HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-07-03 Regular ��..� a.a. C'.�-v�.a.�r 7_i9-G 7 �,� ,- ' . �, � MINUTES OF THE HEGULAA. ��UNCIL MEETIN� JUI�� 1 6 ; : d PM � A regular meeting of' the Friendswood C3�t� Gouncil was he3.d J�.ly 3, _.., ' 1967. 7: 3� �.M. at ��t� �all, --; Present were Mayor Aalph Lowe; Councilmen N€arvin Childers, Wiley Murreli, I3,a1.ph Samers, Edward Stuaxt, Thomas Woods; Acting C�.ty 5ecretary L. B. G15.ne; C�.ty Legal Advisor �dy Kent Jerden. A1so present were Mr. & Mrs. Lee Linson, Ma�ie Noore, Ken Toan, Wi11,�.am W�.lsh. (5) Co��,on and Ax��p�oval o�' M�n����: June a.g, 19b?: Aegui�.rs Gounci3man Woods made a motiar�, seconded by Councilman Stuart th�.t the m�nutes of the .7ur�e 19, 1967 meeting be appro�ved as read, Motion carried by �znanimous vote. June 22, 1g67: Speeial: CounciZman �omer� made a motion, ! � seeonded by �o��.ci33nan Ghilders, �hat the minutes of the June 22, l96'� mee�inP; be approved as corrected. l�otian carried by un�nimous vote. dune 12, 1967: Special: C ounc�.Iman Woods made a motion, seconded 'by Councilman 5amers, tha't the m3.nutes of the Ju�e 12, 1g67 mee�ing be approved as co�rected. Motion carried by unanimous vo�e. C ommunieation from the Mayor; - - -- - - -.. _ _------ - . NLr, Faues�t of �exas Water Wells called to give the report tY�at the pump, should be i� around July 3.� for the �1Q,OOO.flO !�ater well syst�m. The engineering work has been comgleted on the 2'�" seu�er line pro�.e�t, aMd the pra�ect is now open for bids. There was a discussion on sewer line plans and pro�ected spending in thi.s area. The Council would like to meet �=3.th Mr. Walsh �o review th.ese proposed plans. _._ , ; - ! Mayar Loh*e read a letter receiQed from Mr. Tam Grims�tx�: regarding � the �'riendswaod Summer Baseball Associatlon's request that �he month of July be proclaimed as S�uner Baseball Aetivitiss I��onth. �ouncilman 5omers made a motion, secanded by Councilman 5tuart, that the C ouncil � �-3-67: �.eg: 2 approve this reques� and make J�.ly the Baseb�.11 Activities Month i for th3.s area. Mo��.on c�.rried una.nimously. __� Mayar �owe read a letter from FiQbert Mora in referenae �o the biddir�g of the 2'�" line, requesting that a bid bond be considered, instead of ,�� eashier's check. After a discussian v�Tith the en�;ineer, a motlon was made by C ouncilman Childers, seconded by Councilman Woods, that we do not waive the 5� eashier's check for b�.dding. Motion was caxr�.ed unanimously. P�ayor Lowe rea.d a letter from Jules �amia.ni, Jr. , Cr�minal District Atto�ney, Galvestpri� �`exas, in answer to ou� quest�.or�, �'�an. the City of Friend.swood provide po�ice pro�eetion outsicte the �arporate c3.ty 13.mits?'� Zt is his opin�.on that tY�e C�.ty of Friendswood cannot lawfully pravide police protection outside the corporate l�.mits. �'etitions and �ommunications: , � �ouncilman Woods made a mot�.on. seconded by C auncilman Murrell, that a aopy of the �earla,nd Pxogress axticle gexta3�n�.zzg� t� pe�ition ofi annexat�.on of Anz�alea be attached �o the min�tes. Motion carrfed by unanimous vote. (Attachment �1} C ounc3.lman Childers reparted �hat Boy Scout Txaop #��� ha,d - _ _ _ - - -- - donated and planted 3� Crepe Myrtl� trees to the city in appreeiation -- - -- - -- � --- --- -- - -- - ------- ------ - - --- -- fc�r the cammun�ty s cooperation. in Y�elp�.ng the troop acqu�.re their funds:'for summer camp, S�and�.n Comm�.ttees and �e artment�.ls �`�.nance - Pro�eotion of �he 1968 budget w�.11 be d�.s�ussed at the Ju.l.y 2� warkshap mee�ing. Fire - �'lans r�ere made to talk v�ith Fire Marshall cor.cerning _._��_.. --. �. s�rvey of lots with3.n cit3� wY�ich would be a fire hazard because of hi�h weeds and. grass. 5treets - Councilman �or�ers reported that Castle�Tood paving has � been campleted. 5hado�bend should be topged th�.s week. Streets are II bein� oil�d. -2- p � '�_3_67s 8eg: 3 y < Ut�.lit�.es - Councilman Murrel3. presented regort of broken water & se�rer lines since J�ne �1� and egpressed ap�reciation far � aommunity�s �ooperatio�. 3.n eanserving w�.ter during the low pressure ��_! per3od. There was a discus�ian on the need �or a Gity represer�tative to work with inspector from the Engineering Firm on the work being done on lines. �Drdir�ances and Aesolutions: Councilman �h3.lders made a mo�ion, seconded b�r Gounc3.lman Somers, that AN O�iJ��NAN'C� OF T�E CITY OF FIiTENI3SW0�3�, TE�fAS, MAKING CEFiTAIN FINI7ING5, SETTII�G FOATH A PETTTIdN FOR ANNE�.TION' OF CEFTAIN II�HA�ITED TEF3,�I�'OFiY; AE�EIVT�'� AS�TD AN'NEX�NG AS A F�AT OF SAID C�TY TFiE SATD ��Fi1�I TaRY LY TNG ADJAC�fiT T(? TT� �I�'Y J�' FRT�" `Du�?�Qn, ?'��Q�a be p�,s�ed _ and adopted on f3rs� reading. Motion carried by unan�,sous vote. New Buslnesss C ouncilman Murre3�. made a motion, secanded by C ouncilman Woods, that �he City pay Ken Toor� a bonus .af �12,�.00 for spec�al emergency M1 � work aone perta�.n3�n$ to water system. Motian carr3.ed unanimously. � L�.� I t w�ll be the respons�.bility of Ken �oon to assi�n cleanir�g ,�obs of C�.ty F�all to emplo�ees on a regular schedule bas9.s. Warrant A�proval: C ounc�lman Woods made a motion, seconde�. by Counc�lman Murrell, - - --------_-.----___to__aP_P_rov� warr�,nts # -30,96 through ��1f1?�,_�1606 _through �16�3. and _ - - �16�� through #1626. Motion carr3.ed by u�animous vote. Ad„�ournment: C ouncilman Woods made a motion, seconded by C ounc�.lman Murrell, that the meetin� ad�ourn, l�otion carried unan3.mously. I�espeetfully submitted, G���. G�a� _-: ° Joyee Wailes , Assistant City Seeretary Apgroved: I ,�, ��,�„�,�.�-�" Aalp L. Lov�e, Mayor _3_