HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1968-12-16 Regular STATE OF TEXAS
A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held December 16,
1968, at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall . The following members were present:
Ralph W. Somers, Mayor
Edward F. Stuart Councilman
James E. Mager Councilman
George F. Prude Councilman
Ronald G. Hamil Councilman
Thomas F. Woods Councilman
Bobbie C. Henry City Secretary
With a quorum present, the following business was transacted:
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council on December 2, 1968, were
approved as read.
Minutes of the Special Meeting held December 9, 1968, were approved as
Public commendation by the Mayor was made to the Explorer Scout Post #445
for their part .in the search, and for actually finding Mr. R. E. Brown,
who wandered away from the Friendswood Rest Home last Friday afternoon.
Mayor Somers read a letter from the Moody Foundation dated December 12,
1968 confirming notification that the Trustees of the Moody Foundation
have approved a grant of $37,500 toward the construction of a new Library
for the City of Friendswood. This grant will be paid upon the obtaining
of the balance of the funds stated in our application, and when construc-
tion is actually started on the project.
It was requested that the Mayor advise them as soon as possible the
tentative date that the contract is expected to be let for construction.
The Mayor commented that this was a fitting Christmas present for the
City of Friendswood, but that many people outside the City had cooperated
to help in this accomplishment. He stated that the Mayor and Council
wished to express publicly the appreciation of the City of Friendswood
'E for this assistance, and specifically thank Judge Holbrook, Commissioner
Jack Lawrence, Commissioner Paul Hopkins, the Rosenberg Library Board of
L- Directors, and their Librarian Mr. John Hyatt for their support of our
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project. Also, we must not forget our State Senator, A. R. Schwartz,
who voluntarily took an interest in our project, informed himself on
same and then supported it. This combined cooperative effort was help-
ful in convincing the Board of Trustees of the Moody Foundation that
Friendswood had a worthwhile project.
In answer to a letter from the Mayor regarding Federal Library grants ,
Senator John J. Tower has contacted Mr. Joseph Laitin regarding this
Regarding application to HUD under Water and Sewer Facilities Grant
Program WS-Tex-195, Senator Tower has sent to the Mayor a copy of a
letter from Mr. W. W. Collins, Regional Administrator of HUD, Dated
November 21 , stating that our application is currently under review.
Senator Tower states that he will contact us again when further in-
formation is received.
A letter from the City of Houston stating that the present Christmas
street decorations are to be sold to the high bidder after this
Christmas season, has been referred to the local garden clubs and the
Chamber of Commerce for their consideration, possibly in cooperation
with Pearland and League City.
December 12, a meeting was held by the Legislative Committee of the
Galveston County Mayors and Councilman's Association to discuss re-
commendations for legislation to be inacted during the 1969 session
of the State Legislature.
The recommendations will be presented to the Association at a special
meeting at noon on January 8, 1969 at John's Restaurant in Galveston.
The Mayor stated that he personally hoped to attend this meeting and
urged all Councilmen who could to be present.
Regarding WPC-Tex-567, by copy of a letter from the Texas Water
Quality Board to the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration,
Friendswood has been advised that they must make application to amend
the City' s existing waste discharge permit before a priority can be
issued. The City has now advertised in the paper as required.
Two reports from Bovay Engineers state that Bovay expects to have the
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- Plan in its final form before January 20, 1969. This means that one
more Volume is forthcoming, then it will be up to the Council , the
' Planning Commission, and the citizens of Friendswood to evaluate this
report and take appropriate action.
The Mayor stated that he would like to schedule a special session with
the Council soon after the first of the year to discuss this plan as
has been presented to date.
The City Attorney notified the Mayor that proper action has been taken
to advertise in local papers the intention of Friendswood to request
legislation at the State level to compliment action taken by the City
Council on the dissolving of Water District #21 . In effect, it would
declare the 95 acres not to be a part of the Water District.
The Texas Water Quality Board's letter of November 18, 1968, notifies
Friendswood that a $25,000 grant for the Quaker's Landing sewer project
WPC-Tex-500 should be forthcoming soon.
Joint meeting of the Technical and Coordination Committees of the
Galveston County Urban Transportation Study will be held at 9:30 a.m. ,
Tuesday, December 17, 1968 in the office of the Galveston County Resi-
dent Engineer for the Texas Highway Department in La Marque. Councilman
Hamil will be present at this meeting.
