HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-11-20 Regular a���„L,,,.���� ��-y �7 �.,. --- MxNfJ'`�'ES OF THE R�GULAR COUI�iCZL I�ETING, NO�IEMBER 2�, Zg67 � � ��-° A regular m��t3.n� of t�i� F�iendswood Ci�y Co�.ncil u�as held I�ovember 20, 1967� 7:30 P.1�. �t Cit� �iall. Pres�nt w��e Mayor Ralph L. LpW(:� Co�.racilt�en Marvin L. . Childers, Wile�' W. l�urr�ll, Ralpl� W. Som�rs, Edward F. St�art, Thotnas F. Woods; City Sec�etary Artha �lrig�.t, �ity Legal Ad�isor �dy Kent Jerden. Also pr�sent were J. l�. Davis, Mark �'. St. Cy�, Roger �7. �`an�.er, Jod� St. ��'�, Elda Faye Nla�he�.y, Ch�.ck 1�cCraw, I,�ah No�th, i�ickey Ro�, �u�ar� Cardell, Joe1 Kirkpat�ick. (10) Carrec�3.on and Approval of' 1���.u�es : S�o�rember 6, 1�67: regular=: stood approved �,s read. i Commur�ica�ions from tl�e Mayo�: Th� speexal election on I�ove�.ber 11, 1�67 �.ad a very light vo��r ��z�nou�. The Unit I3o�.d System was approved. � M. L. �ook and Jay Browning att�raded a ��or�shop meeting wi�h tl�e City �ouncil, Noverr�ber 13, 1967. S� was agreed that �he Ci�y �-__ Eng3nee� woulel conduct a survey pa��� through their prope��i�� to establi�h a possible rou�e for sewer line exte�.sior�. A11 in'�er�s'ced citizens t�i11 �ave an oppor��nity �Eo study any proposed sew�r line coz�strue�io�. bef'ore a�.y act3.on i.s taken. The �3�ty Councils o.� Pearland, Friendswood; the Board of - Directo�� of WC&ID #21, the Co�.��y A�.di�or, and A�C�or�.eys for bo�h cit3.c�s h�1d a m.eeting to discuss methods dis��lvi�.g The Board o�' - - Dis�ra.c� �-`21. - - - - '�he 'copping f'or C�.oa�e Road should be applied some ti�� �n Dece�.b�x�, �'. W. Davis, Mercer Con�truction Co, reports tha� mos� tes�ing of lines �.as be�n done; t�.a� eleanup �ork is i�. p�ogress; tha� all b�� �l�re� �e�vices ar� ir�s��.11ed; that Friends�aood For�st st�eets wi11 be pa�ched starting Nove�.ber 21, 1967; �ha� alI of Distric� #27. and Annalea sewerage is naw being routed to Seu�er Plan'c �2, f�or� �he overloaded S�we� Plant #1. Bid Ope�.ing, Maintaine� s � Bids on a used Cat�rpillar motor grader w�re opened. (a��achment �l, 1A) . After disc�.ssion, Counc�.lman So�ers c�ad� a mo�ion, seconded 1ay Gouncilman Child�rs, that the 1ou� bid submitted by Leon Brown on a used Ca�erpillar Model 112F for $9200.00, as p�r 1e�tex�, b� aceepted;� tha� one-half' of�he pr3.ce be paid from 1967 f�znds, and one-�.alf of the price be p�id from 1�68 funds. Motion carried b�r unanimous vote. l p 11-20-6'�: reg: 2 . Pc��i�3.o�.� a�.d Commu�icat3ons : � — A 1e��te� da�ed N'ovemb�r 20, 1�67, �'rom: Judge William B. Patfion to mayo� and City Council, r�: Change of tim� and day of �he -- Fra.end�t�ood Corporation Court, w�s r�ad. (attac�mer�t #2) � . . A let�er r�as read dat�d �'ovember 7, 1967, to William C. Galegar, Regional Program Direc�or, Depart�n�nt of �he Interior; Fro�, Rober� �. Fl�m�.ng, Texas Water Quality Board; Re � WPC-Tex 500, 3/ g�ar�t iracrea��. (at�achme�t #3) A let�er was r�ad da�ed �ovember 6, 1967, f'ro� A1 Bond, Presiclent !, of C1e�,r Cre�k Woods Civie Club, �o �ayor Lo�e; re : apprecia�ion f or �he pavir�g of Tn�hispering Pines . (at�achme�.