HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1969-02-17 Regular Approved as Corrected March 3, 1969 L�
A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Counci1 was he1d February 17,
1969 at 8:00 P.M. in the City Hall with the following members present:
Ralph W. Somers Mayor
Edward F. Stuart Councilman
James E. Mager Councilman
George F. Prude Councilman
Ronald G. Hamil Councilman
Thomas Woods Councilman
Bobbie Henry Assistant City Secretary
With a quorum present, the following business was transacted:
CV Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council Meeting of January 3, 1969
� were read and corrected, approval withheld pending changes .
1 . A letter has been written to the Department of Housing and Urban FLOQD INS.
Development regarding the Federal Flood Control Insurance program,
requesting all pertinent information t ereto.
2. WPC-Tex-500 - Final papers have been submitted for $24,750 grant money WPC-TEX-500
for this project, this figure representing the original estimated cost
of the project. A letter has been written requesting an additional
� $2,560 to cover balance of the actual cost; however, a letter from
the Texas Water Quality Board dated February 7 would indicate that
the latter amount would not be granted.
3. Nouston-Galveston Area Council Meeting, February 13, was announced. H-GAC
T e Mayor calle attention to an article in the Houston Post of Sunday,
February 16, concerning the purpose and workings of this organization.
4. Councilman Tom Woods is contacting governmental agencies in prepara- PARKLAND
tion for making application for grants relating to purchase of park GRANTS
lands by the City, specifically the 8+ acres now in escrow.
5. WCID #108 - Mayor Somers has written to the Water District #108 and WCID #108
Norwood Homes regarding a pending sewage treatment contract with the
City. The letter sta�es, "We wish to advise you that we stand ready
to discuss this contract with you at any time you so desire. We urge
your serious consideration."
6. New Dog Paund - The old dog pound has been torn down and moved, and DOG POUND
the new pound is now in operation.
7. Texas Municipal Lea�ue Bulletin - Attention was called to legislation LEGISLATIOP
to be considered at the current session of the Texas Legislature.
8. The Drainage Comnission has amended their subdivision regulations DRAINAGE
� relating to drainage. �
9. 90.6% of the taxes for 1969 have been collected, as reported by the
City Administrator.
Mr. Floyd Weber, who was to appear before Council regarding a trailer TRAILER PARI
park within the Cit,Y, has postponed his appearance in order to present
his project for app�aoval to the Planning Commission and Drainage Com�
rnission �.before coming to Council .
_ 2�'�`
l . Additional l.and Acquisition for Parks - Councilme,n Mager and Hamil : PARK LAND
Councilman Hamil reported that so far they had not been able to get an appointment
with the school regarding 1and, but wi11 meet with school officials
as soon as possible to discuss acquisition from the school district.
2. Park Land Ac uisition Current - Councilman Woods stated that prospects
for a grant on the purc ase of 8+ acres near the Chamber of Commerce
Park look good, but that donated land could not be used as a part of
the City's contribution to the total cost of the land. He has been
� in contact with both Federal and State agencies on this subject, and
' is in the process of submitting the necessary forms.
3. Policv Committee on Fire Plugs - Councilman Mager reported that the FIRE PLUGS
Committee has met and discussed such a policy which will 1ater be
presented to the Fire Department and to the City.
4�. Beautification - Councilman Prude was directed to contact C. C. Bost BEAUTIFICATI
regarding acquisition of a portion of the triangle of land near Sewer
Plant #1 which he naw owns, in order that the City's plans for beauti-
�. cation of this triangle coa�d .be carried out.
� Finance: Councilman Stuart - reported that the monthly reports from the
Q Genera an Utility Departments, along with the Auditor's quarterly
report, would reflect that the City is in sound financial condition
through January 31 .
In connection with the Auditor's report, a letter was also read from �1EW ADDING
the Auditor recommending that a new adding machine be purchased which MACHI ES
would carry ten columns of figures, inasmuch as the City's ineome now
runs into ten figures and the present machines are inadequate.
I �
i Counci1man Stuart made a motion that two new adding machines be pur- ;1 ' �
chased, one each for the Administrative Department and the Utility
Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman Prude, and carried
Fire: Councilman Mager read a letter from Jack Lawrence asking that the COUNTY FIRE
Counc�l authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with the Commissioner's PROTECTION
Court to the effect that "for and in consideration of the sum of
$1 ,800 to be paid to the City by the County of Ga1veston, (the City)
agrees that it will furnish fire protection to the citizens of Galveston
County residing outside of the corporate limits of this City, during
the year 1969. " This matter is to be referred to the Fire Department.
Councilman Mager also reported that the results of the fertilizer sale
by the Fire Department last Saturday was successful , and thanked the
City for the use of their flat-bed truck.
Health & Safet�r: Councilman Prude stated that a trailer had been acquired MOS UITO
for the mosquito fogging machine, and that he plans to draft a letter CONTROL
asking permission of Shell Park to spray within the park rather than
� around the perimeter as has been done in the past.
Councilman Hamil raised the question of law within the City concern- SCHOOL BUS
ing stopping or passing a school bus which has stopped to pick up or LAW
drop off children, since the signs in this regard printed on the
school buses apply only to State highways and roads.
