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CC Minutes 1967-09-05 Regular
' Gt.¢. 9- /�- �7 _i! r; � `�� +� O .. � � -- �I��ES OF �'F3E �E�t7I�AI� �O�IL l�lEE�I��, SEP�'E�IBER 5, 1967� 7:30 PM _._.,_�_ 9 �eg�.l�,r �.eet3.ng of the Frie�ds�ood Ci��r Couneil r�as held Sep�:e�b�r �- ` 5, 1g67, a� �3.��r �a.11. Pa�e�e�� were Nta��� F�aZph �,. �we; Gc���eilmen A�.rvi� �hilde��, Wa.le� �a�rell, Ralp� Som.e�s, �.ottta� �ioods, Ed�rard St�.�.��; �ity Lega1. Advisor Od�r �e�� Je�de�,; A�s3s�aAi� �ity Secr-e'�ar�r �'o�rce Y�ailes. �lso preset�� �re�e: R3,�}aa�d 1�. Flippe�, �ed �. �il]., Lutl�er R��rse�: �. A. B�ook, Lar�r Le�la�e, JoY�a. Mac�.m'be�, �en�y �o�ard, Ja�k Pollard, ` �or�r�a 3'�orn.pso�, Mrs. Daryl Williams, �iarrg E�ranbe���, _Ray Ka�fhold, �'�h� C. �i��y, �. A. Pear�o�, '��r�in3.a 1►�.��a�, F�ed A. Mur��,�, C�.pole �I�f�, �olleen ���e�, l�argare.� �'o�.�.g, Ed�ta�d �ree�., ��r�3s Raphael, �'err�r Fos�er, �ar-x�r �o��,�aill, Roberi� R. Jone�, Gail Jones, Fiay Re�d, �eorge B, ���r�i�.gl�a�., '�'3.�gi�ia L. ��n�3.�gha�, James E. �Iager, Be�g� P, 5u�dbe�g, �'c�e l�a.r�gel, 13ot� Bre�nar�, Pat �. M�lve�, Da�3.s I�i��gibbor�, � J. R. Sh�r�t�e�, �t�ie1 1�eGaffe�y, G�.a�1.es �i�.i'G�d�., �im E. Sat�de��, B, �', �o�.r��igh�, �ar3.e �0ore. (�-�) Coa��rectioM a�d A��ro��.l of 1��.��.�es r � Atagu,�t 21, 1967: 'The �i�.�.�es of '�he reg�lar eo�r�ei1 mee�3r�g on A�g��� �1, 1967, we�e app�oved a� �oa�re�ted. ; �o�r�ica�ian� fro� t�e I�ayo�: --' �� 'I�esda�, Aug�s� 2g, 1967, the�e w�,s a raee��.�g af tP�e F�.re �epa��are�.t �3.t1� e3.t3.ze�.s in�erest�d in fo��.ing a dayt3.me orgar�3�a�3on, ar�d p�mblems we�e �esc���*ed a,� a� eqt�itable �a�rser. �'rie�e will be a z��e�ing every Wedr�e�da� �.orning at 1�:�� at C3.�� �ia11. ���e� co�i�te� r�embers we�e elected �o se�ve: Bi11 E�.gnus, Roger Ma�, �en. �'mo�. 4�. W�dr�e�da�, Ata.g�.�� _30, 1.g67, tY�e �alvestor� Cou�t�_Mayo�s ar�d - - -Cou,�cilme�.� s As�oc�.�,t3.mr� met k��re at Cit� Hall, and l�ad a ver� ---- -------�.�.terest-ing �aee�in�. - - - _ Pe�3.�ior�s and �omr�.��ica�3o�s: R. W. Fl3.pp��- pre�e�ted pla'� �f �.is prape��� can Shadowbe�d Atre. and wa�.�ea -�o .�aw i�' ar�d ��en the p�c�posed �oad�ra�r cot�ld be ex�avated. �.�.d s1�e11ec1. �Ie is r�aking plar�s to develop t�.i� a�ea aud build fou� hot���s ir� tY�e nea� ��.tt�re@ Go�,r��il�tar� So�ers r�i11 cl�eek ��e budge� to deter�i�e if tY�is ro�.d�r�.y car� be eomple�ed possibly the early par� o�' z�e�'� year, a�.d �he eiic�r �ecor�ds w3.11 be c�.e�ked to determine i�' the r3.gY�t of' wa� �a� been deeded �o �he �ity. �� �1a�e� �istric� ,�21 � .,� �, ar�y r�.n e�rp, is�al agent, gave a repor� of �he Wate� District�� fzr�a�.