HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-08-07 Regular a-�n��-�. �-2/- G� , � "� . MINUTE� OF TH� �3EGULA.�3. C�UN�IL MEETING AUGUST 1 � : : fl �'.M. A regular mee�ing of the Friendswood �ity �ouncil was held August '�, - ', 196'�; a't C ity f�3a11. Pres�nt were Mayor �.alph L. Lowe; �ouncilmen Marvin Childers, Wiley Murrell, Aalph 5omers, Edward S�u�r�t, Thomas Woads; City Le$al Advisor Ody Kent Jerden; Assistant City Secretary Joyce Wailes. A1so present were Jim 'r'u'hox'e� Betty Shore, Jean �urt, Joyce Harton, Harry Granberry, C. J. Meyer, Jr. ; Aufus haneycutt, Margaret Haneycut�, Tony Munoz, A, W. k�art T�T , C. A. Aaphael, �. G. Green, John Macumber, Mar�lyn Macumber, Charle� Ho �effx�essq W� L, Bc�v�e� a. �e l�agera G. �, mcLaren, Gene �ar3sen, Sa�.ly Garlsen, Marie Moore� W�lliam Wa1sh, Kennet�. Toan. �23� C orrectioM and A roval of Minutes: May 29, �.96'7: �auncilman Woods made a motion, seconded by � Couneilman Childers, that the minutes of the May 29, 19b'� special ,� meet�.ng '�e approved. Motion carried unan�mously. �� Julv 1,�9��: Counc�lman �hilders made a mat�.on, second�d by C ouncilman Woods* that the n.inutes of the July 19� 196� special meeting be apg�oved: Motion carried unanimously. - Gammunications from the �;aY�r: - - w -- - -- - Or� �.'tzesday, Au$ust l� 196�� the Mayor and some of the �ounciimen met with Mr. Ansel Jones and another en�ineer from the �'edera3 G overnment, who handle th.e ��an�s for this paxt of Tsxas. �hey were aceompan�.ed by �he �tate Aepresentat�.ve�Mr. �i3.11 I�iddie. The purpose of the meeting was to detex�n3.n� the validi�y of our �5�,,�Q0.40 grant which we had requested with our bond program. They said tha� Friendswood w�,s in extremely fine shape, that w�e would have a priority, that they had the fund5 to �rant and that we would reeeiva our money probably in Novemiaer. The previo�.s work of the �vu.ncil �.n 196,5 as �o �he Comprehensive Plans for this area made us entitled to an addit�.onai 3,� fund, which �s � �Z,OOO.OQ addition�.l. Th�y said that �his would go throu�h and we ; � - coulcl sxpect this additional fund. �lso the force feed iine from WCTI�21 ta ��.e into the Fr�endswood grav�ty feed 2�Me had not been approved far a grant, and it was their op9.nion that this would aiso qualify fo� an add�.tiona3. �b,Q40 or �°�,�40. , 8-?-67» T�e�: 2 Tt appears that the Federal Government is going to grant the Clear Creek pro�ect in a fe�r yea�s dis�ant, but th3.s city is tr�ing to ge� a preliminary pro�ec'� approved for some ��0(1,(300.00 worth af - __ work, such as ident3.fied by the map, and we have appo�nted a comm3.ttee of a Harr�s Cour�ty representative� a C arp. of Engineer representative and a Galveston County �ng�.neer represeMtative. Th�.s committes has met and the� thirik they w�.11 be able to star� clearing C�ear Creek th�.s �omin� �pring and the work will be done with Harris County equipmsnt. '�hey will meet with the citizens af Friend�wood th3.s Fall to discuss the alignment of the areek. The �ity of Fr3.endswood 3.s well represented i.n the Ga�.veston County Mayars and Gounoil.men�s �.s�ociation anc� �his g�oup w��.1. meet here at City Hal� on Au�ust ��, 196?, at 7: 30 P.M. �ommun�.