HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-10-02 Regular � � ����� �o��, �a-��- 6 � . , , � MT�TUTES OF TI�E R.EC�'LAR C��7'�CIL �IEE�I�T�, OC�OBER 2, 1.967 A r�gular mee�ing of �he Friendswood Ci��r Co�.r�cil v�as held �ctober �, -_. �-9673 7:3o P.M. at Ci�y Hall. P�ese�.t �uere Mayo� Ralph L. Lowe; Co��.cilm�r�, Wiley W. Murrel3, Ra1ph W. Samers, T�.oma� F. �Toods; Cit�r Secret�.r� Artha Wright; Ci�y L�g�.l. Adviso� Ody Kent �'e�den. Also p�esent were Jo�rce I�orton, Ke�.�.e�h Ca�p, �o�a Grim�srud, Niarlon Tv�, R. H. S�.nders, �1illiam �. Cr�,wf'ord, Jr. , Henry T, �Ioward, Sr. Pat �oward, E1da �Iat�.�ny, L�a� �'ortY� (10) Correction ancl Approval of l�i�.utes : Sep�emb�r 18, 1g67; r�gt�lar: stood approved as read. Corn.municat3,o�s fro�n �he P�ayQr: '�h� opera�io� af�h� sewcr facilitie� �t the raew ele�en�ary sc�ool �av� been slightl�r d�:layed due �o a break in the 1in.� . �his _ �.s a� preser�t being ��ctified. C�.oa�e Road pa�ring pro jec� has beer� a Iit�le slor� due �o the di�ficulty i� obtai�.ir�g some �.aterials . `�his pr��ject should be , cornpleted by early Dee�m.be� �g67. `�hirty-�even cities �.n Texas hav� been approved �or Gran�-in- �_._. Aid. C1ear Lake City, Texas City and Frien.ds�ood are amang thes�. Frie�.dswood 3.� seventh o�. th� Iist for $57,700. 00. Judge Ray Holbrook has inf'o��.�� us that Fri.�r�dsw�od wi11 b� us�,ng th� n�w votit�g maehin�� f'or th� sp�cial election in �'ovembe�. Dx�. �'osep�. Sy�on. has agr��d �o s�rve on "`��e Citizer�� s Co�mi�t�e - -- - -.. _. - - to St�.dy ��a1th P�oble�,s �r� �alve�tori County ` . Ma�ror Lowe fo�mall�r ins�alled Ken Ca�p as the City Fire �Ia�shall. Ma�or Lowe formall� installed Tom Gri�,srud as the Director of Park� and Recr�;a�ion. Co�u�ieatio�s and Petitio�.s : S�.nmeadow S/D Bi11. rawford, develope� of tl�e Sur�meadow S/D, and Ronald Sanders, Marlor� Tv�r shov�ed the f'inal l��rou'c a#' the d�air�ag� in�o Chigge� Creel� for �hat S/D. Even�ually C�igger will nec�d cl.ear�.ng ar�d widening. ; � � Annexa�ior� Ordina�.ee - tn�.C. & T.D. #21 A 1e� er was read, a e Septem er 7, 19 to �4ayor ar�d City Council f'rom City Leg�1 Advisor Ody Kent Jerden, Re ; Proposed annexatioz� of - Water �o�.t�ol and I►�provement District #2I, �alves�on Coun'�y, �'exas. (attachmen�E ��) �ounc3.lman So�ers r��de a motion, secanded by . 10-2-67:reg. 2 Co�ncil�an �ood�, tha� ��e ��ird reading of the annexa�io� ordina�ce ;._-_ b� po��poned un�il th� s�co�d r�g�1a� co�ncil mee�i�g in Octob��. �otio� ea�ried b� unan��aus vote. � - �orwood �o�es - Rex�b��se�ent Nor�ood o�es, I�c. �as requested r�i�b��sement �f �100.00 fo� eac� of five �ater taps and met��s i�s�all�d by �e�ro Pl��bing �o. , which �ad bee� paid �a ��e Ci�y. Co��cil�an Woods made a �o�ion, s��o�d�d by Council�a� So��rs, �ha� the s�� o� $125.00 be rei�bu�sed �o Norwood �o�es, Inc. Mo��o� carried by ��a�imo�s vote. �a�er We11 - W.�. � 2.�.#z1 A le�te� �as �ead, da e Sep �m e� 2�, 1967, to �alph L. Lo�e, �ayo� f�o� ��y Wilki��a�, Ch�ef Sa�i�arian, Galves�o� �au�ty �ea1t� Depa���e��, Re ; P�tt�ng W.C.& I.D. #21 Wa�er ��11 ��to s�rv�ce. (�t�ae�men� �2) Cha�ge of Location Q�aker ' s La�ding �7" Sewe�: � l�t er wa� read, dated Sep embe� , 19 7, to ayor Ralph Lo�e �rom William C. Walsh, Co�s�Iti�g Engineer, Re : Invo�ce cov��i�g t�e ex�ra work perfQrmed i� ��e re2oca�ion of �his s�w�� li�e. (a�tachmen� �3) �r. �uy Odo� has ��i�b���ed the City. The �i�� has paid this invoice� �a ��. Wa1sh by Check �3252. �_� Sta�ding Commit�ees and Departmental: ��°al�h/Welfare: Co�.z�cil�ar� So�ers repor�ed tha� experimental �.se o a e �r�3.ca1 �reed 1�i11e� had proved ver�r ef f�c�iv� . '�Yaere was discussinn of proper enf'o�c�me�.