Galveston County Commissioners Court has formed a County-Wide Road
Bond Committee to assist the Court in preparing a County-Wide Bond
Issue for roads and bridges to be submitted to the taxpayers of Gal
veston County sometime next year.
This Committee, consisting of representatives from each City and
Chamber of Commerce in Galveston County, will meet at 2 p.m. on Tues-
day, December 17, in the County Courthouse. Councilman Hamil will be
present at this meeting.
The Mayor recommended that Friendswood City Council cooperate with all
worthy County-wide projects which would help the County as a whole.
The City has received from the Galveston County Historical Survey
Committee, in behalf of the State of Texas and County of Galveston, a
6 to
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certificate recognizing Friendswood 's assistance in the historical
preservation and edification of the County of Galveston. At the Mayor's
suggestion, it was decided to present the certificate to the Heritage
Garden Club for display in their historical house.
Letter from a citizen concerning our Dog Ordinance. The City Attorney A
advised that the matter in question is not in violation of the City
Ordinance, and would be dependent more on the restrictions of the sub-
division involved. Unless the situation constituted a public nuisance
or endangers health, the Ordinance would not be violated in this par-
ticular instance.
Water Control and Improvement District #21 : A letter was presented
to the Council by the City Attorney to WCID #21 formally notifying them
of the dissolution of the district and assumption of assets and lia-
bilities by the City of Friendswood. The Council was asked to read and
approve the letter.
Councilman Mager made a motion that the letter be approved and mailed --'"
to the Water District. The motion was seconded by Councilman Prude,
and carried unanimously.
A motion to initiate a drainage survey was untabled.
Mr. Jim Shore pointed out that a survey made three years ago show some
drainage ditches which have not been considered.
Councilman Prude made a motion that the Council authorize the City ��
Engineer, in cooperation with the Mayor and the Drainage Committee
Chairman to develop an overall fall-out drainage ditch plan for the
City of Friendswood to include that area outside the city which would
directly effect the city, and to authorize them to proceed to a cost
up to $2000 at which time a request will be made to City Council for
additional funds. (A sixty-day time limit was set for the completion
of the survey) .
Councilman Hamil seconded the motion, and after discussion, the motion
was carried unanimously.
Mr. M. L. Cook appeared before the Council in answer to a letter from
i the City regarding violation of Ordinance No. 79. Mr. Cook stated that
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he is raising hay on his property and, due to the recent rains, has not
been able to cut the hay, abd asked the Council 's indulgence until the
1 ground dried out enou§h to get equipment in and cut the hay.
Recommendation was made by Councilman Hamil that the hearing be post-
poned for three weeks in order to enable Mr. Cook to cut the hay,
weather permitting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Prude, and
carried unanimously.
WDIC #108: the City Attorney asked that this subject be scheduled
for a workshop meeting before any conclusions are reached. A special
workshop was scheduled for Monday night, December 23, for the purpose
of resolving this question.
Acquisition of Park Land - 8 acres adjacent to Chamber of Commerce Park:
the Mayor informed the Council that the option has expired, and asked for
a' decision as to whether or not the City wishes to obtain a renewed option
to purchase this land.
Councilman Mager made a motion, seconded by Councilman Prude, that the
option be allowed to drop.
The motion was killed by a three to two vote, with Councilmen Mager and
Prude voting yes; Councilmen Hamil , Stuart and Woods voting no.
Discussion followed concerning desirability of the location of this land
for a park, the rising cost of land, and a recommendation from the State
that municipalities concern themselves at present with acquiring park
lands rather than developing present sites.
. '
Motion was made by Councilman Woods that the Mayor be authorized to send
to the owner of the property a letter of intent, requesting that he .appear
before the Council with an outline of the mechanism by which the City
might acquire the land.This motion was seconded by Councilman Stuart and was carried by a three
to two vote with Councilmen Stuart, Woods, and Hamil voting yes; Council-
men Prude and Mager voting no.
The Workshop scheduled for January 13 was set as a time for discussion
of the Bovay Plan by the Council .
Finance: Councilman Stuart
The Mayor requested a quarterly budget review in January, and that the
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monthly reports be resumed as soon as the Auditor has completed the
} 1967-68 audit.
