HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-12-04 Regular ���,U � G�,�J� /.�=_/'a=�j � „ � . 4' f�.__ MT�ITTTES OF �'� RE��l'�,AR C0�'I7C�L MEE�'II�'�, DECEMBER �, z967 A reg�.lar meeting af' the Friez�dswood Ci�y Co�.ncil was . h�1d Decer�b�x� �___ �+, 19673 7:30 P.1�. at Ci�y �3a11. Pr�sent we�� Mayor Ralph L. Lowe; Councilr�er� l�a�vir� L. Childers, W�.1�y W. �u�re11, R.alp�. W. Sor�e�s, Edv�ard F. ��ua�t, `�homas F, Woads; City See�etary A�tha Wrig�.t« A1sp presen� �rere : Nlalcol� A. Go1lir�s, Be�'cy Shor�, P. R. MaloneY, �. V. �ha�bers, Jatnes E. Pow�rs, Gerl�ardt H. Pla�z, W. E. ��ke�s, W. B. Pa��on, Benght S�a�.dbc�rg, B. A. F�art, �eorge E. Fiegel, Bet�� W�.ite, T��ne Yodzis, Chi�k ��Crav�, Da�id MeC�aw, �ohn C. �'�.f'f'y, An.i�a �'on�s, J. W. Davis, Roger I�. Tanner�, I�en�y T. Howard, Pa� Ho�ard, �laude T. Abbo��. (22) Co��ee�ion and Appro�ral of l�inutes: Navember 20, Zg67; Regula�; s�ood approved as read. Comm�.r�ica�ions form �he �tayo�s The Ch�i�tr�as Tree ligh�i�.g cerernony was held Dece�nber 2, 1967. Thi� ceremoMy i� �ade possible by �h� Friend�wood Cha�b�r of Co�merce, the Fri.endsu�ood Garder� S�udy �roup, and the T�eri�age �a�den Club . There wi11 be a publa.c hearing by �he '�exas Wa�er Qual�ty Control Board in Aus�in, ,Dece�.ber 19, 1967, re : Clear Creek Flood �-._ �on�rol. Da�.glas Pollard, Trustee,for that p�r� o� W.G.8c 2.D. #21 which 1i�s within Bx�azoria Couz�ty, has expres�ed i�.�ere�t in ob�a3.ning uti1��3.�s �o tYaa� area. Tn o�der to so3v�; the prablem o� dissolv3.ng W.C.& I.�. #21, this area wi11 have to b� annexed by the Ci�y of ____ _ Pearland or s'�a'�e leg�.slative action �r3.1I �.a�e �o be taken for separa�xon from �he Dist�ict. - - - - �'he Board of' 1�7.�.& I.D. �21 has �o�ed to stop t�.e �25. 00 per d3.er� ta i�s �.s�.bc:�s for attez�dance �o Board meetit�g�. �heir final paymen� of�'e�s �o �he �r�giz��:�r, Bennett Cou3son and A�tor�.ey, Cyril Smith, ha�e been. �urned dow�.. �r. Co�.�.son and Mr. S�ith have inc�ieat�c�. tha� if they do no� ge� .the s�.m tha� th�y I�ave askeel for, ��.e� ��.),,1 �ue the W.C.�c I.D. #21 and. the Ci�y of Frie�.dswood. c. c. There wi1.l be a publ3.c hear3,r�g by the �'�xas l�igh�ay� �epar�r�ent at the Pea�land Elementax�y School, Deeer�ber 7, 1967, 7:34 P•M• , to disc�xss th� route of the Alva�r�/T�ous�on F'ree�ray (wh��h.er to go on this side of Pea�land o� �h� o�her side ) . F�.rther de�ails of �his hearing and the 'map of the proposed highv�ay is pos�ed a� Friendswood City �-��-;� H�11. Pe�3.tions and Commu.nica�ions : -�� The�e waS disc�.ssion by the Co�.ncil and in.