HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1969-03-17 Regular ----- -- - r �
Approved �, 1969 ���
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A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held March 17, 1969,
at 8:35 p.m. in the City Hall with the following members present:
Ralph W. Somers Mayor
Edward F. Stuart Councilman
George F. Prude Councilman
Thomas Woods Gouncilman
Ronald G. Hamil Councilman
Bobbie C. Henry Assistant City Secretary
With Councilman James Mager absent, and with a quorum present, the follow-
ing business was transacted:
�"'i Minutes of the regular meeting of March 3, 1969 approved as read.
� Minutes of a special meeting of March 10, 1969 approved as corrected.
1 . The Mayor announced that Councilmen Mager and Prude are scheduled to
attend a refuse disposal workshop in Austin on March 24, and also
that an invitation has been received to a Solid Wastes Management
Institute to be held in Houston on April 3-4.
2. The Texas Air Control Board has notified Friendswood that we fall
within the cities in which open burning is not permitted. This means
on a city basis, not for individuals.
3. Information has been received from HUD regarding flood insurance. FLOOD INS.
7his should be studied to ascertain whether we wish to par.ticipate.
A meeting is to be held in Beaumont to discuss this insurance.
4. Sanator Schwartz has notified the City that the Galveston County Flood
Control Bi17 is now out of committee and is ready to go before the
Legislature. A revision recommended by the Galveston County Mayors
and Councilmen' s Association has been incorporated into the Bill .
5. The Mayor called attention to the candidates in �he forthcoming election
which includes three incumbents and two new candidates.
6. Phase III of the Library Plan has been completed and specifications, LIBRARY
drawings, and necessary papers will be sent to Austin �omorrow.
Approval on this final phase should be completed within three weeks,
at which time the job will be put out for bids, and the project should
be ready for ground-breaking within two to three months.
7. Wedgewood has petitioned Friendswood for annexation with a vote of WEDGEWOOD
55 for and 51 against.
8. The letter to Pearland regarding Village Green, Section II, has been VILLAGE
rewritten as follows: GREEN
"Thank you for mai7ing Friendswood a copy of the Preliminary Plat
for Village Green, Section 2, dated October 28, 1968. Friendswood
is now making a study of this plat with particular attention to the
drainage provisions. We �are concerned that the residents of the
Whitehall-Kingspark and Village Green area may be adversely affected.
To properly inform ourselves, the Friendswood Drainage District is
working with the City Engineer and the developer to completely evaluate
the presented plat. The Friendswood City Council requests that Pear-
land not approve the plat as presented until this study has been
completed and that approval be given then only if a drainage plan
satisfactory and in the best interest of all concerned parties is
-4� ---
"We will be in touch with you on completion of the study. In the
meantime, should you have questions of us, please do not hesitate
to contact us.
"Again, thank you fiQr your cooperative attitude."
HIGHWAY 9. On March 6, the Mayor and Councilman Hamil joined other members of
PROGR M the Galveston County Mayors and Councilmen's Association on a trip
to Austin to appear before the State Highway Commission on behalf
of a State highway program, some of which has been approveda some
of which has not been approved. Friendswood made a request for a
four-lane highway through Friendswood� as well as requesting a
highway from the Freeway to the Brazoria County line on 518. The
Mayor emphasized that this request involves a future project and not
something that could be accomplished in the immediate future.
10. On Wednesday, March 12, the Mayor met with Nouston-Galveston Area
Council as the legal representative from this area, since League City
has officially designated Mayor Somers as their choice to represent
the two cities to this organization this year.
11 . Unofficial reports indicate that final audit of Water District #21
has been completed.
TRAILER 1 . A letter has been received from Mr. Ledford L, Hicks objecting to a
PARKS proposed trailer park to be built next to his property, on the grounds
that such an installation would depreciate the value of his property.
2. Mr. L. A. Fisher appeared before the Council for approval to build
a mobile home park on property located near the intersection of Woodlawn
and Highway 2351 . He was directed to have drawn up a preliminary plat
for review by the Drainage Commission and the Planning Commission,
and when these two had approved the plat, then represent his case to
the Council for final approval .
The Drainage District Chairman, Mr. Jim Shore, indicated that their
approval hinged on an investigation by the City Inspector, Mr. Jones,
as to whether the fa11-out ditch in the area could be lowered 1 .75
feet to take care of drainage.
UTILITY BLDG.3. Open.ing of Bids for equiprr�nt shelter at Sewer Plant #2. Three bids
were received, two from the same. company, and were read as follows:
a. Predesign Construction Inc. $5,995.00
b. Francis Construction Co. 6,754.00 with alternate of
$300 for 9' chain
link fence.
c. Francis Construction Co. 7,846,00 with the same alternate
Decision was reached to table the bids for studying and reviewing
before final decision is made. Councilman Woods ata�ted for the record
that the bid would go to the low bidder providing the bid met with all
specifications, but that Council has the right to reject all bids.
However, the apparent low bidder is P.C. I.
4. A representative from the Kingspark-Whitehall area requested information
on traffic signs for that area, and was told by the Mayor that this
project is in the process of being handled at this time.
