HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1967-01-16 Regular ---- --— --- --- — �.�,�.�.�. a,d�.� � - � - � 7
A r�gular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held January 16,
1967; 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall.
Present were Mayor Ralph L. Lowe; Councilmen Marvin L. Childers,
William E. Davidson, Harry M. Hatch�r, Ralph W. Somers; City Secretary
Artha Wright; City I,egal Advisor Ody KPnt JPrdPn.
Also present were R. A. Kennedy, Elda Mathcny, Joyce Hor�on, iularue
911man, Jodi St. Cyr, Mark V. St. Cyr, Beng� Sundberg, Marie Moore,
John Q�igley, Harry H. Jones. (30)
Correction and A��r•ova�. of Minut�s :
January 3, 1967: R�gular: stood approved as read.
Communications from the Mayor:
There will be a mee�ing in City Hall Tuesday, January 17, 1967; 7 :30
P.M. The Council and Mayor will act as a panel to answer ques'�ions
and par�icipate in discussion with reprPsentatives of various civic
clubs of F`riendswood pertaining to the proposed $200,000.00 bond issue
_ which will be held January 28, 1967.
There wi11 be a meeting held in Friendswood City Hal1, January 28,
� 1967, at 7 :30 P.i�. for the purpose of discuss�ng pallution problPms
ir� the Clear Creek Basin area. Among those present will be Galveston
County Judge Ray Holbrook, Harris Coun'cy Judge Bill Ellio�Ct, Galv�ston
County Comtn3.ssioner Jack Lawrex�ce, Clear Creek Basin Authority President,
Allen, The Drainage �ngin�er and Pollution Engin�er of the Corps of
Engine�ers of this district, Mr. Bill Riddle of the Texas WatPr Pollution
Control Board. Mayor Lowe has talked with Larry Temple, Executive
Assistan� to Governor Connally, and Mr. Temp1P l�opes to send a
represen.tative �o this mee�ing also.
Peti�ions and Comrnunications :
Mr. James B. Shore read a letter dated January 16, 1967 frot� the
Friendswood Drainage District to the Ma.qor and City Council, Re :
accounting of the expenses incurred in their recent election.
(attachment I)
Marie Allt�an, Woman� s League of Friendswood, announced that voter
registration is being held in Friendswood in January, that thP time
and places are as follows : ,
FRIENDSWOOD POST OFFIC�, �very Saturday in January, 10-12AM; 3-5 P�.
FRIEI�DSWOOD CITY HALL, Thursday, January 5 and 12, 7-9 PM.
Saturday, January 28, 9 AM - 7 PM.
FR�.�NDSWOOD CITY LIBRARY (in City Hall), Mon. and Thurs. , 1 :30-� PM.
BAK�:R�S SUP�R NIARK,�T, Saturday, Jan. 21 and 28, 10-I2 AM; 3-5 PM.
K. U, DA�TIS MINIMAX, Saturday, Jan. 21 and 28, 10-12 AM; 3-5 PM.
I-16-67:r��s 2
S�OP t� �0 1��ARKE�, �very Saturday �n Ja�uary, IO AM - 1 P�.
� 7 �he ����her reports that last �ear, 990 persoMS were regis�er�d, a�d
that over 5�0 had regis�ered so far thi� year here in Friendswood.
� �
- S�ecial �om�ittees�
Gas: Co�.ncilmax� Somers �eports t�sat the prAl3.r�.ir�ar�r repo�� cot�cerning
� e eas li y o a municipall� owned gas system �'or F�iends�rood
prepa�ed by hi�.se1�' and �he Gas Co�m.it�ee has been �aken to a p�ofPSSior�al
engineer3.r�g firm for an es�i�nate of tYie cos� o�' an evaluatio�. sttzdy
o�' �his repo�� and feas3.b3.1i�y of Friendswood owning i�s own gas
di�trib�.�3on systen�.
Coun�3.lman Samer� �nade a motior�, �ecor�ded b� Co�.r�cilman Davidson, �ha�
we e�gage the fi�m of' Wya�t C. :�edrick, Engzn�e�s, for an ecor�omic
evalua�iors of a city owned gas dis�rib�.tio�. s3rs�em for Frier�dswood;
�.ad �.�p��.isa1 �f th� �x�s�i�g s��ste� �.� �as �''��.lit� S��vi�c C��paryy
serving ��ie Friendswood area; cost a� i�s�all�.ng a parall.el new sys�em;
tha� �he price of �k�a,s s'cudy �ri11 be no �or� tha� $1325.00; �hat �h3.s
pro�ec� wi11 begin �.pon receip� of a letter �'rom sa3.d firm to t�is
effee�. M��ion ca�ri�d by unana.mous �ote. Mayo� Lawe stated tYxat he �
r�comme�.ds t�.a� �hese f�.nds be appropria�Pd f�r �l�is pro jPct.
ger�sonr��lt Councilman Hatcher reports tha� he and Harry H. Jones have
� met agazn or� e pe�so�.ne po a,cy, ��.at it �ras fa.nala.zed and �hat
�yped cap�.es nf the revised pol�.cy w�,11. be avaa.lable some time �his
�- �sek �.�d �i1,1 be g3.ven �o �ll co�.�cil�e�. a�d cammbitt�� r���n'�er�s.
