HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-03-20 Regular MINUTES OF THE �EGULAP COUN�II, MEETII�YG MA.�.�� 24 1 67 � ; A regu�.ar meeting of the Friends�7oc�d City Ca�.�nci1 was h�ld March 209 � z96'�, '�: 30 �'�T at the City Ha1l. �'resent wer� Nayar Aa�ph L. LGwe; Counci�.en �2rvin L. Cl�iider�, Williaau E. Davidsan, Ha�ry M. Y�atcher, Wiley �Y. 1�Iur��e11, F3.a1ph �r'. Soz�.er�; City 5ecretary Artha 'W�r��ht; Ci��r Le��.l A�ivisor C�d� Ken� Jerden. Also presen.t were A. J. BZt�ck, Jr. , Mark V. S�. C�Tr, �1da P'�ather�y, Lee �ort�1, Uel S. Clanto�., Florence G. ha�-es, Jc�hn. F. Smi�l�, �1yde E. Smith� DtEva Lu�hringer, Keith J, Sm�.th, Fu�h �aloney, Phil Malaney= Naxie A11�.an, Marie Noorez Tam ��oads! Lau �v'or#:ham, I �ince fl1Leary, Will��,�n � . Walsh, H. Y. �peck, �ouis Paul�, .7ahn '� Waling, Ken Tocn, Bab Phillip5, �.. A. Yenne�.v� �'red �rcY��, Z,es Thorn, ' Sall� Thorr?, ���.ck 1����a�n�, �����. NeCsaw. �2_�� C arrec ti an and A.ppra�ial qf 1�?�.nu�es: A2arch 6, �.96'�: �.egular: stood approved �.fter �Grrect�.an. M�r�n i�, �}6'�: Special: s�oad approved a� ready G ammunications fram the MaYor: The �aunty Foad Ta� t30�� e�ection held- N�.rcYa Z�: 1967, passed �_ in �'riendswaoa by a vate of �9 to 82. E� � Bids for Choa.te �ioad work v�ill be �.�=�.rded by .the State H�.�h�,ra�� Depar�ment I��arcY^. 219 1�6'�. In the very near future, the�e u7il� be a coQrdina.tio� me�tiz�� of t�ie ��.�h�b7ay Lep�. , �ity cf F'��.�n�s�4�a�c': ��c m ozz t�7�.s pro ject. Pau�. I�ill�.��.n, s�rv��yarg plarzs to ha�re �he pro�?^am o�' ?�ap�i�?g �.nd d.escr�b�.r�g �he meet� �n�. bc�und� of Fr�.ends�ro�d ��ady far �Tor�slzop M�.rch 2'�, I��7. Dog Day - �iarch 2,�, "?9�'7. Ther� wi�l be a ve�erisza�ia?�. at th� Fr�.end.s�rood City �ia11 from �:(3� AT� �i� I�: O(3 �loc�n to vae�.n.a�e aogs, e�c. Vac.t��.natian ��.OQ - Tag �l.€}�o . The Wom�.n� � League of F�ieaZdswoc�d. u7��? ho�.d can�.�dates nigh� ��farch 34, lg6'�, �.t the School Auditarium. Marc� 28 is the dead �.?ne �'or the first ex�ense accoun� fzlin� fcr cand�.dates f�r City Caunc3Z. Truck B�.d �nen�.n�; . ;_ The f'o�lov�rir� bid� were received and e�}�ene� - or OR7E R?EI�T 196'� � , TWO T�N DUI�i� ��iUCK: ► �__ �IcFee Motor Sa�es, �ickinson �39'?�,'.32 Alvin Equip�ent �a r , Al�u i?? ���.�9.5(3 ��2��san Che��^alet �om�an�TY �?�n?� ��u.���55 �, _ . --------reg: 3-2�-6`�: 2 B�,d B�own F'ard, Ltd. ��181.�2 I Cauncilman Da�idson made a mat�.on, seconde� �� Councilman Same�°s, - �hat �o�.ncilm.an 5o�ners be authorized tfl acee�t the lo�=est bid - ' P�c�.ee �iotor �a1es, ai Dickinson, for �39�9.32: P�'ova.ding th�.t Me�?ee �c�tar 5ales Co. agrees to the finar3.ci�1 arr�.nge�.ent of �2,OOOB00 dc�am with the b�.lance to be paz�. Janua�y 1g68 �ith �he interest charge on the bala��.ce not to e�c�ed �1da.d4. Motion car�ied by unana.s�ous vote. A�rardin� of Gc�ntract .i or Sevsrer Im�rovemen�s: �ity Engineerq William � . Walsh, i.n a letter to Mayor and Council datEd Plarch ?0, �.g6�, recomme�ded that �he conts�act be aw�.��.ed to l��ercer Cor�s�_ructioz�. �ompazly, the �ow bid�er. (Attachment #�} �a�.nc�.l.m�.