HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-03-06 Regular : . �K'i�Gt —�G�� Q�� � —o�CS—�� . �n, R MINUTES 0�` TH� I3E�UI�A.R COUNCTL MEE2ING MAAGH 6 19�'� � �' A regular meet3.ng of the Fri�nd��ood �i�y Council. was held March 6, ��, � 39�7 y 7: 30 �'M at tY�.e �i ty Iial1.. ,___. P�esent were Mayor Fx�.1ph L. Lawe; Coun.cil.men Maxvin I,. Ch3.�ders, Wi,1,Zaam E. Da�ridsc��, Harry M. Ha�ehes, Wiley W. Murrell, Aalph W. Somers; �ity Secreta�y Ar'�ha Wr�.ght; City Le�al Advisor Ody Kent Jerden. Also present v�;ere Judy Aoach, Jay �. Aoaeh, Marie Moo�e, I�ark �'. St. Cyr, Loui� Wo�tha,m, �;�.11. Patton, Ed St�zart, Jo3�rce fia�ton, �Toseph �'. Jones, E. C . Frank�.e, Lo��.s J. Mic�ler, A. A. Kenned.y, E1t�a Matheny, Be�ty Cogdel.l, E. V. St�vensar�, P?rs. E. V. �tevenson, Jean B. I�u�t, Be�t�r Shore, Jim �hore, Betsy �1urr�i�., Don t�ueY�anan, Hober� Mo�a, William H. Wil.liams, �i� Tharn, Tam Woad�, Gearge Gog�ell, Cha�3�.e Kil�orez Ceci1. B�o�nm, Jr� , �iober� M. 5enter, Mrs. �a.��.d MeCra�T, ��v�.� L. McCraw, Uel S. �lar�ton, Henry �. H4ward, DtEva. Luthrenger, � Lee Hurt, Cecil B. Brown, H. H. Vaughan, Jok�n �. Plat�er, Johnnie Arolfo, George Wi11ia,�s, P�. H. �T�.n Nan�r�, Fred Eertr�.m, J. A. Fos�er, Joe McC�.be, Ray He�lbrook, Bob Phi11.�.ps, Leah Narth, .Joyce Senter, D. G. Aomeike� L�e H�,rt. (5�) Correction and. A roval af Minutes: Febx°uary 20, lg 7z Aegulars stood. appro�red as read. � ¢ C omm.u�.icat�ons �'rom the Mayor: � These are the cand�.date� who have f�Ied for the City Election `- to be held April �, 196'�, to f�.11 three counc�l seats: �,alph W. Som�rs - Tncumbent � t1el S. Clan�on, Jr. D. G. Fiomeike Edward F. Stua�t Thamas F. Woods Pau1 M�.11.�.ga.�, surveyor, repor�� ��?at the wark i� ���gres�ing on eheeking otzt th� anne�atiQn ordinarsees and dra�ing up of a eomprehensive descr3.ption and map to def�.ne the City ar�. ats b�.ffer ��rip a� i� now is. �'here are a f ew de�c�cepaMe�.es that mus� be resolved. Bid 0 e�.in - S�.le of Bor�ds �er3.es 1 6 2f}0 Q00 �ewer Im rovement. Tabula�ion af �he b�.ds: Weeden anc� Co. , Inc. In�erest: �g71 thru �.�3'�`�3 . . . . . . . . . . C��.75� �98� ft 1R8� . . . . . . . . . . c��..�o� !r=-' � Gross Interest Cast . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�123�325.oQ � Less cash prem�.um . . . . . . . . . . . . . b3.22 Net Intere�t �ost . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . 129,261.78 _ Eff�cti�re Interest Aate . . . . , . . . . . �:.�51�7°0 _�t_ . �, 3-6-b7: reg: � . . ; Fiotan Mosh-�a21�$ Union �nterest: 1973. thru 1976. . . . . . . . . . . . C��.00 � � � 197'7 thru 1g82. . . . . . . . . . . . � .30 ,� lc�g3 �, �9gg. . . . . . . . . . . . C��.50 � � . Gras� Tr�terest �ost . . . . . . . . . . . . . �127,�1Q.04� Les� Cash Premiuxr� . . . . . . . . . . . . �.8.�0 Net In�e�est G ost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1�7,�92.�0 Eff ec�ive Tntere�t 8�.te . . . . . . . . . �.48,�6�� Ha�.sche� Pie�ce & �o. , Tnc, . In�e��sts 3�/� �+�+�� �7�✓�• • e • .� • • • • • • `�3""T��� � 1y�2 F' 1.}�5� . . . . . . . . . . C��F.,�� /°� Gros� Tnterest C ost . . . . . . . . . . . .