HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-10-16 Regular --. _- . . __. . . _ Gy��s.,,�-r.,.�i a�.iu�� �/-� �G 7 ,s E. ' `V� MIN[�'TES OF `S'HE F�EC�LAR COII��IL I�EEmI�'G, 0�`��BER 16, 1967 A reg�,la� meeti�.g o� ��e F�3er�dswood Ci��' Council �as i��ld October 16, -: 1967� 7=3Q P. 1�. at Ci�y �3a11. Present were Mayor Ralph Z. Low�; Co�ncil�en l�arvi�a L. �hi.lder- s, Wi1ey W. NT�,rre11,. Ra1ph W. Some�s, Ed�vard F. S�uar�, �'homas �'. l�oods; City �ecre�ary Artha Wrigh�; Ci�y I�gal Advi�or Ody Ker�t Je�der�. Also px�e���.t t�ere Mr. �c ��s. Pa�.l L. Jacobs, Joh�. F. Ward, Ted Tk�omas, Jaek �ar�.er, I,�e Sl�dge, J. l�. Wright, P. �I. A�.de1, �'. E. l�ager, Lir�t� C. Eignus, Leah �Ior�h, H���y �. Hov��.�d, Hary R.eic�.art, L•arry Thox�n�ill, Robert R. �'ones, i�rs. F�arr�k Parmer��er, �1rs. Jol�ra C�enshaw, V�rno�. Da�.phin, Elda l�ath��ay. (19) Cor��c�io� and App�oval. of ��r�ute� : Oe�ober 2, Zg67; Reg�.lar: Stood approved as read. Corr�munica��.on� fram �he �iapo�: Safe� i� a p�3mary conce�r� to �lae cor�ur�i�y. On Oc ober 2, 19 7, � personr�el of e ci y ha a meeting o�. the importar�ce af' sa�ety in a.ts va�3�o�.s aspects. Arnong the 'copics o�' diseussa.on �re�e pr�l3minar� planz�ing of sidewall�s on F1�i 2351 �Eo the -_.� ne�r elerne�,�ary s�hool, 'ch� appo3nt�ent o�' t�o cit� e�ployees as t�mpo�ary a�.x3.liar�� pola.ce�.en to assist in school c�ossing d�a�i�s. i � `�- Ox� 4��ob�r 6, Z9�7 Chief Wra.ght and �he State �ig�.�a� E�.gir�.eer � diseussed and examined ar�as of the ci�y wY�a.ch needed pa�t�c�lar at��nt�.on. A� tY�is time a mee�ing of :��prese�.�a�a��res of the ci�y, sehools, and S�a�� I�ighv�ay Depa��men� �ras sck�ed�.1�d for October 13, Zg67. - --- - Du�ing �k�e Oetob�� 13th �.ee�ing, a cornr�a.ttee u�as se� up to i�.ves�igate - - - ------- --spe.c�,a1 walk and_ bicycle rautes off �he �nair� hig��tays, . and �e_-�o�.ti�.g-- of-ve�.icula� �raf#'ic and p�dc�strians by the use of closed stree�s and one-t�ay pat�er�; a le�'�e� r�ill be v�r�.tte�. b�r tl�e Cl�ief' of Po1.�c� �o a11 mo�or bikc� ri.ders a�.d t�eir pare��s advising them of tY�� rules a�.d .reg�.lations governi�.g tM.e opera�ion of these vehicles and hazards of unsa�'e op��a��.on, ar�d co�.d�c�; ascer�Cair�a.�.g cost a�.d 1oca�iar� of side�ralk�; the h3.�i�g of a sc�aool crossing gua�d. T�.e Safet�r Commi�tee that evolved f�om �his �neetirag �ras a�.thorized by r�ot�.or� of Co�.ncilrnan Cha.lders, s.econded by Co�xt�cilma� Woods, �o ��.r�ctian f'or the Ci.t�r and bx�it�g back repo�ts �o �ha�s eour�cil as soon as available. MQ�io�. carr�.�d by �xnani�flus vo�e, Jaek Ti�a�rzer, Principal of �l�e elementar� �chool agreed to �i�d � prospec�ive school e�oss3ng g�ard. �h�.s i�.dividual wo�.ld wor�k unde� �'^ ; the supe�vis3.on of the Police Depar�mer��. � '� . Lee Sledge -repor�ed that his so�., S�eve, cam� home from the hospital, �..:.