�erested citizens concerning �he ra.ght-of-wa� �'ar �he 27 ' sewer 3ine along �he C1ear Creek area. Ther� ax�e several possibili�ies of' route through ' 12��M�7 'a���: � . .. Impe�ial Es�ate� �/D. �h� at�ached le�ter f�om William C . �alsh, ,,-� Cons�l�ing Engineer, gives ��e cost dif�ere�ces of �he several ---- possible �olu�xons �o �his question. (Attachme�� �1) Ca�neilman So��rs �ade a mo�ion, seconded by Cou�eil�an M�rr�11, tha� Counci� apprn�e t�e ro�te t�at wo�1d ru� up S�ado�be�d Aven�e a�d bet�een -_- the p�op�r�ies of Browni�g and As�ndorf. Motion car�ied by �nani�ous vo�e. 7t was f�rther stated �ha� this c3uneil has reaso� to believe th�t a11 proper�ies �eeded for t�e rig�t-,o�-�ay fo� this line a�e available, ex�ept for t�at needed ��ro�gh the M. L. Cook property. Special �om�.it�ees : Pl�mbi�g Code r��ision: �ou�eilman Childers introdueed ; dise�s�ioxi o e �n erp�e a��on. of the Pl�mbi�g �ode (Ordi�ance #87) ' par�ic�larly ��ere �t speeified that a home o�n�� could flbtai� a pe���� for plu�bing on his ow� p�operty if it �as also his residen�� a�d whe�he� he had �o do t�e wo�k him�el� o� co�ld obtain assis�ance ��om other so�r�es than a lie��sed plumb��. Mayor Lowe ha� contae��d Texas �unicipal Leag�e, ��o had co����r��cted ��is �rdinanee, to get their opi�ion. T�ey fel� that it s�ould be inte�preted that , t�e ho�� o���r was responsible �or �he work done, �hat it mus� pass ei�� i��pec�io�; a�d tha� ho� h� �ad it don� was i��ma�erial. Stana��g Ga��i��e�s and Dep�������al: Fin��c�s Coun��lma� �tuar� reports that �h� �ov�mber audit _._, should be do�� i� about a.wee ; ��a� �he�e �i11 be a PUBLIC �EARTNG 0� TH�: 196 PROPOSED BUDGET at �h� regular Co�nc�l ��eting of Dece�ber 1�, 1967. �eal�h a�d Saf�ty: Gou�cil Stua�� repor�s �hat the weed letters have �ought r�su s; ha �o more� � ters have b�e� se�t out. There is n�ed of a general �nspe�tion o� the cit� wo see what p�ope��ies sti11 need .atte�tio�. Mr. K. B. Jones will be asked �o p�rform �his du�y. This time of year �s pa�ticularly bad du� �o ��� dang�r of fires due to the d���ess, -- - ------ - - - Polic� -D� art�.ent: Gour��ilman Gha.ld�rs re pr�s tha�-he- has p --- -- r�qu�s��d hic�f Wrigh o appea� � o�e o��aci1 after the f'3_�s� of 1�68 �o appr�s� Council of t�.e ae�ivi�i�s of his department, and an� probleras a�.d �r�ends t�a� are developing. Co�.ncil�.an Woods wro�e a letter �o Gflvex�no� Connally stating his displeas��e a� �he �e�k�ads of depar��.ental admin�.st�ation �hat preven�ed �he Highwa� Departmen� fro� sufficie�.tly reclucing speed limits ita the schaol zo�e at the Wes�wood Elem�ntar� School on Eclgewood Av��.ue in