�13a�Z��.t3� Les� cash premium . . . . . . . . . . . None � I�et In�erest Co�t . . . . . . . . . . . .�13�:�-75.aa Effective Tnte�est Aate . . . . . . . . �.,5836� I l�owles, Winston 8c Go. , ' Znte�est: 14'?1 thru l9'�� . . . . . . . . . . (�5.QQ � . � ' z975 " 19go . . . . . . . . . . ��.10 q� � 1981 " �.g88 . . . . . . . . . . Q�.20 �' Gross Interest Co�t . . . . . . . . . . . . �1�.9.,�34.�� Less eash prem�um . . . . . . . . . . . No�ae i�Tet Interest Co�t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �11�.,�30.00 Eff�ctive Tnte�est �i�te . . . . . . . . �.248$0�,� McClung & Kr�ickerbocker, Inte�est: lg'�1, thrt� 1�'�8 . . . . . . . . . . C�S.(34 � 1979 " �981 . . . . . . . . . . c��.3� � � 1982 �' 1988 . . . . . . . . . . C��.�O � Gross Inte�est Co�t . . . . . . . . . . . . �127,4�f4.Q4 Less cash premium . . . . , . . . . . . No�e Ne� Tn.terest Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �127,��C�.�O Eff ective TMterest �.ate . . . . . . . . 4.�873 � �'etitions and Commun3.eati.on�: Purple Martin Week: A letter w�as r•ead from the Heritage Garder�ers to Mayor Lawe dated: �-27-6'�; Ae: March �-11 as Purgle i- { Martin W�ek; and presentatian to the Ci�y of a twelve un�.t Martin House complete w�.th tele�cop�.c pole, (at�achment �1) ( �� �o�nc�.l.man �a�a.dsan made a motion seconded by Cotxncilm�.n t�at kte c2eclare the Week o�' M�.rch 5-11 a� Purple Mart�.ra �ieek; that the C3.�y aceep� the twelve un�� ma.rtin house eomplete w�.th telescope pale. Motion carried by unanimous vo�e, _�_ —__v n �"-�3-��'7 t �'�C?• ' 3 r � `1 . . Coun,ty J�.dge Fia� h'olbrocak: Judge Holbrook gave an egp�.anat�.on af the purpose� of the proposed 30� ta� �'or ro�,ds and flood eor_tral; other ways of r�,isi�g �he neeessary mone� in comparison to this ta�; � { other bu�ge��,ry �eed� of th� co�znty. Th.ere were question�, a.nswers 1 and general d�.�eussion of this ro��.th Judge Hvlbrook; M�,yor A�a�fo }__ �,nd Councilm.en Pla�zer, Var�Man.en, Vaughan, �.nd. Wi�.liams of League City, Aet�.n� Mayor MeCabe and Couneil.men Bertram,. Hart and Fa�te� of Kemah; our Mayor �.nd C o�.nc�.l, an.d many of the gues�s pres�nt. �ire Truck Donat�s in WCTD�2I: Hudson J. Cara, Sr. , County , Auditor, ha� stated tY�at �istric� 23 may not include the �I.OQ fire trucY� donat�lox� 3.n the total on their wate� b�.11s; that it may b� on the bill if not �nc�.uded in the total due. Since mo�t people pay what tMey see as the tot�.l, the donations f'�om tha� a�ea f e11 off can.sicl�rabiy. (from �158.�0 to �35.Oa} The direeto�s of the d�.striet plan to indicate the change of listing an th�ir new b�.13� �l�at �.r� to be printed. purch�.se c�' the B�.e�:?:�e nW�: be�. � ?e�.��� �t� �he �`�� Councilma�. CM.i3.der� m�.de a ma�ion ��ca�.ded b� Cau�.�ilman Murrell th�t �he City purehase sa3.r� back�iae maeh�.ne f'or �56ao.00; �a be paid �.n eleven monthly installments of ��50.Of3 and the balance o�' ��286.