�y Public Service's representative, Mr. Charles l�ills, presented a eYzeck for �1,161.�4 far '�he past q�a�ter, wh�.ch is 2� Qf the tatal business in this area as conducted by the light company. �ammun3.ca��,ons a A .1e�ter fram �an Jac3.nto �B & 8D Association was read by Mayor ' Loureo �eference to a desi�e for representatives from this axea to work on this commi�tee, Anyone �nterested in serving on this comm3.�tee should eontact the Mayor. _ _.__ __ - - - A letter .to Mr. Bill Aiddl� from �a�ror Lawe, aat�a s-1-67, was read, in referenc� to includ�.n� the force feed �ine from W�S1?�#22 lif t station to the gravity flow line, �n o�.r grant applicat3.on. . Atta�hment #1. ----- - A letter to Mr. Dav�.d Cochran, Ch�.ef Engi.neer, Texas State Dept. of Healthy from Mayor Lowe, dated 7-1.8-6'�, was rea�. A.e: �he proposed three party urban planni.ng contract. AttacMment �2 A �.e�ter to Mr. Bi11 Ridd�e f�om Mayor Lowe, da.ted 8-'�-b7,� was read, in rsference to the Cityts reques� for an additionaZ 3� increass ix� �'�znds to be added to our present grant pro�ram. Attachment #3 A letter fram �outh�e�tern Bel�. �'elephone Co. to Mayar I�cswe, _2_ , 8-7-d�: �e�: 3 . dated 8-�-67, in reference to requestin.� perm�ssion to place a guy - - _- - _ wire and anehor on city property. Attachment # �. Councilman Murrell __ ma.�.e a mot�on, seconded by Councf.lman Woods, that the Telephone Go. -- ti be granted thi� request. Motian carried unanimously. A 2etter from Mr. C. AR �eese '�o Mr. Aalph Somers, reference check for �50Q.00 as a contribut�on on paving of �lear '�iew Avenue. At�acYvment ��, Mr�y Gxanberry - Fiscal A�ent, led a discussion conce�ning �a�ation for the WCTI��1 area. Ke 'brough� o€�t the fact tha� the Water District will need to levy i�axes as of' January 1, 1�b7 for the groperties that v�ere in the area then, and that the area which is in both the Water District and City v�ill h�.�e ta pay botY� taxes. mhe Mayar and each Councilman expre�sed that it was th.e�.r p;oal ta search far a method, pursuing action through legislation, �.f r.ecessary. . so that no person wi11 hace ta paY dual taxes. �t.iakers Land3.n„�: Gonsta�zction �.n Q,uakers Landing is ready to M'aYIY rk W��w __. begin. Mr, Wa].sh led a d�.scuss�on o� the sewe�° prr��ect �.�. t�is � . subdivisian, r�Thether the lines should ga in the back yards as originally pl�.r.�.ed, or aZang tY�,e s��ee� accard5.�.$ to cha�ges made by �he e��;ineers. NIr. Guy �dom expressed a pref��ence that the �.ine go �.n the b�zck yards, and agreed to pay the e�ctra engir_�er�.ng fee up �o �7,�4.00 and acceptin� --- --- - - -- - - - - ____respansibi3�ty_for_any damage to_ lines. The Council a�reed to leave the decis3.on w�.th Mr. Walsh �o �a the most eaonamic�l ro�te, af ter he ha�s f�.g�zr�d the cost, ard for t�e plans to be final�,zed at a meetir.g at noon Tuesday, Au�us� 8, to ��.ve Mercer Co. the nvtice to begin. �esolution call�.n for a hear�. d�.te an Annsxat3.an Petition: Mayor Lowe read the re5olutiQn setting the publ�c hearing �ate on A�nexat�.on �'eti��.on .:��� T��ID,�21 ��o�.:Au�;us� 2l, 1�6'�, 7.3U �'.M. at -- �i�y Ha11. Cauncilm�.n Somer�s ma.de a motion* seconded by Cou�c�lman Woods, ta accept th� resolution. Motion carried unanimously. Attachment � 6. _�_ , 8-?