HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-02-20 Regular � GYr`}�'r"�� �, n�.�-� �-� - 67
I�:IT�UT�;S flF F�EGULl�.'� COUT�:CIL N�E�TIIaG, FEBF�UAAY 20 , 1g67
� � A re�ular meetin� of the Frzen�.sv�Tood C i ty C ou�c il was held Febr-aary 20 ,
1967; 7. 30 t.P.. a.t ;'ity �all.
Present t�,Tere I�zyor �a.l�h L. Lovre ; Council�en I���.rtTin L. Childers,
Y�fi.Ilia� �'. Davidsor_} Y_^u- �'Z'�r I�;. ?�atcher, Wiley �r7. I4:�arrell, F�a1pY� 4�'.
So�ers; �it�T Secret�ry krtha ��rrigrt; Lega.l �dtrisar Cdy Yer_t Jer�en.
Also presen� vrere: Lou 'v�artham, I�a21e P��o�re, Eld� Faye I�atheny,
�.'O�'�e �:ortor� Y4:;.rZ'O.2'? 4�'or�en, J IITI La�v�enc e� u' E',Y'Z'3r .t.'�a.C�'?� Yi81.'��'i SIIlZ'tr'_�
Jim P�`_�.�er, �lenry �:ovrw�3, P�obert l��icra, �-ill �r�alsh, Irvirig Pe�.body,
FI1.Gh�.?^d A. ��':ennedy= r��en n. Toor. (1,�)
Correc�io?� and kp�roval of IViinutes:
Fe�rua.ry 6, 19�'�: re�ul�r: St�ot�d w��✓��..JT�rPd a.ftPr �oryection.
Fe�ruar �, 19�'�: spec ial: S�Gc od a�prozre� af ter c orrec�Zon.
Co�unieation fro?� the �i��Tar:
j�'e noi�r ha�e � 3irec� telerhor_e line �a the county cour�house.
,. 'I!�e no p�r?�in� �i�ris are r_at,. �p ar� Tr,illot�.;ick Aver_ue. �`here
' shoul� be �!o ��.r?{in� betueen s��ns in fro?�t e�' the Fire Station �.nd
, �� no rarr;i�.� on ��e northu=est side of the ��reei, These par1,-i n�
revvla�?orls i�.-�.11 be enf orc e� .
T.arch 6, 1967 is the fin21 �ay for candidates to file fo�^ c�t��
c.ounc�l. The -drzU,?n� for �osit?or_ on tre ba110� Urill be held at
S: �G � .��. . s i��:�.rch 5 , 1.g6?, ?n `he aifice of ��^e City Secretary.
retit?ons �.nct Co�muric�t�.ar�s:
P�:��%o� �ot�:e rEa�. � �e�ter fro�� ��illi8.m r . Y�is'?iams , Clear Woods,
to ���a�tor �r�d C�t�r Counczl, date�. 2-9- '�; Fe: request for v,rater
service. (�.�tac�:�nen� ;�1)
After �.iscussio�?, Ccuncil decided to �e�Tcte the next uTorksh�p.
l�r:arch 27, 1967; 7: �0-�: 30 ta co�p�Etion oi tk�e Urork on an ardin�nce
est��lzshin� tiolicy �or sale of �tiTate:^ an�. set�.-er service outs�de the
czt�T baunda��.es. T?�e �oard of t°;4.�D „2? is i�?vi Led to �r�eet ��rith
C our_c i? �.t p: 30 tha t �ven�n�.
A letter ��ras read, d�.tea 2-1?-67, from �Terr� :�oach to T�:ayor �nd
Cot,_nci�; ��e: resi�ual ch?orir_e level i3z ci�� water su�ply.
(atta.c�~�er�t ;;'2} ^_f�e�^ kiscussion, F��ir. Eo�.ch and C-avrci�r��n IYU�reZ�
r-__ , 2.�reed to ��.-ork �.s a com.mi�tee to analvze tr;� ��tuation �n� �wh e
re�0�222C�2.LlOY'��. Z're�z r::a.� select ��.at:�er uer:ber ?� trey kish.
�,?B��T �;:S�22ESS:
`'i`�� ��'��tC?'?`uc1ti����OL2 !il'P.�, vQ:.'11C11 ��g r�a��ACt@r? v�`:�t 3.�^,..C,�
1Tt2'-,h�Z'Sr?� �:;zS �'� p�i�'i �cIOZ'Z I'�2.1"CL'? �� y�57 .'�^ C?^C?E.Y' ���2i. �?_���T ���T
. 2_20-67: re�: 2
qualify far matchin� fede�a� funds �hach are allocated. Counci��an
�avzdsor_ �ade a motio� seconded by Counci��an rZurrell that the �:�8.00
- : �ernbership dues to HoustanfGalve��on �rea G tiuncil be paid immediately.