� of the Weed Ord3.�.a�ce �79• A fo��. 1e�ter an.d re�olutio� to be �s�d in each ir�divid�.al case w�re disc�ass�d ar�d a final draf� of eac�. �ras approved. - - - -- -- - - - S�reets, E�c. : Council�a�. Sor�e�s repor�s �hat 'eh� topping program:f o��3sp�ring Pix3�s, C1ea�va.e�r Avenue and Windi�g Way is progress3.�g �o th� f i�.a1 s�eps . Sinc� �h�: price of shell is going � �.p, Co�.n�eil�.an Soc�e�s will p��chase �Y�� yardage �o�a �ha� is es�ir�a�ed to be ne�c�ed to f i�.ish �he year! s p�ogram. U�ili�i�s: Cour�cilman l��rre11 repor��s �ha� wa�er we11 prod�.cti�n for Sep�emb�r is - �ell ;�lf 2,665,00� �al. ; Well #2 - 1�,178,000 �al. ; Sewerage Treatment - Planie �l - 6,920, 000 Gal. ; Plan� ,-�2 - �90,000 Gal, � Several prop���y ow�.�rs in Friendswood Forest/Leisu�e Lane S/D � have e�ues�ioned the req�.iretnents f'o� �xaet location o#' �heir sewer tap in relation t� �he proper�y li�e. -- Th��� �as disetzs�ion of �Gl�e place�.ent of li�.es �ow on Sur�set bef'ore the road is paved. �l�e�e was discussion of �he need for a s'cudy of revision of '�he Plumbi�.g �ode #87, particularly in re�'ere�.ce �o requirements f'or -2- �0-�-67:re�: 3 . �a��er P��mbe�, fo� per�i� applicat�o� a�d for layi�g sewe� line. W�11i�m �als�, Engi�ee� s�ggested co�sid�ra�ion of s�me line `� ex�ensio�s wi�h �xcess money available i� t�e prese�� �e�ce� Co�tract. �h�re was discuss�on of s�tt��g up a �eetzng �i�h �he Co�n�il, _ � At�o��ey and Fiscal Age�� �o di�c�ss Ci�� o�n.ed gas dist�ibu��o� s�stem. ��W Busi��s� t T�ere was discussion o� �e��es�i�g the �omen' s L�ag�e to revie� a11 Ci�y O�dina�ces to det�rmine i� there are a�� loopholes, inconsis�e�cies, e�c. Council�an Woods �aae � �otio�, seconded by Co��cil�an �omers, ��at a le��er req�esti�g their services in this p�o�ec� be seMt to �he �o�en' s League. Motion carrisd by una�imous �o�e. Ordinances and Resolutions: 1�� A� .4RDI1�AAtCE AL`:�'ERII�TG '��'E PR21�IA FA�IE SPEE� LII�lITS ES'�ABLIS�E� FOR VEHZCLES UI�DER '�� PROVISIOI�S 0�' ARTICLE 6701D, �TERI�TO�T'S �'EXAS CIV�L STAT�T�ES, 'f3'PON' �T�: BASTS OF AN E�G�I�ERII�� AI�D TRAFFIC � IZ�'VES�I�A�'20�7, LTPO�' CER�AIJ:�T STREETS AND HT�HWA��, OR PAR'�S THEREOF, L�ITIIZI� �'I�E CORPORATE LTMIT�S OF THE CI� OF FPIE�DSWOOD, AS SET 0�'� �l�T ��T�S ORDI�+3'A�TCE; AI�D PROVIDIN� A PE�AL'I'� �F A FINE �10�" �'0 �XCEED ' �200 .F�R THE V'IOLA�'I�I�' �F TT�TS ORDIl�'ANCE (speed zot�e - new elemer�tar�r school) passed by �rn.e�gez�c�r by motion of Co�ncil�.a�. Woods, second by Co��c3.lt�an Murr�1l.. Mo�io� car�ried b� ur�a�.ir�ous vo��e 1�� Third R�ad 3.ng: AI� OI�.T)ZNA�TCE LE'V'YI1�� �AXES FOR �HE USE A�ID Sta'PPO�T OF �I�E MITNZCTPAL GOVERNME�t� OF �HE CI`�'Y 0� �'RIEI�DSW00�, �:'EXAS pas��d by motion of C4ur�ca.lma�z Sor��rs, �ecpnd by Counci.lman �l�rr�11. Motion eax�ried by uraani�.ous vote. i�a��az�� Appr�oval: `` - -- - _ ,, Co�.ncilmar� Murrel.l �ade a m.otion, secr�nded b�r Cou�.cil�an Sa�ne�s, that Warr�ants �1739 thro�.gh ��7�2; and tix�arrax��s �32�-6 �hrough #3255 be approved. I�ota.on ca�ried by una�.i�ous �ro�e. Wo�ksk�eap Agenda: 10-9-67 . - Revision o�' Pl�.�nbing Ordi�a�ce , Free water ar�d sc>wer to �i�C� emplo�ees a�.d �olunteer police and f.ire personn�l. � ; - Consid�ration oP ex�ension of sor�e li�es �nde� �he presez�� � � Mercer ccantract. `�_ �d�o�.rnt�ent : Meeting adjourned by mo�ion of �ouncilma� Somers, second by Counc�.lmar� M�.rrell. Motion carried by unanimo�s vote. -3- „ 10-2-67:reg:� . , , . s,=--� - Respec� �,lly sr�b�.itted, � ,��/`� �__ .- Ar�ha �right - City ecretary Approved: ���U--c�"�- Ralph L. Lowe - Mayox� C , �� � ; � ; ��_ -4-