�es. The D3.st�i�t a� �his time o�re� $600,000.40 ir� debts. ��ae bonds i�st�ed iz� 1965 �ill mature sta�t3ng i� 1972. Ir��estments i.n �_ in�erest�, and siz�ing ��r�d ar�d co�.��x�zet�o� f'�.nd pltzs aecumtzla�a.on f�or� �ime deposa.ts brought �hem $6�+5,4�4.�0. Znterest on this runs �.t 5�, whieh is $30,000.00 pe� year,� pay�.ble �15,�00.4� sem�x-an�.ually. {- 9-�-b'�: reg: 2 � .,, Zt w�,s necessar�' for the Dist�ic� �o borro�� ��,Qa0.00 te� make the intexest paymen't nn August l, �96'�. They have �3,5,000.4� legal oblig�tion.s t�a make, to pay from 19b� �a�es pl�zs revenue t�hieh they receive. If �he District is annexed to �he C3ty, the bookkeep3.ng systems � wauld need tc� be k�pt separate since the revenue fram that system is pledged to the bond ho�.ders. The bonds are optional in 3.�'�9. They can be refunded and refznr�.nced, then you have the ri�ht to set u� a new ec►ntract arrangemen� with ban�. holders. There is a pos�ib3.li�y tY�at �.t the present time the bonds of the D3.str3.ct coulrl be bou�ht and this wotzld elim3.nate contracts a�' the band .system. They wau�d have to be refun�.ea inta tax bands to el�.minate the adm�.nistrative pro"blems of keep�.ng �he sys�ems separa�e. Mr. Gran'berry recammended from finar�cial. staMdpoint �hat Water D�.stxic� �`2l be anr�exed, Acres af D3.str3.ct 21 ir� Br��a Coun�•. u�.nce 9,� acr�s ofi' tY�ie �'ater District •� 21 lies in Br�.zoria GountY, i� is necessary far the City vf �sarland �o wark v�T�.th the City o�' � Friendswood �.n the ma�ter of releasin� af this land. It was brou�h� nut b� Attorney Jercl�n that �he ��.ty of �ea�land cauld �.o� annex this land because it is no'� inhab�.ted. 1��^. Courtright, Cauncilman of�i�y of �earland, expressed hi.s "' �'eel3.ngs that they would do every�hin� that th.ey fea.sibly could to resalve th3.s problem. �� was agreed that there would be a meetin� of the �'earland at�arney and our attarMey and they would pos�ibly � make a report a,t �he �easland council meeting Thur�d.ay night. ' '�i� Green �ewer Li,� n.es: The Vil.lage Green se�r�r line stopped up and the City w�.s asked to help correc�t thrs prob�.em. If su,ch a prob�.em cames u� aga�.n, the request �hould come frc�m a, member of �he W'ater �istr3ct Board. Councilman Ch�.l.ders m�.de a mo�ion, secanded b� �ounc3.lman Woads, �haz._�he--�i�y_._co�'�inue_ _to _ha�.or__rec�uests--�o__h�lp--t�rith__sewer prola�.ems-- - - - frc�m th.e Wa�er 17a.stric� area. Motic�n ca�r3.ed unan3�mr�usly. Attorne C onwa �'ordan -- �trat�are 1�rea: l�r. Jordan presented his opinion �hat �he Stratmc�re area is not with5.n the C3.ty Limits af �'ri.