Fr�endswood. He �n�c�red the a��ached le�ter f'x�om Gov�rnor Collally, ir��o �he�e m3.nu�es, da�ed �7ovember 29, 1g67. . (attachmen� #2) . _, Personr�el: Councilmar� Somers �ade a mo�ion seconded by � f v ra.anc� '�o �h� Personn�l � be iven a a < Gounc�.lm.an oods tl�a� Ken Toon g Ordinan�e, and b� a.Slowed �o take his vaca�ion for Zg67, due to him � now, in early sg68; not to be eontiguous with �aca�ion due for 1g68. �,' --- Mo�ian carried b� u�.an3�nous vot�. �I -2- i 1.�-�-�'��:��g: 3 � ,�. , � ��; , �,; _ 3t ,, ,�, S�r�e�s : Councilmar� So�ers reported t�.a� �. B. InTl�.i�� had inqu�.r�d abot� t � finaliza io�. of the paper� f'or tl�e ��a�.sf�r � � of' 'che �ight-of-�ra�r for Cas�lewood �'ro�. their propericies on �ach sic�-e of �Y�e s�Gr�et. �ou�c3.lman Childe�s has �pol�e�. �ri�}� Nirs. White �- � conce�ning �hi� r�a��er. T�tiliti�s : Counc�.Itna� M�.�re11; J. W. Davis of Merc�r Co�.st��.ction �o. reports that t e u1k of' Y�.e origi�al contract is done . The�e are ��i11 �, fe�r minor clear�.ia.p i�e�.s, and �hc� s�r��� �epair wo;�k in Fri�z�dswood �'or�st. Th� t�o pur�ps a� Sewer Plant �2 have �.ad 72 hp mo�o�s ins�alled and are opera�ing, �Ir. Davis feels that th� func�a.onal qualificat3.ons of �he se�aer 13n� ar�e r�ady f or the final govern�.er�t 3.nsp�etio�.. A le�t�r to tl��.s ef f�c'c �rill be writ�e��. to the Wa��� Quality Control Board. Ordinances ar�d Resolu�iot�s : Second reading: A�7 O�iDZNAI��CE SETT��T� FO�.� �,�CEI�SII�� PROVISTONS FOR A.LL DO�S; PR0�3IBI�II�4 D�GS FROP+I BET�T� A�` LAR�E OI� PT�BLIC OR PRI�`A`T'E PROPERT�'; DEFTN2NG �'ER�S; PROVT���'� FOR �'ACCI�3'A'�'IOI�T OF DO�S; PROVIDII�� POR CONFINEI��I'T 0�` D4�� EI'��iE�. T�' "DOG P0�3I1TD" Ol�. tJl�DER S'E7'PER�TSION' 0�' LICEI�TSED �lETERINAFiSA�T; PROVTDIIyT� �'4R NOTICE OF TM- POUNDED DOGS A�TD RELEASE 0�' I)OGS TNIPOUNDED UPO�T PAYI�NT OF F�ES; . I PROZ7'TD�N� F�F3. DI�POSA.L 4F DOC� 1�IOT l�EDEEMED; PROVIDITxT� FOR RECORDS; • PFtOVTDING FOR �TCIOT�S DO�S; PROV'IDING F�R T�NCON'S�I'�UTIOI�ALI`i'Y 0�' CERTAIN� �EC`�IONS I�R'EOF; REP�ALII�TG ORDINA113CE� I�T COI�TFL2CT HEREW�TH � AND I�A.KIIiT� �ERTAIItT SEC`FT�NS l�EREOF APPL�CA.BLE TO OTHER D�MEST�C A�'I1�ALS. �o�,ncilma�. �oods made �, motion, secor�ded b� Council�.an _ _ Sor�ers, �hat �his ord��.ance be passed on second reading. Will�am B. Patton, Fri��.ds�ood �orpo�a�ion Coux�t Judg�, app�ared befor� Council �o pres�nt h�s views of this ord�.nanee . Af�er hi� presen�at3.on of poi.nts �hat he t'el� shoul�. be chanbe�, �here wa� , genera�. discussion by Co�.ncil a�.d Znterested per�or�s. Tt was decic�.ed to have tl�e commiti�ee �ha� studied t��.s o�dir�ance, the City Legal Ad�risor, and Judg� Pat�on meet in workshop, Decembe� 1.1., 1967, - -- -to -deeid� w1��tl�er th� pr�sent proposed ordinanee sho�:ld be am�nded. _.. ____ .Motio�. to appror�e �his ordi.