� �� ) `T'wo q�.otation.� f'o� pai�.�ing �h� 3n�erior of �Y�e water tank were read: Frorn Ochoa, $800.00, a�d D. & �. Painti�a� Co„ �700.00. Cou�eilr�an Ch3.lders mad� a motion, s�condeel by Cour�ci.lr�an. Woods, tha� D.Bc �'. Pair�t�.ng. Co. be a�thorized to paiz�� �1�� in��rior of the water tank as per letter; that r�ot ov�r $100. 0� may be spent for any acid�z3.�.g �hat may be need�d; that sa3.d con�ractor must be insured. �Ia�io�a c�rried by �.�ani�.ous vote . (attachmer�� �5, 5A, 5B} '�h� Womens League of Friendswood announc�d tha� they wi11 conauct vo�er regist�a�io�. aga3.n this year. ,r� Special Co�itte�s : ��- A. S�tt�� was read elat�d �iovember 7, 1g67, f ro�. Mayo� �. W. Robxn,so�. of Seabrook to Ma�o� Lowe, R� : x�epre�enta�i�e �o a proposed Hospital Board for �hc� Clear Lake Area. �ouncil concurred with l�ayor Low� ' s r�commendation of Doctor S�mo� for �his appointtt�ent. D�. S�mor� has agreed to accep� th�s appointment. (a��ac�.men� #6 ) - - - - - - - - Standi.ng Cornmit�tees ar�d Departr�er�tal: Fi�ance : Counc3lma�. N��rrell made a motio�, seeor�ded by Cfluncilman S�uar• tha the surn. pf �1,82�.�+8 be paid f�om t�e �'tiliti�� �'und to f'�.nalize pureh�se of th� One-Ton £�ord F1a� Bed �'ruck. Ma�ion � carr�.ed by �znan�mo�.s �rote. � � Council�.an Somers made a motion, s�conded by Couneilman Murr�ll, that th.� remaining balar�ce flf$2,048.60 due o�. thc� Fo�d Du�p T�uck be paid �'rom the 1g68 b�dg�ted fur�ds fo� this p�rchase. ($1,979. 32 principal; $6g. 28 interes�, 7 mon�hs . ) �iotio� car�3.�d by uz�animous vo�e. Health and �afe�y: Councilman Woods �nade �, �.otion, seconded r--� by Councilt�an Stuart, tha� we purchase weed killer che�.ic�.ls and applica�or. Motio�. carried .by unanimous vo�Ce. P1ar�ning Cornmissa.on: To�. �race appeared before Co�.ncil to discuss t�e �equirem.�n that alI building permits outside of recorded S�.bdivisions must be approv�d by P1a�.ning �or�mission. The�e was also discus�ion of �he unwritten policy of' iss�.ing a11 churc� cor�struction permits at no charge. -�- C� 11-2o-6�:reg: 3 ! � ` Utilities : Councilma� M�rre11 made a mo�ion, s�conded by ___ Counc man oods, tha� ��e Mayor be authoriz�d �o direct the Cit� Eng�neer to �ake a cost estimate of a Heritage Drive sewer lin�; t�e eos� o� �his st�dy not to exceed �500.00. Motion carried b� u�animous vote. �ew Busi�ess: The Lib�ary is in n�ed of �ore spac�. Consideration is being given to an add��ion of the Ci�y Hall �o a�s��� �his need. K. B. Jones - Building/Electrical Insp�ctor, has advis�d this Cou�c��hat he, wi11 be o� vacatio� November 27 through Deeember 2, �g67; ana has approaeh�d �r. Leo Hav�rd �Q �ak� care of the insp�ct�ons nec��sary during this pe�iod. Councilman Murrell made a mo�ion, seco�ded by Co�ncilma� Somers, �hat �r. Havar� be �eta�ned �o� this p�riod of time �o p�rform the In�pector ' � du�ies for the s�� o� $60.00. �otio� carried b� unani�o�s vote . Ordinanc�s a�d Resol�t�ons : Fi�st Reading : AN ORDINA�CE SET�T�G F4RTH LTCE�STNG PROVISIO�S FOR ALL DOGS; PROHIBTTIN� DOGS FRO� BEI�� AT LARGE ON P�BLTC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY; DEFINING �'ER�S; PROVIDI�� FOR VACCINATIO� OF DOGS, PROVI�xNG FOR CONFII�TEMEN'� OF DOGS EITI3EE� TN "DO�r POUN'D" OR U�DER SUPERVTSION OF LICENSE� VETERIN'ARIAI�T; PR�VI�zNG FOR NOTICE OF IMPDUI�DED DOGS AI�D RELEASE 0� D4GS I1�iP0UNDED UPON PAYMEN`I' OF FEES; I ,__, PROVIDIN� FOR DISPOSAL OF D(�GS I�TOT REDEEMED; PROVIDING FOR F3.E�ORDS; PROVTDING FOR VTCIOtfiS DOGS; PROVTDII�TG �'OR UI�I'�OI�ST`ITLTTIONALITY OF CER�AIN �ECTIONS HEREOF; REPEALZNG ORDTT�ANCES IN CONFLIC'� �I.EREWT3'H AND' MA.K2NG CERTAIN SEC�'T01�S HER�OF APPLICABL� T� OTHER DOMES2IC ANI�iAZS, passed on first readi�g by mo�ion of Councilman Woods, s�conded b� Councilman Somers and carried by unar�irnous vote. --- ---- - - -- Firs� R�ading: AN ORDINANCE AL'�ER3N�- THE PRIMA FACIE -SPE�D LTMITS ES�`.ABLISHED �`OR VEI�2C.LES_UI�DER_ THE PROV2SIQ�S OF__ARTICS�_ 6_7_O1D,_ _._ ____ VERN4N�S `�EXAS CIVIL S'�ATU�'ES, �TPOI�T THE BASIS OF AI?T ENGIN�ERING AND TRAFFIC INVES�'TGATIO�, t�PO� CERTAIN STREETS AND HTGHWAYS, OR PAR'�'S THEREOF, WTTHTN THE CORPORATE LIIE�iTTS OF TF�E GTTY OF FRIEI�DSWOOD, AS SE� OU`� II�T THIS ORDII�A.NC�; AND PROVTDII�tG A PENAL�Y OF A FZI�IE NO`� TO EXC�ED $200.00 �FOR �HE �IOLATION OF �H�S ORDINANGE, passecl on first reading by motion o�' Cou.ncilman Childer�, seconded b�r Cou�cilmar� � �lurrell. Motion carried by unanimous vote . First Reading: A�' ORDINANCE AMEI�'DTNG RULE ONE (a ) OF ORDZNANCE NUI�IBER �7 CONCERNING TIIvIE OF CITY COUNCIL NfEETIN�S, REPEALI�G ORDI�TA.�FCES OR SECTTQIVS OF ORDINANCES II�t CONF�3CT AND PROVIDING A. SEVEAABILITY' CLAUSE, passed by mo�ion of�oun.cilr�an Murr��ll, seeonded , by Councilman Childers. Motion carried by tY�e f'ollowing vote : r "i For: 3; Councilmer� Childers, Murrell, Woods; Against : 2; Ca�.z�ca.I.mer� � Samers, Stuart. M�yor Lowe stated that he opposed this or•elinance; that it would create confusion. � _ - Warrant Approval; Warrants # �8�9 through �`1825, #1827 throu.gh #1833; # 32�+2 and ,-�3z�3; and Wa�ran�s ,� 3316 through #3�26 wer�e approved by motion of _�y 11-20-67: reg: 4 . Councilman Stuart, seconded by Councilman Woods. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Adjournment: Councilman Woods made a motion of adjournment, seconded by Councilman Childers. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Respectfully submitted, Artha Wright City Secretary App�o�red: � a1p . Low� M�yo� �._._ I��� � � � � -�I--