�0 to be pa3.d on the twelf�h mQn�h. Mo�ion earried by �.na��.mous vote. �r�.s�-Cro�s & City Directo�y: Chief 'Wrigh�, �'a� Assessor-Collector Cl�.ne and City Secr�tary Wright r��ommend�d the pur�hase of a C ris�- Cross & Ci�y D3.r�atQry fior the usE of their r�spective departments. �- , Cr�u�.c3.lman I3avidson made a mot3.on secanded by GaunEi�.m.an Mur�e11 that � ' the City �urchase said d�.x�ectory for �29.�0. Ma�ion c�.rr�.ed by f_ unan3.m.ous vcs�e. Sp�cial. Co�mittees. Jerr Aoach ard Coun�3.l,mar_ Murrell - CQm�it�ee ta in�es�i ate �hlorine cantent �.n. city water system. Mr. Aoach stated tha� some Qf hi� �est� af t�,E wate� indicated. a Zaek of ehlorine con�ent; �hat the present c3.ty equ3.pment far chlc�rination c�f �he water was su.itable i�' praperly mainta.ined; that an operative gau�;e be instal].ed ar� the unit a� Well �`l. Sta�.din�, Commi��e�s �,nd De�partmenta�.s Streets - Couneil.m.an �omers: The need c�f a dump truck wa� d�.�cuss�d. After 1o4kin� at tl�re�: used 2 ton d�am.p �ruck�, Coun��l f eels that the pur�ha�e ofi' n.ev� t�ek wo�.1d be be�t. TYzerefore, Co�.ncilman ��,vidson ma�.e a motion seconded by Coun�ilman Murrell that we aut�.or�.ze Co�znc�3.man Somers to prepare b�d speeifica�ions for a 196`� two-ton d�rip t�.ek, that b�.d� be i�sued immeda�.�ely upo� compl.e'�ion of �aid spee3.fications; that these specifzeation� include financ�.n� said truek by paying �2,(�00.00 tQ �he accepted bidder immedi�,te�.y, and the balan�e due �o be pa�.d. by Januar� 1�, �.Qb$. Mo�ion car�°ied by the �allawing� 4ote: Far: (�) Coune�.lmen Davidson, � - �� Hateher, Mur�°ell, and Somers. A�ainst: (1) CQUneilman Childers. � � F3.re��tmer�� - Le�ter af F3.nan��.a3 S�at�zs of the Fire Tr�ek: j Gouneilman Dav3.dsan made a motion �econded by Council�an M�z�rell that th� joi��t le�ter ta the Frie�dswood area residen�s coneerning the � financial st�.�us of th.e John �ean �'ir� Truck be prepared for ma�.ling by the Fire Depar�ment an€3. that th� City prov�.�.e the fun�.s needed far the po���.�e (abou� �3�.f}Q - ��O.Qa) . �ot�.c�n carried by ��e _�_ . fi �-6-67: reg: � � �. following vot�: Fo�• (3) Counci�.men Davidson, Iiatehe�, N�u�rell; ' A�ain�tz (2) Councilmen Somer�, A��.CF/i/,l���es ��-s U�3.lities De artment: �ounci7.man Murrell. Councilman Childers made a motion seeonded y Counc�.Iman Somers t�.a� the proposed arc3.inance __ to establ3.sh a policy �'or water and sewer �e�vice be sent to the �ity Legal Advisor, Ody Kent Jerden, fo� prepara��.on �'�r enact�ent as an ordinance. Mot3.on car�ied b;� unan�.mQU� vote. NeTnr Busines�. C�,y Service Policy: There was diseussio� of photasta'� and m�.meograph copy�.n� services rendcr�d by the city offiee. C Quncilman =-° Dav�dson made a m4t�,an seconded by Counci�.man Childers that the follow�.ng policy for copyin� service be establishedc Photo�tat Cop�: T�.e f'�,rst eopy be at the �a��: of' �.6d per pa�e; that each add�.tional. eop�� bs a� the rate c�f �.�� per page. Ma.meo�raph eopy: Stenc3ls - �.10 each; Ty'ped steneils - �1.�f? each; Paper �4� per �heet; Time - 6 minute s�:gment or port�.fln thereof - �.1� �acY�. P�imeo�raph s�;�vice w�.1I be done at the convenience af the office a��istant« Aeque�ts for all copy serv�.ce should be �ubmitted in w�3.ting. Su�h requs�ts wi11 be handled as qu�.ekly as pos��.ble by th� office a�sist�.n�, dependii�g on time avaslable. Governmental, agencies ar�d. Mayor� and/or Council appointed committees are excl�ded from thi� eost. Mo�ion carried by una�.