HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-04-10 Special ����. �.�_�� ����� AiITNT�S GF A SrECIAL 1�iEr�TII�1G GF A_F��:IL 10, 1967 '� A s�Aeia.l meeting of tre Frier_ds�;ood :'ity Cavncil ��Tas held April 10, ' 1967 r,l�_, at City �=a11. ; , Preser_L tnrere Na�Tor �alph L. LowE; �our_cil.mer i+:9rvi.n L. �hil�ers, k�illi�m �. Dati�iason, �arry I�':. �atcher, Wile�� W. P:u�re��, P�.l�h. I��. So�ers ; City SecrEt�.ry �irtha �Jri.�r�; � ity Le�a�? Acv?sar Gd�r %erit .I�rc�en; �ounci tmer_ �lec� i;dv�.�rd. �`. Stu�r•t, T?^o�ias h, k�oad.s. :��!se r„es�rt VaesQ �a��? �'. i�i2.rd, ^ . �:, rlir_e, ue�E T�^iI�er, �.'I�.o �.rund._�ett, Ar_nette k'co�s , Geo?-��e C�Iah, S�PtFe So�e��s , F2"�.?1}� S. Cee: h:c�^�'�c^�.Ylv F�^o.0011� �`�'?2S�`d �dP'e1"S, T�:�.omi �`YS�;E�� P. F>. ��J2C1i� 1',11Cr-i �ria.rrer_, Lea?� ��T'O?��19 �ere�T �'. .tT't�?''�� ��?1?'?i.S ��'lzzle, �. . n. Llir_�e, �eler �:�'!21Es �'mo�ene So�er�, Geneva L. Jaci_�or_, P�o�ene .D�Ja.r� Ta� Gr2.ce, De��? Sau_e��.n, T�:rs. David Mc�ru.ti��, ��.vid L. PrcC'r�?�T, Ja�Tce �artonr I��riE rI?ma��= Carol �11m�.r_, Sandra Allr�ar, A�rs. �:. �?. ?i�rir_ec_��, �.. 1�. �enr_e�.�%= _ j��, ��. �Il��.��, n:rs. .Tav Ser_ter, i�ober� Sente�, It'rs. Y;, �, �tirr�ite, � �ti�. �. W�:ite , G. V. GreG.tl.c�us�, Eill Molle�T, C�. G. Terz�ell� Robert Na�a, � �''o„�% B2nf�e�d, �;�. T�. Pou1e, �r•Iill�.:� �. . Wa2sti= : Leah T�-art��, ��izcille > .�avidsorz, �ita �:.atcher, JE%?"'0�2 �n�e1., Sil?�� �n�el, K. B. Jo�.es, Flcyd =ro�r:�-!, Jr. , R. I�. �hiliirc (�I} �`_2.���r .�oti��e i�Telco�ed �_l� Lrase �rESent and_ p�.rticular�y tk�e Schocl �o�r3 me�be t-.. Fe introduced C,o��rac� uline, school �oa��c Pr�sident. �'i'?"e �Z1.Y:E L1_'�al��'�C� ��E OL;'��01�1` .�C;I1G0� �LtpC�I.I'1'�PI2CcYlt ,;.12I`?ri.1S �z'1c�Z.L2 ?G�° tn?S �ervices in the ��.st and ir_trcduced the n��T Supe?^ir�tenc3ent, Jai=n F. �;ard. �:�.�Tar Lcti�=e th�.r"�ed rirs. Ja�-ce F�orton �.nd aIl the ti1 OrKerS �h�t Yi�,c niUen the?� �i�e �:nd. effcrts to makin� tMe "t�C�TE" �i�nposts �,nd t��� "^�I���7I�.AT�,�°' si���osts. These pos�.s v�=ilI be c^:TTC^,1�8��'�..E'. to alI i��t�are eG.i��.i��tes a.rd �lect-�ans ��eld in t��� c?t��, � VdU11CI��2.'_^ D��7?�SO�1 :t."°'JG1"tE�1'' L�'ic± tE'1� i1I1c.Y±C?^c..Z Z'iiC�i.I?"2, 2't '�7?"E��?'!'�f 15 F�00�. ZI ti^'@ cent=i7u� c.'t 'C:_�e tl'ES�2'1'G j?2CF� r,,-° S��Ola.��. S i c.�� UT=�•�.11� L��2 i �UC�F'� .-^;_�2C�� '�EZ'�2'�?S �^=.Z,r� �, ST�c^�.I 2XC�SS O�' =�1�_'1:S ��':c^.'G CO:L�_� '^� c^�.X:'���cC. �O t�".