HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1968-04-29 Regular Approved as read May 6, 1968 , p STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF GALVESTON Q CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD Q MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 29, 1968 A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held April 29, 1968, at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall with the following members present: Ralph W. Somers Mayor James E. Mager Councilman Ronald G. Hamil Councilman Tom Woods Councilman Edward F. Stuart Councilman Joyce Wailes Asst. City Secretary with the following members absent, to-wit: NONE, constituting a quorum at which the following business was transacted. CORRECTIONS AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 22, 1968.. Regular: Approved as corrected. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR: Mayor Somers clarified a statement which appeared in the Suburban Journal that the City had received a letter from Mr. Hugh Yantis stating that he was against granting a permit to Sunmeadows Subdivision for the sewer plant. The City of Friendswood has received no communication from Texas Quality Board except notifying us of the hearing and then re-scheduling of the hearing. A Resolution supporting the School Bond Issue was presented by Mayor Somers. Councilman Hamil made a motion, seconded by Councilman Mager, to accept the resolution. Motion carried unanimously. (Attachment) _ - Concerning the request for declaring Friendswood a Bird Sanctuary discussed last week, Mayor Somers now has more details on this subject and would like to table any further action until we can better define what is needed by City Council to make it effective. Communication was received from Bovay Engineers stating that they expect to have the second Interim Report ready around the first of July, 1968. In regard to'Operation Sparkle" Mayor Somers announced a special garbage pickup service by Barton's Disposal on Saturday, May 4, 1968, at no extra charge to citizens. The Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department had their annual get-acquainted covered dish supper Saturday night and presented a program acquainting Reg: page 2 people with some of their efforts regarding training. Mayor Somers read a letter written by LaMarr Beatty concerning the alarming increase in the number of unnecessary calls on the fire phone, and encouraging people to use the number HU 2-7211 for emergency calls only, and for general calls to Fire Dept. , please call LaMarr Beatty at HU 2-7938 or Ken Camp at HU 2-7851. Houston Natural Gas has agreed to use City Hall for collection of their bills. Mayor Somers made the following appointments: Fire Marshall ---------------------- Ken Camp Assistant Fire Marshall ------------- Louis Mickler Assistant Fire Marshall - ----------- Dave Refoy Library Board - ------------------- Mrs. Tom Anderson Mrs. Helen Pessman Mrs. Beverly Lanmon Mrs. Helen Cline Mr s. Ruth Maloney Librarian-------------------------- Mrs. Pat Coffie Representative for Clear Lake Hospital Board------------------ Phil Maloney Representative - "Overlapping Extra- r Territorial Jurisdiction Boundaries'= Ed Stuart PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS: Parks & Recreation: Mr. Tom Grimsrud, Director , Parks and Recreation Department, submitted their first report. Mayor Somers has agreed to continue to work with this Department. Dog Pound Location: Mayor Somers made the recommEn dation that the City Dog Pound be located at Sewer Plant #2 . Councilmen agreed. Mr. Don Romeike presented petition of people protesting construction of the dog pound at Sewer Plant #2 due to proximity to residential area. After discussion, it was decided to table the decision for another week on the dog pound location. Councilman Stuart and Chief Wright will look into the possibility of using the Community Public Service property on FM- 528 where their sub-station is located. Sunmeadows Sewer: Messrs. Wellborn, Edminster, and Crawford, representing the Sunmeadow Municipal Utility District, presented a proposed amended sewer plan for Sunmeadows Subdivision for which they had just made application for approval. Under this plan, the treated effluent from the disposal system would be placed in a storage lake, having a capacity of 27 days of maximum output of the plant, or 250, 000 gallons per day, then used to irrigate the golf course. They believe it would not be necessary to page 3 discharge very much effluent into Chigger Creek except during wet, rainy periods. Mr. Wellborn read to the Council the letter of application to Texas Water Quality Board for permit approval of the proposed amended plan. The Council expressed appreciation for their presentation of this plan, but said they needed time to think about it and would like to have more data on areas where this plan is successfully being used. Police Radio Needs: A letter to Mayor and Councilmen from Police Dept. was presented, concerning additional two-way radios for Police Dept. , requesting financial assistance for the purchase of four reconditioned radios at a cost of $950. 00. After a discussion concerning radio needs for the Police Department, action on this matter was tabled until an audit is made. STANDING COMMITTEES: Utilities: Mr. William C. Walsh and Mr. Malcolm Collins presented sketches showing sewerage expansion for future needs of Friendswood. Councilman Woods and Councilman Stuart will discuss how much money can be devoted to this project and re-evaluate plans, if necessary, including proposed school's sewer needs. They will work with Mr. Walsh on these plans. Financing: Mrs. Canter, City Auditor, was unable tobe at this meeting, but will be on the agenda next week. Streets: Councilman Hamil has been trying to develop a road program through 1968 and a preliminary program for 1969. Drainage: There was discussion on the need to amend the Drainage Ordinance which states 15" the is required for driveways. Councilman Hamil, Mr. Ken Toon and Mr. Cline will get together and draw up changes to be made in ordinance, leaving to the discretion of the Street Department as to what size tile is needed according to the drainage needs. ORDINANCES: First Reading - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING RULE ONE (a) OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 97 AND ORDINANCE NUMBER 106 CONCERNING TIME OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS, REPEALING ORDINANCES OR SECTIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Councilman Woods made a motion to approve this ordinance on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stuart and carried unanimously. 4-29-68: Reg: page 4 (p� NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Somers presented an Organizational Chart for the employees and departments of the City of Friendswood. (Attachment) i Councilman Woods made a motion that the Organizational Chart No. 1 be adopted by the City. Councilman Hamil seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. WARRANT APPROVAL: 4 Councilman Stuart made a motion, seconded by Councilman Woods to approve Warrants # 2107 - 2109; 2111 - 2113; and #3615 - 3622. Motion carried unanimously. Ad j ournment: Councilman Hamil made a motion, seconded by Councilman Mager, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, J yce Wailes Asst. City Secretary Approved: 04 4� -- -. - 04�2z' Ralph Somers Mayor i