HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1969-04-07 Regular Approved as corrected April 21p 1969 �� STATEOFTEXAS � COUNTY OF GALVESTON � CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD � MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 7, 1969 A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held on April 7, 1969, at 7:30 p.m: in the City Ha11 with the following members present: Edward F. Stuart Mayor Pro-�em George F. Prude Councilman Thomas Woods Councilman James E. Mager Councilman Ronald G. Hamil Councilman Bobbie C. Henry Assistant City Secretary With Mayor Ralph Somers absent, and with a quorum present, the following business was transacted: CORRECTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES � � Minutes of the regular meeting of March 17, 1969 were approved as corrected. � � COMMUNICATIONS FROM TNE MAYOR � C.� 1 . Results of the April 5 City E1ection were announced as follows: Thomas F. Wovds 246 votes George F. Prude, Jr. 257 votes Edward F. Stuart 210 votes D. G. Romeike 72 votes Mrs. George B. Cunningham 152 votes Michael R. Wash (write-in) 5 votes I 2. The follovring "Expression of Appreciation" was read: "The extra efforts put forth by the City employees, Messrs . Cline, Toon, and Stephens, in the OPERATION SPARKLE program of 1969 should not go unnoted. These people gave of their free time without complaint to help make the program a success. This extra work, carried� out on two successive Saturdays of March 29 and April 5, is recognized by the Council and will be made a part of the minutes of the April 7 Council Meeting. We recognize this operation as a Garden Club Activity and .encourage these clubs to look forward to a bigger and better clean-up next year. 3. Notice has been received from the Department of the Interior that WPC-Tex-50 final grant payment is being processed on WPC-Tex-500 (Quaker's Landing) for $24,750.00, and the money should be forthcoming shortly. 4. A workshop on Flood Control Insurance will be held in Galveston on April 18. A representative from Friendswood wi11 be present: 5, The Drainage Gommittee for Future Subdivisions has been completed with DRAINAGE Jack Edwards , Bui1der, and C. C. Bost, Developer, as representatives C0�1IT�E from the Chamber of Commerce; Don Hackbart as representative from the Drainage District; and Councilman Ron Hamil representing the City � Council and acting as chairman of this committee. Councilman Hamil announced that the first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 9, when goals of the committee would be set out and methods of achieving such goals discussed. 6. Letters were read from Senators Tower and Yarborough and from Congress- man Brooks regarding our application for HUD grants to assist in installation of sewer service in the Briarmeadow, Winding Way, FM 518 area. .� -� MOBILE HOMES 7. A report was read from the City Engineer on application from Fisher I�fobile Home Park and the associated drainage requirements. LIBRARY 8. A letter from the State Library transmitting marked up copy of the library drawings and specifications has been received, and a meeting is scheduled for Thursday night at 8 P.M. y April 10, with the architect, the Library Board, and representatives from the City Council to discuss revisions in preparation for requesting bids on the job. LAYNE TEXAS 9. Reports on a survey of our water supply and facilities has been received from Layne Texas, and their people are to meet with the Council on April 21 , at the next regular Council meeting, to discuss the report. WCID #21 10. Members of the City Council , and the Mayor, met on April 3 with the Bo�rd of Directors of WCID #21 for official dissolving of the District. The County Auditor was present and made rec-mmendations regarding proper procedure and advised regarding retention of records, which were turned over to the City along with all physical assets, property and funds. The City Attorney was requested to prepare a resolution for signing by the Water District covering this transaction. 11 . A letter from WCID #108 attorneys requesting the Council authorize nICID #108 the District to sell bonds at 6-1/2% interest instead of the 6% as stated was referred to the City Attorney for study and recommendation. This action was by way of a motion by Councilman Woods, seconded by �` Councilman Hamil , and carried unanimously. JANITORIAL 12. Motion was made by Councilman Prude that the City retain A-1 Janitorial �ERVICE Service on a trial basis for one month at a cost of $130 per month for five days per week clean-up ofi City Ha11 . � The motion was seconded by Councilman Woods, and carried unanimously, PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1 . Mrs. George Cunningham appeared before Council regarding underground wiring for street lights purchased from Community Public Service. She was informed by Councilman Hamil that he has contacted CPS regarding this matter. Mrs. Cunningham also questioned what action is being taken regarding drainage in the Annalea area and was told by Councilman Hamil that � the Friendswood Drainage District is now working on the problem, that water flow tests are being made, and an out-flow map and study are underway. =IGNUS LANO 2, Mr. Bill Eignus appeared before the Council to request that the City sell water to an area outside the City which he proposes to sell in 1--1/2 acre tracts. This question was tabled until workshop meeting on April 14. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 . Zoninq - To be discussed at next workshop. WEDGEWOOD 2. Annexation - The following Resolution was read and adopted by the � Council : � "RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD HEREBY INSTITU7ES PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX THE CLEAR WOODS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS; DIRECTING THE CITY ATTQRNEY TQ PREPARE AN ORDINANCE TO ANNEX THE SAID TERRITORY AS DESCRIBED IN THE ANNEXATION PETITION UPON WHICH HEARING WAS HELD MARCH 24x 1969. __ , 4'�� Whereas the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas called a public hearing on March 24, 1969 to allow interested persons to be heard on the matter of annexation of the territory known as Clear Woods Improvement District; and Whereas the City Council of the City of Friendswood, after considera- tion of the facts presented at said hearing and consideration of the petition for annexation, and the facts related thereto, has determined that the best interests of the City of Friendswood would be served by instituting proceedings to annex the aforesaid territory; now therefore, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Friendswoods Texas duly assembled: That the City Council hereby institutes proceedings to annex the Clear Woods Improvement District of Harris County, Texas; That the City Attorney of the City of Friendswood is directed to prepare an ordinance to annex the territory described in the annexation �' petition previously presented to Mayor Ralph Somers, upon which hearing �� was held March 24, 1969 at Friendswood City Hall , and that such ordinance be posted for first reading according to established ordin- ;� ance reading procedure of the City. That upon final reading of said � ordinance the City shall annex the territory known as the Clear Woods Improvement District to the City of Friendswood. Motion was made by Councilman Woods that the above Resolution be adopted; seconded by Councilman Mager. The vote was two for and two against, i .e. , Councilmen Woods and Mager for; Councilmen Hamil and Prude against. Mayor Pro-tem Stuart broke the tie with a yes vote, carrying the motion. 3. Bond Sale - Harry Granberry, Fiscal Agent, recommended to Council that BONDS e�e authorized to continue in his attempt to sell present sewer and water bonds for three more weeks before considering changing the procedure. Counci7 agreed. 4. Sewer and Water Bids - Councilman Woods made the following motion: "That the Council authorize the Mayor to notify the City Engineer to go out for bids on the complete water and sewer project by the first part of May, stipulating that the bid package be ready by May 1 . " Councilman Prude seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. 5. Utili� Buildinq - Counci7man Woods made a motion that the City accept e low bid on the Water Department utility building from Predesigned Construction, Inc, for $5,995.00, with alternate No. 2 .for an addi- tional $195, and that necessary funds be moved from the Budget Adjust- ment account to this bid item to make up .the amount above the budgeted level . The motion was seconded by Councilman Hamil , and carried unanimously. SPECIAL COMMITTEES WATER & SEWEF BIDS UTILITY BLDG. l . Additional Land Ac uisition for Park Land - Councilman Mager reported PARK LANp that a meeting had been held with school authorities regarding this land, and made the following motion: "That a proposal be made to the School Board that the City purchase the land containing the pipe line easement, a total of ten acres, at a price of $2,000 per acre, purchase to be finalized in the City fiscal year 1969-70; and that another ten acres containing the stadium be purchased at $3,000 per acre, purchase to be finalized in the City fiscal year 1970-71 . Motion was seconded by Councilman Hamils and carried unanimously. �-� -- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS l . E Finance - No report Fire - Councilman Mager referred a proposed ordinance on trash burning to the City Attorney for study and preparation. Councilman �Mager also announced that a new fire truck wduld be delivered on June l , .and tfiat Water.Superintendent Ken Toon and Street Super intendent Steve Stephens are being considered as daytime firemen, this plan being acceptable to the Fire Department. 3. Health & Safety - No report ' � 4. 5. Police - No report � Streets - Councilman Hamil made the following announcements: a. Work is progressing on Melody Lane project. b. The dog pound well is being dril1ed April 8. For the record, Councilman Hamil stated that reports had come to him that a city vehicle had been hauling dirt to Councilman Stuart's property, and he wanted to clarify the situation by stating that less than one yard of dirt had been dumped on Mr. Stuart's property, the incident being that, due to a breakdown of the dump truck, a small amount of dirt had been placed on the flatbed and had to be disposed of and Mr. Stuart's lot was the nearest place to put it. Councilman Stuart stated that he had not even been aware that the dirt had been put on his lot. *** RADIO - STREET Councilman Hamil made a motion that the City purchase a radio for the DEPARTMENT Street Department truck, to be paid for out of funds in the Street , Department's Capital ,budget. � ; WATER BILLING BI-MONTHLY The motion was seconded by Councilman Woods , and carried unanimously. 6. Utilities - No report. Councilman Prude �made a motion that the City go to bi-monthly billings of water bills. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mager, and after some discussion an amendment t.o the motion was made by Councilman Hamil , i .e. that the billing of April 24th be set out as the last monthly billing and that a letter be sent to each subscriber informing them of the new billing date. The amendment was seconded by Councilman Prude. Councilman Woods then made a motion to table the action for three weeks �D', ` `°, but this motion failed to carry due to lack of a second. The ar�endment passed by a unanimous vote, The original motion then was passed unanimously. ORDINANCES Ordinance #119 - Third and final readin AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0: 98 OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, SPECIFICALLY SECTION 4B (No. 3), CONCERNING CITY POLICY FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE TO APPLICANTS OUTSIDE CORPORATE BOUNDARIES; PROVIDING A PENALTY; PRESCRIBING FORM OF COMPLAINTS AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. % � � � C� _ ----- -- - - �. -- �'U Motion was made by Councilman Woods that the Ordinance be adopted on third and final reading; second was by Councilman Mager, The vote was three for, one against, with Councilmen Woods, Mager, and Hamil voting for; Councilman Prude voting against. � WARRANTS Motion was made by Councilman Prude that the following warrants be approved for payment: Utility Warrants 4330 through 4357,.and General Fund Warrants 2904 through 2931 . Councilman Woods seconded ;�the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. � Respectfully submitted, � � � , � . . ��, � ��;a-C�e Bobbie C. Henry, Assistan City Secr.etary APPROVED: Edward F. Stuar a Mayor Pro-tem J � � , �