HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1969-03-03 Regular — _. _ __ ._ _. _. _
Approved March 17, 1969 t��
A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was he1d March 3, 1969
at 8:00 p.m. in the City Hall with the fo1lowing members present:
Ralph W. Somers Mayor
Edward F. Stuart Counci1man
James E. Mager Councilman
George � . Prude Councilman
. Thomas Woods Councilman
Ronald G. Hami1 Councilman
Sobbie C. Henry City Secretary
With a quorum present, the fo1lowing business was transacted:
� 1 . Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 3, 1969, approved as read.
*-� 2, Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 17, 1969, approved as corrected,
l . The Mayor publicl.y recognized the accomplishments of the Friendswood
basketball team on winning the right to go to State play-off late
this week, and expressed the City's pride for this honor and good
wishes for their success.
2. The Mayor welcomed two new City employees, Keith Still , who is now
working fu17-time for the Police Department and Eladio Flores.
3. The Mayor recognized the response of Representative Dean Neugent to
a communique from Friendswood requesting his support of HB #260, Texas
Library Systems Act. Representative Neugent pledged his support.
4. A letter from Representative Jack Brooks stating that Friendswood's
application for Library Funds was in good shape. Appreciation for
Congressman Brooks' continued interest was expressed.
5. Letter from the Mayor to HUD requesting that they expedite approva1
of monies for Project WS-5-44-0195.
A reply was acknowledged. This reply states that funds for these
projects are in short supply and we are not now assured of approval .
6. Invitation from the Galveston County Historical Survey Committee and
Texas City Historical Commission to commemorate Colonel Hugh B. Maore
and Helen Moore, ceremony to be held at 3:30 p.m. March 16.
7. Texas Municipal League "Refuse Disposal Workshop" to be held in Austin
on March 24, regarding, primarily, sanitary landfill . The City
Secretary was instructed to make reservations for Councilmen Mager
and Prude for this workshop.
S. Letter from Heritage Garden Club requesting that March be proclaimed
as "Sparkle-Up" month by the Council .
9. Letter written by the Mayor to the City of Pearland regarding Village
Green #2 which he proposed to send in answer to their request that
Friendswood apprave the preliminary p1at for this subdivision.
Members of the Council objected to the letter in that they did not
feel it complied with the action taken by the Council at i�s last
regular meeting regarding this matter.
After discussion, Councilman Hamil made the following motion:
, ��. - - _
"That the Council withdraw the motion of the Regu7ar Meeting of
February 17 concerning Village Green No. 2, and furthermore, that
the Mayor be authorized to submit a letter ta the Mayor and City
Council of Pear1and stating that we have received the p7ans for
Village Green No. 2, that we are studying them with our City Engineer,
, Drainage Commission, and the developer, and we are concerned about
some aspects of the drainage, "
'� The motion was seconded by Councilman Mager, and carried by a unanimous
10. The Mayor cal7ed attention to receipt of a copy of the Annual Report
for 1968 from Galveston County Commissioners Court.
11 . Letter from Bovay stating that the report is now comp1ete and ready
for presentation to the City, after review by the Planning Commission.
The Mayor stated that the Council has been holding study sessions
for the purpose of reviewing this plan in detail , and that these
sessions will continue to completion. �
12. Minutes of the last meeting of the Galveston Gounty Mayors and
Councilrnen's Association were noted.
1 . Letter from Jim Shore, Chairman, Friendswood Drainage District,
transmitting a copy of a resolution recently adop�ed by the Board.
2. The Mayor noted a letter from Gas U�ility Service transmitting
franchise payment for January, February, and March 1968.
3. Letter from Truman Taylor confirming coverage on Councilman Stuart's
pick-up truck while it is in use by the City. �
4. Letter from Robert M. Senter, President of Lori Woods civic club,
requesting that street lights be placed in cul-de-sacs on Ron Circle
and Stephen Court, and if this is not possible, that the civic club
be al1owed to discuss this with the City. The Mayor stated that this
1etter would be answered affirmatively to the latter request.
5. Letter from John Friend, President, Kingspark-Whitehall Civic League
requesting that speed signs be instal7ed without waiting for stop
signs which are not yet avai1able, inasmuch as he feels the delay
could endanger the safety of children in the area. The Mayor stated
that these signs would be installed Thursday of this week and that
Mr. Friend would be so informed.
6. Several residents of Wedgewood were present with questions concerning
annexation by Friendswood. The Mayor explained that the area must
first comply with State laws requiring a petition from the area
requesting annexation before the City could give the question any
consideration. Merits of annexation by Friendswood and Houston were
7. Publication of a "Federal Aid Digest" was noted, and decision was
made to subscribe to this publication for one year.
A letter was read from Texas Water Quality Board regarding WPC-Tex-500
setting forth final requirements on this grant, including final payment
to Mercer Construction Company. The City Administrator was directed to
finalize this work and payment, thus clearing the way for receipt of
the grant money.
1 . Additional Land Ac uisition for Park Land - Councilman Mager stated
that a meeting has been set for 6:30 Mon ay, March 10, with Mr. John
Ward to discuss availabi1ity of school land for park purposes.
_ __ ___. —
2. Current Park Land Ac uisition - Councilman Woods presented a resolution
w ic requires ounc� a opt�on in order to obtain Federa7 and State
grants for purc.hase of park lands. The reso7ution states that no
discrimination will be made in the use of the parks, that na hardships
wi11 be imposed on residents now residing on such park land, and that
the City will comply with requirements made by the government regard-
ing such grants.
