HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-09-18 Regular c.a su,"-e-cL /J2. .a- i cr— <6 , _, MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1967 A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held September 18, 1967; 7:30 PM at City Hall. Present were Mayor Ralph L. Lowe; Councilmen Marvin Childers, Wiley Murrell, Ralph Somers, Thomas Woods, Edward Stuart; City Legal Advisor I Ody Kent Jerden; City Secretary Artha Wright. Also present were James E. Mager, Henry Howard, Ray Reed, Elda Faye Matheny. (4) Correction and Approval of Minutes: September 5, 1967: Regular: Minutes stood approved as corrected. Petitions and Communications: Taxation: Kingspark, Sections A&B City Legal Advisor, Ody Kent Jerden, read a letter dated September 13, 1967, to the Mayor and City Council, Re: Taxation of Certain Homes and Unimproved lots, Kingspark, Sections A & B. (Attachment 1) There was an extensive discussion of this subject. Councilmen Somers made a mot3.an, econded by Councilman Woods, hat he recommendatians made by Mr. Jerden in his letter, be accepted. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Members of the Board of W.C. & I.D. #21 invited the Mayor, Council, and Mr. Jerden to their regular meeting to be held Thursday, September 21, 1967. It was decided to discuss the subjects of common interest to all parties at the Workshop meeting of the City Council, Monday, September 25, 1967. Wet/Dry Election There was a discussion of the legality, method and feasibility of an election to decide for or against the sale of alcoholic beverages in the City of Friendswoad after the pending annexation is completed. Councilman Somers made a motion seconded by Counc ilman Stuart, that Mr. Jerden be authorized to proceed with investigation of sales of alcoholic beverages in newly annexed areas. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Fire Marshall Mayor Lowe appointed Ken Camp as City Fire Marshall. This vacancy was created by the resignation of Craig Pemberton. Director of Parks and Recreation Department Mayor Lowe appointed Tom Grimsrud as Director of Parks and Recreation Department. Council concurred unanimously in these two appointments. Procedures for Deeding Right-of-Ways There was a discussion of the proper procedures for deeding right-of- ways for streets and roads in the City, and. the responsibility of the City and property owners involved. g-18-6' ..: reg. 2 , Texas Water Wells, Inc. Counc3.lman Somers made a mo t on, seeQndefl y Councilman ur ell, that Texas Water Wells: Irzc. be iven the used pump .nd parts far a c edi of 935.00, lea4ing a balance due, still ta• be paid, of .1y. 0, l otion c .rried by unanimous vote. - ` City Bank Account - Friendswood Bank Councilman Stuart made a mation, seconded by ouncilman 'oads, that Councilman Stuart change the City's bank aecau.nts to hs Fr endswood Bank as sc an as feasible and egpeditious. Motion carried by unan mous vote. Standing Committees and Departmental: Health and Welfare: Councilman Stuart reports that several ofi the praperty awners that have ' een contacted .baut cutt3.n the grass and w eds on property v T3.than he city have .ot as yet complied. A letter was read dated September , 19 j: to .ty Clerk, a y of Fr endswood, from J`ohn C. tonesifer, Maintenance C hairma ., Imperial Estates Section II Civic Club, Tnc. Se: Lc ts in need af mnw .n in that S/ . (A achment , 2 After d .sc zssion, Cour_cilman Somers made a mo ion, secondec by Counc .lman h.3.lders, that proper' y ow .ers who d.o not camply with the Ci y's request to c1e n hei ° av e ^- rawn lc+ts in he Ci ty will , be billed one aMd one-half (l ) times he local cnntractors ' rates, or, i he City does the work, ' . 0 per hour rith a minimum of 1.p.00 w .11 be charged. Mot .on c ,rried b 'unanimous vote. . Streets: Counc3, man omers reports hat h .dowb nd livenue in he vicin ty. af he schoc l has b en shel2ed, that maintenance of ch5.s shellin is a .l hat c n be done on his sec .on far this y ar. I Utilities: Councilman Murrell reportsd on five main points: 1. That compla n s h.ave bee . rece .ved about the need for clean-up on construction sites of Mercer Construction Co. Mercer Construction Company has b en c on ae ted and- reed--to take care- o#' - - hes prablems. 2. Elimination of lift station in Clear Creek Woods S/D C aunci .man Murrell made a motion, seconded by Councilman Somers, tha Mr. Toon proceed with neeess .ry action to el .minate this lif t statf.on. l a ion carried by un .n .mous vnte. 3. Coordination of master sewer plan; Engineer Walsh needs permission to send survey parties through properties. Councilman Murrell submitted a draft of a letter to these properties requesting this permission. Letter approved by Council as follows: { , " The City of Friendswood is planning a master sewer ; , pro ram. We nec d ya tr cooperatian in order o accomplish ! this. We request your exr eission to allow the city' s sur rey party to enter your property. The survey party will no damage your praperty in ar_y manner. . After a layout has ' een made, you will be con acted ta discuss this pla.n before a final decision is made. - - v 9-18-6 : re : 3 . a 4. A utilit3 easement urill be requested after exac location is detezmined. lease check the appropriate space below and return to the City of Friendswood w3.thin ten {10} days. ,--.° Thank you. " . eed of testing requirements of sewer lines in subdivi ions prior to acceptance by City. . he need for clarifications of several line items, and pos ible changes before payment of estimate 3 - Mercer Construction Go. t7rdinanees and esalutionss Annea ation - ' e .& IeD. 21 Secand .eadi ounci].man Murrell made a mation, seconded by Counci3..man Somers, that Altt 4 INANCE OF TI CITY OF 'FsTL I T3 W00D, T XAS, MAKING CEI TATN I 'I7ISvG ; S T' ING 'C7FiTH A 'E 'I' IE7P ' FOF ANIvEXATIt I T OF CEF TAIt I1V AABI 'ED ' RATTO .Y; R CEI 1'TNG ,AN NNEXING A a A AA.T OF SATT7 CITY THE SAID 'EAI Tt Y LYING AUJACENT ' U TI E CITY OF FF?.IENDuW0C7I7, TEXA.S; be passed , and adopted nn second read .ng. iotion carr .ed una,nimausly. T ewin Taxes, ,,, econd Ae „ _adin : ouncilman Murrell made a mot3.on, seconded by C ouncilman Somers, that AN t? DII`3'ANC I,EVYTNG TAXE F P THE US AN'i3 SU f 3' ' T. .E 1 7URrI I AL __. GpVE .NM NT OF THE C TY nF FA.TEN 5 +1t CJD, T XA : 'be pa sed and adopted on secand reading. Mation carried unanimous3y. Warran A raval» Coune3.lman utuart m.a .e a mot .on, seconded by Cauncilman Woads, that Warran s , 1' 23 hrou h `l' 29; and Warrants , 322. hraugh #323 + ' _.___--_e c.epting- 321 and #3218, be approved:- Iotian carr3 ed- by unan3.mous- - vote. - - - - Ad, aur nmen „t: .ounc3.lman Waods made a mr t3.on, seec nded by C uncilman Somers, that the mee ing s and adjaurned. Motion carried by unanimaus vote. iespectful ,y submi ed, _ '` Artha Wright - C ity cretary __ Approved: AaZph L. Lowe - layor .. _3_ ;