�. �hilo.ers ma.de a m��io�s secanded by Cou��ci�.r�an �avidson �h�.t s�.f�ce the �ityls ����cy �r� �e�er �i�� ��.s b��n ta re�uz.�� ��a.t cement a.S1J�S'�05 pip� be use�,; the �ity �n�ine�r be authori�ed to aoxzelude contrac�s s�ec�.#'yin.g -cha.t cEment �.sbes ko� sewer p?pe be used. Mpt3.on carr�.�d by tl�e �'allowin� vat�, For: �: Cou��ilme�. G��.lders, Dav�.d�an, �Iatcher, �omer�; A�a�.ns�. �: Counci3.�.an Nturrell. �ounci3man Davidsc�n m�.de a m�t�.o� seeonded '�y Cauncilmarz Somers �hat the .Mayor be au�horize� to �.�media�el� for�arc'� 1et`ters nf inc�uiry to sam� �f the or�;ar�izat�ons t�at l�ave had cQntracts �nrith Merce�^ �- CQnstr�.c�ion Co. (apparent loi� bidder for a�r sewer i��ravement program} , concernin� �he�r reeQmme�ldat�.c�n� c�f �his eompan�T. Mation � c��rai��. by the fo?�.c�u=3n� vo�e: ���:3 a�au�i�i?m�n �avidsan, Na�c�?Er, Samers; Agair_st: 2: �ouncilme�� S��urrel�., Chilcie�s. Mayor Lo�=� sta.ted that he x eels such inayuiry is right a�.d praper. Peti�ioz�s and C o?�municati.€�ns s John Wa�i.n��,� De�re�aner of Lo�.�v,rao�. Par�, was invi�ed to spea� w�.th Co�.ne3.l eoncerning the Sewe?� and Wat�r ir�prove�ents �nd the S�re�ts of th�.t subditrisian. �in^e �hey �.re re-nega�i�.'�ing a co���ract f ar street constr�a.ct?c�n, �t wa.s hoped tha� certa�.n speca.fica�ions ofi construction cauld be included. l�r. Wa12ng zn�i'?�L le� us ��now as soon as passible. Louis �au1.s, Fiscal A��ni, discussed with Caun.cil the si�n�.ng of a carztrac� previausly presen�ed ta Council6 Afte� discuss�.c�n, �ouncilmar�. Ghil�ers ma�e a motio� �ecoa�.ded by �ouncilmar� �7avidson th.a'E Cc��.��ci.1 appro�e the proposed contr�.c� dated I�7ove�ber 2.�, 196,�, as �resent�d by Louis Pau1s; that thi� contract be effect�.ve �,s ori�inally understood by �ciuneil in NovembPr �.q6,� - effec�ive d�.te c��' acceptance be �.s af I��ovember 2�, 1967; tha� the word 1.a.st in �ect2�n 8, be ch.anged �o fi.rst �.s it was in the origina7. - �ri�.t�.ng of said docu:r��nt. � �n disc�?s��on o�' this �.a�te�^, Mayar Loti�te �tated �hat his:`.u�2der- _._ s tanding of the c ontrac t had bee�� �hat t�e c o�itrac t was f�r a t��=o �e�.r pe?�iod, (to I�7ov�ember 1967� : �.na no� jus�t unts.l � band issue ha�Z been cansum�a�ed, -2- reg. 3-2�-67. 3 Motion was carried by the folZowin� vote: For: �: Counci�.msn Childers, Davidson, Niurrell, Samers; Agai�.s�: l: C6uneilman Hat�her. Counci.lman �Tatcher stated ihat he also nad understQad tkZat 4he cor�r�,c� was intended to extend �o Ii4�ember �j, . �967, a .iu11 two years. � � 6dom�r?' s Lea�;ue of Frien.d��ood. � �ouncilman �1�i1�.ers exp�a�.ned th�,t the subjee� of cast of co�yin.� services had been. discuss�d u=it��. membe?^s of �he Wamsn� s League at the last workshop meeting, Ni�.�ch 1.�. Co�ncil has �a�d tha.t it �ill receive a�.� suggAstions �h�,t the L�a�ue �ight rr�..a�e concerning their speeial n�eds for such �ervice� Urith ar� apen. m�nd. The City� Study �omF�.�.-�tee of th� League cansist�.n� of P�larie Allm�.n., Joyc� Horton, Ghick Mc�raw, Leah North - Ch�,ir�aom�,n, Mary �rude ar�d I�Zic?