�.maus vo�e. ��� � drdina�a.ces and 13eso1ution�: f �'he thircl �eadir�g o�' AN Og3.DZ1�ANCE t AESC�IBING THE �.IGHZ' 0�' �Q�ALIFTED VOTEFiS OF THE CITY �F FfiIEN'DSWOnU, TEXAS, TO EXEfiCISE THE POWEA OF II�ITT.E�TI�E .AN� �ZEFEF3EN�UM TN CEHTAIN MAT�EF3.S; SETTING FOFiTH THE P80�EDUAE �'0�£ CALLT�T� OT' EL�+CTI�ATw ��1� T�1TT'I'IATIVE AND �iE�`E�?�+�11�DUl�i MATTERS WHEIiE NECESSAFiY; PROVI�Z�TG A SEVEkABIL1TY CLAUSE, Pas�ed and fina.11� approved by motion. o�' �ounc�.lm.a� Davidsan, secon.ded by Coune�.lma�. Murr�1Z. Mot3.or� carried by una�.�.mous vote. �3 The th�.1^d readi�g .of AN ��iDTNANCE SETTING FC3F3.'FH PEASONNEL POLICY i�0�. TI3E CTTY aF FA�EN3JSWa�D. Pa�sed �.nd finally approved b�r motion of Cauncil.man �ia�eher,_:, �eco�.ded by �ounci�.ma�2 Somers. Motion. car�ied by unanimous vote. �"�t The third r�adin.g of AI� OI3DIN'ANCE AUTHOFiIZT�'G THE A�3�EST WTTHOU� WAI�ANT AND IN'T�AT3.OGATION OF SUSPTCT�US 1�EFiSONS. Pas�ed a�.d f�.nally approved by moti.on of �ouncilman �hi�.d�rs, conded Cotzncil.man Samers. Motion. carr3.ed by uriar�imous vote. s� � R � . Y � Th� g3.rst read3.ng of AN OADTNAN�E AUTHQAIZI�G THE IS�UANC� OF �-- �2Q�,(7�0 CITY OF FRIEN�SW�OD, TEXAS, S��IEk� TM�AOVENtENT BOItiTDS, �EFIIES 196'�; PBESCATBING TH� TEI�ZS AI�7D ��ND1TI ONS TxE�EOF; LEVYII�TG �`AXES T� PAY THE T�l'TEAEST THEHEON AND PAII�TCIPAZ THEREOF; AW.ARDTNG T�TE SAL� TH��3r�OF; �ONTATNING OT�I�A PAOVISS ON�S 1�EIaATING TO THE SUBJEC T: AND PAOVTDSNG THAT THIS OFDTI3ANCE S�3ALL �"AKE �FF��T FF�OI� AND AFTER ITS FITt�AL PASSAGE. _�.. . �-6-67: reg: 5 ' C' N •.�, � Pas�ed by mot3.on of Co�.neilma� �h�lders, s�cnnd�d by Counci7.man Somers; mot�.on earr3.ed by unanimaus vote. A resolu�ion: BE TT I3ESOLVED by the City Cou�cil of' the �ity of Friendswood that the "EMEFiGEN�Y OPEfiATIONS PLAN" be and same i� hereby adopted as the ��vil. Defense �urvival �lan for �he said City ofi Friendswood. �'a�sed this the 6th day of' March, 1�67 by motion of Counc3.lman � Hatcher, �econded by �ounc�l.ma� Somers. Mation earried by una.nimous VO�E.• Warrant A�roval.: War�ants � 1399 through #1419; and warrants #�899 through #2g29 (excepting �1�1�: Mt�.y� Shel1 to be held pencling 3.nvestigation of payment ofi�tate tax and �ubsequent rebate} appro�ecl by mot3.on of C ouncilman Somers, s�cor�ded by Councilman Ua��dson. Motion carried by �.nan�.mau� vc*e. Council.man Somer� made a mo�ion seconded by Councilm�n Childers that a warrant and vouch�r be made out and sent to Bado Ec}uipment �o. for th� Link-Belt ditching machine, �7640.C30 fi'rom the General Fund and �76Q0.00 from the U tilities Department Fur�d. Motion carried by unanimous vote. A d,�o�zrnment: Councilman Somers made a motion of ad�ournment, seconded by � C ounci.l.man Murrell. Motion carried by unanimous vote. 1: 3� AM. �__ Aespe �zll� submit�ed9 c�l�.� Artha Wrigh� - Git 5ecretary Approvedz z -� / �,�.��,,.,p Aalp L. Lowe - May�v ar ` i � . � . �_ _. -�-