Street De artment: Councilman Hamil stated that the Street Superintendent's
report woul indicate that t e Street Department does need an addition-
a1 man, and that he would work up a schedule to back up his opinion.
___ �Q
Longwood Park streets lying along the City limits of �riendswood are to STREET DE�1
be checked to see that they comply with requirements.
Heavy truck traffic on certain streets, primarily Castlewood, was brought
to the attention of the Council , and means discussed to prevent or dis-
courage use of these streets by trucks over the 15 ton load limit.
Utilities: Councilman Woods read a request from Ken Toon that he be WATER SCHOOt
aut orized to atten the Water and Wastewater School at Texas A&M from A&M
March 3 through March 7, to further his training in this field.
Councilman Woods made a motion that Mr. Toon be so authorized, with the
City reimbursing him for expense receipts up to .$16 per day, and that a
City vehicle be made available to him for transportation to and from
College Station. �,'
Councilman S�uart seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously.
r-+ 1 , Village Green #2 - A preliminary plat has been received which has been VILLAGE GRE
� approved by the City of Pearland pending approval of the Friendswood #2
=� City Council .
Motion was made by Councilman Namil that the plans for Village Green
#2, dated October 28, 1968, not be accepted in that it diverts too
much water into the Whitehall-Kingspark storm sewer system which is
presently operating at its maximum capacity; and furthermore, that
the Council authorize the Mayor, the City Attorney, and the City
Engineer to advise the City of Pearland of this action. '
The motion was seconded by Councilman Mager and carried unanimously.
2. The Mayor requested an immediate session of workshops to study the BOVAY REPORT
Bovay report in its entirety. The first of these meetings was set
for Saturday, February 22, at 1 p.m. in the Council chambers.
1 . Hiring of additional full-time policeman to serve as Humane Officer, PATROLMAN
School Crossing Guard, and Patrolman.
Councilman Woods made a motion to transfer $1 ,325 from the budget
adjustment account to the salary account of the Police Department to
be used to hire a patrolman, and that an additional patrolman be
hired on a full-time basis, the purpose of this action to include
reemphasis of the police functions of humane officer and crossing
The motion was seconded by Councilman Prude, with voting withheld pending
a closed session of the Council . The chambers were cleared and closed
session of approximately fifteen minutes ensued.
After the closed session, the above motion was voted yes unanimously.
2. A vehicle to be used for picking up stray animals was discussed, HUMANE TRUCI
Councilman Stuart offered his truck to be used for this purpose pro-
� viding the City's insurance would cover the vehicle while in use by
the City. The City's insurance carrier, Truman Taylor, is to be
consulted, and a letter of verification from him for the records will
be requested stating that such coverage is in effect.
3. Judge C. G. R ynolds of League City has been requested and has consented
to serve as Judge for Friendswood Corporation Court for the March 5
session in which Judge Patton has seen fit to disqualify himself. CORP. COURT
To confirm this ac�ion, motion was made by Councilman Tom Woods that
Judge Reynolds be given authorization to fill Judge Patton's bench
_-- — _ _
tj l�+ _
NOTE: Pages 31-32 destroyed at time of typing because of
number of errors .
--- , c)�
for the March 5th session of Corporation Court.
Councilman Mager seconded the motion, and it carried by a vote of four ! `
to one, with Councilmen Mager, Hamil , Stuart, and Woods voting for, and
Councilman Prude voting against.
1 . A report was requested from the City Attorney regarding status of
amendments to several of the Ordinances. Qetai'ls of these proposed
amendments were discussed and the Attorney stated that he wou1d draw
these up for Cauncil action.
2. The Chief of Police was requested to make a study and recommendations
as basis for a Parking Ordinance for the City.
Motion was made by Councilman Woods that the City Attorney, in coopera-
tion with the Chief of Police, draft a City Ordinance dealing with
parking in commercial areas and in residential areas. The motion was �
seconded by Councilman Hamil and carried unanimously.
Cv1 3. The Mayor asked that the Council instruct the City �ttorney to work
� up an ordinance dealing with trailer parks? but it was concluded that
� the upcoming Zoning Ordinance would cover this.
Councilman Stuart made a motion that warrants 2759 to 2800 and 2802 to "� �
2820 be approved for General Fund; warrants 4214 to 4232 be approved for
Utility Fund. The motion was seconded by Councilman Prude, and carried
� Motion was made to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
APPROVED: ���e. �-r- �'�c-�-�
� 8ob ie C. Henry, As stant City
.�j Secretar
�� �.��__....__
Ra ph . Somers, Mayor
A closed session was called during the regular meeting of February 17, SAkARY
to discuss the sa1ary to be set for the new patrolman, Keith Still , who
is to serve also as School Crossing Guard and Humane Officer.
Councilman Mager made a motion to amend the original motion in the open
meeting, amendment to read:
"Starting salary for this position should not be in excess of
$400 per month."
'i Motion was seconded by Councilman Woods and carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
APPROVED: ;'� � � �.
� `� < _ ��z
; , i• o ie C. Henry, ssista City
r� �:� '` �� 1 -r- rv�� Secretary
a lp . Somers, ayor