�ey I�o�, �vTas appointed by tl�e I�7ayor to make a study of �his sub ject af�.d r��ort back to �auneil. �'inc� UtLeary, Hw�.ane t�f'#'�cer, appeared befarP t��e Counci�. to discuss I his �ervices �.� �. dag c�.tc�er. �ouncil u���l m�,�� a further, more �.et�,�.�6� st�a�.y of ��:e re��? �f ��. e�^��na�:ce �e c�r�trol degw, a�� �he need af' a, humane affic�r for t�ie �ity, at t�ze ne�t workshc�p� MaxcM 27. �-96'7. �p�c3.a1 Co�n.m.itt�es: Beaut9.f�.�atiori. - �auraeilman Mu:c�e�.3 agreed to ta�e ��e r�sponsibility af put�iz�g up th� 12 un�.t �'urple Ma�tin hou�e cc�mplete w�.th telescopi��:.po�.e w�i�.ch was presented to the City by the Her�.t�ge Garden C1.ub. � Gas -- C oune�.l�an �Q�e�°s re��rtea tha� �y�,t� C o �i�drick� Engi�eer�s no� has a11 the in�'az^zn.atzon and ma�erials f3eces�ary tn comple�e their report on the advi.sabi.�.�ty of Frieildswood owning their o�an. �as �.�.stribut�on sys�es�� Standin�; �ommittees a��d 1�e��.rtmez�ta�.� Fin�nces �o�ncilman T�avidson. asked. �i�y Lega1. Adviso� for hi� f�.nd�.�Z�� on th� sub�ect of the pos�zbi.3.ity of a canflict of ir_�erest �.n the Ci�y� � use c�f the Frien.c3.swood Ban.k a� tne of`f'�.cia1 e�.ty aepository. Mr. Jerden read the Attarr�ey� G�neral� s opinian on thi� �ub�ect where it relatec3. te� �au�ty, sir�ce there u��.s �.o pr�;cedent set 2'ar c it�es, as we11 as a case of precedent and the i o�mer C ity Attorney of A.us�in, article on �hs.s su.bject. The gene�a�. ec�nsensus f'ram th��e ref erer�ces indieates �hat a eanflict of i�.t�rest would . ex�.st. Mr. Jerden has be�:n asked to p�.t his oral report a� this sub�eet in writi��� for �he Counci�.. Co�?ncilm.an Somers m�de �, mv�zor� second�;d by Counc�.�.m.an Hateher that Cauncilm,an Davidsor3. be a�ztkzorized ta �rc�c�ed with the pro ject Qf havir� WilZzam C . Wa�sh Engi���rin� x�re��.re in boaklet form �r�,phs of' the �.ncome, d�.sbursements �,�.d graw�h p��c�e:��3 af' F`rie�dstiti;oo� � znzhl ch ( ; ��ov1d a.lso con��in sp�.ce �'c�r extr�.polati.on of -tY�is �ater3�,1 fc�r a�othEr � f'our to five year per�.od; that the czty annual au�its would be u�ilzzed. to abtain this izzformation; that Cauncilm�.n Da�r�dson uTould `--- 2ct as consultant on th�s pro jec�, th�.t the cc�st of' t�is pro�ect is - not to e�ceec�. �;2d0. 00. I�ction carried by uMar�imaus vate. -3- reg: 3-2a-67: � � , . Fire: Councilman N�tcher �ubmitted a Ietter ta G ouncil from the Fire Department stati�l� tha� t�o faulty f ire hydran�s in F'riend�wood �'orest S/D are now operatzn� properly. (a�taehment �`2) . �� xealth and Safety: �au.��ci�.man Hatcher re�Qrts �h�t thase } resid�nts �hat �,re no� at pre�ent canneet�d �o publie sewer system, � u=�.ere r•eauired, a.�e r�ow in. the �racess of �.oing sa. Streets: Councilman �omer� repar�s tY�at the Dust Abatement program wi11 be used �.�ain this ye�.r; that facil2ties f'�r its imp2ementation are bein� o�ataineez at pr�sen�. The schoal is about �:o �et bids for � �.rain�.ge pra�r� �.raund the school pr�pe�ty. C ounc�Iman Soner� has recuestec� t�at they �o !, atr�r tk�e�e p1�ns �r�.tYi hi�.. ' �ounciZm�.n Somers .