HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1968-02-19 Regular THE STATE OF TEXAS1 COUNTY OF GA LVESTON CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ~F'BRUARY 10, 1068 A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held February 1G, 1968, at 7 : 30 P.M. in the City Hall with the following members present : Ralph L. Lowe Mayor Wiley W. Murrell Councilman Ralph W. Somers Councilman Edward F. Stuart Councilman Thomas F. Woods Councilman Artha Wright City Secretary Pat Gillespie Assistant City Secretary Ody Jerden City Attorney with the following member. absent to-wit : Councilman Marvin L. Childers, constituting a quorum at which the following business was transacted . Also present were : Harry Granberry Cecil Brown Lee R. Nichols Henry Howard Wesley Unruh Pat Howard J. C . Browning John C . Tuffy J. Stonesifer Ray Kaufhold Ruth Maloney Tom Carhart Phil Maloney Tony Banfield T. V. Chambers James Moseley Stanley Faber Barney A. Myatt, DVM Clint Cummings David L. McCraw B. R. Baker Monica Pickard William E. McAllum J. R. May Uel S. Clanton W. Lynn Kilbourn R. A . Gardiner L. G. C;arlile J. A . Williams Stanley Luczkowski T. Abbott Larry G. Thornhill Jean B. Hurt George E. Mc Laren Betty Shore Mrs. Dean Saurenman Wilber Maxwell Mrs . Jean Welch Josie Maxwell Mrs . Edie Calton Edward E. Shumilak Harry M. Hatcher Leon Brown, Jr. Fred U:--ick Arden C. Hill, Jr. Communications from the Mayor : The meeting with the Friendswood Planning Commission and Bovay Engineers, Inc . to review Bovay Engineers ' Inters-= Report No. 1 2-19-68: reg: page 2 l� f on the Comprehensive Planning Project for the City of Friendswood has been changed from February 26, 1968, to March 4, 1968. At this time Mr. David M. Cockran, Representative from the Texas State Department of Health will meet with this group and discuss with Council this project for the City of Friendswood. Mayor Lowe has been invited to attend a Special Meeting of the Houston-Galveston Area Council to be held at 1 : 30 P.M. , February 2-0,1968, in the Conference Room of the Federal Land Bank Building in Houston. Mr. Hugh Yantis, Executive Director, and Col. Frank Bender, Project Director of the Texas Water Quality Board, will be present at this meeting to explain and define the proposed activities of the Galveston Bay Study organization concerning water pollution abatement and water quality management. Part No. 1 of the Construction Project Application has been completed, executed and returned to Mr. Lee Brawner of the Texas State Library Board. The estimated cost of the Friendswood library is $100,000. 00. Estimated construction funds available : $25, 000. 00 City Funds, $50,000. 00 State Funds (Grant ) , $25, 000. 00 County Funds . Mayor Lowe has invited the Harris County Flood Control, Corps of Engineers and Galveston County Judge Ray Holbrook to discuss the Clear Creek Flood Control Project alignment between FM 528 and FM ?351 . They will meet with Council at the regular meeting February 26, 1968. The Texas Highway Department will meet with Council at the regular meeting February 26, 1968, between 8:00 and 9 : 00 P.M. to discuss the proposed four lane highway through Friendswood, and to give their report on a tentative figure of what it will cost the City for this construction, the time involved, etc . Motion was made by Councilman Somers, seconded by Councilman Murrell, and voted unanimously to authorize Mayor Ralph L. Lowe to sign the Revised Municipal Maintenance Agreement which provided for joint City-State maintenance of State designated highways within the City of Friendswood . Terry Moore, Water and Waste Water System Superintendent for the City, has received an official State Health Department citation for work proficiency. This certificate of competency is awarded only to those utility plant operators who have successfully demonstrated their skill and knowledge in modern principles of plant management . A letter to Council from the Emper•ial Estates No. 1 Civic Club was received expressing their appreciation publicly for the outstanding service performed by Chief of Police Joseph M. Wright and the interest he takes in dealing with the children and the problems of our community. Special Committees : Mr . 0. 0. Terrell of Gas Utility Service Company and Mr . 0. J. Welbur•n of the Houston Natural Gas Corporation met with Council to discuss the sale of Gas Utility Service Company to Houston Natural Gas Corr oration. 2-19-68 : r•eg: page 3 After discussing this transaction between these two corporations, Council presented a report to the interested Friendswood ' s citizens attending this meeting to determine the feasibility of the City purchasing or constructing its own gas utility system. The audience was invited to participate in this discussion and to ask questions regarding the pros and cons of this issue . During a break in the meeting the citizens were asked to indicate by signing their name whether they would support the City Council of Friendswood in acquiring the present gas system or constructing a new system, or that they would not support it. Results : For - 20ly Against - 2. A motion was made by Councilman Somers to call a revenue bond1- " election on March 23, 1968, asking the citizens of Friendswood to grant the Council authority to issue $750, 000. 00 in revenue bonds to acquire the existing gas system or construction of a new gas system. Motion was seconded by Councilman Murrell and carried unanimously. Standing Committees and Departmental : Finance : Councilman Stuart reports that the City Auditor will have the Annual eport ready approximately the last meeting in March. Health and Safety : Mr. Larry Thornhill reported to Council that a survey in the Kingspark-Whitehall area indicated that the residents do not want to take the responsibility of putting out the rat poison along the drainage ditches since they do not own_ this strip, but would not object to the City doing this . Police : Mayor Lowe has instructed the Police Department to install 20 mile per hour speed signs in Imperial Estates # Subdivision. These Signs can be installed between 6 and 12 feet from the curb line on City property and within 30 to 100 feet of the corner . The sign would be placed on the property line between the first and second lots . This was approved by Council. Unfinished Business : A draft letter was presented to Council by Ody Jerden, City Attorney, addressed to Governor John Connally to the attention of John Mobley, requesting that the agenda for the special session of the legislature in 1968 make provision for the introduction of the fcllowing bills regarding statutary dissolution of a 95 acre portion in Brazoria County of Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District #21, and validation statute for previous annexation. ( 1 ) A bill excluding land from the Galveston County WC&ID ##21, Galveston County, Texas . (2 ) A bill validating annexation by cities of 5, CO0 population or less, validating assumption of water districts . A motion was made by Councilman Murrell, seconded by Councilman Woods and carried unanimously, authorizing Mayor Ralph L. Lowe to sign Part A, Offer and Acceptance, Project WPC-Tex-46! , planning documents on the interceptor sewer line . 2-10-68: reg: page 4J Resolution authorizing Ralph L. Lowe, Mayor, to sign Federal Grant, Project No. WPC-Tex-464. Ordinances and Resolutions : Second Reading Amendment: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 58 CONCERNING THE PLACEMENT OF STOP SIGNS AT CERTAIN INTERSECTIONS IN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, AND PROVIDING ADDITIONAL LOCATIONS FOR SUCH STOP SIGNS. Passed and approved by motion of Councilman Woods, seconded by Councilman Murrell. Motion carried by unanimous vote . Warrant Approval : Warrants �1984 - 1989, Warrants #3L69, 3469-3492 approved by motion of Councilman Stuart, seconded by Councilman Murrell. Motion carried by unanimous vote . Adjournment : Councilman Somers made the motion of adjournment, seconded by Councilman Woods . Motion carried by unanimous vote . Respectfully submitted, Pat Gillespi Assistant City Secretary Approved : alph If. Lowe Mayor