HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-12-18 Regular -- --...--. ...... .: ,... ., . �pi�-c.�-.4�. / - a -�O o IS'lI�1'fJ'TES OF THE REGITLAR C4U�TCIL MEE�TNCx, DECENIBER 18, 1967 � A x�e�;�.1:a� m�eting of�he Fr�c�r�dswood Ci�y Council wa� helcl Decembe� ,� 18, 1�67; 7:30 P.M. at City Hall. ��,:. P�es�r�t were mayor Ralph L. Lowe; Councilm��. Ma�v�n L. Chilcl�rs, �ile� W. Mur�ell, Ralph W. Somer�s, Eclv�ard F. Stuart, Thomas F. Woods; Ci��r Secretar� Ar�ha Wrigh�; Ci�� Legal Advisor Ody Kent Jerd�n. Also presen.t w�re Malcolm. Co�1�n�, C. R. Stephens, R. S. Sawyer, C . T. Abbott, Bett� Whi�e, LeaY� �'orth, Joyce Jane Weedman, Micha�l Math��.y, �om Grims�ud, Susan Ga�.dill. (10) Co�nna�.nica�ioz�s f�o�. �hc� Mayor: The Fri�nclswood Chamb�� fl� C017iTI1E�CE' ent�r�ained about 100 chi�dr�ra Sunday, �ecembe� 10 wi�h San�a Claus, and candy. The Clea� Creek Flood �on�rol S�.rve�r Stud� �earing �aill be held in A.ust�.�.; Decer�ber lg, 1g67. F�iendswood will be rep�esented by �ounea.lma�a So�ers, and Mayor Low�. �h.e original balar�ee for �he Fire Truck - $19,000.00 has been red�ce�. to �10,500.00. W� wi11 reduc� this amotznt, by warrant approval ton�.g�.t, b.y $2,520.95 pl�.s $189.00 �.nterest. �'�.is wi11 leave a balance __.:� of 7,�7�.05 due on �he prir�c�.pal. The Sta�e H�ghway Departmer�t sa�s that they hope to have Choate �.. _ Road open to traffic this weekend if' �here i� no mo�� �ain, but they cannot top i� �ntil it dries up. Inte�es�ed citizer�s of �he Pear•lancl/r�=iendsv�ood area attended �he Sta�e High�ray� Hear�.�ag on �hc� proposed Freeway b�twee� Alvin and Hous�or�, wheth�r it should be rotzt�d on the Fricndswood side of Pearland or t1�e o�her s3.de of Pea�land. . Fri��.dswood as a whole was __ - - - - - -- ---- - for ��.e f°re�way orn this s�.ae of P�arl�.rid �.s we11 as many frot� Pea�lan.d, -- - - - Ther�. was oppositifln from some Pearland- people as -�rell as--those- of'- - B�ookside Village. Mayor Lov�e ' s opinio�. is '�h�t i� �i11 probably b� routed on �his sid� o�' Pearlar�d sir�ce that would serve the gr�a�Cest nur�b�� of people. Coun�ilman Somers agre�d to discuss �rith the Co��ty Engine_er . the ob�ai�.ing o�' tir�bers �'rom. th� o1d Clear Creek Bridge on C�.oa�e - Road �ha� �.ight be used to �c�pair the bridge �ha� is o�.� on Winding Way ov�� Cowar'� Creek. Malcolrn Co1liz�s of Wals�. Engineering ask�d �hat �he Council . ob�ain., fx�om �he awr�er� of c�rtain properties, p�rmission �o take survey par��.es through �heir properta.es. We mvst have the surv�y arid -_ pla�. fo� �his segment of the Master Sewc�� Lines to the govern�.ent by ,, o r� il�nan Child�rs an d Ma or ne' lman Murrell C u c i�ta�ch 1 1 68, Cou � Y , 9 � once Councilmar� Som�rs su ested � Lowe have a �eed to ursu� this at gg , g P . tha� a Council �eam of six work together to ob�ain the necessa�y . �-- right-of-way f'or the Mas�er� Sewer Plan to mee� the d�adline of March . l, �g68. , Mr, Collins was asked to wri�e to H�D requesting final inspection of the contract job. (WPC-TEX �b�� � • . - � 12-18-67:reg:2 � Bid �pe�i�g - �sed �B transcievers : j�� ��� following bids for p�rc�as� of 6 used CB transcievers were o����ds Ke�neth Ha�r�s HE 90 Lafayet�� $20.00 __- . HE �3C Laf'a.yette 20.00 Joh�,sa�. �i�sseng�� 100 30. 