HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-05-22 Special _ _ -- -_- - ---------- — -- --- - ---- _-- — - - - - - - --- A� n�.�, G - 5_`'7 S�E�IAL 1�1EETII�TG C�F FF�.IEIITDSWOaD C I TY �OUP�G IL MAY 2.2 1 6'� � A speci�l eou��?cil neetin.g wa.s Y�eld 1�_ay 22 , 1GE�"� �.t CitJ Fall. �r�sent k�ere M�.r�in L. Childers, I�:ayor �::o Z`em; Gounci7.�ien Wi1eaT 1�1Urrell, fialph Somers , Ed Stu�rt, �nd_ Tam �rioods, P�otion uTa.s made by Gouncilm�.n Somers, secondec�. by Councilm�.r_ IY'urrel�, to 2utho�ize �it�r Engir_eer to proceed v�Tith �n�ineer2n.� ��ecessa.r�T to install th� 27�' tru:�k lir�e in �tz�.rLe� L�,n�ir�, such line to extPnd iras tre propose� Zift Station on East Fouz3d�.ry of �ua?�ers LarZ�in� alorl� the ri�rht-of-w85� trrou�h the v�Tater fron� lot in �u�.kers Landin� to the boundar3� of thE A. A. G2.z'd1.11e�' prop�rty. .Ei �anhc�e to be install�d �t �:�Jest end of ?iz:E. Er�ineer is to proceed ��Tith a.pplicz.tion for Federal Aid b�sed on platz �o eYtend line to Lift Station 2.t foot of Cle��rviezlT. T�otion carried b�l t�,e folloti,Tin� vote: F'or (3) �ouncilmen Pr�u?^1ell, Woods, Somers ; Aga.inst (1) Couz�cilna.n Ed Stu�.�t. I�:otien was �.�.d.e ��r Cou.ncil.mar� TYiurrEll� seconded. by Councilmai� Sorners, to �d�ouriz. �'_otion ca_rriea by unanimous vo�e. r�es�ec�fulZy subrni t��, W 8alp�� W. 5o�es s �ipp�^ov��: aC/!�i'C.v'-�, r�al�h L. Laz��� � �._