Fire Department: Councilman Mager _
Regarding a letter received from the Friendswood Fire Department and
read at the December 2, Council Meeting, a decision was reached that
the items 2 and 3 having to do with fire hydrants should be handled by
the Utilities Department, and items band 4 of the letter would receive
attention of the Council direct.
Health & Safety: Councilman Prude
A letter was read from the Texas State Highway Department in answer to
a request from Chief of Police Wright regarding speed zones from the
Brazoria County line to FM 2351 . In the opinion of the State, the speed
zones in these areas should at present remain as they are.
Streets : Councilman Hamil
Councilman Hamil reported that street signs have been ordered.
Councilman Hamil commended the Street Superintendent on his December
Progress Report and urged that all Councilmen read this report and feed
any comments back to the Street Department.
Councilman Hamil initiated a discussion on desirability of stop and go
traffic lights at the intersection of 518 and Choate Road, and at
Shadowbend and FM 518, resulting in a decision to have Councilman Prude
request that the State make a survey of these two intersections to de-
termine 'whether stop lights would be feasible.
Police: Councilman Mager
No comment.
Utilities: Councilman Woods
Motion was made by Councilman Woods that City Council authorize $1500 ex-
penditure to Layne Texas for the purpose of making a survey of the City's
water system. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mager. The motion
carried unanimously. �A/�7-6,5?
A letter from Mrs. Leah North was read by the Mayor protesting manner of
installation of the new water line now being installed and placing of fire
hydrants in Imperial Estates No. 1 .
After discussion the following motion was made by Councilman Mager:
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That the City issue a change order to the contractor to install two new
fire hydrants that will be installed on lot lines as close as possible
to 600 feet intervals from the present Devil 's Dip fire hydrant and add
enough 6 inch line so that new fire hydrants have 6 inch line inter-
connecting, also taking into account the six inch bores under the
driveway. Maximum cost figure added on to the present contract is to
have a $1500 ceiling. #_ ,��4 g —(
This motion was seconded by Councilman Prude and carried by a three to
two vote, with Councilmen Hamil , Prude, and Mager voting for; Council-
men Stuart and Woods against.
Ordinance No. 118 - Tax Levying - Second Reading 1
Motion to approve Ordinance No. 118 on second reading was made by
Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Prude, and carried unanimously.
Renewal of the garbage collection franchise with Barton's Disposal
Company was discussed. It was determined that the franchise renewal
was the option of Barton, and that the Council 's wish was that this
service would be continued.
The City Engineer was consulted regarding easement for the proposed
sewer lines . Mr. Walsh stated that he needed the authority of the
Council to stake out the right of way for the new trunk line going
to the west interceptor, and authority to draw up the necessary
engineering description for the trunk sewer line from Sunset out to
the school and send it to the State for approval .
A presentation of Armco Plastic Truss Sewer Pipe was made by
Mr. Jim A. Lehne of Armco for the Council 's consideration.
George Prude made a motion that Ken Toon, Water Superintendent, be
permitted to work during his vacation, for the convenience of the
City, since his absence at this time would work a hardship on the
City, and that Mr. Toon should be paid at his regular rate of pay in
addition to .receiving his vacation pay.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Hamil , and carried unanimously.
Mayor Somers read a letter from the Galveston County Mental Health and
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r .
Mental Retardation Board requesting $200 from the City of Friendswood
f-, for the establishment of a Mental Retardation Project.
j Councilman Woods made a motion that the City give $200 for this project.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Mager, and carried unanimously.
Councilman Hamil requested that Ordinance 65 and Ordinance 78 dealing
with the shooting of BB guns and air rifles within the city limits be
reviewed and that provisions be made so that such guns could be legally
used within the limits of the city, under adequate adult supervision.
Councilman Hamil stated that in connection with the recent Bond Election,
the local paper which ran the ad concerning the election failed to pub-
lish the results of the election, . and stated that he felt the paper
carrying such an ad should also publish news in the same connection.
Warrants (General Fund) Nos. 2640 - 2662 and (Utility Fund) No. 3940 and
Nos . 4069 - 4089 were presented to Council for approval . Motion to approve
Warrants was made by Councilman Stuart, seconded by Councilman Woods, and
carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Bobbie C. Henry, City Se etary
Ralph W. v omers, Ma or