HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-02-06 Regular �c?a�e�� �. a���- � -a°-6: . 4 MINU�'E� OF T�'�E R�GUL.�3 �I�'Y �OUN�IL l�EETI�7G, FEBAUk�'sY b, �.g6'� A regul�.r meeting of �he Frier_dsUroad C�ty Cauncil w�.s held February 6 9 �-g��f �: �{� P e�• 2.'� '��'1G �+l'��T �7�d.��.• � Present were I�7ayar Ha�.ph L. Lov,Te¢ Cauncilmen �arvin. L. CY�ilders, William E. Davi.dson, �:a.rr� l�i. Nate�e�^, ktalesT ��1. r�urrellf �alph ���. So�.ers, City 5eeretary Artha Wright; �ity Legal A�visor Ody Ken� J e rderl.. A.�sa present �Tere Mr, and Nirs. St. Cyr, �,eah �iTar�h, �arry H. Jcanesf �.. �.. �£ennedy, Sam Tillata, Will.iam � . 'v�a?shq Louis P�U15 a Jr. , �iyran Wc�rden, A�ari e Mc��re. �or�ection anr� A�pxaval. ��' P�inu�es: I�ecemb�:r 2�j2Q, 1q56: S�ecwal s�c�€��. ap�ativ�d a�ter eorrac��.on. �ctY1_Lla.�'�' ��� �}�`7� �.�'g�.���:�` 8�nr��. ���?�G'��cr� 2.� �°�,CZ P i I �ommunicatians from tl�e l�ayor: The dua�. d.edicatian �eremona.es �or �he Bank �.nd �h.e P��t Office in F�°iendswa�d on J�.nuary 28, 1967, wen� aff beauti�'�.�.ly. C�n January 2�, 1967� there was a meetin� here �n t�e �ity N�.�.l vaith Harris Caunty J'ud�e, Ga�.ves�an Gounty Jud.��, mem'bers af the � i C�.ear �reeK Bas�.n �.utharity a C arps c�f Engineer�, our C ity C c�unc�.'�� �; our Engin�er, i�ir. Ridd�e cf the Texa.s St�.�� H�alzl� Dep�.r�ment. ?'he [ ! . tapic of thi� meetina was pol�ut�.ar� prob�.em� in tY�� C?e�,r �r'8ek F�sin a�ea. �'his meeting gr�at�y enhanced tY�e ima�e a#' ��rie�ds�Tood in th i s �.rea p F'r3.endswc�od i s the on�.y c i ty c�n t�ze �a�n�.a.nd tha v does not � have a d�.xect �.ine ta �l�e Caurthouse. �`his situatior? v��ll be carrected, in the near future. The el.ectior? for three cc�unc?l�en �=il� b� Nel� A�ri1 �the 19�'�. The proposed I��ASA I�ob�.le Ho�e �ark �T��.l probably r�.at be constructecl$ at �.east now. Th��e h�.s bee��. �. char_ge in �ers�r.nel. the eity �ax c�11E�tic��.� �ar �l^�e ct�rrent �ear is 93.1% cemp:�..ete. Communica�ions az�d Petitians: D�^ain--�a�e Di�trict �'resi.dent Ja�es Bm Shore§ r�ad t�so le�ters to the cc�uncil. �attacl�unent �I da.ted Januar�t 2 � I.96'�, re: additiona�. biZ 1 far �1.2.5a. �aunci�.m�.n Davidsan made a mot�on, seco�.de� by Cr�u};.cilman Niurr•ell, tk�at t�1e pay�ent of �I2.50 exp��.se incurred �.�. t�e T�ra��?a�e �is�;ri.et elECtion be appraved. Ma�icn carried by ur_animaus vote. '�_ �attaehment �2} dated Februar� 6r �.�67s �e: su�er�r��o�^ ban�.s �ar Ii the boa�ti membe�s o�' sa3d d�.strict. Caunci's�an Da�ic�.san. made a mot?on ' secancied. by Counci�.man I�;urrell that the czty pa� the bc��din� funds � needec'� for the supervisor bcnds fo?^ the baard r�e�bers �f s�.