�eque�tec� t��at the statvs of r:�ght-o�'-vaay for Cas�l�woaci Aven�:e on the �:ast siae c�f F:�7 ,��8 be �.�tE�ninedQ The Texas Hi�hw�y Depazt�nent has informed us that there wi13 be si�ns i�.d�.cating turnoffs to Fri�nc?swaod. on �rie �ulf Fr�eway at tY�e FM 23�1 o�erpass, �nd FM ,51�f tt�rnoff, and a.?�Q tura sigrzs an F'1�2 �.g�I betv�reen EI1�n.gton �'ield and Frien.d.swood. Util�.ties. �ouncilman 1�Iurr�13 �eports that sca.les have been instalZed under the chlo� ine bottles at bath �el�.se � �ounei�.man �Turrell re��. a ��tter dat�d PZzr�h lE, 1Q6'� ta the � A�ayar from Guy W�.lkinsan, �..5. �hief Sanitarian, Ga�.veston Coun�y ; . Hea.ztl� Depte = �e: Eacte��alogica.l xecord a.nd ck?'!crin� residuals of ` Friend.svJOC�d. �at�achm�:nt �`3} • Mayor disbanded th.e Stu.dy Committee on Chlarine Aesiduals in thE �ity Water �ysteme ,� Gouncilman. Somers made a motion s�cc�nded �y Councilman Ghild.ers �hat resid�nts who donate l�.nd for r�ght-af-way for sevaer eas�ments are entitled �o one s�wex° tap o� h.is prapeyty, tl�is tap must be accept�d wi�hi�.� on.e year af a�;reemc�nt. Ma�ion carri.ed �y u�.�.nimous vote. Janitor��.l Serv�ce: Ca�nc.i2man Ghil.ders �equested that a scheduled mai��er�an�e pro�r�,m fa� C ity F��.3.1 be establis�ed usin� one of the City' � 1�,borers �n. Fridays, �,s previ.c�usl�y cci.sc�ss�d by �au�.ci�.. P. A. Kenne��T �.greed to see to tl�is. Ordinances and Resoluti�nss Secon.d Feadiri� - �N OR�INAIV�GE AiJ^HO�T�T��G 'I`F�.E ISSUAN�E OF �200,a00 �ITY OF FPIET��SWOGD, T�XAS� �E�?Er� IMPI�.OVElYiEIvT BOI�DS, SEFsIES 19�7; PHES�13.TbING THE TEA�iS AND CaN1�TTTONS TH�F��F; L�VYI?`;�G ^1AXES TG �'AY TfiE � TN2'EkiEST TH�I?EON AND P�.TIV�IPAL 'S�?EA�GF, A�T��iDT1i�G TI�� SALE �`HEF�EOF; C �ONTAInII�TG GTF=ER PFOVISIOIVS R�:L�.TiT�iG TO ThE SU�JE�y; AT�D P�C�VTI?ING ; THAT THTS OPDINANvE SN.ALL T1�.KE EFFE�T F��-.OI� ANI3 AF�'E�?. �TS FINAL �'ASSAGE, �___. passed and. appraved on seco��� rea�iing by motion of �ouncilmar_ Childers, seconded Uy Cati�nei+man D�.�rzdson. Motian carr�ed by unani�aus z�ote. _t�._ re�; 3-�0-6�: 5. . � Councilman Davi�.son mac�e a motion seconded by CQ�ncilman M�zrrell tha� AN OFIJIT�xAN�E ADOPTII�tG AUL�S OF �'80GEDUAE FOF THE CITY Ct�ITN�I� MEETT1l1GS (7�' 1hE CTTY 0�' FRZEI���7SWOQ1?g TEXA�, �UASUAII?T TO AUTHG�3.T'I'Y - �OI�TAIIVTED IN AI�TI�LE 1408 OF THE �2.EVT5.�D CI�IT, BTATUI^ES 0�` THE STATE ��' TEXAS, �EP�AL•TI�G OADINANCES IN GONFLSCT Al�i� �F?O�TIDII�G A SEVEF3ABTLZTY GLAUS�, b� �a:v��. u�i �h� Gity Lega� Advisor f'or pr�para�i.on for � enactm�nt as an. ordinance. Mc��ion earri�d b�r una�imous �,rote. Wa�rant A,Pproval: �auncllman Hatcher mac�e a motion secanded b3T Councilman Davi�.son that Wa��ants �` I��'� t�r�ugh � 1.1�3� and �'a.rran�� #29�4 �l^.�nugh ��g�9 s�and a_pAroved. �iotion carried by unanimo�� vot�. Ad,�j,,,ourr�m e�t: P�eetin� adjourned 12:�� AI�A by motior� of Coun�iiman Dav�.dsor�, seconded by �ounc�.lman Hatche�. Mc���.on e�.rried by un�.ni��us vc��e. � �e�peetf'v. submi�tted, Ar�ha �Tright - C ity S etary Approved: .���2� ����i�-•-� 8�.lph L. Lo�nfe - Mayor _�_ j