5. A letter has been received from the Imperial Estates Civic Club asking
that the City give the Club their plans for resurfacing streets,
gutters, etc. , and status of the triangle of land near Sewer Plant #2.
1 . Tt was decided that Council would plan to meet with the Planning
Commiss9on on Monday night, March 24, following the public hearing,
to discuss the proposed Zoning Ordinance.
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2. Drainage Policy Committee: This committee, to consist of one council- DRAINAGE
man, one member of the Drainage Commission, and two representatives POLICY
selected by the Chamber of Commerce, will formulate policies regarding
drainage for future subdivisions. Word has been received that Don
Hackbar will represent the Drainage Commission; C. C. Bost and Jack
Edwards will be the representatives from the Chamber of Commerce;
and Councilman Hamil will represent the City Council .
3. Harry Granberry has sent word that he has �nothing new to report on
the sale of the City bonds� but at persent the situation does not look
too promising.
4. Mr. Fawcett of Texas Water Wells appeared before Council regarding TEXAS WATE
his billing for work done in 1968 on Water Well #2. After lengthy WELLS
discussion, Counci1 stated that $3,000.00 was the amount authorized .
for the job, and since the understanding was that the contractor would
come to the Council and request further funds if they found it
necessary; and further, that since the well had performed no better
(and possibly even worse) since this work was done� that they could
not authorize payment of the invoice for $20,435.00 as presented.
Mr. Fawcett was informed that if he would send the City a statement
�'' for $3,000, that it would be paid; if he did not wish to do this,
� that he would be welcome to return to the Council to discuss the
'� matter with any new information.
1 . Additional Land Acquisition for Park Lan'd: Councilman Hamil reported PARK LA
that he and Councilman Mager had met with the school officials regarding
their land, but no definite figures had been reached. Another meeting
is scheduled for March 31 .
In con�ection with this piece of land, the Mayor stated that �the
Friendswood Summer Baseball Association has spent $1500 on lighting
and expect to have 200 boys enrolled in the program this summer. He
commended th�s group for their work in the recreation field of our
2. Current Park Land Acquisition - No report from Councilman Woods.
3. Policy Committee �on Fire Plugs - Councilman Mager absent. No report.
4. Safety Committee: Councilman Prude asked Chief Wright to report on SAFETY CO
the Safety Meeting. It was decided �by the Committee that they would
meet the second Thursday of every other month, at 4:30, with each
member being notified prior to the meeting, to encourage attendance.
The Committee discussed the parking situation at the school , and is
seeking a so7ution to the problem. School crossings and traffic
congestion on Spreading Oaks were discussed.
Chief Wright stated that he would like to keep a regular and steady
contact with the school students to keep them safety conscious.
l . Mayor Somers requested that policy be confirmed regarding use of gas BULK GAS
from the City pumps far non-owned City vehicles operating on City PO`�I�y '�
business. The City Secretary was instructed to alter the Bulk Gas
Record to include a record of what such vehicles were to be used for,
to be kept as a part of the records.
2. A discussion was initiated concerning the parking of mobile homes in MOBILE HOME
driveways or near public buildings. It was concluded that this is
permissable if they are properly hooked into the City sewer system.
3. Councilman Hamil asked if the Council would be willing to accept from
Zero Process Company (as a donation) a used window fan to be installed
in the new equipment building when it is completed.
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Councilman Woods made a motion that the City accept the donation of a fan
� from the Zero Process Company. Councilman Prude seconded the motion, and
it carried unanimously.
POLICE SCHOOL4. Chief �Wright requested authorizat�on to send eight of his patrolmen
to a school in Webster beginning March 31 , which is designed to
upgrade law enforcement in Texas, and which wi71 make these men
eligible for State certification,
Counci7man Hamil made a motion that Council authroize. the expenditure
by the Police Department of $960 to send eight men to training school
at a price �of $120 per man, and that funds be transferred to t4�e
Police Department fund from the Budget Adjustment fund to cover this
expenditure. Councilman Prude seconded the motion, and it carried
unanimously. ,
' Motion was made to accept the ordinance on second reading by Councilman
��` Woods, seconded by Councilman Stuart, and carried 3 to 1 with Councilmen
Woods, Stuart, and Hamil voting yes, Councilman Prude voting no.
The City Attorney was questioned regarding an ordinance on air conditioning
and heating. He stated that several ordinance dn air conditioning and
heating. He stated that several ordinances were in the process of being
written, and would be presented to Council as soon as they were completed.
. ,
NEW BUSINESS (continued)
DRAINAGE 5. With regard to the new Friendswood Drainage Plan, Councilman Hamil
made a motion that Council authorize expenditure of $300 to be paid
for inclusion of culvert siz� and drain-off on 518, 528, and 2351
, as recommended by the Drainage Commission.
� a Motion was seconded by Councilman Prude, and carried unanimously.
' Councilman Stuart made a motion that�Council authorize payment of Warrants
� as fo1lows: Uti�lity: 4271 to 4288; Administrative: 2865 to 2883. Seconded
by Councilman Prude, the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 11 :35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Bo ie C. enry, ssist nt City
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Ralph . Somers, Mayor