HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-11-06 Regular ��� a�s�/Lea.a°� //-3D—6?' �� �. (��� MIt�]'[�'�ES OF T�IE F�.EGULAR COU�TCIL MEE�ING, I?tOjTEA�BER 6, 1967 .� � , �„ A. reg�la� �eeting of �he Friendswood Cit� Council wa� h�ld November (, 6, 196'�; 7:�0 P.l�. a� City Ha11. Present wer� Mayor Ralp�. L. Lov�e; Gouneil�nen l�a�v3�. GY�ilders, �1i1ey M�rre11, Ra1pY� Somers, "�om �Toad�, Ed S�uari�; City S�c�et�ry Artha : ., . Wrigh�; Ci�y Legal Advisor, Od� K�nt Jerd�n. Al�o prese�.� we�e �i�a Bosarge, Jam�s Hammo�.d, '�. E. Burn�tt, G�o�ge G: Fi�.ghes, Jr. , Joe Ho,�7a.nd, L. �(T. I)ennis, William C. Walsh, Jim S�.ore, J. J. Sy'rno�, D. W. Swanser�, J. M. Wrigh�, Phillip D�.P�iest, D. �l. Forte, J. R. Richardsor�, J, l�. Davis, W. �. Me�cer, l�r. & �Irs . Luke H. L�wis, Rob�rt Mora, L. G. �'�.o�r�hi3.1, Richa�d Brt�nd�ett. (21) Cor��ction a�.d Approv�l o� l�inu�es : Octo'b�r 16, 1967; Regulars �tooc� app�oved as read. October 23, 1�67; Special: stood approv�d as read, Corr�un�.ca�3.ar�s froc� the �iayor s � The Special County and Stat�-wide el�ction will be l�e1d November � 11, 1967 a.� City Hall. � �') We ��rill �o1d. to aur poliey of opposirag additior�al sew�r plan� iinstallation� i�. the v�.cinity of I'ri�ndswood, re : Sunmeadows �-_ - Nl�.nicipal Utilit� I)is�ric�. �he c�edication of th� His�o�3.cal Marl�e� i�a commemoration of the o�igiz�al Qual�er ��t�le�.ez�� o�' Friendswood ira 1�895, was most successful. _ Th� C�.oa�e Road pro�ec� should be co�ple�ed before Christmas. _ __ __ _ -- -- - Mr: Bob Jones announees �ha-� �here wili- b�- an organi�ata�onal- --- mee�ing f or a�. Optim�.s� C1�.b a.�. F�i�ndswood a� 'ehe Wo1fe ' s Den; '7i30 P.M. , Tu�sday, l�ov�mber 7j 1�67. Fo� information, call Mr. Jo��s a� F3�' 2-10g6. Voter rcgis�ratio� will be �.�ld f rorn r�ow through Ja�ua�y 31, 3g68. D�puty of the Galve��on Cc�u�.ty T'a� Of'f'ice, Mrs . Artha Wrig�i�, will �ak� applicatio�. f'or vote� regis�ratio� f'or 1�68 a� Ci�y Ha11 � f'ro�c 10:00 A.�[. �o �:00 P.l�. N�o�.da�r through Friday. Petitions and Comrn�nications: Mr. �`ravis Burn�t� of� I3umble Pipe Li�.e Co, discussed �he �- , proposed pipe line to be run t�rough Longwood Pa�k S/D in Fx°iends�ood � ; and P�arlaz�d. (at�ach�.ent #1) There was ler�gthy discussion on �Yais ; subject of the hazards of an ethax�e line and �h� possible �..__. � 11-6-67:�eg:� . _ saf��y features �hat might be included in the installatio� of �h3s ��— 1i�e. Cfl��cil agre�d that ���y request Humb1� Pipe Line Go. to - � ��b�i� a written repo�t �o �s o� a�� eonsideration tha� tha� Company ��ght g�ve to th� installation of blow-flff valve� as close �o eac� � � side of ��e �ubdivis�on as possible �o shor�en th� line dista�c� be�ween shut-offs. Me�c�r Con�t��ction progress repor� sho�s tha� th� �ollo�ing �ork st�11 remains o b� done: s�veral �anholes on �he creek crossing by Se�er Pl�n� �2; fini��i�g of Lori Woods lif� �t�tion; tes�ing of lines; clea�up. Th� �ob should be completed in about te� days. Co��cil�an C�ild�rs made a �otion, seconded b� Co�ncilman Somers, �hat �h� �wo iMVOic�s submi��ed by Engineer, Wi11ia� C. Walsh, be authoriz�d for pay�ent: WPC-��x 50� Engi�eering Fee 2.5� x �18,601.80= $�65.0� + Residen� Inspection A�g�st $550.00 (�1,015.04) and $�50.0� Resid��� inspect3on WPC-�ex �6�. Motion �ai1�d b�s Fo�s 2: Cou�cilman Sam�rs, �hilde�s; Against ; 3: Council��n Mu�r4y1, S�uar�, �roods. It wa� felt that �ore t�me should b� allo�ed to stud� such in�oi�es befo�e authariza�ion of paymen�. ' Specxal Committees : ��rgency Sa et� Com�ittee; Chi�f W�ight �ead �he �eport of �his �o�i �e�, whieh inclu e a �ap wi�h �he propos�d safe�y routes �a�ked. The signa for this rou�e are being pr�pa�ed now and wi11 be put up by �he