�ndswood based on �, discrepancy in C7rd.3:nance ,��f)� He pair_ted o�ut wha� he bel.iev�d ta be an �rror �.n the firs'� call i�. the metes and baunds, which would throw the whole survey aff. � It was a�reed tY�at Attorneys Jerden and �.ardolph woul�. mee� at the ne�'� re�ul�.r caunc�.l meetin� and bring va.�ws on th��e find3.ngs. �'he ��.ty will pursue �Y�e cour�e the� are an and contiMUe with �.__:v the AnnexatiQn flrdinance already prepared. � �__ _z_ ,� F� 9-5-.6�': r�g: 3 , � � . _� �ra� agreed �h�.� a �ew a�.d sep�.rate pe���io� will be prepa��d t� a��.ex tk�e ��rat�.e�e area, �edefini�g Ord3.n�a�.ce #54 with elear �.�d � exae� ba��da�3,es. t--'� If �G�.e Ci��r �.or�o�� ��.e le��er f�o� ��.e a�tor�.ey tha� �he origi�al. � Ordir�at�ee #50 �as in er�or, tk�u� �.ot i�el�zd3.�g t�e Stra��o�e area, . axid �.s�i�g �hat t�e ��.ty r�o� tax �Y�e ����,trn.ore a�e�, for 1g67 �.r�der �hcse e3.�c�tt�sta�ces, ther� �.o�i�es n�.11if'�rir�.g tY�e �ax appra�.sals will be sez�� to re��.de�,�s �.r� ��ia� area. l�a�r�r T.:��e read t�.e letter �'rom A��or�.ey �o��ra�r F. Jordar�, �'r. , of �k�e Jo�d�,�., Da^�3� & Barlow �a� Fi��., to �a,�or a�d �it� �o�.n�i1 of �'r3�xids�ood, �ox�eer�ir�g �.i� opi�3.o� tha� 4rd�;na�.�e �50 3.s �.� erro�. Co�n�.�icat3.o�s: �i�,yo� I,owe �ead a let��� ��o�, �a��t�� �ra�io�a1 Ba€� �o �2a.�o� a�d Ci�� �oun�il, dated Septem,be� 1, 1967, expres�ir�g �Y�eir 3.�.��rest �.� E�eha��ed Woods 5�bd3.v3.sim�. and �eq�es��.�.g tY�a� �the c3.�y clarify 3�s r�13.�g� a,� to ease�e��s a�,d the �ewe� ���.�line in �h3.� s�.bd3.�is3.or�. E�g3,�eer Bil1 Wals�. w311 be cm�s�.lted o� �l�is ��ter. Ma�ror Lo�re read a lei��er addressed �o Ma�o� Lo�re fro� C�a3g Pe�.be��o� con�er�ir�g l�i� �es3.g�aa�im�. �rom ��ae post of Ci�y Fire MarsY�all, �hi� w3.11 be disc�s��d a� the �.ex� w���shop ��e�3ng. _.'�� �a,�tor Lc�we read a le�te� �.dd�es�ed to 1�Ia�'�r Lc�we fror� Reg�onal �m�.stru�tion G�a��s Preg��,� �irec�Q�, Re: t�PG-�ex��F�. �he addi�io�.�,l work req�es�ed Y��s beer� revie�ed a�d �'ound �o be eligible fmr g;�ar�t - part�.c3,pat�,or�. > Ji�, Magex� p�ese��ed � le��er add�es�ed �o Board of I�i�ec�ox�s, L�CID,�21., �oM��r�a.z�g �eg�.e�� ��.de by �'oa��taod Ho�.es �o��ex°�ing �Y�e appr��al fo� ��.e v�se of plas�ic pipe 3.� t�.e eora�ta�mction of pl�.�.b�� -- - ---- fo� �e�ide��ia1 dwelli�.gs 3.r�side WCT , �l a�d �eq�est�r�g e�r�sa,d��a�3ar� of_ �la3.s- -r�a��e�. I� �ras -agre_ed_th�.t .�he_ le��e�_ �r��ld- -be g�.�et� _to_. M�._.. . Jo�es a�d Nl�. He��idge, pZ��b3.ng 3,�spee�mr, f'o� co�.sidera��.o� ar�d reply. , l��,yo� Lo�re read a letter ad.d�essed to Bc�va�r Ez�g��eer� f�o� �a�rid P�, �o�Y��an, Div3.