}�E Sti�Ef'. C'E`:?c^»��-u�?=t. �-1�-67: SpecZals 2 �ou�c i�.m.an �iatcher repar�ed �that -the sei�ETer- �.00ku.p �q�o�ram (thos� �n�ho a�� uTithir? 1��' oi tY?e �ub2ic set��r svst�?� ��^� recui�^ed by Or�.inan.ce I �83 to connect to sa'?d sewer syste�) :�s �oir�g very v,zeli, These peax�le � ha�ure beer_ vez�y coope�°a'tive. Mr. �ubert Bai es, and �ar. ��. �o Gtirhite ?�a�e bctl� request�d ti�� T�rith �h.e cau�cil �co ��.scuss t�?�i.� special �r�blems on �ris �L��ject. �oitnci�an �atc��e� �U?���?er r�parted ;�haG botl�? z�ie �'!um'�in� �ode ��'�, and C�rdinance ,��3 n.eAd a�e?��eQ; that th�y are zn con�'lict tnTitY�. �acl�. ot�a�r. �at�ncilm.Gn:�.��as�her state�z �that the item af t�:e �roposed orc3inance to LT y.� i�n y van'} t'`r� �"� -n �F��s d'-.n�vi n7,, � �€- .(..7 -i-- } 'F G.����'1i 11V��GV3.1 l�IP_C��i.LQ..L V.'Gt� 'J `..t'a�lpl�tG�i.U..-lli.� C�.. ?�.G_S�.t.iSl.�'..�SC �'J1L��i�. 1i13L�'.. li1. tr� �lZV4�.�� not be 1.eft fQ:c �lze rc�c G°c�u?�cil; t?�a� it �s �he rESpansib�?i�y of tY�°t.s �'�ese�t �auncil, �.��.�. r�a�zestec�. pe�.issz�n �'re�� t�:� Cha?r to �ri�?� th�s matter up 2� t�iis ti�e. Caunci?.man ��atcher mac{e a r�a�ior., seco�ded by Coune�l�.ai� D�vicson, that the Ghair �r�nt ��rmissia��? th2t thG subuec� of the piopose� o���'.�z��nc� ta �;rar_t a francl�.i�e �a �.�ae �ozz�tor Tti�turaZ Gas �o�ro-r2tion `�e �isc�ssE:�. � a,t t�is ti�e.e Tration ca�raec? b�T tN� io'�ia,:.`���.�; �cro�es �'or: 3: uo�anci�m�n I � D��vidso?�., :���,tc�ei, ��m�rss ��a�.n�tr ?: �"e���nci�e��. ��?il�.e�s5 P7u�^r�?10 I Cauncil�rs�.n uh.ilders �.Cl._�� tl7e �ttorney� Gdy ���ei��t Jer�.e�, �.� �.t t��2�s r�;r7�issGLle to br?1.; lz� ot�er su'a jec�s �"r:�n �t�ase s��i���. _re�so�.�� fQr � c�ll�d r�ecting. n'�r. �T��cl�:s2 sai� �h�t a �.otia�l o�' i ounc?I to brin� L�p a�her sub j�cts shoulc�� be s��zf fi�ient f;o �.11a,v otli�r suLject� �o �� brau��t up. Gaur!ci.lma?�. �h?lders mzd� a �.o��!on, s��:.anae� b� �ounci'?�a��. So�ners, tI^.�,� �n az^�er to clear up t�E �rese�.t co:nfus?on on th� issu� of the p�a��osed ard?a�anee c��" �ranti��g a f�a��elnis� �o �he :�austo�z Tvatural Gas Carporatior, ��Te l�ill �11 coi�?sry c'rei�tio�� Qf tl2e pr�sent �?�•aposed or�in�,?:ce �r�.nting a �'r�.nc��is� ta t��e �-aou��c�l�? T�,T�tur�.l Gas Car�or�tion; t}-�at a?��� fu?'�ka.eY' coa�si�.eratior� oi tris s�.zb jFCt �¢Ltst be 1.-��^�vght up i�z a net17 �?�°apas�d ordin�r_ce fo� co��.s9.der•�.ti�� af �:ranti?�.