HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1968-03-25 Regular Approved as corrected 4/1/68 v STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GALVESTON CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD X 1 i MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 25, 1968 A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held March 25, 1968, at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall with the following members present: Ralph L. Lowe Mayor Wiley W. Murrell Councilman Marvin L. Childers Councilman Thomas F. Woods Councilman Ralph W. Somers Councilman Edward F. Stuart Councilman Pat Gillespie Asst. City Secretary Ody Jerden City Attorney with the following members absent to-wit: NONE, constituting a quorum at which the following business was transacted. Also present were: (14) Harry Granberry John C. Tuffy R. G. Hamil Tom Long G. T. Roy Leah North J. E. Mager Myron Worden I H. T. Howard Jim Shore R. G. Reed L. B. Cline George McLaren Chief Wright CORRECTIONS AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 18, 1968: Regular: Approved as corrected ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR: Mayor Lowe met with Judge Ray Holbrook this past week to set up a meeting with Mr. Bob Baker, .the Moody Foundation Executive Officer, to discuss if the Moody Foundation would be interested in helping Galveston County cities build $100,000 libraries such as the Friendswood library plan. Mr. Baker said that he. felt that the plan had enough merit to be submitted to the Foundation if the Mayor's and Councilmen's Assoc. would support it, and if the Commissioners Court would recommend the plan. There was a meeting on March 21st with representatives from Harris County and Galveston County to discuss the proposed widening and construction of Clear Creek. It is hoped the boundaries can be defined, and something can be done this year on the Clear Creek flood control situation. The mayor stated that - 3/25/68: reg: page 2 71/ the matter now rest with commissioners Court Judge Ray Holbrook for final corrections and will then be submitted to the people of Friendswood. The report will contain a definite boundary to go by, and will determine who will be immediately affected. I PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS: A letter has been received from Cyril J. Smith, Attorney-at-Law, to the attention of Mayor Lowe stating that he will accept $1350.00 as legal fees and $83.91 as expenses in full payment of all indebtedness due him from Galveston County WCID #21. (see attachment) . Councilman Somers agreed to write a letter requesting to be put on the agenda for the April 16th Texas Water Quality Board Meeting to oppose the Sunmeadows Municipal Utility District's application for a permit to construct sewage facilities in Galveston County approximately 3 miles southwest of Friendswood. Councilman Childers made a motion that it would be proper to write a letter-�-`r'.-L , F to Houston,Natural Gas Corp. stating that the results of the March 23rd Revenue Bond Election was the will of the people, that the City Council acts on the will of the people and to welcome their services to the Friendswood area. Councilman Somers seconded the motion and said that he felt there would be nothing to lose by writing this letter since the City will be doing business with Houston Natural, it should be a cordial relationship. Motion carried by the following vote: For: Councilman Somers, Childers, Stuart (3) , i Against: Councilmen Woods, Murrell (2) . Councilman Stuart was asked to check with Mr. 0. 0. Terrell of Gas Utility Service and report to Council next week when the City could expect payment of the 2% Franchise Tax for the months of January, February & March 1968, since Houston Natural will taking over this service as of April 1, 1968. Police Chief Wright appeared before Council to give a report on his investigation of the need for better dog pound facilities and the need for a full time humane officer. According to Chief Wright's report the present dog pound location is not adequate for many reasons. He estimated:. a cost of $850.00 for construction and equipment of a new dog pound after a location has been selected. Estimated cost breakdown as follows: Concrete base with metal building $638.50 Fabrication of cage to fit pick up truck 125.00 Pole with noose 10.00 Contingency 76.50 $850.00 Chief Wright advised that the location should be near a fresh water supply system and recommended Sewer Plant No. 2 as a possible site. Councilman Murrell made a motion to build dog pound facilities at Sewer Plant No. 2 if it does not conflict with current or future plans of the sewer plant. Motion was seconded by Councilman Woods and carried by unanimous vote. C L - CREEK , ,4-1 4 5 N 7 ti 8 a On :<e 601 55, 55 f o_ 4 .: 62t 62 . 