�� czi�trie�La Five C �18.00 = �90s€�Q� T��Io�zc�r� �a�ried �y uranim.o�as vate. ��� � reg: 2-6-67: 2 �he city engineer sta�ed his approval of the State �ighwa� �epartment pl�ns for canstruc��on of Fn1 2��1 (Choate Foa�} . �au�cil �gread �hat ---_ , the requir�� Ietter f�c�m the �iay'or• stating �he cityps accepta.nce flf �hese plans be writtEn. ; Bond Issue: Louis Pau�s, Jr. , �'iscal agent, reparts that bi�s far s�,le of the bonds �nr�11 be let in about a �reek. �i� apening and passage of the necessary ordinance vaill be �eld Narch 6, 1967� re�v�.ar mee�in�. The �.ssue �ril� be titled "Sewer Iz�prc�vemen� Bond - Series ��b�, t, Bado �o. has agreed �o e�ten� the due dat� f'or �a�m�nt af tre S.,i���- Belt ditchin� machine to A'iarcY? lj, 1�67, Caunc�l a�reed Ghat �the past polzc� of pena.lty an overdue taxes remain the sa.me, i.e. lOf penalt� plus 2 0� �� per month. �x�ec�al �ommittees: � Beautif�cati.on: �our�cilman IY�.r�el�. reparts tha_� t��s co�.�nittee has requested the two gard�n clubs .r�a.ke rec.o?nr�end�,t�o�!s for beauti- fication of the lift statio�.s and tY!e sewer plar�ts. j G�s. �ouncil.man Somers �°eparts that Wyatt C. :Nedrick9 Engine�rs, have requested amon.� ather items, de�a�'?�c3 r��.ps af the present gas syst�m and the 'value o.� t�e preseazt system. ��. Te�.^�ell has bee�. requested to supp�.y th�.s a.n�'armatic�n as saon as poss�.bleM �e�sonnel: Co�ncilm�a.�� �'`a.tcher repo�.~t� tha� t'_n� �o�.�t�ee t s r�ao �En��d Perso��anel Po�.3.�y is ready s c�r �"�rs� reading� S�anding �ommit�cees and Depa,rtrnental. S�r�e�s: Councilm�.n Some�°s eyp�.aineca. a ma�ificatian tc� his rc�a�. program. The shelZing of Shaciv��rbend w�.�.I s������ an be�ween G�.rden �1r2ve and S�.zZSet Drivee �.n owner who is buzld�.ng Y�is home �n t�^��.t b�ock needed thzs assi.st�,nee �o faca.litate ir�ress und egress for his prc�p�rty. U tilities: CouncilmaM �urrell reports tha� �he m.eter ins�al�,ed be��a�een �he Cit� and Dis�ric� �2�. u�ill nat �'unct�.�n a�i law f±ow� the�^efore this meter l�as beer returned to the com�an�r �.n exchan�e �`o� rGs�.�.ential meterse Cc�uncilm.an. AZt�.rrel�. made a motian, secc�t��.�d b�r Cot�rlci�..mx�.n Sar�ers, tha� �n�e trsnsfer ���.3s'�OO.OE� x��m Ceneral. �'ur�d �o Con.st2uctio�. A�cozzn� ��01�9q for payinent of �e�illia.t� C . �r�a�sh E�g�.ne�ring bi�.l; th�.s �mouni �;ill be rerunded to Gene.�a�. �'und v,xhen b�nd manies �,re at�ai�.�.ble. �'iotion ca�ried b� unanimaus vote. � r Cc�uncilma,n Murrel.l made a motz�z�, secon�.ed by Covnc��man So�ers, ��:�t we �pprave g�.ys�erat of �d�ar?^�n� ;;�28'�8 �or �Z3 F 5bo.Ct�J fcr p�.���r���r�e�v�.� � b�se� g�i est3m�te of total canszruc�i.on cQS� of the propcssed seUzez� , li?