Councilman Woods made a motion that this reso7ution be adopted. '
Councilman Hamil seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously.
3. Policy Committee on Fire Pl�c�s - Councilman Mager - No Report.
4. Beautification Committee - Councilman Prude stated that the triangle
of land adjacent to the sewer plant is now under discussion with
Mr. C. C. Bost but that no conclusions had been reached.
l . Finance - Councilman Stuart turned the floor over to the Fiscal Agent
� who reported that bonds are now ready for sale and awaiting on1y a
�'`1 decision by the lawyers as to wording regarding the pledging of
'"'� revenues, that once this legal technicality is resolved, the City
� would be in a position to take ac�ion on selling the bonds. He expects
`Q to have this point clear in a few days.
2. Fire - Councilman Mager reported that he had talked with Commissioner
Lawrence regarding fire protection for areas outside of Friendswood in
the County. Councilman Mager made a motion that the Mayor be author-
ized to sign and return to Ga7veston County Corproation Court the
fo1lowing letter:
"In accordance with the terms of Article 2351a-1 , V,C.S. , the City PROTECTION
of Friendswood for and in consideration of the sum of $1 ,800 to be
paid to the City by the County of Galveston, agrees that it will
furnish fire protection to the citizens of Galveston County residing
outside of the corporate limits of this City, during the year 1969."
and that upon receipt of the funds they be turned over to the Friends-
wood Volunteer Fire Department.
.;,. ;. �
Councilman Woods seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously.
3. Health and Safet� - Councilman Prude reported that a tentative meeting
is to e set up regarding safety in the community.
4. Police - Councilman Mager. No report.
5. Utilities - Councilman Woods announced that the plans are now complete
and bids wi71 be taken for construction of an equipment building at
Sewer Plant No. 2.
Final revised drawings on the Sewer Plant have been received from the BUILDING
City Engineer. After examination of these drawings by the Council ,
Councilman Woods made a motion that the City accept the revised plans .
This motion was seconded by Councilman Hami1 and carried unanimously.
The City Secretary was instructed to notify Walsh Engineering that
the drawings were approved.
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` Motion was made by Councilman Mager to pass first reading of the ordinance;
�j� the motion was seconded by Councilman Woods. The motion carried by a
vote of three to two, with Counci7men Mager, Woods, and Hamil voting for;
Councilmen Prude and Stuart against.
FRIENDSWOOD A resolution was presented by the Mayor "supporting the philosoptiy" of
PLAN the Friendswood Plan, and stating that the theme of "creative, interpre-
tative, up-to-date, early Texas style" is acceptable to the Council , but
that adoption will be made only through a City Ordinance, and tha� public ,
hearings will be held.
�, �`� After reading of the Resolution in its entirety, and discussion of same,
�,.' motion was made by Councilman Hamil to adopt the resolution with an
��-" additional statement acknowledging the many efforts expended in behalf
of this Plan. Councilman Stuart seconded the motion, and it carried
After further discussion regarding both the acceptance and execution of
the Plan, Councilman Mager made the following motion:
"That the Planning Commission and Architectural Committee members be
' requested to come up with a plan, including costs, for the 518-to-
Morningside corridor, as far as possible going along with the early
�,1 Texas style of architecture plan; that they come back to the City
Council with those plans and costs , whereupon the Council wi11 take
appropriate action. "
The motion was seconded by Councilman Woods, and carried unanimously.
�: A Resolution was presented by the Mayor endorsing the action of the Galveston
•� County Mayors and Councilmen`s Association regarding formation of a Galveston
�; County Flood Control District.
Mation was made by Councilman Hamil that the resolution be adopted; seconded
by Councilman Woods, and carried unanimausly.
The Mayor presented a resolution as follows:
7RAINAGE DIST. "Be it resolved that the Friendswood City Council does support the
Resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors� Friendswood Drainage
Commission on F.ebruary 10, 1969 regarding the requiring of drainage
structure to be provided by the subdivision developed from a proposed
subdiv�is•ion to the proper "defined drainage outfall .
"Further, be it resolved that the Ci�y will assist the Drainage District
in acquiring of easements and the construction of the out-fall struc-
tures whenever such action is possible as regards 1egality of City
action and as regards the ability of the City to support such action."
Questions were raised by the Council regarding the final drainage map which
was authorized by the Council and has been completed by the City Engineer,
but which has not been under study by the Council . It was decided to
postpone adopting this resolution until a study could be made by the Council
of this new drainage map.
After Council 's conferring with Mr. Jim Shore, Chairman of the Drainage
Commission, Councilman Woods made a motion to:
�,` "Authorize the Mayor to write a letter inviting the Chamber of Commerce
. of Friendswood to submit nominations to a committee to discuss drainage
�',. policy for future subdivisions, this committee to consist of one
� councilman, one Drainage Committee member, and two developers selected
from the nominees made by the Chamber of Commerce."
_ 3��
Councilman Prude seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously.
Councilman Stuart made a motion that the following warrants be approved
for payment. Utility Department Warrants #4247 to 4263 and Administrative � '� �
Warrants #2840 to 2846 and 2848 to 2852. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Woods, and carried unanimously.
Motion was made� that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
; �
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Bobbie C. Henryy Assis nt City
{� Secr� ary
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Ra p . Somers, f�ayor �