�ic�r� of 5a�.3.tary E�,gir�ee�3ng, `�exas �ep�. of' �Ieal�h, �.r�f o���,�,g �he� t�.a� �rea�k o�. �the F�iend�wood pla�.�ir�g p�og�a�. m.a� nou� p�oce�d. May�or LoWe �ead a �.e�ter �ro� ��. Hele�, Pesman, Chair�ar�, L3.brar� Board, �o �3.t�r �o�.neil, referer�ce va�a�eie� ot� L,ibrax� Board and �e�om�end3.r�g tha� ��e C�.�� Co�.r���.l these vac�.r��ies by� �he appoiMt�er�t of I��s.� Jeat� H�.r� az�d Nl�s. I�ele� Cla,��. �o��il�an Sor�er� made a �o��.o�,, seco�ded b� �o�n�3.lma� �a.r�ell, that �hese re.commer�datia�as be ,�__, app�a�red. �Lo�io� carr�3ed ��an3.m�o�.sly. • �... d3.r� Ma.ger repo�ted that tlae ta� ra�e f�� G�T�ID#2I �as beer� se� a-� 69¢ o�. 10�� e�al.�.at3.oA fo� �he year 1967', _3_ ���° 9-�-b7 s ��g s � ,,. . r. . r � . � , � - 2 St�z�d.3.�g �om�i��ee� a�d �epa���en�al: � Fi�e: ������.l�ta� �Tood� has bee� mak3.r�g ob�e��ra�ioz�s of oi�he� , �ire ��p zrt�e��s i� �a1�e��o�. �o�,x�t�. Lea�;�.e Gi�� has pa3.nted �he �- --= eaps of tkae�.� ��.re pl�.g� u�3�h Day-�Io pai��, w�.icY� is ver�r ef fec�3.�*e. Ca�r��ilmag �'mt��.s req�es�ed that �te �o�.sider doi�g the same for F��e,t�ds�rood. �Y�e �'i�e �epar����.� w3.11 s�.b�3,� a le��er to Ci�y Co�.nci7. �a�3.� th3.s re�o�enda�3.o�. �.�d ��e eost �heremf. I I�ea3�M & Wel�are� Co�.�.��.1m.ar� St�.ar� �eq�,ested �hat �re 1eo� :tnto �! �k�e m�, er o a re� e� ��da.�,ar��e. I� was agreed �hat �l�e �i�y �o�1d reqtaest �op�.e� of s�.eh o�di�.at�ee� �'ro�. t�.e. e3.�3.es o�' Alv�.�, Leag�e . �i�y, a�d Pearlar�d., fc�� eo�.side�a�ion, I� �as agreed �Y�a� �o�ane�.l�ar� S��ar� �ro�.ld make a pe�so�.al call . �o the p�c�ple wY�O� �re have ser�t 1e��ers �0�.�e�n3.t�g; tt�o�ing t�.e�.� l�ts aa�d �a�e no� abided by �h� req�,��t. : ��ree��: �o�.�a��.lm�,n Somers �ep�rted t�.at �he Co�.t�t�r �Sigk�t�a� �ep�.r �er�� -a� ��ei� eq�3.pr�e�t ira �ou�. �o bega.m the �ervi��.z�g; �obs o� F��.�d3.r�g �1a�r, Wh3.spe�3.�g Pi�e� at�d Cleartri.ew, bu� �rere h�1d t�p beca�se of �r�� u�ea�Y�e�. Pla�.s a�e made for patc�i�g s�reet� of �.sphalt, ���.do�rbe�d aa�d �lo�dvi�e; a�d also fmr p�.���i�.�.g she11 �t�eet� areau�ad �o� t�k�3.�h x�eed i�. '��i13.ti�s t �o�.nca,lr�a�a 1��.�reZl �a�e a �epo�� f'rom Wa�e� &c Sewe� M Depa� -�r� � mr t�e mo�t�. nf Augtast. ._. � � �he q�Q�e re�ez�red �'rQr� Meree� o�. �.�.s W�.11i�.g a se�e� l��.e gra��.�� feed �'�om C],ea� �ree� Wood� 7.if� s�atio� to a� existir�g ma�hole in f�oz�t of tk�e sewer pl�� is �1,�5�.40. �o�.�eil�an l���re11 proposed ��a'� �re �k��e� �3.��. e�g�.z�eer �� se� 3.f.. 3.