�jJ�°Ot�'@fiE?1�S s etc e MoLivn ca�ried b4T un�.nimous �o�e. -2- �eg: z-6-67: 3 Ordinances and �es�lutiars: � Third �eading: 1i.1�? OFi1�ITIA���:E T��Ss.GIvATING T�A`T �P�EPG��NC� T�iC?TUR. �_.__ EQUIPT�ENT �P�I� VE�ICLES OF T�.E FFIEI���S�iOG� V�C�L[TT�rTEE� FI�3� I3EP�.ATT+iEi�T S�ikLL �.A�1'E ��.IGNT-0�'-GdAY; PA�f:IBITING TfIE �BOSSIIvG 0�' s� FI�iE F�7t�Su II�T USE; HEGUT.�lATING �'AAKTNG T�rEA� T�.E �'I�?E S7'A t�TOI�� AIvI3 1�TEkR FIRE �1Y��iAI�TT; i F��:IBT�'IILG �'nLLOWI�,7G C?F �1�� V��ICLE �ES`r��3�ING TO E��iEPGEI�7�Y= _- P����IPITII�TG FALS�+' �'IFE .PLAx����; �P�G't't`IDIS�jG FOR Tx�..�.�`FIC GON`�R�L: . �'r�HIBITING T;�..�.T OPi�FFfl�.TOFS OF' FI�.� ��U�F1��E1�T �'�4VE F.�,O�E�iLY �.UT��flR`li�ET� PER�'iITS r ��3.�VII3TI�TG A FEN�L�'�. Passed by not�c�n af �ouncil.m.�,n �-�atche�, secc�n�ed by �ounci�.man l�:urre�.l. ��i.atian c�z�rie�. by u�.animaus vote, r�rst �.ead�.n�;: AN a�.�.��'�..I�CE ��iESC�.IbIT�G T�?.E �TG�.�` flF �U���,T�'IED trC7^1�.��5 OF T�.E C I TY QF FRIENDSW�(70D�� TEX£a.S s TO EXE��T�E T��E P17�i5ER C�F ITvITI.�TI�l'E .�iND Fs.EFE�iEI`�D�l+N II� CEP�'AIN 1v:A'�iEFiS; SE�'TIIc�G �`'ORTF� THE PP��C:E1JL7�W �'�?� uA.T�,L�i�`aG G�F` EL�r��GI�rS ���� T?`vI�'T.�T��TE �'�:�D ��FE?3.�hnrrpr I�IpTTE�S I��LPE ��EC:�SSA�3.Y; ��3.OVIUII�rG A �E�'�'F�BIi�ITY CL1�U�E. �'�ss�d by motion of ��.ounci:t._m�.n_ .uav�.c�.sang seccrna �y �;ounc�?man '� Sca�ners. Natian carriecx by una.rair�o�s vote. �'irst P�a�in�: AI�' OFDI�V�ANCE SE2'Z'II�G t��FT�-� ��:�.SOI��I��L �'OLI�Y �'OP TY:E CZTY 0�' .�IiIE�.`��SW0�1�. Passec� b�r mo�ion af Catxnvi.lman Hatcher�, secQnd b�T �o�nc�.��.n �hilders. Motian car�^ied by unanimous vote. ; kesalut�.an: Canvassin� A�turns, an�. �ec�.�r�.n� �.esults of �o��c? E�eC'�1�Y7. _e, Pas�:ed by m.�t�.c�n o�` C;caur�ci.l.�an i7a�idsang secan� by �ounc�.lr���! Niurre3l. Notic�n carr�.ed by ;unani��us a v���e� �'irs� �3.Ead?r��E AN O�LII�TA'�,��E AU'�-iO�I�T�l�G T�E AF��iES'I �7TT�C�UT �A�'-s.P�A1�T ANI3 I1VTE�.�iU�ATIOT�T nF SUSp�CI�US '�EASC�1�7�. Passed by mation af Cs�ul�cilman C�ailders, sec�n�. by Gc�un.c�.3.man SonersA l�atzan cax�ried by ur��,�.imau� va�e. I�Tor�sha�p: �'ebruary l�g 1�6'�s �i�rzl �e�'e�?�e - Emergenc�T Operat�or� �l�.n. t�arran� A.��rova�.� ���rrant ,��32� through �` 1357: �n� �28�3 thra�:�h ;�28'�'� a�proved by mation b� C;ounc�lLnar� D�,vid.son, secc�ncz by Cc�uncil���.r �-}a�che�^. Ma*ian carried by unanimaus vc�te. A��avrnmentz 9:�� p�i: �� m_c�tie�n of �c�unci�an ��.vidscn, secQnded , by �ouncil�.a� C;hilaers. l��atia� unan�.�cusl� carr�ed. ' �;espectiu�.�y �ubmitte�., � . ` c��. 1?�?�ravea: Artha�,r?�l_t - ��,ty �ecr . a.rY : =�1. C1�'C�✓`e--' , _ _ _ __._.�,,..�....�. � - l-�.l:x�l1 �I�:- T�c��,a-�:...,.�_l�i��a:�fc��-- _._a__.,_..y... � - - ,