��otion c�rried by unanimoU s vote.
E� ' Mayor Lov�Te reaueste�. �hat Cauncil g?ve considera,t�an to ��^eparation
of a brochure oi the pas� yearx s vaork by �ouncil; a.nd also cons�c�er
an open house� the etrening that the ne�c�r counc�.lmen a�e svT�rn ?nto
office. �auncilman Dav�dso�1 a�r�ed t� work ar� this braeY?ure a�t �'iayoi
Lowe� s reques�.
Urder and S�o�ice Qf �lectianc
1�layar Lat�,e read anc�. signed the Grde� and l:r�c�t�ce af' Electior�.
A city electian t�rill be hel� �.pr�l ��, lg6'�, to eleet three counci.l�nen.
This notice is post�d �.n City ��a13.
���cia�. Committees:
Gas: Council�a.n Scsmers reparts that he has recei�re�. the necessa�y
�rawi�.�s. af the p_resent gas d�.stribution system and wi�.l fe�x�v�r�.r� it
on �o Wyatt � . �edrick, �ngineersffor �heir repo�t.
Givi�. Defense: �ou�lcilman �-�atcher reports that i�7r. Joe J��.es
aszd couz�cil h�ve fzrlalized tlze �ivil �7efense r�me�genc� Operatiot�a.�.
Plan; tha� ri�r, Jones �r,ill prov�.de copy of' the fi�alized �ocument
�rery soone
� i �uaker= s Lazzda.ng Sub�.ivisian:
I�ving Peabody, Engineer for �Yor�aood �Tomes, 1.?�foY'�s us tk:�t �e
has been �,u�harized to proceed �mrnediat�ly �T3.th develapment of �his
There �ras len�tl�y discu.ss�.or�. concernin� �he se�Ter trunk 1i.�?e
to be ins�a�led in this �.re�.. Councilmxan Davidsan �ade a mo�ic�n,
s�conr�ed by Councilmar_ So�ers, tha� t�7illi�.m. � � Wa�uh, Cc�z�sult�r��
Engineers, prepare p7,.ar_� and s��ecifica��.ans, bed pra�osal; and
submit t� �he �u�alic La�T 6&�? Gran�t Sect�o� for the 27'' t�unk se�ter
lin� across �uake:�' s Lan�.�ng, az�a �,he n�cessary I2f�t s�a�c�.on ana
�'orce f eed/�ra�ri'ty '?ine to tlze c?ty=s 1�91 l�.ne on .��T�'I-�18� A�iot�.on
carried by unani�aus vc��e a
n-0--�� Sew�r F.;�.ser�ez��:
�ounc�lman Ghi�..�ers made a motian secoraed by Counci.l��n �omers
that the necessa.�� deed.s b� prepored ta con�ey back �Q �a�^. keit�� �e
Smith e� u�� tt�ro s�rips of Iand. �.escr�.be�. in. h�s reeQr�ed �ee�.s af
3-9-6�m anc� 1-1.8-b� origir�al�.y ca�lve�ed io I��ID,��,�s in orae� tc
clear his �it��. �rotiQn carried by u�ani�nc�us vo�ee
Cavncilman T�`iurrell i�a�.e a �otian s�cond�d by �ouncilmar �1��lders
�f"�'; tk�lat u?e a.u�?�orize pa�men� �Q �egal �,d�r�.sor Od�r �e�� Jerden of
' i ��10.0(� each for prep�,ration .of the �asement deer�s :�o� necas�ar�
utilit�T ease�ne��?ts for �'ebrt�a�r� 2�, �967 bc�nd iss�ze reau�rpments.
-- ��=�c�tion carrze�. b�yr u�n.zmous vote.
� 2-20-67: reg: 3
Stan�.i�Committees and repzrtmer_t21:
F'inance: �ounci�ar_ I}�vidsor reaa '��is report to council F�e:
j Zr_terest ?^ates .�or Ti�e Deposits for Cit;� Funds (at�ach.nent �3} ;
ar_d a letter '�'Y'OI� C . A. Deese , Presi�.ent, Frien�s�.-�o� E�.nk, dated
, 2-20-6'?, re: r^rie?Zdsv�road Banu/de�osi.tor� fo� City of F_ie�?dsv�.*ood.