62f 60 � ' z PRIVATE ROAD 4 Cr - ' and UTILITY. EASEMENTS :. 50 Ix 0 to 9` > 0 9f 15 14 I3 ` a. LINDA Al 450W -. LANE i u,.+o r 'l a- o Y - _ J „a !V 4 3/25/68: reg: page 3 Mayor Lowe recommended that the civic club involved should be notified before taking a final stand. Leslie Cowart, who is now an auxiliary policeman, has indicated that he i would be interested iii the job as humane officer, and would be willing to furnish his pick up truck. Motion was made by Councilman Woods to authorize the Police Chief to hire a humane officer at $150.00 per month to work under the Police Chief, and authorize one time expenditures of $850.00 to establish dog pound facilities and purchase equipment for the humane officer to work with. Motion was seconded by Councilman Stuart and pas sed 'unanimously. Mayor Lowe asked that Councilman Stuart report next Council meeting where the additional sum of $1200.00 would come from since only $1000.00 had been budgeted for dog pound facilities, which did not include salary to a humane officer. A lengthly discussion followed concerning the disposal of dogs after being -, kept at the pound for the required time. Motion was made by Councilman Somers to continue with the method now used, that is, by taking the dogs to the Galveston County Humane Dept. Motion carried by the following vote: ,For: Councilman Stuart, Childers, Somers (3) Against: Councilman Woods, Murrell (2) . Council discussed again the condition of the 1964 Chevrolet pick up, and what would be more practical - to repair it or to obtain a new one. It is estimated now that it will cost $600.00 to repair the pick up. Councilman Murrell made a motion that instead of the City spending $600,00 to repair the 1964 Chevrolet pick up, to advertise for bids and purchase a new one. Motion was seconded by Councilman Sutart and carried by the following vote: . For: Councilmen Stuart, Woods, Somers, Murrell(4)Against: Councilman Childers (1) . t' ' STANDING COMMITTEES AND DEPARTMENTAL: Finance: Councilman Stuart reported that the Auditor will deliver the audits to Councilmen this week and should be able to discuss it next week. Judge Patton has requested an audit of the Corporation Court's receipts and disbursements for the past two years, since the present administration is going out of office. Councilman Stuart moved that the Corporation Court records should be audited for the two year period and seconded by Councilman Childers and carried by unanimous vote. Mayor Lowe suggested that the Fire Truck Account be depleted and another payment be paid on the fire truck. Councilman Stuart agreed to handle this. Health/Safety: Councilman Stuart stated that they are still working on the report for the Romeike Almas Perdidas Subd. sewer service, and will have report next week. i 3/25/68: reg: page 4 � Police: Street lights - Motion was made by Councilman Childers for the , _;.�'� City to pay the monthly street light bill for Imperial I Subdivision. Motion was seconded by Councilman Stuart and carried unanimously. Streets: Councilman Somers reports that 3 miles of streets can be paved this year and the estimated cost will be $20,000. Utilities: Councilman Murrell reports that Water Well No. 1 is now back in service. - The check valve on Water Well No. 2 has been replaced and now pumping about one-half the sand as before. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Woods was asked to make a report on the trip he and William C. Walsh made to Ft. Worth to discuss pre-application with HUD for future sewer facilities WS-5-44-0195. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Resolution canvassing returns and declaring results of bond election. Councilman Somers made a motion that the resulution be adopted as read. Councilman Woods seconded the motion for adoption of the resolution. The motion carried unanimously. (see attachment) . WARRANT APPROVAL': : Warrants #2044-2049 and #355-4, 3556-3561 approved by motion of Councilman Stuart, seconded by Councilman Woods. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Pat Gillespie Asst. City Secretary Approved: Ralph L Lowe, Mayor 1 1 i MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 25, 1968 CLOSED PORTION: Personnel I After discussion Councilman Murrell made a motion to authorize Mr. Cline to hire a replacement for Mrs. Joyce Wailes, working 40 hrs. per week at a salary of $335.00 per month. Motion was seconded by Councilmen Somers and carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, (:�- J� Pat Gillespie Asst. City Secretary Approved: �l Ralph L Lowe, Mayor h E f i