HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-06-12 Special _---_�.._-- ---- - - __-- - - --- - - - -- -- - -.__... __ —- ------ ----------- - -----___ - . G��� Gt.� 7 3_��' MINUTES OF SPEC IAL C I TY C OUNC IL MEETING, JUNE 12 t,,, 1,�6? ���r.�.�.+�� wn�. ��� A special meetin� of the Friendswood. City Council was held June 12, � 19b?, at c it� xal1. Present: Mayor Ba.lph Lowe; Counci].men Wiley Murrell, Ralph Somers, �d Stuart, and Tom Woods. Councilman Murrell opened 1'740' water l.ine bids. Two bids were received: S. W. Paving Co. �8600.00 Mereer Construction Co. 9255• dfl Motion made by Gouncilman Murrell, seconded by CounciZman Stuart, to accept Mercer bid as only responsive bidder. Motion carried by una.nimous vote. Mercer is to submit detailed drawing on averhead run Wednesday morning. � � ' Libr�.ry: Nep;otiat3on with Aosenberg Library, position assumed by Gity. Letter from Library Board read a�nd discussed. Motion made by Couneilman Murrell, seconded by C ouncilman Woods, that the cover letter (Mayor Lowe to Board of 8osenberg :Zibrary) be appraved. Motion carried by unan3.mous vote. Water DistrlGt #21 Sewage Plant: Letter from Mayor Lowe to Tegas Water Pollution C ontrol Board was read and discussed. Changes agreed to. M otion wa.s made by C ouncilm,an Woods, seconded by Councilman Somers, to accept letter as changed. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Stuart wi11 investigate neva city letterhead stationery. Mvtion was made by Councilman Somers, secaa�ded by Councilman Murrell, to raise C oleman Abbott's salary to �3�O.fl0 per month, ; chan,ging from hourly to monthly rate. Motion carried unanimously. I i Kennedg�'s resign.ation: Motion was made by Councilman Somers, seconded by Councilman P:urrell, to accept the resfgnation. Motion carried urianimously . _._._.... . _____.__..�.._......�____.._.___ ._..._ ... .....__ ____.,�....___....,._.W.............._.._...__.. ._. ._ .. ......___�............�.._....e_.___.._.. ..._ � b-12-b7: special: 2 Motion was made by Gouncilman Woods . seconded by C ouncilman � 5omers, to ad3ourn. Motion carried unanimously. �• 8espectfully sutffiitted, ��� Joyce Wailes Assistant City Secretary Appraved: ��,.T �G��q.. Aa p L. LokTe Mayor