� �s f ea�3.ble �o �.a�e this �har�.g� �o eli,�3.z�a�e �hi� 13.f� s�at3o�. A�'�E�" .C�1SCU.SS�.OYl., it was a�reed upon. ta e13.mina�e this lift station. Ir� �eference �o l�r. i�il��n� s reques� ��r �ewer ser�r�.ces to Q�.aker �o���,g� Real��;_ 1�. �o�z���'ot��.d- tk�a� �� would b� eheaper ar�d mare - -_- -- - - - -_feas�,ble- to. bo�e- �.ra.de� �he �3.gl��ra�r a� a co�� of' �2�5-.�0. �.'�.e di��h � wo�.1a �a�� 3.t di��3.�u1� �o ��r� �he 13.xie paralle� to FM-518. �rdi�an�es: fi �pr Pax°�s & Re��eatio� � o�,�e ma.�. ome�s �.ade a �totion, se�o�ded b� �o�.�eilmar�. Woods, �ki�.�� A�' �RDII�ANCE C�iEA�I�iG �� �.D1�II�IS�'�I�E �EPART�El'� 0�' �I�E C ITY I�f�T�TnT AS TH� CI`�.'Y' OF F�SE�SW���, �EXA.S, �EPAR�'�lE� �F PA�3.T�S P�I�f.� FiEC�tEA�"T0�'; CF�EA�IAT(� A� PR4�IDT�1G �`�R �T�E APP�I�TTI�IE�'1.' �F A �Z�E��(3�i �i 4F PA�.KS AI� RE��E�.TS��t A�D SE�I�� �E�.�AI�T' S�AI�'DARDS FOfi AI)l�Cl�fIIS`�''RA�I�' THEREDF: be pas�ed ar�d adopted �� �Y�3.rd a�d fir�al reada.ng. �lo��on ca�ried una�i�ouslp. �, . -- Ax�.nexa��.or� W�ID#�1 o�zr�c ma� �t�a� made a �o�io�, seeonded b�r Counc3.Zmar� Somer�, ; -- �ha� A�T 4RDI�'A�11'CE 0�' TF�.E CI'i�' �F F�IE�DS�100�, �EXAS, MAKI�'G CER�AI�' �II�DI��S; SE��I�'C �J1�TH A PETT�ION F�R A�E�`�IO�' OF �EF3TAS1� II�iABI�:'ED �'ERRI�RY; RECE=��'� AND A�TEXI�G AS A PARfi ��' SAID CITS� THE SAID "I'E�3.RI'�"�R� ��=�Ca� ATDJA�E� `�'C� �'g'E CI`I:'S�' .��' FRIE�TDSWU�I3� TEXAS« be passed ' d x�ani�.ous 1 . I a�.d adopted o� f irst read�.�. Nlotio�. ea�r�.e u �' I� _�._ �° � 9��-67: regs � � �, . � , . �_.- �eV�r�.Ag ��es ° ��.�iT�`�.a� �t�ar� made a mo�io�,, seea�d�d b� Co�.nc3.l�a� �Tood�, �k�a� � 4R�I�A�'�E LE�S�'� �'A.XES �'O�i �IE �'SE �'.D S'�TPP�R� 4F �'�E � P�'�'S�IPAL ���E��� ��' ��E �I�Y �� F�.IE�S1A140D, �EXAS: be passed �._ and adop�:ed o�. f ir��; readir�g. �0�3.0�. ea�ried �.r�a�.3.�.ous1�. Resol�.tio�. - �eeil B�ow�. �r. �o��.� ma� r�e �a e a �o �.mg, seeo�,ded by �p�ar��il�an �t�.ar�, t�ia,t A �E�OL€�'TI��' 4�' `�I�E CI3'�' C�'�I��IT� 4F `�E �I� �F FRZEII�DS�'O�D,, �fEXA� 1����OE3.TZI�'� 1�ff.�y0�. �'� EXE���'E A T�EE�D C�luVE�'IItiT� BACK �4 GE�SL BR�T�'b7, JR.';� � WIFE, �lAR� BROW�', TT3E DEED A��A��ED F�ERETO, be pass�d ar�d adop��d. �o��.a�. ca�ra.ed �.�.a�.a.�o�.sl�r. � t�ARRA� APPR4�'A�z ou��a� r�a�. Sot�e�s m�.de a t�ot�.a�a, �ec�r�ded by Co��.c31�a� S��.a�t, ��.a� i��.rra��s �17�6 t�.�o�.g� 1718 a�.d �32�0 ��.ro�.g�. 3213 be approved. 1�0��0�, eara�3.ed u�.a�3.�.o�.��y. A�d��.��m.en�t o�ra��Z�a� S�ua�� mad� a �a��.o�., �eco�ded. b� �our�cilr�a� 1`�turrell, �Y�a� �Y�e meetix�g be ad�o�,r�ed. l�o�ao�. ca�ried �.�.an3.mo�sl.y. Respe�tf't�.1Z� s�.bm3,tted, �� � ce a �s -� , s� . �r ecre�ary ------ ---- __.. App�pv�ds �����- a p � o�te - yor � � �__. _5_