HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1968-02-05 Regular 77
A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held February 5,
1968, at City Hall.
Present were Mayor Ralph L. Lowe ; Councilmen Marvin L. Childers, Wiley
W. Murrell, Ralph W. Somers, Edward F. Stuart, Thomas F. Woods; City
Secretary Artha Wright, Assistant City Secretary Pat Gillespie .
Also present were Leah North, C. T. Abbott, Elda Faye Matheny, Jim
Mager, Henry Howard, Ray Reed, Malcolm Collins, William C . Walsh, Pat
Coffie, Helen Pesman.
Correction and Approval of Minutes :
January 29, 1968; Regular; Approved as read.
Communications from the Mayor :
Mr. John Lipscomb, Texas Highway Department, informs us that a
four-way stop is being installed at Fm 518 and FM 528.
Mr . Wiley Carmichael., Texas Highway Department, reports that there
will be a meeting to discuss possibilities of making FM 518 a four lane
street through Friendswood .
February 26, 1968, there will be a meeting to discuss Clear Creek
Flood Control Project .
We have received telegrams from Senator Ralph Yarbrough and Jack
Brooks stating that we have been approved for grant money for master
sewer trunkiine . (See attachment �1 and i-A ) .
Mayor Lowe requested of John Mobley, Governor ' s Assistant, that
we be considered for the special legislature session agenda regarding
solution of present boundaries of WCID #21 (95+ acres in Brazoria
County) .
Petitions and Communications :
Messrs . William C . Walsh and Malcolm Collins with Walsh Engineering
discussed with Council preliminary design phase plans for the master
trunkline sewer system. These plans are to be completed and submitted
to the State for approval. no later than March 10, 1968.
Councilmen Woods and Murrell were appointed to work with Mr. Walsh
and Mr. Collins as a committee for grant applications for future needs .
Special Committees :
Messrs . Jim Mager, henry Howard, Ray Reed of ACID #121 appeared
before Council and presented the Financial Report for 1967, to discuss
the indebtedness of ^JCID 7-,_�121, and to find a possible solution to
retire certain debts of the District .
This matter was discussed in full by Council with the Directors
and a motion was made by Councilmen Woods that the City cease billing
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WCID #21 for bulk water and sewer during 1968 until sufficient money
is obtained for the District to retire the existing debt of $7920. 12
for engineer ' s fees . This motion failed for lack of a second .
A 'motion was then made by Councilman Somers that funds received
from water and sewer collections during January, February and March
1968 be applied against the $7920. 12 debt for engineer ' s fees . _
The motion was seconded by Councilman Childers and carried
Mayor Lowe and Councilman Somers attended a meeting February
2, 1968 with Mr. Lee Brawner and Mrs . Marie Schultz of the Texas
State Library; Mr . John Hyatt , Director of Rosenberg Library; Mr.
Jerry Coleman, Director Houston-Galveston Area Council; Galveston
County Judge Ray Holbrook to discuss the State Library System and
more particularly a new library facility for Friendswood .
We would be required to build a $100, 000. 00 installation
(minimum 5000 sq. ft. ) . Federal and State funds would pay 750 of this .
There may possibly be funds available in the 1968 State Budget.
Mrs . Pat Coffie and Mrs. Helen Pesman were present to hear this
report from Councilman Somers . After discussing the proposed library
for the City of Friendswood with them, Councilman Somers made a motion
to execute immediately Phase No. 1 of the Application of the Library
Grant. Motion was seconded by Councilman Murrell and carried by the
following vote : For: 4 : Councilmen Murrell, Somers, Stuart, Woods .
Against: 1 : Councilman Childers .
Standing Committees and Departmental:
Health/Safety : The County Health Officer, Mr . Lundberg, called
at City Hall Monday, February 5, 1968, and discussed with Mayor Lowe
a complaint received by them from a Friendswood citizen concerning
rats in the drainage ditches in the Kings Park - White Hail area.
Mayor Lowe stated
that Mr . Lundberg suggested building containers, filling them with
poison and to place them along the drainage ditches . After discussing
this method, Council requested that we ask Mr . Lundberg to attend
next week' s Council Meeting, and to bring with him literature on the
rat poison available from their office.
Interested citizens of the Kings Park and White Hall area are
invited to attend this meeting.
Councilman Stuart agreed to lead the "Rat Patrol" .
Councilman Childers reported trash in ditches on Winding Way
between 518 and 528.
Streets : Ken Toons reports that Leisure Lane is not in the
condition hat is was previous to the installation of the sewer line .
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This was pointed out to the contractor and he was advised that this
street must be put back to the condition it was before this sewer
Utilities : Terry Moore reports that there are approximately
45 water and sewer taps to be made .
New Business :
It was suggested that we write the Texas Highway Department
supporting the location of the Alvin-Huston Freeway as it is now
shown between Pear•lnad and Friendswood .
Councilman Childers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stuart
that a letter be written to the Texas Highway Department approving the
location of the proposed Alvin-Houston Freeway between Pearland and
Friendswood. Councilman Somers made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Woods to table this motion for 1 week. Motion passed by the following
vote : For : 3 : Councilmen Somers, Woods, Murrell. Against: 2 : F
Councilmen Childers and Stuart. ! �
Ordinances and Resolutions :
STOP SIGNS. Passed and approved by motion of Councilman Somers ,
seconded by Councilman Woods . Motion carried by unanimous vote .
Warrant Approval :
Warrants #1962 through #1966; and #34 56 through 3467 approved
by motion of Councilman Stuart, seconded by Councilman Woods . Motion
carried by unanimous vote .
Adjournment :
Councilman Childers made the motion of adjournment, seconded by
Councilman Murrell. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Respectfully submitted,
Artha Wright - City Secretary
Approved :
Ralph Lowe - Mayor