HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-07-19 Special ---- � - c��.a-�G 8- 7-�7 MTNtTT�S. OF THE S�'ECIAL GOt3�'CIL MEETING JULY 3 l� �:00 �'.M. . - _ - A spec�.al meet�.ng of the Friendswood Cit9 �ouncil was held July 19, - , 1967, at �3.ty �all, in �ieu of not having a quorum at the regular �- - meeting Ju1y 17, 1.�67- �resent were Mayor Palph Lowe; �ou�.�ilmen Marvin Childers, Aalph �omers, Edward 5tuart, Thomas Woods; Assistant City Secretary Joyce Wailes. A7.so present were DtEva Luthringer, fialph 5. Sawysr� Aobert A. Gardiner, Ken Toon. (�) Correction and A_pproval of Minutes: The minutes of the regular meeting on July 3, z96'�, stand approved as corrected. '�arran� ApAroval. Councilman Ch3.lders mada a mo�ion, seconded by C ounc�.lman Woods, __. that Warrants �1633 through �1649 .and �1b,�2; and Warrants ��I05 � through #313f�� be approved. Motion carried bg unsriimous vote. �I l.� �rdinances and ResolutiaMS: �ounc�.].man Somers made a motion, seconded by C our�ci2man 5tuart, ' that AN ORDT�'AN�E t3F THE CITY OF �'i�IENDSWO�D, TEXA�, I+�AKING CEATAIN --- -- - �'I�'DTI�G�; SETTING FORTH A P�TITIt�N FOR ANNEXATION OF GEA�'AIN �NHABITED ----- --TE�:TTOAY, FiECETVING--AN'�__ANI�IEX�NG A�--A PAAT t?F`- �AII� GTTY-- Y _. _-- ---- - _. -- -- - TEF3�iIT0�Y+LYING- ADJACEN-T---TO--THE_.C_ITY_t?F_F,�i�,EI�L?SW'C?QD,__TEXAS.--_be. _passed_ and adopted on �econd reading. Motion carr�.ed by u�.nimous vote. - Bid: Mercer �ontract - uaker�s Landin : � Councilman Somers made a motion, seconded by C ouncilman �h�.lders, that the City award the contract to �excer Canstruction Coznpany for Quaker's Landing sewer pro3ect from Empere �ha�eau lift station to the lift st�.t�.on on Eastern boundary ��6g,018.fl0 bid) , based on the City�s being able to obtain adequate financ�.ng, Voting for: (3� _ Coun�ilmen Somers, Chi3ders, Woads. Vo�ing against: (1} Councilman Stuart. IKotion carried« "�' Water Well �'ro�ect: _..____yw.-.. Couneilman �omers made a motio�, seconded by C oune�.3maM Stuart. that the City pay Texas Water Wells the proport�onate share of the work done on Water We11 #2. uP to ��,600.f34, and ho3d up on cc�mpletion of th • 'rV 7-19-6' : pecial: 2 K K of the ontract until fu ther nati,ce of he ity {at least 60 days) . ouncil.man Woods made a motion to ta.ble the motion. The motion __- lid not car . Vote was taken or the original motion: For. t2 Councilmen tuart, omer ; Opposed: 2 Cou.nc9. en Wooas, Ch3.lder . Ma or Lowe voted in favor o ' the motion. Standing Committees and Departmental: Finance: C ouncilman Stuart made a motion, seconded by G ouncilm .n Childers, that the City authorize Pritchard & Abbott to prepare printed and bound tax roll and statements. Motion carried by unanimous vote. It was recommended that City get an estimate from Pritchard & Abbott on tax evaluation of the additional 100 houses in City . Fire: Councilman Woods d .scussed draftin g a Trash Burning Ordinance. At the next meeting he will submit names of per ans w io could se ve on th .s comm .ttee. Streets Counci .n Somers e oit d .e d fo wark on Whispering . ...A.. ...Y......... Pines Street and renair work on Castlewood Bridge. i'Ians were ade far this repair work. New Business: Mayor Lowe pxesented the appl3.ca 9.o . for employment of Mike Scoggins. The appl cation was cons3.dered and Councilman Somers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stuart, to hire Mike Scoggins. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Adjournment: Councilman Somers made a motior to ad ourn, econded by Councilman Childers. Sotion carried by unanimo s vote. Aespectfully subm.itted, . _- __ - _ -- _ - - J yc Waile Assistant C ty Secretary A rove • , ''i . C --tr-' PP Halph L. Lo re, Mayor I __