HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1968-04-08 Regular I STATE OF TEXAS j COUNTY OF GALVESTON CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD X MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 8, 1968 A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held April 8, 1968, at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall with the following members present: Ralph L. Lowe Mayor Wiley W. Murrell Councilman Marvin L. Childers Councilman Thomas F. Woods Councilman Pat Gillespie Asst. City Secretary with the following members absent to-wit: Ralph W. Somers and Edward F. Stuart, constituting a quorum at which the following business was transacted. CORRECTIONS AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 1, 1968: Regular: Approved as corrected. E f ` ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR: According to Commissioner Jack Lawrence, since the state law requires that you cannot have over 2, 000 voters in one precinct, in August 1968 Friendswood will have two voting precincts since the number of voters now is approximately 1900. A Master Drainage Plan Study has been approved by the Galveston County Mayors & Councilmen's Association and this organization has asked the Galveston County Commissioners Court Is approval and sponsorship in seeking and obtaining a Master Drainage Plan for the entire county. Part I of the Construction Project Application for Friendswood Public Library has been approved. (See attachment) Mr. Joe Foy, of Houston Natural Gas Corporation, has advised Council that their company will be using the City utility office for collections. Another payment was made on the fire truck this past week, leaving a balance of $5, 800. 00. k — Petitions and Communications: According to Mr. Fred Coerver of Galveston County, voting machines will not be available until around June 15th . This was discussed by Council and Councilman Childers moved that the special City Election be held on Saturday, V,�g: Page 2 �a June 15, 1968, to elect one councilman to fill the unexpired term of Ralph W. Somers. Motion was seconded by Councilman Nf=relland carried by unanimous vote. Mr. Albert Barker, President of the Clear Creek Civic Club, appeared before Council to protest the construction of a city dog pound at sewer plant No. 2, due to proximity to residential area. A signed petition by residents of the area stating this, was presented to Council. Any action pertaining to construction of dog pound facilities have been tabled until a later date. Mr. Bill Walsh discussed with Council the completion of Contracts WPC-Tex- 464 and WPC-Tex-500. Councilman Murrell made a motion to pay Mercer Construction Company the $. 6, 000. 00 which was retained on WPC-Tex-464 until completion, provided an agreement is signed by Mercer and the City of Friendswood that the cost for re-sealing and rocking approximately 6/10 of one mile of Clear Creek Drive will be borne equally between Mercer Construct- ion Company and City of Friendswood. Motion was seconded by Councilman 1 Woods and carried unanimously. Engineer's Estimates 1-5 for work completed through October 31, 1967 through January 31, 1968 on Contract WPC-Tex-500 was presented to Council for approval. Motion was made by Councilman Murrell to instruct Mayor Ralph L. Lowe to sign the Certificates of Completion on WPC-Tex-500 , , seconded by Councilman Woods and carried by unanimous vote. f" i Mr: Jim Shore, President of the Drainage District, showed maps and proposed right-of-way alignment for Clear Creek, and had a detailed discussion with various citizens who were interested in this flood control project. Councilman Childers made a motion that Council support the Drainage District's recommend- ations. Motion was seconded by Councilman Murrell and Council voted . unanimously to support this project. '' Mayor Lowe polled incoming Mayor Ralph Somers and Councilmen Jim Mager and Ron Hamil as to their views. All three concurred with the vote of Council. Mayor Lowe was instructed to notify Galveston County Commissioners Court as to this action taken by City Council. STANDING COMMITTEES AN:D DEPARTMENTAL: Utilities: A request was made by Terry Moore to install signs at the two sewer plants to be labelled Friendswood Water Quality Control Center I or II. Councilman Murrell moved to approve the purchase of these signs. Motion was seconded by Councilman Woods and carried by unanimous vote. _` Councilman Murrell reported that the sanding problem at Water Well #2 had improved to some degree since the new check valve had been installed, but the problem still exists, and that something should be done to eliminate this before summer. 4/8/68: reg: page 3 4:57/ Council recommended that Mr. Fawcett, with Texas Water Wells, Inc. ., be asked to attend next week's council meeting to give a report on what he feels can be done to eliminate sanding, how long the well would be down, etc. NEW BUSINESS: A request from Mr. Jim Shore, President of the Drainage District, was received asking that Council approve the City to pay the bonding fee for $5, 000. 00 at a cost of $18. 00 per bond required for each supervisor of the District. Motion was made by Councilman Woods to honor this request for the City to pay the premium for these bonds to the Linn Eignus Agency. Motion seconded by Councilman Murrell and passed by unanimous vote. T ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: First Reading: AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR DISTRIBUTION AND SALE OF NATURAL GAS WITHIN THE CITY, AND REPEAL-7 - ING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. Passed by motion of Councilman Childers and second of Councilman Murrell. Motion passed unanimously. WARRANT APPROVAL: _ Warrants #2072-2081 #3577-3587 approved by motion of Councilman Woods, seconded by Councilman Childers. Motion carried by unanimous vote. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting stood adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Pat Gillespie Asst. City Secretary Approved: J` Ralph L Lowe, Mayor s