Standing Coxnma.�Ctees ar�d De�art�nental:
F3.Mance: Cour�c�.lma� Davidson reports �Y�at th� f�.n�.l copy o�' �hP
approve 1 u �ge 3.s �o�r � �he proe�ss of�otnplet�.�n sa.ncA the
final aud�.'� f3.g�res f or Dec�mber zg66, a�e in.
Cou�,ca.I.ma� Dava.clsor� agreed to 3.�.ves�iga�e best 3n�e�es-� rates for
tir�e depos3.�s �'or �Y�e city fur�ds.
Fire : Cot�ncilt�a� Hatche� pe�.d a 1e�ter �rom the Fri�ndswood Volun�eer
epa�t�.e� n � ��en s�c�od Ci�y Council, da�ed Jan�.ar� 16, �.967;
Re : �Tew Fire Hydran� ir� T,mr�. k�ood�. (attach�ne�.� 2)
Co�znc�,lmar� Hateher further ��ported tha°� thc� Fire �epar�mera� regues�ed
a �ror�shop mee�ir�g �rith the co�.�.cil to discuss several s�b jPets, among
them ir����ance, p1a�s of n��r sehool ir� regards �o fire pre�en�ion,
The F3.x�e �epar�ment is asked �o check all hydra�ts �or proper pressure.
f Police: Councilman Childe�s i�.��oduc�cl an ordi�.ance that �he PoZice
` epar�met� reques �e imm�d a�e action on, concerni�.g thP legal righ�
�o ar�rest and in�errc�g;ate suspicious p�rsor�s wi��o�t wa�rant.
I-16-67:r�g: 3
Passed and approved by motion of Councilman ChiZders, seconded by
Councilman Davidson. Motion earried by unanimous vote.
� Health a.nd Safet : Councilrnan Hatcher reports tY�at �he citizens who
ave een reques e o 0o up o ci y sewer Iines, have done so,
ox� are in the process oP doing so a'� this time.
Utilities : R. A. Kennedy sub�it�ed a report of the capacity of Sewer
�San , . There was discussion of the infiltration problem caused
by surface dra�nage from Dist�ict #21.
P�s�gr�ed capzcity 75,Q00 gallors/day
Overload capacity - I00�' 75 000 gallons/day
I'S7S,�7.`�0 ga1'.�ns ay
Normal Inflow - City of Friendswood 125,000 gallons/day
Outside of City 80,000 gallons/day
Total daily inflow 205,000 gallons/day
New homes going up �n Norwood - �FO
� - added flow from these homes when occupied 16,000 gall�ns/day
An�icipated Inflow by June 1967 221,000 gallons/da�
Inf�.ltration from 1" rain 295,000 gallons/day
plus normal inflow 205,000 gallons/day
500,000 gallons/day
Stree�s : Coia.ncilman Somers read his letter to Mayor and City Co�ncil
e : Streets and rainage rogram for 1967. (attachment 3)
Councilman Somerss:made a motion, seconded by Councilm.an Davidson,
that the street and drainage program as outlined in the above repor�
be implemented; that if shell is not $1.60 per yard, the quanity
will be adjusted accordingly. Mation carried by unanimous vote.
Ordinances and Resolu�ions :
' Second reading: AN ORDINANCE D�:SIGNATING THAT r�M�:RG�NCY. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1-16-67:reg: �
Second readir�g approved by motion of Councilma.r� Hateher, seconded
by Councilman Somers. Motion carried unanimously.
i, Fipst Reading of an ordinance concerning Initiative and Referendum
tabled un�il the next regular meeting in order tY�a� City I.,�gal Advisor,
Ody Kent Jerden, can incorporate several suggested changes.
An emerge�.cy ordinance amending Ordinance No. 26, El�ctric Code far
the City of Fr3.endswood, setting forth rates for permit fePS was
passed by Motion of Councilman Davidson, seconded by Councilman Somers.
Mation carried by unanimous vote.
Warrant Ap�roval:
Warran.ts # 1305 through � 13z3; and warr�.n.ts �282g th?'ot?gh � 2�52
approved on motion of Councilman Somers, seconded by Cotzncilman Hatcher.
Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Meeting adjourned 12:30 PM.
Respectfull submitted,
-�'� ,��--C/��
I Artha Wright - City Sec ary
Ap roved:
Ralp L. Lc>we - Mayor