-6'�: �eg: � Ordin�n�e�: ���a C ounc�.Zman Murrell made a motion, sec onded by C oune ilman Somers that AN OADINAI�CE OF THE CTTY OF FFiIE�TI754aC1�D, TFXAS, M�KING CE�3TAIN --- FSIV�INGS; ��TTTNG F08TK A �'ETITION Ft3A ANAIEXATION OF CERTAIN ZNHA�ITED TE�3.IT��iY; �iECEI�ING AND AI�NEXING AS A PART C?F �A.�D �TTY THE �A.ID TEF�RTT�RY LYI�TG ADJACENT TO THE CITY t}F F�iIENDSW00D, T�XAS« be passed and a.doptecl on third and final reading. Motion carried by unan3.mous vote. Caunci�man Somers made �, motion, seconded by Cour�cilman Woods. that AN 0�.�1INANCE �RFA.TTNG AN AT�MT�'IS�F3ATIVE DE�'Af€TMENT OF THE CITY FCN�WN A� THE CTTY �F �'�.TENDuWOCJD, �EXAS 33E�'A8"�A�El�I'T aF �'A1�Ku ANp F�EC��ATI�3N; C��ATIN'G AND PI�OVIL►II�G FOk� THE APPOII�TMENT OF A DSFi�C�'Q�3 t7� PA�� AND �i�AEATION AND SETTING �EATATN STANDAFii7� FOR ADMTIV'TST�ATION T�'E�iEOF: be passed and a.dopted on f�.rst readin�. No�S.on carx`ied by unan3.mo�,s vote. Stand3.n Comm�ttees and De artmental.; , Util3.ties - Councilman Murrellz There w�.11 be a need far additiona.l pe�sonnel dur5.�g the tim� Nir. Toons is scheduled to go ta school, ...�e�innin.� � Au�ust 18. Ter�y Moare's applicat3.on for emg�.ayment with th� Util3.ty �� �..._. Departmen� w�.s discu.ssed» , Fin�naes - Co�nc3.�.man Stuart: Work on the budget 3.s schec3uled for warkshop mee�ing l�onaay ni.ght, 8-1�-67. 5t�eets: Gounc�lman Somers: The County ha� cut draiMage ditches on Whisper9.n� P�.nes and plans to do Wir.d3.n�; k�ay, These twa strests - - - - - _ along with Clearv�.ew should be paved by Fal1. - -- - - - - - _ -- - - - Fire - Counc�.lman Woods: �epo�t was g3�ven an Tr�,�h Burnir�g ��d�.nance Cc►mmi�tee. The names presented to k=arl� on th.e comm.�.ttee are: Charles Jeffries, Chairma�; Mrs. l�avid Me�raw; I}ave May�.rd; c�ne more member from �'ire Department; an.d Tom Woods, �`he F3.�� Depax'�ment went through the nekT school with the school author3.t�.es and they arxived at $ new fire extinguishers needed �.n the school. The sc�.oal authorit�.es h�.ve agreed to purchase and ins�all these. Police - �ouncilman Ch�.lders: A 13.cense has been g�ranted the �_ Police S3epartmen� for �he new rad�.o frequency sys�em, � �_. t :.:,.�_ __ . ._: I�eq�est was made for a le�ter to be sent to Dr. West concerr�ing mowing h3.s 2fl acre tract of �.and on Windin� Way and also a letter to l�r. Lowman cancarn�.n$ his Zot an Magnol��.. _�! . r 8-'�-67: Aeg: 5 � . D . �ouncilman Ch�lder� made a motian, seconded by Cot�ncilman Woods, that Joyce Wailes reeeive a �.,�a per hou� ra�.se �.n salary, retraacti�re to Augus� Z, 196'�, Carried un.an3.mausly. Warrant At��roval: � �aunc�lman Somers made a mQtion, seconded by C otznc�.lman Murrell, that 'Warrants # 1d68 through 1b81, Warrants � 31,�0 thrau$h # 31b8 and #��1'73 be approved. Mot�.on carried unanimously. 9 Ad;g_ou�,n�'�; �ounci].man Samers �cade a motion, secQnded b� Cou�cilr�an Murre�l, tha t we ad,�o�zrn. �3espectfully su�n3.t�ed, Jayce Wailes � Assis�ant C3.ty Secretary � APPraved: �_; . f�alp L. Lowe Mayox � ; ,