HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-10-23 Special �'.�.Q..Q ���.-��
� SPECTAL 1�lEET3�T� OF CI� CO�L�CIL, 0��'OBER 23, 1967
Th� special rr�e�ting of tY�� ci�y cour�cil conveaed at 9:50 P.1�. , on
� �ctober 23, 1�67. Present v�ere �ayor Ralph Lowe; Councilmer� Mar�in
C�aild�r�s, �iley l��.r��eTl, Ralph Somers, Tom Woods, and Ed S�uart.
Co�,ncilma� Woods made a motion, scconded by Co��eil�an. So��rs,
to authorize Mayor Low� to �ign �1�� let'�er contract wi�h WCID #21.
(A.�t�.ehment) Mo�ion carri�d by �.�animou� vate .
�ouncilr�an Ch3.ld�rs made a mo�io�., s�conded by Co�.ncilr�an l�ur��11,
to bi.11 W�ITJ ,-�21 resid.ent� r�g�.lar Friendswood water and se�rage rates,
fo� billing period end3.r�g Octobe� 31, 1967. �Iotion car�ied by
ur�ani�nou.s vot�. `
�ouncilr�an St�.ar� made a �o�3.on, �econded by Co�zncilman Sor�ers, to
2�e1v�.se 5��. Meadows that F�ie�clsu�ood oppos�s th�ir plans �o b�i1.d a �
sewage p1az��, and that Friendswood is willirag a�d able �o process
thc��.r sewag�, siMCe �he costs o�' �h� two approaches ou�lir��d in
th�ir l�tter of' October 13� 1967, ar� co�pa�abl�. The letter af
October 13 was refercnc�d, as sc�urce o� cost cor�parisons. The motion
earried 'by the f'ollowing votes : Fo� - Gouncilmet� Somers, Stuar�, Woods.
Agaiz�st - Cour�ca.lmet� l�urrell, �hilde�s.
Cou�.eil�an So�ners made a mo�ior�, seconded by Councilm�ar� l�urrell,
�o pay Bil1 Walsh $6,685. 00 for preli�inary de�ign on Master Seuvage
P1an. M�. Walsh v�il1 a.ter�ize transaction f'o� Ci�y, d��ailing his
�--- and Federal �overz�mc��it' s partic�.patio�.s. l�otion ca�ried by unanimo�.s
Councilrna�. Murr�11 madc a motia�, �econded by �nut�cil�an So�.ers, to
pay $1,196.08 ta Bill Wals�. for Septembe� wo��: E�tima�� #� on �'ob 166.
Nio�ion carried by urtani�o�s vo�e.
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Couz�c3.l�.an Som�rs made a �no�ior�, seco�cled b� Cour�c�.l�an m�.rr�11, �o
-ad�o�.r��..- The meeting s�ood ad�o�.rned at- �1:�=0 P,M; - - --
R�sp ully sub�nitted,
_ - - ----- - - -
------ - -- -- ------ ---- -- ------
- -- - - Ar��a W�igY�t - Ci Secr��ary
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k. f/' ,
�--- ,\ Ra1pY� v. Lowe - a�ro��
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