00 Harry �Tatcher All s�x units 66.00 S. R. E�lies3ng �'oh�.son l�ess�nger 100 50.00 S. R. Kliesing A1l six uni�s 120.00 l�icha�l �Ia�heny HE 90 Lafayette 15. 00 Councilma�. S�uart made a �no��on, secor�ded b�r Counc�lr�an Woods, that � the �adios be� sold to S. R. Klie�ing as pe� his bid of �120,��00 for �h� six units. �o�io�. carri�d by �nanimo�.s vot�. Sp�c3�a1 Comrn.3.t��es : A let�er da�ed 12-15-67 'co Doetor Joseph J. Sy�on from Mayor Lowe R� : appo3.ntment to Clear La�� Area Ho�pi�al Boa�d. (#1) � Mayo� Lowe asked Cou�.c3lman Som�r� to �e�ve it� �hi� capacity. Pla�.�.�.ng Com�a.ission: Tk�e P1an�.a.ng Commission has a vac�ncy. A�.y cit�zen� who might � be� 3.ntere�ted in se�ving in thi� capaeity a�e asked �o wri�e a let�er �--. ; to �he l�ayor and Council. Budget H�a�ing; Councilmaz� Stuar� rev3.ew�d the proposed b�.dget for 1�68. Af ter diseussior�, Gouneilm�n Somers mad�: a mo�ion, secpndeel by Cou�.cilman l�urrell, �ha� �his proposed budge� for 1�68 be approved and adop�ed. - ,--=Mota.on ea��aed by unanimou�--vote. - - - -- --- - - - - ---- -- Staric�a.rig-�oinrn.a.�tees an.d Depar�mental: Fire Department: Cotaneilr�.an Woods repor�s that the Fire Depar �.en k�as w�i - �n a 1et�er �o Cour�cil �ahiek� will require disc�.ss3on. �his ma��er will be 'caken up at �he m��t�.ng ofl �a�.tzary 8; z967. . � Heal'el�/Safety: Co�.nci.lma�. St�.art reports tha� �he fogging machine and weed iller chemicals have baen purchased fo� use on w�eds o�.ly in place� where it is irnpossible to mo�a. �ou�cilman Stu.ar'c made a motion, seconded by Councilman �Tood� , �hat a resolution concerning t�e overgrown property of Vio1a Pearson �� i be adop�ed. Motion carr�ed by unanimous vo�e. � ! � ;. Streets ; Councilman Samers repor�s tha� �he street repair work is ? . t_�` being ampered and delayed b� the shortage of personnel du� �o �raca�ion sehecl�le, and by the dump truck being in the shop f'or repairs . -2- � , 1z-18-67.reg:3 - Le�sur� Lane Civic Club has writte� a l�tter sta�ing �hat their = stree�, L�isure Lane, has �o� b�en put baek in the conditi�n w�ic� exis�ed b�for� the sewer lin�s were laid. Counci2ma� So�er� agrees wit� th�� a�d Mere�r �onstruetifln Ca. �ill b� notified of thi� �.--' conditio�.. " Util3.ties : Council�an �Iu�r�l1 reports �hat BilZ �7alsh, �. W. Davis, Ker� Toon, Wesley Unruh and Council�.a� Murrell wen� over the sewer 1�.ne p�oject cons�x�uction and ch�cked out the final p�.nch lis�. There are only a ��w eleanup i���s lef� ur�done. (#2) Mayor Lowe �ead a 1et�er da�ed 12-7-67 f'ro�. `�exas �tater Qua1.i�� Boa�d Re: Sur�meado�r� Muna,cipa3 U�ility Dis�rict. (#3} Purchase of Pick-vp Trucks Councilman Woods made a motion, s�conded ; by Counci3man Somers, �� �ha� we p��pare and publish b�as fo� p�.re�ias� oi a 2 �on pick-up �ruck. Mo�ion car.ried by unarai�ous vote. This i�em is in the 1968 buclge�. Ordinan�e� and �esolutions : Judge Pa�ton has requ�sted by letter that t�.er� be a mee�ing W�dnesday, DEC�mber 20, 1967, �o discuss am��dm�nts �o the "dog" � ordi�.anee. Since many of the couneil could not �.al�� this �E�'�1T1g� � � it was decid�d to hold this meeting �'anuary 2, 1968. / ___' �/e� Th3rd 13eadin.g: AN ORDII�ANCE SETTI�TG FORTH LTCENSING PROVIS20NS FOR A L GS; P O IBITING DOGS FROM BEING AT LARGE ON PUBLIC OR PRIVA�'E FROPERTY; DEFTNTI�TG 2'ERI�S; PROSI'IDING FOI� VA�CINA.TION OF DO�S; PROVTDING .FOR C0�1'FII�T�MENT OF DOCS EITI;ER IN "D0� FOUI�D" OR F7NDER SUPERV�STON OF LICENSED �E`I'ER�NARIAN; PROVIDIt�1G FOR I�TOTICE OF Il�iPOU�'DED DOGS AND RELEASE OF DOGS TMPO�C3'�7DED ITPON PAY1�N'T ��' �'EES; PROVIDII�TG FQR DTSPO�AL OF DOGS NOT REDEEMED; PRO�TID�IV'� F'OR RE�ORDS; PROVTDII�T� � FOR �7'TCTOUS DOGS; PRO�'ID�Nf�� FOR LfiNCOI�TSTITtTTTONAL7� OF GEPTAIN' SEC`�IONS ----- -- - --HEREOF; REP-EALTI��-ORDTI�AI�CES-T-N COS�TFLS��'-HEFiEWI�'F�-AFdD -MAI�II�G- GERT-A:I1� - ---- - - SECT�ONS :ESEREOF APPLICABLE TO OTH,�R DO�ESTTC ANIMALS, passed and approv�*d -on third aMd f'3.na1 reading by motior� of Counc3.Imar� Woods, s�co�.dec� by Coun�a.lman Ch3�lders. l�oti3n ca�ried b� unanimous vo�e. Couz�cil�an Somers made a motion, seeonded by Councilt�ar� Child�rs, tha� 'che H�.�.ane Officer w�.11 be under the jurisdict3.on of tY�� �hief of Polic�. l�otio�. carr�.ed by unanimous vote. The Police �epartment is direct�d to investigate and i.mple�.en� �nf orcemen� d� �his orainancc. Third Reacling: AN ORDINA.NCE ALTERI�'G THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED. LTM�TS � , ESTAB �SHED �'OR �tTEHICLES t�NDER THE PROVISTONS OF ARTICLE 6701D VERNON'S ( ,_ . RAFF C TEXA.S CIV�L STATU�'E�, UPOI� `�HE BASZS OF AN ENGINEERIN� AND T I �_ TNVESTIGATZON, UPON CERTAIN STREETS AA]D HIGH�AYS, OR LPAR3'S TH�REOF, � I�TTHII�T THE CORPORATE LIMI�'S OF '�HE �ITY OF FRTEI�DSW04D, AS SET OU�' TI� ��--- THIS OR.DTNANCE; AND PROVIDIl�TG A PENAL�'I.' OF A FTI�TE NO'�` TO EXCEFD �200.OQ FOR '�HE VTOLAT20N OF THIS ORDIN�.NCE, passed by motion of Coun.cilma�. M�.rre11, second�d by �ou.ncilman Childers. Motion failed by un�.nimous vote. -3- � 12-18-67:r�g,� �>°� �-- �'k�i.rd Rc?arling: AN ORI3INANCE AMEIUDII�� RITLE Ol'�EE (a) OF ORI�T�ANCE -_- �T'fTl�'lBER 9'� CONCER TNG TINIE OF �ITY �OUNCTL MEFTZA7GS, R.EPEALII�G ORDINANCES OR SECTIONS OF OR.DINAItiiCES II� COAiFLIC�' A�D PROVIDT�3G A . - SEVERABILT�� C LAUSE, passed and approv�d by motion of Councilman = Child�rs, seconded b� Coutaeilma�, �turr�ll. Counc�lman So�ers ente��d the f'ollowing remarks : � 1. The need for this modif'�.catian does not exist. Th� people are not complaining. Perhaps the need did exist a� on� time, but that t3.me has past. 2. A� stated by �he mayor, this ordinance would not serve as ar� a�.cc� �o tl�e cit3.zens - it po��ibly would confuse the situa�ion �ince one m.ight not k�ov� when ax� �rdinance reading is scl�eduled. The p�oponents have stated that weekly meetings will h�lp th.e p�ople in tl�at they wi11 know tha� �h.e�e is a reg�.larly se�eduled meeting ever� v�e€�k and won� � be conf'�a.s�d as �o w�.en m��tings are b�ing h�1d. A.ra.y �.n�erested citizer� can �oday c1ea� �.p any confusio�. by callir�g any o�.e of the Cou�.ci1 or the Ci�y Sccf'etary. 