�.anc� on �econd reading-carried by unani�.o�.s vo�e. Seconel Reading: AI� ORDI�TAl��E ALTERI�T� �H� PRI�'iA FACIE SPEED LSMITS ES�ABLZS�ED FOR VEHICLES T�I�DEEi TH� PROVISIOI�S OF Al�.`�ICLE 6701D �'ERN0�1''S 2'E�A.S �TVTL S�'A'�'�J'`�:'ES, �'POI�7 �.'H� BASIS OF A� E�TCrII�1EERI�1'G AND TRAFF+'�C INUESTTCrAZ'IOIV, L�"P�� �ER`�'A��t STREE�1'S AND HIG�H[�tA�.'S, OR PAR`I'S T�REO�', 1nWIT�I�T `.�'HE CORPORA`T'E LI�I'2`S OF `3'I�E CS`.�'' OI' FRIE�TI?STnT00D, AS SET OU3' rI� THIS ORDIIITANCE; AI�I'D PROVIDI�TG A PENALTY �F A FZI�3E NOT �� EXCEED �20�.00 FOR '�H� VI�LATTOI� OF THIS ORDII�A�CE; passed and app�oved on second reaaing by mot3.o� of Counc3.l�an Childers, seconded by Couneilman Woods . Motion car�ied by unani�.ous vo��. i Second Reac�i�.g: AI� OR�INAN'CE ANIE�D��TG A�LE 0� (a) OF ORDII�A�CE �� �'��� 3�Ul�BER 97 GOI�'CERNIN� �'I� OF CI�`S� COU�TCTL I+�IEETII��S, REPEALIN(� I �RDTNAI�CE� OR SECTTOI�TS OF ORDII�TAI�CES TI� COI�FLICT AND PROVIDTNG A �� SEVERABTLI�'Y CLAUSE. Councilr�an Childer� made a r�o�ion, seconded -- by Council�.an Wood�, that �l�is ordir�ance be app�oved ot� second reading. '��.erc� was disc�.ssion of the pros and cons of this o�da.nar�ce . Af��r discu�sio�, this ordinan.ce was passed by �he f'ollowing vote. � -3_ t 12-�-67:�eg: � �. . � Fors 3� �ouncilmen Childe�s, �T�.rr�11, Woods. Agai�,st, 2: ,,_� Cot�ncil�.cn Somers, St�.a��, l�a�ror Lowe stat�d �hat he was oppos�d to this ordinanc� because i� would cr�at� co�.f�.sion witY� �he ci�izens i ,� as th::�h� da�� �ha� an o�da.nar�ce �k�a� was of �.n��rest to ther� would ( � be diseussed and read, a�.d tha� i� �ras no� el�ar abou� the a�t�ndance � of City Legal Aclvisor a� �aeh a.nd �very r�eeting. Wo�k��.op �e��ing, �ecemb�r 11, l�&7a Mee�3ng t�ith the Libra�y Co�mittee, City Council, a�d I��11ey Gafn�y, A�chitec�. Me��ing o� �Y�e Dog Ordiz�ance Com�.i�tee, A��orney Jerd�n, ar�d Judge T�. B. Pa�tor�. �Ta�x�an� A���ova1: War�aM�� # 18�+6 �hra�.gh 1858; and � 33�9 tb.ro�gh 3350 app�oved by mo�ion. of Couneilrnan Stuart, secor�ded by �ouneilman Some��. I+'tation carried by unanimous vote. �,d�ou�nm�e�� : � Coune�.lman Sor�ers m�d� a motion, seconded by Couneilman Stuar�, �hat this tnQet3.ng stand ad�jou���d. Motion ca�riee� by tanan�mou� vote. Res u11y subma.tted, -- � Artha Wx�ig�� - Ci Secr�tar� Approved: --.... - - - - --- -- .. � �4�G�'� Ra1pM . Lowe - Mayo� - - _ _ _ �� t_, .