The�e z���.s �iscussior or possible �o�.<fl�c� of IntE�est, of
�cssib�e �ee� af ���ds. Legal h.dti�iscr zf-?I� r�et a � eoal opinion on
Conf�.ic�, of Inte?�es� auestio��. -
C�ty Secretary is y�structe� �o ir�L:e�i�tel�r pu� �`21,00� .00
12'1 �EY'ci'.7..�'1C�.�G Of �E;�OS1i. t'OY' ?'11?1E'��r C�2.�t8 �.Y'1 �}12 LP2�'UE L.l�V �t�.�e
r ire: C ounc i l��n ��a�c her� ?��parts �1��t the F ire Depar��er_t ?�as
c�nduct�d static �ressure tests in Fr�enc.sUTood Farest area. A
report ti�-i?1 re su�i ttea soon.
�e�:�.th an�. Saf e ty: C ounc i lm�n ��a tc?^:er rec o�men�s �ha t thought
��� �,is�er- ta r�nui�in� t?:at �as mete,s b� p?G.Cp� at seme d�st�,nce
fro� �ui1�?�gs. Tl�ere is hi��h pr�ssL.re up c� �Y!e re�uc�.n.� v2.l�i� at
t�?e �eter. `�`his U;i11 be turnE� o�.re� �o r��.rr_ing Cem.�iss?or_ fo�~
st�e� .
�'olice De��r�Ment: Council��az�? �hild.ers �'C'2�OZ'�S th�.t �he
Sc?^oo� Fatrol, �, joint effort of tne P .T.�, Scr�oal , and �olice
Dep�.r�mer_4, is bein� finGlized n�u . Tl^e �:u�::i.liaz'�,T volic� Dept. �ill
assist i_� ��a�r_ing,
� S�reets: Council�ar_ So�ers �ep�rts th�t tl"�e s?�elling of st�eets
�_ ��.d ��tchii�T :�s progressi_z� and follav�Tir�� �ha preseribe� Fro�z'2._m.
Gr�.ir�ances �n� �'esolutiar?s:
Seccnd Fea.dzn�: AT•�1 O��T?�AT��GE r�ESCFIbI=���r T:r'� P�IC�m OF QUALIFIED
VOT���S G��' ;�� C I Tv �F F�.I�'I�TDS�r;OOD, TEXAS, TG �X�'PC I SE �?�� F OS�JEF? OF
I�•kI'�'IA�Iv� pT��D rEF�`�i�'NDUri IPd C�,i?1'1-�IT� T�:�TTLh.S; SETT�T�TG rO�R�� T�:E
�-��C�;DU�:E rC��� c;'!'�LLII•:G C�F EL�CTIGi�S I�1 IT�<I1I�iTIGE �_i�?� ���F��tEI�DUP`i
I�:.A"'TEpLS 6:h��'�� ?'�;�.�C�,'SSA�iY ; rhOVIDIi`�:G F S���F�.�IL2TY �LAUSE.
rasse�? by m�tion by Caunci��r�.n D�vids�n, secon�ed �y Caunci.lman
So��rs« C�.rried by unanimr�us vo�e.
Secor�d Feadirg: dzT� ��DII�AT�3C� SETTIl�G FC-�TH FEFSGT�i��EL FC�LICY
F08 T�E C?"'1"� OF rA.i�'1'�DSU�rOUD.
rassed �y :nctien made by Co�nci��nan �a�cher, seconded by
Courc?l�lan I�:t�rrell. Carried by ta.nar?��ous vote.
Second r�eadir��: ATv Os�DII�TAtvC� AU^1�Or'�.I2Ii�:G T��; �iR�:.�ST �dITYaUT
Y;����I•�T 3P:D Ii•;mE��.GGATIU��' CF SLTSPI�IOUS F'�tLSCi<S.
D�SSEC� �,z,T 2:�Ot1C�Y? ��.�2 ��� �OLl�'1Gil?]2c`�.1? 70Lnargt ceco��^'..�?L3. r�
�OLT.�':C l i�'_2.T1 �2�ZtZC SQi1. r'?.�'Y'1 @�. �"`..�T liI'1?T1iI?1G�US VC}tE.'.
� 2-20-57: reg: �
Warr�nt A��nroval:
P�oti on made by C ounc i�.�.n Dav�.�s on, s ec onde�. ° by C ounc i lman
� SO�le?"5� that ti��arrants �136j through ,�13�'�, and ,�2878 through �289�
� �e �pproved. P'iation carrie� by unar_i�ous vote.
Gounci?man Fiatcher asked Cauncil to thirl� about handling of
�elin�uert tax accounts.
kci_j our?zm ent:
Protion m�,de by Cou.ncilnan Som.ers, secar?ded by Davidsoxz,
that �eetin� be ad journed. Carrie4 �y �r�.�?it�otis vete. I�:eeti��
a.djour�Zed a.t 11: 2� P.I�: .
Respectful��r subm�.tted,
/ �
Arth� �•dri�ht - Ci�y Sec tar�T
� _ � . r
? ���pr z . LouTe - ri�ayor