� was impro�ing, ar�d migh� be up by Christrnas. Mr. Sledge requested tYaa� he be allowed to see �he city' s liability� irasuranee polic�. Ci�y Lega1 Advisor, Od�r Ket�t J�rden, �as r�que�ted ta wri'ce a le'��er �o the city s�a�sng �he legali�E� c�f allowiz�g ��.is poliey or copy o� same �o be �xamin�d b� a poss�ble "third party" . 10-15-67s�Eg: 2 , Petitions a�d Co�m��iea�i�ns : � B�a�ti�icatio�: Z�perial Estates Civic C1�b � �r� . Johrn Crenshaw b�o�gh� �he requ�st of the Imperial Esta�es Civie C1�b t�at �h� City assist the� in some wa� i� obt�ini�g ��o �a�er �___ taps a� �he entrances of �ha� S/D off Choate Road (FM 2351) , �hic� ` �ave pla�tings on city righ�-of-way, before the pa�ing is co�pleted. Afte� diseussio�, Council�an So�ers made a rnotion s�co�ded by Co�ncil�an �oods, that �h� ci�� esti�ate �he cost of making these t�o taps; ��at �he Givic Club will pay th� cost of the taps, iP ac�eptable to them, a�d the city will f�rnish wa�er. �o�ion carri�d b� the following vote: For: �; Co��cilmen Childers, Murr�ll, So�e�s, Woods . Agai��t : l; �ouncilman Stuar� who s�a��d tha� h� was �o� against this action �xc�pt that no aetion shoul� b� �ak�n on this r�q�est un�il a �nifor� p�1ic� for handli�g s�ch ��q�ests is �stabli�hed. Coun�3lma� Woods made a �o�ion seconded b� Councilma� Somers, t�at th� Wa�er Sup�rintenden� be giv�n the au��o���� to d��erm��e cos� - o� any requ��t far wat�r t�ps �or b�auti�ica��on of city proper�y f�o� autho�ized p�rsonnel of dul� recognized civic clubs. Mo�ion c�r�ied by unanimous vote . Jim�3e Wi1lia�s; le�t�r; damag� r�sulti�g f�om sewer i�stalla��on dated Oc�ob�r 1 , lg 7, �as read. a� ac ��n� 1 �� liam C. Wa1s , I Co�s�lt�ng Engi�e��, wa� asked �o contaet �eree� Constru�tion Co. ', conc�rning clea�-�p and r�pair o� construction sites of �heir prese�� "� con��act with the ei�y. A copy of Mr. �i11ia�' s lette� is to be mailed to �r. Walsh. L Sunm�adows S/D: A, let �r was r�ad ated Octobe� l3, 1g67, to William �. Wa1sh f'ror� Ed�.ir�ster Engine�ring �ompany, Re : Sunm�adows l�unicipal U�ility District, Galves�on County, T�xa�. (attac��en.t �`2c, d, e ) A l�t�er was read dat�d October 16, 1967, to l�a�o� Lowc� f ro�n Willia�. C. Wa1sh, Re : above l��ter ar�d his reco�m�ndations. (at�achme�t ,�2a, b) ----- - -A:f�er som� dis��.ssion �Y�is s�.b�ect �ras tabled f'or� f't��the� study - ur�til the workshop mee�ir�g, Octobe� 23, 1967. -- Standing. Co�.ittees and Depa��r�ental: Finanee: Couneilrnan S�uar� �eports �hat �he audit for July, Aug�.