� �. ���.r?ci��:se ta t�he �?ouston R;�,tural �as Corporation, �r any othtr s�ach ca�par_�. I�"o�io�� carr�.ed � ` by �he i olloti�i�� vo�A: �,o-�^� �: C-o�anci���n ��i��.��s$ ��.ti��dso�±4 ��tc�?E:�^: (_ �c�.�?ers; �!�ainst: la rou�?cil��a.�? I'�iur�e�.�. Gfi.���7.��.S�T�vG Or' ^�� �?��'�Ts Qt� �3.����7�i�iS GF' iH�, �.'��T'�� �, �.�6'� �i,.�CTIGiv n� �����T ir..`::�� ;C?U?`tiTC I Z.t�:�T�� �.�_.....A..._.�....��v.....�.._..�... 0 � 4-�C-E^. SpeciG.�. 3 �o�:nciLm�.:� ��vidson �.r�tro�uced � r�so�tztio?^_ a�?.d c��er �.n� �ot-e� ?t� �de�t�a�. �?�e .�oiion ti;�.s seconde�' �� �ouncil�z.n Some��s, anc the �otien ea.r���in� uitY� it tY�e �.4a0U�1G� of ti?�e r�solution ar!d oraer � p�'Bir�11EC� �y tY..e fO��OTf;�lri� ti7Gt8� A�'t:.S: :F''l.iT� - CO?Z11C1iL^EY'_ I`J��.Tri.dSOYt� �hil�.ex�s, Hatch�r9 P:urr�:Zl, Somers, ?�TCES: P.oz.p. The resolt_tiai� is as fo?lot�,s: There c�,.F or to 1.�e consi�ered the returns cf �� ele�ctian Y:e�� on the �tl� �a�= of tipr�l, i9E7, far t�1E �urpose cf electing tl�e herei.za�'ter na�ec officia�s, 2.nd it �.��pEdr-in� fro�. s��d r�turrs, dul�% ar�d �e��.11.�� made, ��_a� there t��ez•e c�.st �t 5�; � e�!ectiarl ��6 �o.1.i� 2Y1� Z�CC^:i JOt@S� �ri.cz� �c.'��'1 Of t.�":° G�'.'1C��Q�tEc '•� S�.'_� EZ2C�IOYl Y'BC�Z�T@Ci t�^e fo11o��-ir� �ctes: �'�'� :.`'.�.LrJC�II,I`-��° ��) i��e a�' r�.na 3�a�e Total ��du���r of ��a�e� �ec ei�,Ted ��dlp�': ti��, So��r� ��� �el S. Clantor_, Jr. 2,�-8 L�, G. i:CI:iE1K° ��.1 E�.w�rc? F. �taG.rt �50 T��o��_s F, w`oo�s �9��- Leah T��cr�'_�: � �:.:i t��.c. Yi�'1.�.��-�i 1 � T�N�F��FGF��, �� IT �S�SOLZ'r�D =i: T�� �I� .;C�t�?���.;IL� :%F T����' CIT� CF' � ,�'�r w r'y-�iv .� '�, ,= n-tr � - F:.__�.I� �'� � 1�1��: T�2t s�zi� a�!ectien t,t�_s �lt;:l�= ealled; tha� r�cricc af s2ic?_ e�ection. ti�T�s M�ven it� acc�r�arce ti,rith ].av�r, arc? t?���.t s�.i� e�ect�o�? w�s hel� in �ccarda.rce v�ith lat,, �.nd t�at F.�Ipn Somers, �d`�arc� S�L��.rt, �'hcmas i�'ood.� i�,ere du?�� elect�d �auneilm�=r of sa?ci Ci��T at s�>id e?ec�cioi�, anc s��c a.ba� e n�ed �arties �.r� her�by cecla.rE� dul5- e?ec ted to se.?c res�ec�cive Ofi:iC6•S r �u�jec t to th� t�'��r`. �r thei�.° oatr�s �r�d f il�n� bonc?. :�s pro�;i de� �„r the l�ti,Ts of the S ta�t o� 1 e��s. i�:ee��n� Ad jour•l�ecz : 8: l� i�.i��. Tlacse pres�r:� hzd ��•e���sY�merts 2r_�d. :�a3 �he op��rtu?�?i�:�� to �.eet ��e rsEU_ Cour_ci�men, 2.n�. �c�,l'z -vzith t4^e o��t�o�r_� '�OL1Y1C i.=��.E'_1. r �fully Sub:��i�ted, %� �� -�.'�'.� �'.�/ � �r�ha U;�����t - C?t�r Secret��v ���1"Ot'gC'I r ��U w �. � , r T�1rti_ T,. �.CZ'.°e - �;.c^.�'Or � - �-