made a brief report on the City' s financial situation. Fire and Police: P�ayor Somers commended the Police Department on their educational program now underway. The Mayor also brought up the subject of a new fire station and suggested that the Fire Department and Police Department might work together toward larger and better quarters for these two depar�ments. . Streets: Councilman Hamil explained at length street improvements program for t e coming year which includes 1 .65 miles of resurfacing, using � limestone instead of shell as has been done previously. Motion made by Councilman Mager to adopt program, seconded by Stuart, carried unanimously. Councilman Hamil at this point also gave a report of the committee which he heads dealing with drainage in subdivisions, and stated that a survey of the situation and means of improving conditions are presently being worked out. � ORDINANCES ORD. #79 Councilman Hamil proposed several changes in the Weed Ordinance No. 79 and the City Attorney was requested to make such changes for the Secretary's typing and posting for reading at the next Council Meeting. WARRANTS Counci7man Stuart reported that warrants would be presented for approva1 once a month on a trial basis, and no warrants were presented at this meeting. � N � � Q CLOSED SESSION The Council adjourned to the Mayor's office for a closed session as later reported. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, �?��e � �' �� Bo ie C. Henry, Secr ry Approved: � , Ra p . omers, Mayor MINUTES OF CLOSED SESSION In closed session, Council considered the appointment of a replace- ment for Tom Grace on the Planning Commission. Two names presented were Clint Hackney and Jim Lawrence. Motion was made by Councilman Mager that Jim Lawrence be appointed to this position. The motion died for lack of a second. - -- -- __ --- __ , ��': PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT Motion was then made by Councilman Stuart that Clint Hackney be appointed. This motion also died for lack of a second. It was then decided to table the matter until all members were present. * * * * * A conference was held with the City Attorney regarding the bulk of legal work for the City, and priorities were set on a number of items in an effort to expedite handling. The closed session was adjourned at 11 :55 p.m. Approved: / ( C �L"L�NYL� Ralp . Somers , Mayor Respectfully �submitted, � ', �e �/i `��� Bo ie C. Henry,�Secreta