�t, an �ep embex� 1 7 as een cor�ple�ed and copies wi11 be available ��is v�eek. U�il�.ties : Cour�cilman l�urrell u��de a mo�ion seco�ded b�r Co�.r�cilma� Somers tha� t�e f'o11ow ng �ddi�3.o�s to the pr�sent co��ract �vith l�erc�r Constructio� Co; WPC-TEX-�-6�, be app�oved; and tha� a - le��er to Mr. Walsh b� sen� notifying him of �he approval of �hsse { aeld3�ions : 1 : 1., Ar� overflow 1i�e from the new lift sta�ion at �l�e � , Cecil Brown �r, proper�y to Cowa�t Creek; �� 2, Exter�sioz� of the line in front of th� Methodist Church across the fu11 exter�� �f�ha� property; . _2` . ° �0-16-67:r�g:3 � _ 3. Cross-overs a� each of the four manholes or� �unset Dr�ive, �--- t�ro on the eas� sid� and two on the west side of' said � Sunse� Drive; (the north and south c�oss-overs go to the f , u�es�, the remair�ing two go to the east) . �- Motion carried by unanimous vote. Mr. Merc�r will b� sent a letter r�questir�g a report from hir� at tY�e nex� council meeting, �Tove�.ber 6, 1g67, conce�ning any phase� of tha� contract uncomplet�d a� that dat�. Plannir�g Co�missior�: Councilt�an �hilders ��de a �otion, secor�ded by Coun�3.lr�an S�r�ers, k�at the r�que�t of th� Planning Corrrimm.�.ssion to gran� a �ariance i�. �l�e side yard setbael� of lot 5, Merr�iewood S/D be gra�.ted. Mot�on car�ied b�r una�imous vote. Ordinances and Resolutions : , � )D� Third R.�adir�g: A.N OI�DI�tANCE OF �HE GITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, �'EXAS, MAKING �ERTAIN FTI�'DI�'GS; SE�TTNG FORTH A PETI`�IOI�i FOR ANNEXA`�TON OF CERTAI�? INI3ABT�.':ED TERRI�ORY; RECEI�ING A�D AN�EXI�T� AS A PART 0�' SAI� CI3'Y THE SAII3 TERRITOR� LYI1�G ADJACE�I''I' TD TII�EE CITY OFi' FRIERIDSWOOD, �'EXAS: Councilmar� Childers made a motion, secondecl by Cour�cilrnan Woods, that thi� ordinance be passed and �3.nally approv�d on this �h3.rd �ead3.ng. Mot�on car�ied by u�.ani�ous vote. Mayor Lowe exp�ess�d his appro�ral of the passage of �his ordinar�ce. i �_.._' Warrant Approval: Warrants #1758 throug� #�-763� #176g through #�-775`; a�d #1777, #1778; and Warr�ax��s #327� tl�ro�zgh �`32tsd stood approved by motion of Councilman Sttzart, s�co�.ded by Councilr�a� Woods . Motion ca�riecl by �,�ani�ous vot�. Couneilman Murrell made a �.otion, seconded by Councilrnan Somers, that - - - - the �Fth estir�ate on tk�e WPC-�'EX=�6# Contraet; _l�ex�eer Constr�c�zo�a Co. fo� $'�8�3.13 be paid. Motion carr3.ed by unanimous vote. T�orl��hop, October 23, 1967: � Fr�e Water and Sew�r - Ci�y Employees ancl Police and Fi�e vol�.nteers . S�.nmeadows S/D; se�e�age disposal B3,cycle safe�y , Mur�icipally owned gas dis�ribt��ion system. � � A letter is to be s�nt to the Board of Directors of' Y�.C.8c I.D. #21, � f request3.ng that tk�e� keep the City Council informed of the disposi�ion �._ of a11 bi11s that they. contemplat� hor�oring in the future. -3- � 10-16-67;reg:� . . • - Meeti�.g �ecessed, ar�d recoMV��.ed as a closed mee�ing to disc�.ss __ persa�sn�:1. I�eeting adjourn�d by mo�ion of Councilman Somer�, second b�r -- Councilman Murrell. Mo�ion carried by unanir�ous vote. Respe.�'�� u11�r �nbmit��d, �2'�'� �� Artha Wright - City S�cre�ary Approved: ��. �-t,>� Ralp�i . owe - M�.yor � �1 _�._