PTA Safety Cornmi��ee wi�hin the ne�t two weeks. A cor�m��ica�ion , �ill be se�� to all par���s explainin� t�is ro��e. Co�ncil�an Somers ____' mad� a rnQtion, second�d by Gau�eil�a� kioods, tha� the Gi�y app�ove this repo�� and t�� s�gge��ed s���ty route as laid o�� on the attached map. Motion carried by �na�imo�s �ote. Sc�ool Crossi�g �uardr Mr. John Ward, Friendswood Schools - Sup�r n enden as .appoi� ed ��s. Co11ee� Green as School C�ossing G�ard. Mrs. �reen �as had five y��rs �xp��ie�ce wi�h the �ous�o� Police --- -- Depa��m�nt as school crossirig gua�d. Co�.�cilman Somers made �. mo�ion� - second�d- by Councilma� M�.�re11, -�ha-t th� -C-�.t�r--app�D�re-- tMis- appo.intmen�3 �ha� �l�is �ob is urader the jurisdic'�ion of the Police Departmer��; that �he Polic� Departrnen� �ail1 f�.rnish �.niforr�s and other ne�ded equi.pm�z�t. Nio�ion carried by unan3.m.ous vo�e. Tne Sehool will pay half the sala�y and the City �he oth�r half. Star�d3.ng Committ�es and D�pa��rn.en�al: Police .Depar �e�. : ouncilmar� Childers made a motion, seconded by Cot��c�.lman ��uar�, at �Y�e Ci�y of Friendswood use Gal�res�on: �oun�y' s police car b3.ds (attach�er�� #2) i�. place of indi�vidu.al bidding on a single i.n order �o ob�ain �he Zowe� �nit price; tha� �his de�ision is based on the. recommendatio�. o� the City Legal Advisor, Ody Kent Jerden, , that this method of aceepting bids is legal. We w�.11 purehase ane (1) -� �'i car from the low bidder - Ber�olett Plymou�h, �exas Cz�y, for $2,609,50. Motio�. carried by ur�animous vote. � . -- Civil Defen�e: A. l�t�er from Joe Jones, Assis�a�t Coordinator, was r�ad o Mayox� and Ci�y Council, Res ins�allation of antenna on wa�er �owe�. (at�achmen� #3) Council agreed �hat �his was accep�able i� the installe� is insured for such work. -2- �. 11-6-67.reg.3 �� � ' . � Health ar�d Safe��r: Cour�eilmar� Si�uart made a m.otion., seeo�.ded by i.--� Co�.nci�man ooc�.s, ha It Be Resolved b� the Ci�� Council o� the City of' P'riet�dswoad that pex�sons be noti�'ic�d im��cl3.ately of�heir � viola�3.on of Ordinance #79; that �his viola�ion be r�moved -v�ithi�. ten days . TYies� ��operti�s wi11 be inspected bef'ore �his final �.Qtif ica�ion: ��- � Nl�s, S. E. Krupicki, �'es�3.e Stale�, Rob��t I�arrington, Imperial D�velop- rnent �o. , William T. Lau�en. Mo�io� ea�ried by unaz�imous vote . � S�reets, etc. : . Councilma�. Socne�s discussed �.is research into the feasi i1�ity of p�.�chase o� Caterpillar - Mod�1 112 �oad rnair��ainer. Cou�.cilman Somers made a motion �hat �hc Ci�y of Friendswood purchase the tzsed Ca.�erpillax� road �.ain�ain�r froffi Leon Brow�. without bidding beca�se �h� Counc3l has inve�tiga�ed th� model, make, ar�d price, a�.d has used and operated th3.s machine for 79 hours, and that pu�cY�ase of th�.s macYaa.ne would be 3.r�. the bes� i�terest of the welfare o� th� c��y. Mo�io�. died for lack of a s��ond. Personnel: Cour�cilmar� �lurr�ll made a motion, seconded. b� Cou�.cilman Woods, that the salaries c�#' �E�e followi�g peMwon�.e1 be as follows, ��'fecta.ve Nov�mb�r l, 1967 (as pe� discussion at �orkshop �0-23-67) : Police Chief— $575.00 � , S�.p�rir�tend�n� - 575.00 I Labore�, �racle 3 - 325.00 Motior% ear�i�d by �nanimo�.s vote. ' Wa�ran� Approval: CouM�ilm�.r� Stuar� ►�ade a motior�, secoz�ded b� Co�.ncilman Woods, �ha� wax�rarnt� � 1791 tY�rough # 1810; and war�ants,-� 3293 through � 3305 be app�a�red. Mot�.on carried by ur�animou� �ro�e, Ac�.j o�.�nmen�: - .--- Co�.�cilman Mur�e11 rn.ad� a motior�, secon.ded by Councilman Somers, _ ._ _ _ _ _ tha� th3.s mee�ing be adjourned. Mo�iQn earri�d by �.nanimous vote. Respectf�.11y subz�it�ed, ___ _ Arth�. W��gh.� - Ci�y Sec�e�ar� Approv�cl: /-. ��'.�G��"`C-� . C� i alph . Lovae - Mayor � . �.� _3_