3. W��kly r�eeti.ngs a�e a�. e�xtra burden ,on �he Ci�y Secretary and A��orney. Repo��edly, one prospec�ive applieant indicated this wo�.ld prohibit hcr from s�eking �Che job. _ 4. Weekly mee�ings wa�11 �end to di�courage wox�k�hop s�ss�.on�. ' �� No q�.e�tior� b�xt the �end�ncy will be a�ay fror� these sessions sinc� ' they will always ca11 �'or extra tim�. Worl�sk�ops are the mos� important ' m�etings �he Cou�cil has - it �.s here tha� f'�e� deba�e ex��'ts wi�h ample ta.me for caMSa.d���tion afte� the debate ar�d before offici�,l action is taken. Ifi such �essions are not held, then intelligent a�tion of �h� Cou�ici.l v�i11 �'alter. Ii t�.e �e�essa;�y shops a�e held ' �her� �ral�able �ime on leg work wi11 be los�. W� all hav� a limited time �o ��.ve �o this job. T� m�.st be budg�ted betw��n m�et�ngs and w� a�� f aced �uaith deadlin�s on sewer ro 'ects f i�lc�. wo�k. Toda p � • y I - - - - --- - - ---- wh3.ch �Yaould be occu xn �h�s Councxl ' � �im�. We have b�en critic�zed pY� g -- - -f o�- a���.v�.ng at a decision in �ro�kshop and rubber sta�.ping- it a� a - - -- r�gula� �.eeting. This is a misx�epresentation. A conscientio�.s counc�l �ill givc� s�rious thought to �.11 co�.sidera'cions bef'ore vo�ing. Nothing is 1os� by fre� discussion followed by considered thou.ght. If fo11ow3.ng a �aorkshop whe�e a cor�census was es��bl2shc�d., one o� more members �'e�l, a�'ter del�.beratior�, that he �.as changed �is mincl, this should be ref'lect�d in his votc� . No one �hould be cri�i��:zc�d fo� . ac�ing in thi� manner. Mo��.on �o table motion �nad� by Co�n�ilr�an S�uart, seconded b� �ounc�.lman Ch3.lder�. �Mo�ion �ailed by� For: 2s �o�r�czlme�. Sor�.c�s, St�.ar�; Agair�s� : 3: '� �o�z�.cilmen Childers, Murrell, Woods . Motion to pass final r�ading of above ordinanee carried by: Far: 3: Councilmen Childers, Murrell, Woods; Agains�: 2: Gou.ncilm�n Somers, r� � Stua��. Ma�or Lowe sta�ed �hat h� is willing to wotk with the ma�ori�y ; vie�rs of ��.e Counci].. � �— Resolu��on: A RESOLL�TION: �LEAR CREEK FLOOD COI�'�ROL PROJECT, adop�ed by motion of Councilman �urrell, seconded by Councilman Somers. Motion ca�ried by unanimous vote. A le�t�r to the Wa�er Righ�s Commi�sion s�ating our approval and backi�g of�his projec� wi11 be taken �o the Hear•ing of t�is Com�nission. _L�._ . 12-18-67.r�g.5 � „ � ��7� �m�rg��.ey Sp�ed Zor�� (30 MPH school zone ) A�i ORDI�iAI�CE AL3'ERI�'G r!� �I3E PF3.Il�A FA E SPEED LTl�IITS ES�ABLISFIED FOR VE�IICLES U�DER TI�E PRO�TI�S�I�TS OF ARTSCLE 6701D, VEl��'ON�S 3'�XAS CI�TIL STA�ti'�S, �"tP01� - THE BASIS OF AI`T EI�GII>IEERII�7G Al�.G3 TRAFFIC II�1jTES�IGATION �3'POI�7 CER�AIN - " STRE�TS AT�'TD T�IGHWAYS, OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHI�T �HE �ORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CIT� OF FRIED�T)SWOOD, AS SET 0�'3` I�T `PH2S �RDII�3�A�TCE; AND PRO�FTIDII�G A PEI�TA.LTY OF A FTItIE I�70T T� EXCEED �200. 00 FOF� �HE VIOLATION OF THTS ORDI�TA�ICE; A�'D DECLARI�T� AI� EM:�RGE�TC�, pass�d and approved by i�ot3.on of Couz�cilmat� Somers, seconded by Councilmat-�. Woods. l�otior� ea��ied by unanimous v��e. Wa�ran� A� r�o�ra1. Couneil�an St�.ar� made a motion, �econd�d by Councilmar� Woods, tl�at Warra�.ts # 1.868 througY� # 1878, and # 3358 ���oug� # 3371 be app�oved. Ma�ior� carri�d by �.nan.imous �o�e. �leeti�.g Ad�ourned. Resp�c fu11� submit��d, A tha Wrigh - i�y e ��ar� ., Appratred r .�_�� �C, '-� � alph . Lo�r�, ayor -- - - -- � -- �_ _� �� 1 �._.._� -5-